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Friday, September 15, 2023

Cartel de Sinaloa Can’t Stop Fucking Over The Locals

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

On September 6, an official letter was sent to President López Obrador requesting his intervention.

Sinaloa Cartel assassins, who claimed to be from the group led by 'El Mayo' Zambada, are besieging indigenous people from the Lacandona region, located in Ocosingo, on the border between Chiapas and Guatemala, according to the locals themselves.

Through letters and mass protests, the inhabitants, especially in communities such as Nueva Palestina, Lacanjá Chanyasab and Frontera Corozal, have denounced in recent weeks that extortion, threats and drug trafficking are carried out under the cover of state police, federal and even ministerial elements.

As a result, on September 7, thousands of residents, including farmers, children, women, small merchants and residents in general, marched to the central plaza of Ocosingo with banners and shouts against the threats.

"We are marching and demanding our rights to life, tranquility and peace," they demanded.

"We want the immediate presence of security in Nueva Palestina, the Mexican Army, the Navy and the National Guard. We want peace", "the Sinaloa Cartel out, organized crime out, yes to the Army".

That same day, in the letter "Lacandon Community under threat from the Sinaloa Cartel," addressed to President López Obrador, it was reported that the hitmen have their base at the crossroads of the town of San Javier, 7 kilometers from Nueva Palestina, and a few meters from where the state police have their booth with elements.

"In the last three years, the territory of the Lacandon Community (Chiapas) has been literally invaded by organized crime, which, with impunity, has been increasingly taking control of the jungle, opening clandestine airstrips for the transfer of cocaine, controlling the trafficking of undocumented migrants, and charging small businessmen the right to pay for their services, charging small merchants and quotas to tourist service providers, carrying out forced evictions of hundreds of families, disappearing people and committing femicides", says the document signed by Chankín Kimbor Chambor 1, who calls himself the leader of the Communal Property of the region.

The letter states that on September 6 a letter was sent to President López Obrador requesting his intervention, and also that the day before an armed criminal cell of hired killers broke into the office of the police station to attack members of the rural police.

"It is urgent to immediately safeguard the integrity and lives of these four families, of the people of the sub-community of Nuevo Palestina, that organized crime be expelled from Lacandon territory, and that the federal government of President AMLO, apply the rule of law with full rigor on these unpunished criminals and on the elements of public security and armed forces that cover up and allow this".

Chankín Kimbor Chambor 1 added in interviews to local media that the pacts of authorities with criminals are known, but no one has heeded their calls after the worsening wave of violence in a territory that is used for the crossing of drugs and also human trafficking, especially of migrants.

El Diario Mx


  1. These people need Comandante Marcos once again but this time to put an end to Sinaloa in that region.

    1. Marcos never did anything to help.

    2. Subcomandante not comandante.

    3. All SubComandante Marcos did is scare the Mexican government and smoke, those big azz Arnold Schwarzenegger cigars.

    4. If "sub"Comandante Marcos can scare the entire Mexican government then he can surely wipe out the Sinaloa cartel faction in Chiapas.
      Shit he can probably wipe them out in Sinaloa.

    5. He would smoke a pipe not cigars 1:46

    6. Marcos is just a fraud. Just onother spaniard fukiNg over Mexico like the rest before him.
      He hasn't done sh!t but take money from government to fund his so called army.
      What good has he actually done? 🤔

    7. "Just onother spaniard fukiNg over Mexico"
      Here we go again,get the violins out

    8. 1:56 facts, just look at history kid

    9. 1:56 what has that Spaniards marcos or any Spaniards do besides lie, murder, take money, and land?

    10. 1:56 ok spaniard. Truth hurts?

  2. All cartels extort all cartels kill all cartel rape doesn't matter if it's cds CJNG cdg caf cdj. Think of a cartel like a big company let's say McDonald's for an example . There is really good one where it's clean service is good employees are nice just an enjoyable experience then you have the ones that are nasty always dirty rude employees just a terrible experience. Well same with those scumbag plaza bosses. Each plaza boss seems to run their plaza as they see fit and their bosses as long as the plaza is making money everything is ok for them. They don't care if their plaza boss allows extortions rapes or innocent civilians killings as long as the plaza makes money. The bad thing is out of 20 plaza bosses don't matter the cartel they belong too I can assure you maybe if even 2 out of those 20 actually respect the people the others are usually scum.dont matter if you support cds CJNG cdg cdj caf all cartels are scum all cartels kill extort and rape

    1. You can go ahead and scratch cdj off that list buddy. I go to Juárez and northern Chihuahua all the time and I have yet anyone tell me linieros are extorting

    2. 10:26 they extort the lumber man and their little gang affiliates in Juarez like azetecas and mexicles or whoever is on their side are some of the worst extorting raping innocent killings scumbags out there

    3. 10:26 stop doing lineas buddy that shit is messing up ur last few cells u have

    4. They don't "extort the lumber man" doofus. They do illegal logging. I guarantee those groups you're referring to in Juarez are most likely working under the Sinaloan umbrella. Only true extrotionist in Chihuahua are the Sinaloans, Just ask the residents of the mountainous southern regions. All cartels my be evil, but Juarez will always be the lesser of the evils plaguing Mexico at the moment.

    5. 11:10 calm down groupie . See people like you are what's wrong with this site . There are news articles saying how la linea extorts multiple businesses in their areas . Yes CDS is also scumbags in those areas. Just look how many innocent people died whenever chapo decided he wanted a pie of the Juarez plaza. And also isn't la linea the more dominant cartel around those areas since they are the locals. Ever heared of la empresa? It's basically linea and gangs affiliated with them and they extort kill rape daily so put your pom poms away

    6. 10:52 Linea extorts people in the drug game.
      Aztecas don't get exhorted by anyone.
      You don't know shit about Juarez either.
      You just talk out of your ass!

    7. 11:52 is that why la empresa are known for being thieves and rapists and extortionists in Juarez nothing but low life gangsters and drug addicts . Fan boy to the fullest

    8. 11:52 you are trying to hard buddy, no ones but you believe your bull shit, i take that back not even you believe that shit 😂 CDJ, CDS, CJNG, Z's, Beltranes you name it they are all the same shit

    9. La Empresa are not Aztecas and fuckin come down to Juarez and find out.
      You fuckers don't know shit!

    10. It's been said the Empresa gang in Juarez is run by the New Juarez cartel which is not affiliated with Linea and this cartel has ties with CJNG.
      The Empresa has ex Aztecas members but Aztecas viejas escuela run by themselves and sometimes align with La Linea and don't extort anyone or get extorted by anyone.
      Come to Juarez and find out shit talkers. I live in Juarez.

    11. 2:10 2:18 you probably have family or friend that are cdj that's why you are defending them with a passion

    12. 2:10 2:18 thought la linea had already kicked cds out of Juarez? Put your pom poms away . All cartels are scum cdj cdg cds CJNG doesn't matter

    13. 2:18 arent you also 10:26? So do you go to Juarez or do you live in Juarez? Make up your mind

    14. From 2:18 to 2:44 I'm a different person that lives in Juarez.
      I never said CDS is in Juarez proper but they are in Juarez Valley about 14 miles from downtown Juarez and farther east. CDS has created a shit hole there!

    15. 2:42 "all cartels are scum".
      That's not what you think when you're out getting high in a party off the drugs they sell to you!

    16. 3:22 I agree with you CDS has Juarez valley In a shit hole I also know people from that area and you are right but I also know this pollero that works through the delecias and ojinaga region and he says that for the most part la linea is not as shitty as cds that they are also no angels

    17. 3:23 I do go to parties but I don't do drugs . I berly drink if anything 6 beers max . I like some corridos but not that many . I don't do drugs and I have had family members kidnapped and killed by the cartel so whenever I say all cartels are scum I mean it go to any region in Mexico apart from a few like Sinaloa or Tamaulipas just to say a few and the regular hard working people are fed up with the cartels not caring what organization they belong too .

    18. I'm from a small town controlled by linea and it's true. They don't extort but yeah they aren't angels. They have extorted businesses in the past and they have murdered innocent people. Linea/sinaloa made chihuahua a shithole even before the war

  3. 10:15 Couldn’t agree with you more, it is also interesting how these scumbags manipulate media to portray themselves as “saviors” when in fact they are the worst of the worst. It is sad to see that there are kiss ass cheerleaders who think one cartel is better than another when in fact all of them employ similar tactics in their crimes

    1. 10:24 most media in Mexico is like any other Mexican corporation. They sell out to best buyer . That's why you have certain media biased towards certain cartels. Also Everytime a cartel announces a purge against another cartel is always the same bs we here to clean the area no more extortion blah blah blah but whoever ends up winning does the same bs the previous one did . Saying that there is very very few plaza bosses that the locals actually like for example El serecito from CJNG in Guerrero he was well liked for leaving the towns people alone or like in Zacatecas los flechas have a reputation of checking people' and letting them go without harm if your story checks out and not involved in shady shit

    2. 11:08 idk about el seriecito in Guerrero but I do know about flechas in Zac, even some people on here won't like it nor believe it the flechas do stop n check people but if they aren't involved in the game they will let them go

    3. 1:49 not a fan just want to clarify that . Me and my family got stopped in Zacatecas this year when we went for summer vacations to visit by Los flechas. Told them I was coming from the USA to visit family told them the last name of my family saw that it was just me and my wife and 3 kids checked out our car saw that nothing shady was going on and we was let go without any problems

    4. 2:36 and you here similar storys about cjng so what's your point?

    5. 6:18 cjng doesnt ride deep on the main roads in Zacatecas where families travek, they sneak around the backroads and hide in the mountains

  4. Femicides? That’s a diabolical liberal made up word that covers up what really happened. Abduction rape murder. This isn’t a case of the indigenous males goin on rampages and killing their female partners/spouses! This is the common Mexico occurrence of criminals with guns taking young girls and women to rape and then kill!

    1. @10:37 the term femicide was first used in england in 1801 to signify "the killing of a woman". don't be that asshole.

    2. 10:37
      If you take the time to read the definition of Femicide, you would have a better understanding.

  5. I thought señor delos caballos and his cjng crew was more dominant in chiapas? Quien les entiende

    1. 10:40 in another post about chiapas and the grenade post CJNG groupies swore there was no cds in that area anymore. Someone tried to tell them otherwise and quickly got called a CDS fan for it

    2. 10:40 dominant does not mean they control all the state 🤷🏼‍♂️it means they control more areas than the opposition 👍

  6. Cartels are sanctioned by local governments and are given tasks to handle by them. If the local government can’t get the indigenous groups to do what they say, they’ll get the cartels to harass them. Think I’m lying? Look at the interviews with La Tuta. He was given tasks by the government to kidnap people. Not saying one is a lesser evil, they’re both one in the same.

    What do you think those students that were kidnapped by Unidos was about?

    1. 11:30 exactly cartels come and go look at zetas or Arellanos caf or osiels cdg or Amados cdj but the politicians stay and their connects stay . The biggest cartel in Mexico is the government mencho and mayo know that

    2. Your right. Cartel brides government protection? Yup guess who's really who's bitch at the end of the day. The cartels! El h2 a good example

    3. 4:12 exactly. If Mexico really wanted to with the help of the USA government they could easily go get mencho mayo Ivan or whoever they really wanted . Not even the mighty grupo elite or the mighty flechas could withstand the real armed forces of the Mexican government.

  7. Enough is Enough! It's time for López Obrador to wake up, stop playing politics with the lives of the Mexican people, and start going after Ismael Zambada García, Nemesio Rubén Oseguera Cervantes, the Chapitos, and every other lowlife drug lord walking free in Mexico.

  8. The only people that fuck over anyone even in the Juarez border are Sinalocas.
    Hope now nuthuggers know the fucken truth.
    Other trash talkers here are not from Juarez or even close to Mexico.
    They are so naive they still think drugs magically walk up peoples noses and then they become addicts.

    1. 2:12 thought cds wasn't in Juarez anymore thought la linea already killed them all and pushed them back towards Durango or Sinaloa. So what is it . Is CDS still in Juarez or not ?

    2. @2:39 linea will never kick out cds of chihuahua completely. Gente nueva got support from all directions surrounding chihuahua. Cds has gangs affiliated to them in juarez. They in valley juarez and all over the state.

    3. 4:15 you are correct Sinaloa is very deep entrenched in the Golden triangle particularly Sinaloa and Durango and as long as they dont loose those parts I believe cds will keep doing just fine . The thing is whenever the old man mayo dies that's when things might fall for them. Don't think the chapitos really respect or care about mayito Flaco might be wrong though

    4. 2:39 Sinaloa is on the outskirts of Juarez towards the east not in the city of Juarez proper.
      Sinaloa whatever some want to claim is slowly being pushed out of Chihuahua and maybe not entirely yet but now that big brother Genaro Garcia Luna is not helping Sinaloa using the Mexican Army anymore it's only a matter of time before they will loose most of Chihuahua at least if not all.

  9. Lol @ the headline.

    Puras 4 letras comandante sol 😎


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