Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, September 9, 2023

CJNG Assassins Parading As An Army Of Some Country In The World

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Images recorded by a member of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel show cartel assassins in an unpopulated area, some wearing camouflaged clothing with characteristics of the region.

As if it were a September 15 parade in Mexico City where various types of weaponry and equipment of the Mexican Armed Forces are on display.

This is how this army of assassins from one of the most powerful cartels in Mexico and the world look, parading in threes and with radio communication equipment on top of horses, demonstrating what could be only a part of what the Jalisco New Generation Cartel is made up of.

This video only shows the firepower and membership that a Mexican Drug Cartel has. But what they may lack is the training and techniques that only the Mexican Army and Navy can teach their soldiers and sailors who fight against the Mexican cartels.

Del Barrio Somos by Grupo H100 is the name of the song that plays throughout this film. 

Mexico Código Rojo


  1. Is el roke related to grupo h100?

  2. That’s a lot of canon folder. Most of them will probably be dead within a year or two.

  3. Dammmmmm those are a lot of guys. I mean you can say whatever you want. But to have that many men walking at your behest it’s pretty impressive. Not a cartel fan. But so even if they aren’t well trained. They can still possibly win by numbers. Right?

    Not that a very well prepared unit can’t take em out. But still it would most likely intimidate adversaries. Shit they almost look like the FARC, ETC

    Rubio NYC

    1. Youre crazy those kids are likely 7

    2. 8:36 no they are 8 years old
      You can hate all you want but mencho has an army

  4. Probably going to take over a certain area, that’s what it looks like

  5. How much do y’all think it cost to arm a group of this size?

    1. 7:56 lots innocent people killed, kidnappings extortion etc

    2. 7:56 Thanks to ELMO s government, they let them grow and be all over Mexico.
      You ought to know by now, that to function , they have to feed their illegal activities by...drug sales, kidnapping, extortion, selling condos, time shares, home theft.payingboff curupt officials.

    3. Hard to say, but let’s take the numbers on an individual sicario, from what we know..

      $200-400 per month pay
      $300-$500 in weapons & gear
      $50-100 a month in food

      I suppose one can safely assume the total cost per month on a single sicario (CJNG) is $600-1000.. give it an average median of $700 and times that by 100 people, you have $7,000-$10,000 or so per month.

    4. The number on the ammo seems a lil low… they are getting ammo thru straw buyers or crooked army/Marina most likely but are prob paying a lil more than wholesale but way less than retail prices in the states… if they gather the material & load ammo themselves cost could be much cheaper… it would be interesting to have a hard figure….

      -Holden D. Cash

    5. 10:43 Those numbers are coming out your ass 300-500 in weapons and gear haha a single hand gun in tj cost $2500 and the deeper in Mex you go the more they cost and Ak cost 5k-7500$ IM talking dollars and they pay 500$ PER WEEK not month you should do more research and not make up numbers

    6. @1116 and @1117 — you’d be a fool to think even most their arms were from strawbuyers.. these guys buy BULK arms and even make their own. Don’t forget about the Fast & Furious scandal either..

    7. @10:43 doesn’t know math and forgot a 0 in the answer 😂

    8. That’s what I was going to say. How is $700 x $100 a month = $7,000 a month? Someone needs to stay in school.

    9. Their getting guns from the war in Ukraine I remember seeing a pic of an AT4 rocket the exact same type thy gave to Ukraine I wouldn’t doubt if they were selling the weapons given to them to fund their war against Russia

    10. 11:17 500usd you're crazy af. A "special ops" will be offered 5k pesos to take out a police chief -expenses. IF you get it done and IF you survive 50/50 possibility you'll see that 5k in payments. Recruits get less than 10k pesos a month. 4k if you're given a tendido in a packed shack infested with bedbugs. It's very common to be given 500 pesos/week for the first 2-4 months which is when many of them are killed or incarcerated. 500usd a week no seas mamon 🤣

    11. @11:17 $600-$1,000 for a hand gun in tj,down south,about $1,500-$2,000. asault riffles down south are about 3k-4k

    12. @4:41 They're not getting weapons from Ukraine. That AT4 being from Ukraine thing was immediately debunked.

      According to US law enforcement 70%+ of their guns come from the US. Mainly from states like Texas.

  6. Parasen los guerreros CNJG del tio lako y chito Cano en michoacan

    1. Puro michoacan

    2. No que muy verde michoacan .. parece pinche desierto o será que las ratas extorsionadoras que habitan en esa coladera a las que los michoacanos llaman “narcos” se chuparon el estado

  7. Replies
    1. Hi Sol,
      I think this is the same video from a while ago, but from a different camera angle.
      I can't find it but I know it was posted here.
      Any chance you could compare?

      -Euro Gringo

      P.S. apologies for possible double post.


    3. Tienen hambre los de arriba.

  8. Imppresive. That must be one big battle coming in Zac. Or happened already.

  9. they made a similar video like this some time back i think in zacatecas i think, its wild how they can move like this all wearing thousands of dollars of gear. gun and ammo prices in the states have been high as it is and they pay a tax on top from the straw buyer. serious $$.

  10. 😂CJNG are done! I remember a lot of guys saying that 🤣, CJNG is probably planing a new invation, chapo shoild of made a deal with Don Mencho instead of back stabing and trying to kill him, he unleashed the cracken, sorry CDS nutthughers but CJNG aint going no where, they have a real leader that actually put in work, unlike CDS leaders who only snitched to get to the top, now you see the difference? On one side you have a lotvof people willing to put in work in battle and on the other side you see a lot of people willing to put in work in snitching 🤣 wont say who is who, but yall know who is who 😂

    1. En el cerro cualquier cabron se sienten nahual , cacorro !

  11. Anyone take the time to count the number of sicarios are in this video and/or get a basic idea of weapons and stuff shown in the video?

    I might try to see if I can get at least a rough count of sicarios shown in the video when I get time tonight or tomorrow. I don't know shit about weapons or what those donkeys?/mules?/burros? were carrying either.

    1. Anywhere between 100 to 300 tops..

    2. I counted 150 sicarios. It looks a lot more impressive than it is on paper. Compared to any actual military numbers, 150 is nothing.

  12. Counted 153 ,maybe Zacatecas? Or Jalisco against CDS

  13. What it must be like for the rancheros who live in the Sierra just milking some cows and you see the Death squad marching into your land. God forbid the topon is nearby, then you got these guys running wild desperate.

    1. Then there is the irony in how the very same money they extort from the people is used to kill them..

    2. Hide your kids because both sides need soldiers

    3. Well what has been happening all over Mexico is that the kids gladly join the local group. The kids join because they are poor. Yea and some end up extorting people from own rancho/primos/family.

  14. I counted 150 minus the burros

  15. Damn, no CJNG chorizo rider but that is impressive. I always figured they're just dozens of pandillas taking the name to stir shit up. That's a lot of guns and ammo in that video.

    1. According to the Wikileaks cable, Chapo alone had an entourage of 300 bodyguards..

    2. 12:37 no way bruh!

    3. Sicario 006 led a 300 man army of Special Operations Tier 1 highly trained Operators.
      He actually trained el Fantasma ,El Teniente Bravo y El Nini 09.

    4. Idk about 300 but he had a lot of people around the mountains which is probably why he got caught because he start being in the cities more often and he can’t be moving with a deep entourage with out drawing attention like in the mountains

    5. The wikileaks cable info was based on a rumor from a Mexican general who was most likely making it up in order to get more American aid. Every single time Chapo was captured he only had a few poorly armed guards wearing flip-flops and guaraches.

  16. Those horses and ammunition lol... They parade like Chechen mujahideen/Islamic guerrillas from 1990-2000s...

  17. Propaganda in whatever form works its wonders on humans, we are bombarded with propaganda every day, now more than ever, in advertisements on mainstream TV, movie content, documentaries, i wonder how many of you who follow realize this

  18. Terrorist. Video is evidence. Mexico has no leadership/lawless country.

    1. Well, thats the theory but maybe in time will change with a female leader

    2. 6:06🤦‍♂️ you'll be living in México to see the "change" unfold right?

    3. Evidence of freedom fighters.

    4. "maybe in time will change with a female leader"
      Thought so to once,the women are worse than then men,look at mayors etc,oh well

  19. Bunch of cannon fodder a lot of women and old people don’t be too impressed

  20. Drop a MOAB on this group. Done deal

    1. It's a 150 barely trained fighters without any fortification. I mean it would certainly get the job done, but would be a giant waste of money haha.

  21. Al rato no se la van acabar cuando los Repúblicanos manden Predator Drones lol

  22. Zacatecas > michoacan

  23. Alot of people are impressed but maybe 50 percent are recruited by force/kidnapped victims ...

  24. So wrong. It's better without technology. So, you xan sneak. So stop trying to start things up

  25. It's a literal dick parade on their way to fuck the next town over !

  26. That's what you get with a president that prefers to give those narcos flowers instead of bullets. The whole country should fight the narco problem so that once and for all they can start with a clean sheet. But the current government's strategy doesn't work.


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