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Friday, September 22, 2023

CJNG Protectors Identified In Teocaltiche; They Are Police Commanders

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was reposted and translated from LA SILLA ROTA 

Federal intelligence areas confirmed that CJNG leaders are behind the crimes, with the protection of a police commander. 

TEOCALTICHE - Following the wave of murders in the municipality of Teocaltiche, federal intelligence agencies confirmed that leaders of the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation (CJNG) are behind these crimes, with the protection and support of a police commander. Adrián Alonso Guerrero Covarrubias, "El 08," is the CJNG's main operator in this area of Jalisco, Zacatecas and Aguascalientes.


Guerrero Covarrubias, "El 08," was arrested by the Army on April 9, 2019, in Zapopan, Jalisco. However, a year later he was released. "El 08" is the godson of CJNG leader Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, "El Mencho."


"The Criminal Investigation Agency @PGR_AIC and 


 arrested in Zapopan, Jalisco Adrián Alonso Guerrero Covarrubias, "El 8", one of the main regional leaders of Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, El Mencho, in Ciénega and Los Altos, Jalisco and southeastern Guanajuato."El 08" has his main base of operations in Ocotlán, Jalisco, where in 2015 he orchestrated an attack against elements of the National Gendarmerie, at that time of the Federal Police."-@MARCOS MUEDANO

He is also accused of ordering the downing of an Army helicopter on May 1 of the same year, an attack that left 16 soldiers and two federal police dead. The aircraft was shot down near the municipality of Villa Purificación, when the armed and federal forces were carrying out a tour of "Operation Jalisco".

Reports from federal forces also identified Juan Joel Gómez Luis, "El Comandante 5", as one of the main operators of "El 08" in the Altos Norte region of Jalisco. An information card to which La Silla Rota had access states that the police commander is originally from the municipality of Ocotlan, also the homeland of "El 08".

The sources consulted indicate that the relationship between the two dates back several years and that "El Comandante 5" was imposed by the CJNG in the police posts he has held. The report also states that Juan Joel Gómez Luis is in charge of "cleaning the Teocaltiche and Villa Hidalgo plazas, with his group of police officers," so that CJNG criminal cells can enter.

In recent days, federal forces were informed of a meeting between "El 08" and "El Comandante 5" in the town of Mezcala, where Gomez Luis received a payment of 120,000 pesos for his services to the criminal organization.

Despite the fact that federal security personnel were deployed to the area, the criminals were alerted and fled the place, the security report reveals. The source consulted said that Adrián Alonso Guerrero Covarrubias is the one who orders the increasingly frequent armed attacks.

Unrelenting CJNG offensive

This Monday, six residents of Teocaltiche were buried after being shot and killed by a criminal cell of the CNJG on Friday, September 15. Earlier this month, three members of the municipal police were ambushed in an attack allegedly aimed at the mayor, Juan Manuel Vallejo Pedroza.

The three officers were killed on their way to the town of Belen, where the municipal president was going to supervise a public works project. Earlier, on June 18, another armed group at the service of the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation attacked the municipal capital of Teocaltiche.

The result of this criminal offensive was a civilian killed and damage to some homes and private vehicles, as well as to a pickup truck belonging to this criminal cell.

Reports indicate that prior to these events, police convoys under the command of Juan Joel Gómez Luis had entered the area, who also ordered the shooting of residents who were demonstrating against the state police for alleged abuses.

On that day, the aid agencies reported that three villagers were injured, one of whom is in serious condition due to gunshot wounds to the stomach.

Reports from local authorities state that the police convoy entered the town of this Jalisco municipality that night, and residents demonstrated against the police, accusing them of being "thieves, corrupt" and of being in collusion with organized crime.

During the demonstration, the security forces fired at the demonstrators, who they chased and shot at for several minutes. As a result, three villagers were injured, as confirmed by the images of some videos recorded by citizens.

With this action, federal security authorities reconfirmed the collusion of the police command with the leader of the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation.

In addition, residents still denounce abuses and threats from the police officers, who reiterate that they work for the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation, information that is also in the hands of the federal security forces.



  1. Replies
      Su mero padre!!!

    2. 728 not funny
      ~MZ dickrider

  2. Don't think Mario can hold on to much longer.

  3. That police commander is a dead man walking. CJNG can not take Teocaltiche and now the intel is out, dude might as well leave the state.

    1. 7:44 😂😂😂 as long as he is not in Teocal he will be fine, plus MG already knew but cant touch the guy

  4. Is this why Mario left and is hiding somewhere else? This are the last CDS plazas in jalisco, i have to say it took a while, but been surrounded by CJNG it was just a matter of time

    1. Mario is still in town chilling

    2. 11:24 yeah chilling in a icebox hiding from cjng

    3. how come CDS is in Jalisico but CJNG is not in Culiacan?? pur que not tienen webos los culitos cjng

    4. 6:05 MG Jr is a Jalisciense who is fighting for his hometown. Chapitos maybe still supporting him as an ally, so now some people claim CDS is in Teocaltiche.
      Caborca Cartel are allies of CJNG, does that equal CJNG fighting CDS in Sinaloa and Sonora?

  5. Mario& snichloas gonna disappear pretty soon from there

    1. lol not likely buddy lol CDS all up in your home town thats sad, cant say the same for your team

  6. Cds is about to get pushed out of Jalisco

    1. The sound of that is just comical that they have been their for so long with just having people with balls to fight the insecure little person syndrome pigs that kill rappers and threaten artist that need dirty governments help to win any region

    2. When you say "insecure little person syndrome kill rappers and theaten artist that need dirty governments help to win any region" do you mean CDS? Actually all the cartels do the same, CJNG has benn attacking MG for years but guess who protected him? You got it! Dirty Government officials! SEDENA and shit, thats why CJNG had to hire the Federal Forces, to enter and the SEDENA couldnt interfear, but any ways if they really went one on one CJNG would win for sure, just because of the number of sicarios CJNG has compared to CDS in that area, dont cheer, all cartels need the dirty Government to take a plaza at one point and i guess CJNG is paying better than CDS
      Ovious guy!

    3. 8:23 sorry little guy it will be okay.

    4. 9:14 - SEDENA are federal forces you idiot. Police are only state forces. If SEDENA wants to, they can literally disarm every cop in Teocaltiche and arrest the police commanders for corruption. They did earlier this year in Los Reyes, Michoacán, when it was discovered that the municipal police were working with the cartels. So why haven’t they done it here ? I have no idea. But regardless, stop dick riding the cartels.

    5. 10:11 not riding any body but oviously SEDENA had enough of saving CDS ass so now they are steping aside, look here nena i can care less who wins, who losses, who gets killed (as long as they are not innocents) or who survives, ar the end of the day they are all criminals and pieces of shit, but finally it looks like CJNG is whooping CDS ass, before it was SEDENA payed by CDS kicking CJNG ass but the tables have turned

    6. 9:14 the only reason cjng has more sicarios is because of forced recruitment

    7. Guys I'm 8:00 . There is no need to fight all cartels are shit so no need to defend one. Saying that I believe cds is about to get kicked out of Jalisco. Was just a matter of time since it's CJNG home base state but also CDS is pushing them out Zacatecas. Both of them have a lot of money to payoff authorities but at the end of the day the only people that suffer is the innocent people caught in the middle of their stupid war

    8. 10:25 yes, but at the end of the day they do have more sicarios 🤷🏼‍♂️ not cheering for any of them just stating facts, at the end of the day all cartels are the same shit

    9. 10:25 you are correct. CJNG has the most foot soldiers and are better equipped than any other cartel in Mexico the thing is trying living in a region control by these assholes. My wife is originally from a region control by this asshole and trust me all the pretty girls get grabbed by his men and once they go to war just know most of the local teenagers are about to get picked up

    10. 10:45 every cartel every where does the same buddy, thats why mexico when to hell cause ALL THE CARTELS DO THE SAME SHIT

    11. 12:39 in some parts depending on who is running but some plaza bosses actually respect the people but very few do it

    12. you guy keep saying that, not gonna happen

    13. cjng having more pendejo sicarios doesnt even count, they have no experiance

    14. 4:41 yea very few, CJNG also has a few plaza bosses who respect the people in their town

  7. …and who protects the police commanders?

  8. Los de la nueva generación ya tienen desde 2017 diciendo la misma mamada “los vamos a sacar” “ya estamos aquí en China” váyanse alv 😂 😂

    1. I can tell you’re an idiot and a cds nut hugger. CJNG & CDS were really close before chapo and mayo had nacho killed that’s what made them split. So it’s clear cds we’re in Jalisco since they all worked together so obviously it would be hard for cjng to rid cds of Jalisco but unlike CDS trying to rid Sinaloa of Beltranes Jalisco is actually getting Sinaloa the fuck outta Jalisco. So before saying stupid shit like that again have facts. Pinches alucines ni de sinaloa son y dicen puras pendejadas😂😂😂

    2. 12:45 the beltranes are from Sinaloa though lol

    3. 8:21 MG is from Jalisco 🤷🏼‍♂️

    4. My point exactly cds nut huggers can’t say shit since they couldn’t win against BLO ni con el CAF 6-1 used to go into Sinaloa to put in work against them.

    5. Y'all are really naive if y'all think cds is going to be completely thrown out of Jalisco. Yes maybe physical presence they might not have but the Guadalajara zapopan area is a money laundering hub for cds . They might end up not having a physical presence but money wise they have a lot of companies in Jalisco

    6. 4:43 finally someone that gets its . Zambadas esparagozas and Guzman Salazar have legitimate business with government contracts and also restate properties all throughout the Guadalajara zapopan area.too much money moving

    7. these cjng cheerleader are pom pomming extra hard today lol, face it leveas CDS is here to say in your town like it or not, so get used to it. there is nothing you can do or say, the reality is just that. i know it hurts but just keep taking it all up in the culinche hate it or lover 🥴😂😂😂😂😂

    8. 4:43 Wow man you are so smart 😂 Guadalajara been the second biggest city in all of Mexico well of curse theres always gonna be precense not only of the CDS but all the Cartels, shit in el DF there are also always gonna have precense from all cartels, its impossible to have such a big city on lock, shit Guadalajara and its surrounding metropolitan areas (Zapopan, tlajomulco, tlaquepake) have way more people than all of Sinaloa pit together, so you do the math, it does not take a genious to understand what you just said

    9. 7:52 don't get worked up expert . 4:43 was just stating the obvious fact that cds will never be pushed of Jaliscos because of all the thing he said and you said

    10. 8:13 lets also not forget CJNG has members from sinaloa, meaning CJNG also is doing bussines in Sinaloa 😉, they might not have a precense there but are working there if you know what i mean

    11. 9:57 don't they have El pelo chino in their ranks ? Ese wey no entra a Sinaloa 😂

    12. 9:16 not him but he has connectios, by the way los chapitos no entran a Jalisco despues que los pusieron de rodillas en Puerto Vallarta 😂

  9. So much corruption and collusion in Mexico.

  10. It was to my understanding that 08 was from tinaja de vargas michoacan not ocotlan

    1. Please refer the comment 7:59PM
      at the top for more info.

    2. 10:27 His father and uncle are from there. Him and his brothers who knows. Ocotlán is close to TdV, about 80km +/-, but navigation says it take almost 90min right now to cover that distance 🤔. Messed up road I guess...

  11. Big fish caught in BC ...Ruso or his right hand man not sure yet

  12. Jalisco cartel and they dont even control their own state lol.

    1. Neither does Sinaloa. Read up on BLO nino.

    2. 7:21 blo are from Sinaloa though not from another state

    3. 7:21 BLO are a separate cartel from CDS so your arguments no good.

    4. Jaja You cds crybabies realize cds doesn't own sinaloa. Cry harder cheer leaders.

    5. 10:01 Arturo Beltran levya and all his brothers are from Sinaloa alot of their main bosses are from Sinaloa. Hence that's why the blo never got kicked out of Sinaloa because they are from there . Different cartel yes but all of them are from Sinaloa

    6. 10:48 Mario Gonzales is from Jalisco, and he only controls like 2 towns and Beltranes control at least a 3rd of Sinaloa, than again Sinaloa is not that big of state

    7. 12:44 Sinaloa might get kicked out of Jalisco in a physical presence but money wise cds will always be in Jalisco especially the Guadalajara area is a big money laundering hub for cds and it's always going to be that way too much money being moved around the

    8. 4:52 is that all you got? You feel better now? Well let me crush your feelings, CJNG also has bussiness going on in Sinaloa cities like Mazatlan and Culiacan, imposible you might say, well you have to remember CJNG has some Sinaloan members so there you go bebe de luz 🍻

    9. 8:81 calm down groupie apart from Mazatlan no would would want to invest in Sinaloa. And CJNG doesn't have no money laundering in Mazatlan don't lie to your self . Must be hard for the CJNG groupies to know CDS won't never be fully pushed out of Jalisco

    10. 8:16 i can tell you are not a BB reader, there was a post about it a month or two ago, hey dont kill the messanger 🥰

    11. 9:58 must be all proud he defended the honor of his superheros . Delusional kid but whatever makes you sleep at nighttime 😘

    12. 9:17 facts are not defending someone, facts are facts beibi and the fact is CJNG is also working in Sinalo😉🥰

  13. Don Mencho is a handsome fella 🍺

    1. 11:23 lo bueno que nomas en tus sueños bebe 😉

    2. He is...I wouldn't mind his chili in my mouth. I like hot food😁

      Canada Girl 👄

    3. One girl, one cup (of “chili”)? Canadian girls do like to find warmth, aka stay in bed during those long winters. Couldn’t get more than 4 hours of sleep between shags with the one Canadian gal I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. 51% compliment, 49% complaint.

  14. Alv las 4 letras andan con todo ya van conquistando teocaltiche enterito

    1. Me acuerdo que tu avias hablado de esto hace como mes y medio mas o menos, como savias Mcgregor?

    2. A si es Connor.
      Puro Michoacán!

    3. CDS is all over Jalisco. MG hasn’t run away from anyone, if that were the case then CJNG would have full control of Teocaltiche and they don’t. What’s funnier is the Commander took a bribe of $6700 USD…lol.

    4. CJNG just recently killed MGs son.

    5. Connor got his black laced panties twisted again.🤣

    6. 10:13 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 "CDS is all over Jalisco" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 dude Jalisco is way bigger than just teocaltiche, villa hidalgo and Encarnacion de dias, which are the only plazas they have, get your self a map and come back with a better argument, CDS only hold Teocaltiche on their grip the other two towns are been faught but CJNG almost cleaned them up already and it looks like Teocaltiche is starting to fall, hey dont worry cah MG put up a good fight, but he is done, by the way those towns that i mention are on the North east part of jalisco, so yea CDS are not even in 1/20th of jalisco, let alone all over 😂😂😂😂😂 again do your self a favor, grab a map and dont repeat what CDS cheerleaders say, cause it makes you look a little slow up in the head

    7. 10:43:
      Where did you hear that Mario's son was killed by CJNG?

  15. Crazy how mencho just took control of jalisco by force and kicked cds out
    Only a the corona and Mario are holding on but the rest of them got ran out

  16. Cops are known to work for cartels all over Mexico

  17. As a referee between the CDS vs CJNG fanatics I'll say it's an even tie. Neither side backed down from each other or said shit of importance. Good job cartel dick riders. 🤣

    1. 7:10 so did we tie?

    2. Les empataron..
      Don't worry, a fun new game starts next post..

    3. 7:10 whats the score now sol? Who is winning?

    4. 3:39 we have a high presence of CDS supporters. Followed closely by the CJNG crowd. It's back and forth between the two, a lot of it comes down to who barks more on any given day.


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