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Friday, September 15, 2023

Ovidio Guzman Lopez, El Chapo’s Son Extradited to Chicago To Face Drug Conspiracy Charges

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

“El Chapo” also faced federal drug charges in Chicago, but he was ultimately prosecuted in federal court in Brooklyn. Now his son will likely be arraigned at the Dirksen Federal Courthouse in Chicago’s Loop sometime in the near future.

In this February 2014 photo, Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman is escorted to a helicopter in handcuffs by Mexican navy marines at a navy hanger in Mexico City, Mexico.

A son of drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman Loera has been extradited to Chicago five months after the feds unveiled sweeping charges against four of the Sinaloa leader’s children, accusing the so-called “Chapitos” of running their dad’s deadly cartel through brutal violence.

Ovidio Guzman Lopez was extradited from Mexico and arrived in Chicago Friday, according to a law enforcement source.

He was among four “El Chapo” sons charged as part of a wider Justice Department campaign against what Attorney General Merrick Garland at the time called “the largest, most violent and most prolific fentanyl-trafficking operation in the world — run by the Sinaloa Cartel and fueled by Chinese precursor chemical and pharmaceutical companies.”

Also charged in Chicago are Ivan Archivaldo Guzman Salazar, Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar, and Joaquin Guzman Lopez.

Ovidio Guzman Lopez is the first to arrive in Chicago. 

Though their father also faced federal drug charges here, he was ultimately prosecuted in federal court in Brooklyn. “El Chapo” is serving a life sentence following his 2019 conviction.

But now, his son likely will be arraigned at the Dirksen Federal Courthouse in Chicago’s Loop sometime in the near future. Though it’s unclear exactly when that will occur, it is certain to unfold amid significant security.

The four sons of “El Chapo” were accused in April by Justice Department officials of torturing their enemies by electrocuting them, waterboarding them and feeding them alive to tigers. Authorities said Ivan Archivaldo Guzman Salazar and Jesus Guzman Salazar kept the animals on ranches as pets.

Meanwhile, fentanyl-related deaths in Chicago and elsewhere in the country have risen to alarming levels, prompting the Drug Enforcement Administration and other federal and local law enforcement agencies to boost their efforts to cut off the supply in Mexico. 

Fentanyl — 50 times more potent than heroin — is the leading cause of death for Americans 18 to 49, authorities say. 

Anne Milgram, the DEA’s administrator, said in April that the men took their father’s cartel and made it “more ruthless, more violent, more deadly. And they used it to spread a new poison: fentanyl.”

Weapons seized from the Sinaloa Cartel in Mexico.U.S. District Court in New York.

An indictment in Chicago tied the “Chapitos” to at least four killings. It said the brothers were involved in the Battle of Culiacan in the Sinaloa Cartel’s stronghold in Mexico where, on Oct. 17, 2019, about 700 armed cartel members attacked government and military targets, thwarting the capture of Ovidio Guzman Lopez. At least 13 people died.

That indictment also said the “Chapitos” shipped drugs from countries in Central America and South America to Mexico using aircraft, submarines, boats and other carriers, then smuggled them into the United States using vehicles, rail cars and tunnels. 

The Chicago case alleges they sold and distributed cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and marijuana throughout the Chicago area. Several indictments in New York also accused the brothers of being fentanyl traffickers.

The Chicago indictment also accuses the “Chapitos” of murder, kidnapping and assault against law enforcement, rivals and members of their own cartel. In 2017, for instance, they kidnapped two Mexican federal police officers, fatally shooting one and torturing the other before killing that officer, too. The torture involved ripping the officer’s muscles from his arm and stuffing chili peppers into the wounds and his nose, authorities say.

Chicago Sun Times  La Polaka


  1. Either life sentence or the information he has will shake up the Sinaloan Cartel and his brothers. Very quick extradition. The US wanted him bad

    1. I'm betting he already has a deal in the works.

    2. 10yrs then witness protection...

    3. Where are the people that were saying he won't be extradited?

    4. WOW Caro Quintero gets arrested long before him and we wanted him BADDDD yet Ovidio gets extradited before him!! Would be so sick if B.B. could get a writer in this trial. This trial is gonna be more interesting than Chapos in my opinion, but his bitch ass will prally take a deal to tell on everyone and their momma's in exchange for like 40yrs. This could be the end of CDS time on top. Mayos fat son is gonna inherit it all when the Chapitos run for the hills if they haven't already...

    5. Emma is released and El Raton extradited at virtually the same time. Coincidence? I doubt it

    6. Where's the pendejo that kept saying "I don't believe it's him, I need to see a picture"?

    7. If he does not have a deal he’s getting life

    8. Its not Ovidio it his stunt double.

  2. Replies
    1. Lot of balls Sol and heart let’s hope that’s not what gets you broken

    2. πŸ˜† 🀣 πŸ˜‚ 😹 πŸ˜† πŸ‘πŸ» πŸ‘πŸ» πŸ‘πŸ» πŸ‘πŸ» πŸ‘πŸ»

    3. You sound black

    4. Daddy's a jack of all trades. There's your biggest clue.

    5. "a jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one"
      Good scoop, Sr. Sol..

    6. 7:49
      Sol Prendido
      Take the last name...
      It's Mr. Prendido.

  3. Another waste of US dollars. Fentanyl importation increased when his dad arrived in the US, this is another dumb decision by the US government.

    1. That's right. Just a waste of US dollars.
      Just like the entire "war on drugs" correct?
      Just let all drug dealers free and anyone who overdoses by their own free will do so in peace.

    2. Agreed taking Chapo caused a lot more trouble than it was worth FOR SURE!

    3. War on drugs? How do you have a war on your own people? Countless young men and women growing up without their fathers. Take the father out of the home….if you don’t see the effects of this, you’re ignorant

    4. 6:23 Chapitos purposely started sending hot fentanyl so consumers could OD. That was their way of hitting back at the USA for the incarceration and life sentence of their father. Why you think DEA is going after them so relentlessly. Maybe those informants and collaborators that infiltrated Chapitos have them on tape discussing their motivations for selling the fent.

    5. @10:29 the hot fent was most likely stepped on in the US side by people that don’t know what they are adding. Also let a user hear about a friend OD and they all run to that batch. It’s crazy

    6. 6:32 they overdose because of unevenness of the potency in the pills, "hotspots", and those aren't being cut in the USA. Kilos of fentanyl can and should be cut but it's the potency that's causing the OD deaths not the cut that's being added.

    7. @12:50 how do you choose your fetty before you sell it?

      I usually take a kilo of pink Elephante fentanyl and tap off a nice chunk with a chisel.

      If you have Corona Crown fetty bricks or Apple Logo or Audi emblems... watch out because these are mixed already with certain cuts in Mexico.

      Anyway after I chunk off the brick I chop it with Gabapentin, Lidocaine, Xylazine, and Innisitol.... sometimes I put aspirin goodies powders

      This is a great blend for people that smoke and shoot the fetty.

      For snorting, I get a bunch of creatine and mix it with cocaine and pure fetty

  4. He’s ready to tell to all his conects and workers customers in the us are all going down every one of them so run and hide people in the us cuz indictments are coming down this kid did his homework!!!!!

    1. I think this shot up from the lower chain. Chicago is treacherous.

    2. They have Emma and others ready to testify. They’ll want to push it through before she gets off federal probation so they can make her testify to what she’s already told.

  5. It's obvious that the DEA wants him BAD!!! They probably view him as the weakest of the Chapitos, so they are very eager to talk to him. You know they are telling him, "Look at the deal the Mayitos got. They are out and walking free right now". This is going to weigh heavily on his mind in the coming weeks.
    He may also have gotten extradited quickly because he's ready to deal. We will see how this plays out in the coming months. I'm betting that he has a deal that is already in the works.

    1. Exactly was the easiest to catch even after he was caught or almost the first time next up letters to the judge im treated unfair

    2. No I disagree with your opinion, the feds will talk to him but the democrats are going to crucify this guy for the zombies in Philly, LA, Boston ETC... elections are coming and it seems Biden really pressured AMLO to raid CuliacΓ‘n again

    3. No they won’t lol

  6. I can see him making a deal with the feds unless the American government wants to make an example of him for the fent crisis

  7. 2 out comes, they're either going to brake him off basically life or he's going to cooperate.
    Att: Mr real

    1. He can't cooperate unless he's given a deal.

  8. Out of the 4 main chapitos . Ovidio and his brother Joaquin are probably the more humble ones. Let's see how ivans paranoia reacts

  9. I wonder if the story that he gave up fighting so he's in a position like El Barbie. Fought extradition so long that he had nothing left to deal.
    He's going to or already has started working on a deal.
    10-15 years worst case.
    No way he doesn't flip, they need a win in the war on Fent to parade and keep that money flowing.


  11. This mf is about to see how these Chicago Mexicans get down the 15th and 16th. Chicago federal mcc right in the middle Chicago’s downtown lol

    1. Chicago mexicans will be on their knees sucking his dick like the flores twins did.

    2. 6:53 he probably going to get a celebrity status with the Latin kings and the Hispanic gangs . Cds still has a stronghold in little village

    3. Fk the Flores twins too!!! They can get it, you can get it anyone can get it out here lol… you must like suckin dicck with that kinda talk js

    4. He’s probably going to be in protective custody, no one will have access to him.

    5. What a fucking clown show these kids put on the 16th. Embarrassing. So culturally refined and can't even the speak damn language fluently. Miraaaa dawg pos sumos Mexicanos. What a joke. Pendejos sin bandera.

      Any fucking Chicagoan praising these types belongs with the sewage they are picking up to drink from. Low rate ghetto pusher fucks. This shit has never been yours. Look where the money lies and see who really runs the game of tons.

    6. Mexican capos are heroes to inmates, he will be fine

  12. Nice, gives room for up and comers. I think it’s time a Mexican-American makes the top guys. Crime does pay ask the bidens and trump.

    1. It will only strengthen Mencho. The real enemy.

    2. 9:35 crocodile tears

    3. 9:35 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ "mencho the real enemy" 🀣🀣🀣🀣 WTF dude? This is not a movie this is real life and chapitos got into the wrong drug to push and now they are gonna pay the ultimate price for they mistake, any ways Mayo has done more damage to mexico than mencho has, why you ask? Simple math, mayo has been in the drug game longer than mencho, sonif we talk about enemy he has to be before mencho



    1. Por favor emoji nino no capitales.

    2. You’re just translating “literally”, like any other pocho.
      “Por favor niΓ±o de los emojis, sin mayΓΊsculas”, would be the correct way to say it. Where tf did you get “capitales” from? Dmass.


    3. πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† 12:40 🍻 πŸ‘Œ

    4. 12:40
      You're looking like a dork.
      7:24 is correct.

    5. 1:05
      There's no saving 7:24 because they were dead wrong and so are you.

    6. @2:31 el 7:24 & 1:05 are the same person, we call her Maestra Kanuta, she is always bitching about not ending your comment with a period, by the way 1:05 maestra kanuta im not gonna use a period at the end

  14. @06:51 πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ˜­

  15. Its a sad for the belicones red bottom and dior shoes are being stained with tears and coke today πŸ˜†

    1. They probably have more women then you and money 🀣🀣🀣 but it’s not a sad day its the weekend time to celebrate

    2. 7:08 i 100% know they do, they have tons here in BB defending them all the time, you been one them πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. Miss 7:08 got her feelings triggered. Pinches lloradera de mangueras este fin de semana escuchando la del ratΓ³n jajajajaja 9:01 saludos Compa 🍻 πŸ’―

    4. 9:39 orita me ando echando una caguama bien fria!! Y no es broma πŸ˜‚ en cambio el multi millonario raton se esta cagando en chicago! 🀣🀣🀣 9:39 saludos compa y tambien un gran saludo a los compas de bien que andan pisteando agusto con dinero bien abido que no tienen que andar preocupados porque les va a caher la voladora 🍺🍻🍺🍻🍾🍾🍾 esa si es vida

  16. CDS fans hitting the bottle tonight. Drink up guys the ship has sailed on little sinaloa.

  17. CuliacΓ‘n esta de luto LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  18. It’s a automatic life sentence because of the fentanyl

    1. I agree no period kid.
      Some loco vato said he here, as if he is a pro, that he will get 2 years.
      Youngsters think they know the laws at age 15 lol.

  19. Wow

    Thought for sure he would be prosecuted in DC or New York

    Chicago got the look wow

  20. They won’t give him a deal

    They can get Ivan without him

    There’s no way to give a deal to someone who they are singling out for essentially being responsible for tens of thousands of fentanyl deaths

    Justice Dept. can’t set that precedent

    1. We’re talking about the US government here, the same government that’s been bombing innocent people and screwing over its own citizens with their 9/11 laws. The same ones that let a known serial killer Sammy the rat free Just so they can get Gotti since he beat them at their own game. Cmon now turn off the fox and cnn too much garbage.

    2. 7:18 πŸ’― 🍻 πŸ‘Œ

  21. Guaranteed dude rats in Sinaloa Cartel or Mayo!

    1. Where exactly is Menchito

    2. I don't know 4:47 but I bet ovidio snitches. Its called the snitch cartel for a reason.

    3. Ovidio snitch on Menchito...LoL... your obviously stupid

  22. He will be out in a few years and freely roaming around the us like mayito Gordo

    1. Then he will be snitching giving up his brother Ivan is his only option to save his family.

    2. mayito gordo is not roaming around like the twins, he keeps his head low.

  23. 7:08 exactly and both his brothers will join him. Its very important for this to happen as it will benefit Mexico.

  24. Little village and the Latin kings in Chicago work with the cds so it shouldn't go to bad for him in Chicago

    1. Negative chief, little village is controled by caro Quintero cartel

    2. Yea, because they talk to the DA and judges huh?
      He will be OK because he's with the cdsnitches.
      He will most likely get the treatment vicentillo got. A slap on the wrist for leading a international illegal organization 10 YEARS with time served and enter the protected snitch program πŸ’ͺ

    3. You outsiders must know the politics out here Chicago… ain’t no cartel figure running shit out here without having to check in with the
      Local mobs… you ninjas crazy thinking cds or Quintero or anyone got it like that out here… the tax is work and dough

    4. 9:06 imagine Latin kings give him a good treatment. The kings get the cds chapitos connect. Shit even the blacks might sell out for that straight Mexican connect

    5. Foolish and hilarious thinking one narco runs an entire neighboorhood in Chicago. Not valid. No loyalties here, only prices conquer.

      El Mickeyson de Chicago

    6. I am sure that the prison politics is more than that.

      Ovidio is a Nazi White Supremacist who worships Adolf Hitler and Jesus Malverde.

      The woods will let him in and then trick him out for extra balogney and trays.

    7. @09:06 word

      People make me laugh when they say that CDD and Guzman control Chicago!! Haha πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚

    8. @07:24 no doubt. I'm in Chicago and I buy all of my cocaine from La Familia Michigan and the Vice Lords.

    9. If any gang in Chicago would get the cds chapiza connect without any middle men they would be making some serious cash . So I really don't think he going to have that bad in there

  25. Z40 never getting extradited 40 must have had some damn power

    1. Right they wanna talk about la chapa and his tight Jean wear sons but why doesn't this piece of shit ever get extradited. He must still hold hella power.

    2. with Z40, I would look at the states where they operated, and the corruption indictments the US has handed down in them, but his family still runs some faction, there must be some income

      probably do him like La Barbie.

    3. Lo que le ayudo a 40
      Fue la geografia en que operaban y pues que su jefe fue lazca...

      Coahulia/Tamps tienen muchas conneciones que lleagan a cdmx
      Y ademas los que se queden en lado de EE.UU
      Y luego en estas tieras nadie saba nada ni te ponen attencion
      La gente ni la prensa ni la musica
      Estas tierras son caladas
      No como sinaloa
      Lo muy interesante es los 20 bancos en sabinas coah
      el mas grande HSBC
      Ni los gringos los molestan alli...

      Ademas tenia a Z1 osorio chong que le servia a z3
      Se decia que antes que herbierto muriera habia comprado generales pa hacer un golpe del estado
      Entonces los gringos tubieron que caerle y darla la baja...

      El hermana 42 esta mas penjedo y ni a el lo an extradictado...
      Que mas tienen estos pa que los dejen aya..???

      Obvio que sirvieron su pais de mexico y trabajan pa ellos (Los politicos y chilangos que no sabemos ni se miran)
      Alomejor trabajaban pa los gringos tambien???

    4. I think z40 might be the most powerful of all bosses in Mexico maybe along with Mayo and mencho but z40 has hella charges and still has not been extradited I believe cdn is making shit loads of cash from Nuevo Laredo and he must be paying big money

    5. They're humiliating Z40 by keeping him in Mexico. They're sending a message "you're small time, we'll come for you when we want".

    6. 1:25 no mms extorsionistas de turistas en tiempos de fiestas? Les roban las trokas, dinero y pertenencias. El cdn se ganΓ³ esa mala fama como “cartel”. Ni en Tijuana hacen esas mamadas por mas caliente que estΓ‘.

  26. He’s in the prison in downtown Chicago

    1. He actually just starter snitching for some cheese cake 100% raton

  27. So he gives up info on Mayo and the Isidro’s? Maybe his Sonora allies.

  28. You can't criticize the U.S government on this blog or their double standards lmao

  29. The good guys always doing God's work.. America! We're so democratic we locked up Julian Assange for exposing war crimes. America! 😎

    1. Isnt he still with the russians?

    2. 11:34
      That's the traitor Snowden not Assange.

    3. 12:17 traitor for exposing the U.S governments corruption???

    4. 2:14
      Snowden exposed no corruption. What he exposed were secret classified surveillance programs. Instead of being a patriot and raising his concerns in the US he ran into the arms of hostile states. That's being a corrupt traitor.

    5. 02:41 no doubt

      Fuck Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, Cartel Rusos, and the Russian Federation.

  30. Its time for el Raton to become a Rata πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  31. No celebren todavia sigue Zambada y luego Alfredo Guzman.
    Ahora que no les esta ayudando el gobierno Mexicano a Sinaloa.

  32. Just read about a preschooler that died from a fentanyl overdose. China’s DNA is on that kid’s death.

    1. sounds like the parents didn't give a damn about him

  33. DEA sending chapo a message, chapo tried escaping the 4th of July to send a message and his ratoncito gets taken on Mexican Independence Day!

    1. You and your imagination.
      Chapo never tried escaping from US prison. And he was not on Mexican independence day, way before that, common who ya trying to fool....join Russia they love to put a lot of false flags.

  34. Emma gets out and ovidio comes in πŸ₯³ feliz dia de la independencia de MexicoπŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

  35. I said months back..Raton threw in the flag and gave him self up .. remember chapos letter to his kids .. he wanted out ..

    1. Well he should have told all his tlacuaches to not engage and "fire" at the military when they went to arrest him with the two Gatling guns raining lead on them dummies.

    2. 9:45 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ no mames, if that was the case it would of been easier ti just go to the border and give up like Damaso jr did, no one on his close circle would of died like they did

  36. CDS are a strong clique. Look at Mayo’s kids, these kids will walk too after a short stretch.

  37. Family reunion at the supermax. LMAO.

  38. Just a big show the US loves to play, they have no intentions of stopping the money making schemes with dirty DRUG MONEY by the BILLIONS yearly.
    Catch and release those cdsnitches is what they like doing..
    They are protected by the US and later get into witness protection like vicentillo

  39. Reading the black and white indictment unsealed in April 2023

    and Ovidio isn't even named in that one. Assume they are adding him. What kind of inter agency district politics were involved in him not going to DC or NY?

  40. He should be charged for the crime he committed in the U.S not Mexico! Also he should be charged for evidence found against him and not just a BS conspiracy. Not saying he’s innocent btw before anyone attacks me for this comment.

    1. which crimes he did in Mexico and which ones he is responsible for in the United States do you think the feds don’t know that he’s been purchasing tons of chemicals and overseeing drug shipments overseas from South America to Antwerp canada Australia and ultimately the United States for the past 15 years it’s said that anybody who got in the way was killed like a worthless fly thousands of humans were killed on his orders this nobody will talk about

  41. If I was one of his brothers I would be scared now.
    This is the fastest extradition process I have seen for a Mexican national.
    Clearly he is the softest of his brothers living in a mansion instead in the mountains while the US government was looking out for him.
    He Is not cut out for a life sentence behind bars.
    I wouldn't trust him not taking a deal if it was offered.

    1. 2:45 dude they are all soft, the other 2 are not living in the mountains, shit they are not use to it, they are just changing their location every day, but that tactic wears you off really queackly, so they wont last long at this rate

    2. 245 He was not living in a mansion. He was the most simple of them all. Chill

  42. Surprised he got extradited before RCQ 😳😳

  43. This clown Ovidio has the stature and body build of a 12 yrs old boy

  44. Big thanks from.Canada to the US for cleaning up the trash. USA USA USA USA USA !!!!

  45. He will make his name proud Raton!!!

    1. πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ’―

  46. Ovidio is shit out of luck he ain't getting a deal hes gonna be made a example. Theres no green card and a ride off into the sunset for you, you will be in a solitary cell until the day you die. What a waste

    1. Im afraid his only way out is giving up info that leads to the arrest of one of his brothers, thats probably the only deal the USA takes, other than that they wont care, life time or one of your brothers, and knowing his leneage he will give them up 100% πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜† πŸ˜‚ 😝 πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜†

  47. Addicts will just find another source of drug's. This are just political moves

    1. @07:22 yeah not really, have you seen the needle junkies in Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, LA, Phoenix, DC, Philadelphia, and Baltimore?!? Those dope heads can't make it a hundred feet.

      Of the Chapitos network gets eliminated nobody will know what to do or where to go.

      Now, dealers might get creative and use nitazines and xylazine instead of fetty powder.

      Too bad Chapitos CDS ducked over the Medellin heroin and cocaine distribution....

  48. Dude looks completely different from the pics they took of him in his second arrest lol

    1. @10:36 it was probably a double... paid model to make Ovidio look more manly

    2. 10:36 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ CDS nutthughers would say

  49. I wonder if he will provide info against MZ like his kids did against JGL?

  50. Don't blame Raton entirely for what he did.
    Blame his idiot father for only showing him this lifestyle for him.
    Punish him but don't see him as an equal to his fucken father. He grew up being led astray since birth.

    1. This^ he was raised into this life he knows no different.

    2. I think there's no way family of origin would affect someone like him but there was a long and possibly misleading article that implied pretty strongly he was encouraged to go to school. and didn't

      but like I said, there's no way growing up in Culiacan, and Ivan is your brother, and Chapo Guzman is your Dad, it would take so much force and fate to pull away from that.

      Serafin Zambada Ortiz described some similar situations, he was never an Ovidio but he felt trapped by the life too. He wasn't safe the further he got, and he wasn't safe the closer he was.

    3. 10:51 o yea, dont blame bin Laden for the 9/11 attack thats how he was raised 🀦 see how stupid you sound? He is 33 i think, i would agree if he was like 15 but he is 33 MFrrrr!!!! He old enough to know right from wrong

    4. 10:05 you have to understand that we do get a lot of stupid people here who can't stop trying to justify the actions of their heroes πŸ˜€

  51. Waaaiiitt... where's Menchito?

    1. Doing his time like a champ, but to be honest a young cat like raton with most likely a life sentence beccausw of the fent will crack up easily, he is 100% gonna snitch, and his brothers will understand and will get caught, hopefully we see a big family reunion in Florence this next year, all the chupitos with his dad would be epic! πŸ˜‚πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€ reunion

    2. Menchito hasn't even pleaded yet, he's changed up his legal team a few times. He dropped two attorneys last month. Probably bringing in his Dad's favorite, Maria Colon.

  52. πŸ˜† 🀣 πŸ˜‚ 😹 πŸ˜† 🀣 πŸ˜‚ 😹

  53. The size of the head does not match the body πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ cabeza se olmeca con cuerpo de niΓ±a de 12 aΓ±os

  54. Wow, little man looks scared and rightfully so...

  55. He's going to have to turn over tens if not a hundred million dollars to have some chance at a determinate sentence. This action could bankrupt Los Chapitos and very likely cause them to start victimizing civilians to raise money. All the people who receive merchandise from them are now potential targets to be turned over or held for ransom.


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