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Sunday, September 24, 2023

"El Menchito" Goes To Trial In U.S.: Defense Of Drug Lord Ruben Oseguera González Failed To Reach Agreement With Prosecutors

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from LA OPINIÓN

According to U.S. authorities, El Menchito acted as the CJNG's second-in-command, just below his father.

At a recent hearing in Washington, D.C. District Court, both the defense of Rubén Oseguera González and prosecutors asked Judge Beryl Howell to hold a trial after failing to reach a plea agreement with the young criminal also known as "El Menchito."

At the hearing, held on September 15, both parties requested a jury trial, the selection of which was scheduled for October 7, 2024.

In this way, and with the consent of the defendant, who came to be considered the second in command of the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation (CJNG), the speedy trial time is excluded, according to the judicial system of the D.C. District Court.

Finally, it was reported that pre-trial motions must be filed by July 22, 2024, and the pre-trial deposition is scheduled for September 2 of the same year in the 26th courtroom before Judge Beryl Howell.

His three arrests

El Mencho's son was first arrested on January 30, 2014 in Zapopan, Jalisco, but was released on December 26, after a judge noted that there was insufficient evidence to keep him in prison.

On June 23, 2015, he was arrested for the second time, and released on July 2 of the same year because irregularities were found in his detention, but upon his release from prison he was arrested again, this time on charges of disappearance of persons and was held in jail until his extradition.

According to US authorities, El Menchito was responsible for managing the CJNG's operations in the purchase and sale of narcotics from South America to Mexico.

He was also accused of coordinating sales of stolen gasoline in Jalisco, as well as leading a group of hitmen who killed people who refused to work with the cartel.

In February 2020, Mexico extradited Ruben Oseguera to the United States, where he was wanted by the District Court for the District of Columbia on charges of willfully conspiring to distribute cocaine and methamphetamine in Mexico and other countries, and using and carrying firearms.



  1. He's been locked up for 7 year now
    I didn't think he was there that long

    1. Well Raton and Menchito might be sharing a cell together 😂

    2. That would be a good fight
      Even though chapito is 5 foot nothing and menchito 6 feet something 😆

    3. I’ve whooped a 6’3 fools ass when I’m 5’9 height don’t mean shit 🤣 @5:02

    4. Some way some how raton is still taller in height bc hes sinaloan y menchito michoacano 😆 🤣

    5. I highly doubt if either of these spoiled brats have ever been in a fight in their lives.

    6. 421 Raton looks scared in all his pics. He would give up his bussie to Menchito to keep any privileges.

    7. Not too light to fight,
      Not too thin to win..

    8. 6:20 Menchito born in the US

    9. Not to tall to win
      Not to small to lose

  2. Year before trial is just slow walking it. His attorneys are buying time. He doesn't have to cooperate, and he keeps adding years on his time. So, he comes up with some info, which is probably useless, and gets 15 years, with 10 in

    Menchito does NOT want a jury trial. He will go out like Alfredo Beltran Leyva. But, they are running out the clock. Think it's Arturo Hernadez repping him. He's a "family" connected lawyer from San Jose. Maybe Mariel Colon too.

    1. Still though. Those prime years of life...tough man gotta give it to him

    2. 04:42 in my experience, I have found a one year wait till trial for a major drug case, trafficking, possession with intent, or even DUI, a common occurrence.

      That's usually the quickest a jury trial can be prepared and both sides present evidence and review evidence during discovery and then possibly scheduling expert witness testimonies.

      If it's a guilt plea or negotiation for a lesser charge, then it might be as fast as 3-6 months.

    3. They have been in plea negotiations /ready for trial since 2/2020

      The main Justice Department dangerous drug narcotics division AUSA You know that team is ready to go

      A year would have been reasonable in 2021

      Neither side wants a trial

    4. arturo hernandez is trash

  3. He's gonna get that Mochomo deal and watch all the dickriders praise him like a hero.

    1. its better than being a rat thats having dignity and respect in what ever you do legal or illegal most of these "capos" rats they snitch on their own and opps

    2. 540 Menchito sends his regards. He very much so appreciates the admiration you give him. It makes him sleep a tad bit better a night.... now go put some money in his books lambiscon.🙄🤪🤣🤣🤣

  4. Why didn't he run away after his first release he had months to go into hiding, wtf he sit around waiting to get arrested again for

    1. you have now clue why stop tryn be smart, you nobody ass clown

    2. Dang they didn’t give him a deal bro could get life at his age that sucks

    3. 6.16 wtf are you smoking the man was number 2 in CJNG got arrested and then released andhung around and now he's in the states so who is the fool here you clown

  5. At least he taking the heat in the kitchen

  6. feds offer one deal you turn it down they double the sentence!!!dude looking 20 if he loses!! 95% conviction ratio

  7. Second in command my ass. When he was captured he was laying around with his bodyguards in an apartment playing video games 16 hours a day.

    1. Lol… it doesn’t make sense right? Why would a cartel boss make his only son a high value target, when there are countless QUALIFIED members to take that place…

      Hell, why wouldn’t Tony Montana not be 2nd? Or Cuini?

  8. Take notes snitchaloas , still no ratting. No one even knows half the names of the CJNG Jefes. There’s a reason. Señor mencho demands all his soldiers lie low and keep to the shadows. Not like those skinny Jeans wearing buchona foos

  9. Money on El Menchito for battle vs El Raton

  10. Both El Mencho and El Mayo heirs have served at least a decade in US custody while dad free.

    Sins of the father or designed to deflect authorities?

  11. Man o man, Snitchloas take notes, this is how a drug lord should act, at leastvhe is not ratting people like all your heroes, he knew since the beginning this could happen and he is taking it like it is

  12. He's Done .. Life in Prison... maxed out

    1. 11:06 not really, he wasnt dealing with fentanilo, but he will get a good 20 yrs or so, good behavior 15 maybe

    2. It would make sense if he's given life just to show his father and the rest of the CJNG that they too will pay for their actions.

    3. 11:39 would be good but menchito is not a his dads level, now if it was mencho been tryed for sure he would get life


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