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Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Emma Coronel Is Officially A Free Woman

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

Édgar Muñoz: Emma Coronel, wife of drug trafficker Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán, has been paroled. She served more than two years in prison and several months in a halfway house for prisoners in this city of San Pedro, California. For privacy and security reasons, this office does not provide additional information on those who are no longer in our custody, the federal bureau of prisons confirmed today.

Rosa Isela: I don't talk about that lady.

Edgar Munoz: Rosa Isela, daughter of El Chapo Guzmán did not want to talk about Coronel's release. But in an exclusive interview with Telemundo, she demanded that her imprisoned father's wish to see the twin girls he has with Emma Coronel be granted.

Rosa Isela: He should be allowed to see the twins. It doesn't matter if we're not allowed to see him. But they need to respect his human rights. The rights of other individuals have been respected but not his.

Edgar Muñoz: Rosa Isela Guzmán told us that they are arranging for El Chapo's mother to visit him in the maximum security prison in Florence, Colorado.

Rosa Isela: By God's will one of us will be able to see him. I'm doing everything within my power to move the heavens, land, and sea on this matter.

Reporter: Could it possibly be your grandma or aunt that gets to see him in person?

Rosa Isela: Maybe. Only God know what's going to happen. We're going to surprise him.

Edgar Muñoz: 34-year-old Emma Coronel who pleaded guilty to money laundering and narco-trafficking told Telemundo news in 2018 that she does not fear for her safety.

Emma Coronel: I have never feared for my safety. I have always been at ease. I've always felt safe, I don't know if it's good or bad. But in general I feel safe everywhere I go. I feel comfortable and I am at ease. 

Édgar Muñoz: While on probation probation Emma Coronel has to report every so often to the authorities where she resides. She also has to demonstrate her rehabilitation within the community.

Cesar Paz: If she violates one of the requirements she can be returned back to a federal prison.

Edgar Muñoz: For now the former beauty queen has no pending crimes in Mexico. Even though she contributed to El Chapo Guzman's escape from prison.

José Reveles: She has not been accused of anything specific other than having collaborated in providing money for the construction of that tunnel.

Édgar Muñoz: Emma Coronel is a free woman. She will be able to live a normal life with her twin daughters. She will be allowed to continue with her clothing line business.  

Julio Vaqueiro: What does Emma Coronel have to do now that she is free?

Édgar Muñoz: Well, Emma Coronel has to behave herself now. Be with her 12 year old twin daughters and work for a living. Her employment can be done through the sales of her clothing line. But she needs to maintain zero contact with organized crime. It may seem impossible because it can be said that Emma grew up with a father who was involved with organized crime.

Julio Vaqueiro: Yes, that's true.

Edgar Muñoz: She also has an older brother who's incarcerated for the same crimes. Nonetheless, she needs to have zero contact with criminals. Any failure to do so could be very costly for her. And as we've heard beforehand she can still be placed behind bars.

Noticias Telemundo


  1. It's crazy to me when people say ay que hermosa oh wow she's soooo beautiful.. no mamen 90 percent of the rats at la pulga are hotter. Chapo could have been a billionaire and me with my 9 to 5 pull hotter bitches easily with a wife and kids hahahahaha. She's a 6.5 even with all the surgery. The only cute is the surgery she had on her bun ring.

    1. She could pass for a cashier at Vallarta. Looks average.

    2. She's really not a bad looking female. In some of her older pics she looks hot. While in others not so much. It could be the way the light shines down on her or her makeup choices for that particular day. But still though she's a decent upgrade compared to Chapo's previous women. Some of them bitches were just hideous as fuck. Can't say I blame him for having updated to a newer model.

    3. I'll smash Emma with make up or no make up. She has soo much cake 🎂 even if they fake

    4. Yeah she is mid as fuck. Just looks like some random Mexican lady in Texas.

    5. Ok ill agree here not bad looking. More like meh ... no es felia but no way in hell beauty queen material.. omg chapo wife the one with the poddle hair cut was one hideous bitch.

    6. This bitch use to look good now a days she looks nasty looking with all that plastic shit. Her duck lips hahahaha. There’s way better looking hynas out there. Mireles widow is WAY HOTTER than this thot!

      Semper Fi

    7. I will still get nervous asking her to dance. Being who she is. But once they play El Huitlacoche .. its on like Donky Kong

    8. Not defending her, but judging by all the shit y'all talk, I wanna see what you foos go home too.

    9. The pulga? No mames , those of some straight up chunti ass females who are like mexican trailer trash😂 i see them on IG and im like wtf is this jose luis censura type hynas dsncing in a circle 😂😂 emma is good looking u just a hater, she is not too average , bet she hotter than any texas pulga hood rat for sure 😂😂

    10. Lol you must be jealous or definitely have a ugly wife to even care to make a comment like that lol I'm sure you maybe could pull a drunk hot bitch for a one nighter that about the best you got I'm sure your wife or reg chick is a 2 lol why are these comments even allowed in here this isn't a narco info site any more more like political Facebook been one here 10 yrs everyday since last year I maybe check in once a week and it's mostly a waste of time this used to be my number one fav site to get real info and insure on the drug war smfh

    11. You do undertand she’s much older now than when he married her??

    12. Calmate William Levy

    13. 845 the news articles are independent from the comments section 🤔

    14. 8:45 no one is forcing you to come and check out the BB every week , and the comment section is for comments , we can comment and respond as we like , sometimes we have fun with it sometimes we talk shit and sometimes we serious get over it

  2. Dime, dime, dime si tu quieres andar conmigo…

  3. She's technically not free, free... but she is out of prison

  4. Ya lo que caiga hahha en una peda si emmita quiere garrote apoco no le van a dar .. uy ahhh ahueeeeevo

    1. Emma will use a strap-on on your bitch ass Conner!

      Semper Fi

    2. Ni pedo necesito andar pa darle garrote

  5. DEA let Alfredo Guzman go twice. Multiple reports.. Fukin dirtier than the drug dealers themselves.

    1. Yeah sure dude, they let someone go that is one of most wanted fugitives in the world. I'll go out on a limb and guess you're not a college graduate and just maybe, you got your GED.

    2. They had active intelligence of where he was and didn't act

      not the same as letting him go, but for reasons related to informants, logistics, leaks, and apparently a mess of inter agency cooperation, they didn't act on the intelligence, but having SEMAR move on him

      they stood down

  6. Rosa isela Guzmán ni hija del chapo es esta loquita nada que ver su family es de Michoacán

    1. Como sabes que es de Michoacán?

    2. 10:06 y crees que el chapo nunca anduvo por michoacan de loquillo?

    3. Nel. Tiene la voz raspada como hombre y así son las mujeres de Sinaloa mientras los hombres la tienen de mujer como si hablarán con la nariz tapada🤣🤣🤣

    4. pathological liar is broadly defined as a person who tells compulsive, elaborate lies frequently. The lies may vary in terms of function – while some may be told in order to portray the person in a positive or sympathetic light, others may have no clear purpose.Some common characteristics pathological liars tend to share are:

      • Telling lies that are complicated, dramatic, and detailed – though the stories might seem far-fetched, the convincing way they are told in a pathological lie can make them seem believable.

      • Believing (or seeming to believe) their own lies – some experts believe that because people who pathologically lie do so with great ease and frequency, they may not always remember what is real, and what they’ve made up.

      • The lies may make the person telling them seem like a hero, or a victim – pathological liars sometimes tell lies to gain sympathy or admiration. If you notice someone frequently lying about their health, wealth, or career status, this could be a sign of pathological lying

      This chick is crazy. I remember she had announced she had cancer at one point. She killed her step dad. She has 2 kids by Vicente Zambada, and lives with one of "El Azuls" nephews. She definitely suffers from some type of personality disorder.

    5. además una ves enseñaron su acta de nacimiento y allí está el nombre de su papá está mal de su mente pobre señora

    6. She also said that Chapo visited her home in the US after his escape from Mexican prison (unclear which one, but I find it extremely hard to believe he could get over the border undetected even in the early 2000s).

  7. Soon as a reliable source puts up that 25k bounty she done. Only way she making it out this year is pc. Since she already snitched that's no longer a viable option.

    1. They said the same thing about Vincentillo who is actually a snitch and not just assumptions like Emma but aslong as they stay away nobody is going to go looking for them out of respect for Chapo and MZ

  8. I'll suck a fart out Dat ass

    1. Why stop there, suction out a proper loaf champ.

    2. Nasty boys, sick.

  9. I guess ratting does pay off

  10. Chapos daughter don't realize that her dad is nobody now just some dumbas- doin life and her demands they'll prob laugh at her cause she nobody to ..... as far as chapo wife she ain't even hot ... u guys must not getting any and think anything is hot

    1. Must be a lot of rich, healthy and handsome dudes in this comment section.. I’d hate to see the mule you call queen

  11. She's safe in the USA imo, imagine the heat it would bring if someone hurt her on USA soil. She would be wise to never cross the border again but she really should be safe where she is.

  12. So this says that she has been out doing half way house time for months! The time at the half way house is part of the BOP time.

  13. She was last seen surfing off to freedom on a wave of blood money

  14. Rosa Isela Guzmán lmao!!! She’s not even his daughter, it was has been debunked in Mexico and even by US law enforcement. Esa señora está malita 🤣

    1. Yeah? Got any links for articles?
      Why would Telemundo not do a thorough check regarding her claim of being Chapos daughter after many years of her first publicly saying she's his daughter?

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Free chivas screaming at the top of my lungs

  17. Ya se la pisaron😂


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