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Saturday, September 23, 2023

San Gregorio Chamic, Chiapas: Cartel de Sinaloa Received With Applause

"Sol Prendido"for Borderland Beat

The armed criminal cell deployed among the inhabitants of the region, who applauded as they claimed to belong to the Sinaloa Cartel.

Residents of the municipality of Frontera Comalapa, Chiapas, gathered this Saturday to welcome with applause and shouts an armed criminal cell, presumably from the Sinaloa Cartel, who freed the passage to the town of La Trinitaria.

More than 20 armored vehicles with armed men on board passed through the roads, after 13 days of blockades at different points along the route to San Gregorio Chamic, which kept the border area tense.

In videos circulating on social networks, residents can be seen lining up on the sides of the federal highway to cheer on the alleged members of the Sinaloa Cartel.

With long weapons and military-style clothing, including bulletproof tactical vests with the legend "Navy," as if they belonged to the Armed Forces, the armed criminal cell made their way through the villagers while shouting that they were part of the Sinaloa Cartel.

The roads between the towns of Frontera Comalapa and Trinitaria, near San Gregorio Chamic, and the accesses to Trinitaria and Comitán had been blocked since September 11.

Trucks belonging to businessmen and public transportation were occupied to close the access roads and demand justice for the kidnapping and subsequent death of Berni Flor, a murdered high school teacher.

According to local media, a group allegedly allied with the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) participated in the blockades, which involved checking vehicles at the entrances and exits of the Chiapas municipality.

Some checkpoints are maintained in the area of Frontera Comalapa and Mazapa de Madero, while control is strict for those who do not belong to the criminal alliances that are disputing the region and the Sierra Madre of the state.

Sin Embargo


  1. Ok CDS dick riders. Now's your chance to nut all over yourselves. 🤣

    1. It’s being said that CJNG killed 4 inhabitants of this community and are now fully behind CDS because they believe they’re the lesser evil, how true that is idk 🤷‍♂️

  2. El cds el único verdadero cartel en mexico

  3. The good guys. Muchas gracias!

  4. This has to be mayos faction of CDS because chapitos would be all extra …todos alucines

  5. Rumours going around the Marines are closing down on Alfredo in culiacan

    1. Foo I think it’s koo that you always give these foos koo and positive comments. You’re a koo foo.

  6. Cds is ready for war
    Cds is still a cartel and not the good guys like you groupies claim
    Cds, golfos, cjng are all the same 💩

  7. I can't wait to here one of these Fuktards say viva Sinaloa or viva CDS please oh please urinate ur cheer squad skirt.
    Attn Your Dad

  8. For the beating CDs be taking recently you got give them a small win.

    1. You mean the beatings they been putting on cjng

  9. Yes! After I eat my zucaritas I will spank the mono and nap with smile on my face.

  10. Very worrying. Thanks for posting Sol.

  11. facts are facts, CDS has always been in control of Chiapas and have never fucked with hardly anyone down there, no extortion, no kidnapping, race horses, no violence, very low profile. Now jalisco has been trying to move in last 2 years and are fucking everything up. given our choices we openly applaud and support sinaloans, jalisco brings nothing but death destruction hassling and extorting the poor people . most poor chiapanecos have to go with the lesser of two evils. CDS


    1. You need to find a better way to lie on here. Because there have been numerous reports throughout this area that say otherwise. Plus, I'm sure those CDS gunmen didn't get beheaded for being such good guys.

    2. never said CDS are saints, but thru the last 20 years sinaloa has always been there and very quiet (in chiapas), its pick your poison. historically in chiapas, CDS wasnt a problem, every where jalisco goes terro comes with them, so ALL chiapanecos support CDS.

    3. In the first article it clearly says that THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE complained to AMLO. And this isn't the first time locals have complained either. The cartels are the same shit with different names attached to them. There is no lesser evil here. There's just cartels fucking over the locals wherever they go.

    4. All of chiapas supports cds? That's a blatant lie.

      Those that came out to watch cds parade into (moto) were payed 500 pesos.

      Just like CJNG has its social base, CDS does too.

    5. 12:46 man you are brained washed as fuck, no difference between those two cartels, by the way evwry cartel was in check but CDS started all this little wars by betraying all other cartels cause they wanted to be the only cartel, but they fucked up all the drug trade, do a little reasearch and open your eyes and you will see that CDS is responsible for more than half of the deads in mexico since the cartel wars started, CJNG is trying to catch up but its gonna be a few good years, but as of right now CDS is the worse, dont believe me? Just take a look at all the wars they started, AF, Juarez, CDG, Z's and now against CJNG, they have started all those wars, they started the CJNG when they tryed to kill Mencho in Colima, what where they specting? For CJNG not to attack them back? So yea thank CDS for all this nonesence, now that you got schooled a little bit whats your take on it?

    6. @12:15 you also forgot CDS started the huge war with the Beltran Leyva's/Z's which in turn led to making mexico that many times worse since the BLO splintered into so many groups and Acapulco went to shit

  12. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Hard working people with families are tired of being extorted and their kids being kidnapped and killed for entertainment or forced to carry a rifle to chop and bag people.

  13. Sad shit to see this happening all over rmexico and politicos dont do shit.A small cadre of high ups keeps a country in penury.There is nothing glorious or good in this


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