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Sunday, September 3, 2023

How Was Lefty SM Murdered In Jalisco? This Is What We Know

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was reposted and translated from MILENIO 

The news of his death was confirmed on Sunday morning, September 3.

Juan Carlos Sauceda, better known as Lefty SM, died this weekend in Jalisco, and although at first it was indicated that it was the result of an assault, it was later revealed that he was actually shot at his home in Zapopan. 

The death of the 31 year old was confirmed by his record label, Alzada, in a statement: "it is with deep sadness that we inform you of the death of our brother Lefty SM, Juan Carlos Sauceda". In the following paragraphs we tell you 
what we know about the case, which is already being investigated by the state prosecutor's office.

The singer was attacked at his home, but died in the hospital. According to the Zapopan Police Station, everything happened on Saturday night, when a vehicle entered the subdivision where the rapper's home is located, which was approached.
Around 10:50 p.m., according to the Jalisco Prosecutor's Office, three men entered the house and tried to take the rapper out of the house; however, when they failed to do so, they shot him with a firearm and then escaped.

After the attack, the artist was taken by his own means to Hospital Real San José, where he died while receiving medical attention at approximately 1:15 a.m. on Sunday.

Lefty SM's assailants went after him to his room

The rapper's wife gave details of the case on social networks, where she also expressed the pain she feels after the murder of her husband, who she assured, had already finished an album and was excited for what was to come.

She also dismissed the preliminary versions that indicated that the rapper had been the victim of an assault or that he had opened the door to the assailants, who had allegedly knocked on the porch of his house.

"They were going to kill you, my love, fucking envious people... you never opened the door, they went into our room on the second floor and pushed us out, you were not involved in anything, much less looking for fights," he said.

Rappers mourn Lefty SM's death

Colleagues of the rapper, such as Santa Fe Klan, lamented on networks the death of the 31-year-old and stated that "rap is in mourning".
Santa Fe Klan, who was one of the rappers with whom he collaborated the most, through his Instagram account, posted an image of Lefty in which he lamented the news.

Likewise, El Komander, with whom he worked to create the song Por La Misma Tierra, reacted with a message on social media: "Rest in peace, my friend. God has picked you up".

MC Davo was another of the artists who spoke about the rapper's death. In tears, he lamented what happened and even indicated that he would stay away from social networks.

Who was Lefty SM?

Lefty SM was a Mexican rapper and composer, born on April 22, 1992. Since he was a child he was interested in music that mixes urban and regional Mexican.

Although his first steps in the musical medium began in 2010, the singer did not jump to fame until 2017, when he began to collaborate with different artists.

His debut album is Avión de Papel, which was released in 2019; his most successful songs were Quién te viera, Vida Mala, La hora, Veneno and Avión de Papel.

The musician gained great fame on the internet for his song Por Mi Mexico, a song that has been used as an anthem to declare the love people feel for the Aztec lands.


  1. Los jaliscos son una bola de corrientes, asaltantes.

    1. It was a norteno crew from northern cali that is in Jalisco working for CJNG Big Bad norte
      West SIDE Mob SJ 408
      These is word in Jalisco

    2. Si Alucin. By norte you mean Chihuahua and Durango, huh

    3. 8:29 BCN, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León Y Tamaulipas son el norte de México.

    4. Norte del estado o ciudad. Todo tiene norte, sur, este o oeste

    5. West side mob has nothing to do with this

    6. @656 — who do you know from the Mob?? I grew up with those fools, Chino being my main man!!*

      *who has been MIA for decades now… sadly

  2. The homie got caught up in the game. Played the wrong hand

  3. Personally I liked his songs . He had a couple of bangers . RIP es El lefty papa !!! Any truth to the online rumors that it was CJNG sicarios?

    1. CJNG sicarios? Yea, most fucken likely it was them. Zapopan is 100% CJNG and if anyone is committing pety crime in Zapopan its CJNG.

    2. They say he was a humbled family guy that he was either working making music or with his wife and daughters . The scumbags that killed him did it out of jealousy

    3. Unless it was just some isolated event that had nothing to do with CJNG members.

    4. Might of been just some cholos drug addicts who knows

    5. Supposedly he was set up by someone close to him. We can discard CJNG being involved.

    6. CJNG is trash and these ball sniffers from this site love to protect them, especially the moderators they all get butt fucked by cjng

    7. 11:12 from a non biased view point I diagree. 11:12 is most like a CDs fan who is mad his cartel has been exposed for what it truely is scum just like cjng.

  4. I'm guessing pandillas trying to jack his bling.

  5. Was the murder more likely related to him being rich and innocent or him being involved in the crime world?

    1. I think we all know the answer to that.

      Family members tend to be biased and always want to think the best of their loved ones.

    2. El Fuerte. ''We all know the answer to that''? Read the comments- other people aren't as lazy in their thinking. He might have been, or it might have been for a dozen reasons, the same way loads of rappers die.

    3. @ 4:00 that's true I don't know for sure how he died.

      I'm just saying based on the lyrics to his songs - it's not a stretch to say he may have been involved w crime.

    4. @El Fuerte. They are usually trying to sell their music, so rapping about crime is how they do that. Like the middle class black kids in the US selling their authentic ''ghetto'' shit to rich white kids, and end up getting shot by a couple of genuine street boys who take offence.
      Maybe it's completely different in Mexico though, I dunno. Wasn't calling you lazy btw, just get annoyed by the assumption of guilt on here sometimes. They'll probably find 5 bodies in his abuelas back garden now..

  6. He just did the "Por mi México" remix which was released on YouTube about 10 days ago and it already has over 7.5million views.

    1. 08:52 yeah Lefty made decent musics. What Cartel was he affiliated with being from San Luis Colorado?

  7. There is Norteño California red cells in GDL/ZPN
    working with local CJNg branch wonder that got anything to do with it

    1. @9:13 doubt it jng gots bread to spend want over the money

    2. That's a negative chief

    3. Biggest load of horse shit I’ve ever heard of

    4. Connor do be a Pinocho 🤥 all barrios in jalisco representan Sur 13 a lot sicarios come from the hood they got to the diestra

    5. Are you the guy claiming WSM 408??

      Lol what do an old ass street gang from San Jose have to do with anything in MX?!

    6. 2:57 They recently founded the Cartel de Odoriferous Geriatrics who are taking over the area. Equipped with 48V all terrain rabbit scooters with colostomy bag launchers and pressurized catheter tank sprayers, they are a force to be reckoned with. San Jose don't play, wey!

    7. 814
      "Cartel de Odoriferous Geriatrics" lmao. Rip these fools

    8. 257 winner winner chicken dinner

  8. They gonna pop Santa Fe Klan next. Fuck the Billboard Charts.

    1. Pretty sure he's with the nueva

  9. Have you seen his wife, how can you do this to yourself???

  10. Everyone is guessing, here my guess they Tried kidnapping him. Some little crew trying to make some cash. I hear them Italian crews running scams again in Michoacán so I'm sure there could be little other crews not connected to any of the bigger Cartels in Guadalajara which goes unheard cause of bigger crimes.
    Or his label killed him to make him a legend and keep ownership of his music

    1. I agree to the crew theory. This man probably gave too much trust to the people he welcomed into his home. Either this or also the fact that he was spending too much and he got the attention of the wrong people. It's been happening often now in Guadalajara. Two acquaintances of mine already. One never appeared again.

  11. He should have checked in with Swifty Blue and Chito Ranas.

  12. One can make music without looking like a thug, and to get street credibility, one has to play the part. It's hard to tell the musician from the thug apart. He looks like both and has roots in the underworld. Surprised? Not much.

    1. You say it's hard to tell the difference between the actor and the real person. Then you say he looks like both? Well yes, that's what actors do, otherwise he'd be pretty shit at what he did- ie pretending to be thug to make money for his bosses. What are his ''roots in the underworld''?

    2. @10.54 ''One can make music without looking like a thug''. Well lah de fukn dah. I guess he should have got his tattoos removed and joined the euro folk revival scene. You say you aren't surprised, but you forgot to mention what didn't surprise you.

  13. What Menchos felt disrespected and had him killed .. Jalisco's garbage

  14. I love the dude on here who always comments “That’s a negative Chief” haha literally I been using that line lately…keep it comin bruh!

  15. These Jalisco clowns think they’re G’s.

    In Southern Califas you have el mamon del rapero Conejo another Jalisco proud lame thinking he’s connected. Hahahaha
    When that Jalisca US born lame was hiding in Mexico after he caught that murder case he kept a low profile there never made a peep now back in the US he’s all proud of his Jalisco roots hahahaha

    MICHOACÁN runs Jalisco and tells them Jaliscas what to do!!!!

    Semper Fi

    1. You can never take anybody in Entertainment seriously especially a rapper.

      Conejo’s family is from Jalisco 😆 that clown thinks Jalisco are gangsters when in fact it’s Michoacános the ones pulling the strings. You are correct!
      On another note Queer Lil G the rapper is from Mexico City es un pinche chilango but in the U.S he claims to be hood! Hahahaha 😝

    2. Chilangos can't be hood or what?? I'm pretty sure cdmx has some of Mexicos toughest hoods 2:16

    3. This foo is from San Luis Colorado you don’t even know what you are babbling about

    4. Michoacanos took over jalisco by bribing the government, they could never take it fighting fair without governments protection. Quit hyping your lame ass state up, its the most violent in all the big cities instead of evolving into a more civilized state its going worse for them and on top of that they try doing the same shit to other states. Yea the elites are evil with alot of money to buy off government but the pact they made with evil is not worth it

    5. Don't be so proud of that. I'm michoacano but I'm not proud to have drug lords in my state or michoacanos ruining onother state.
      At the end of the day they are ALL PAWNS in the grand scheme of things..
      chapos menchos zetas are all piece of 💩 organizations

    6. 7:41 born in SLRC but family roots from Jalisco? IDK. He was young enough for that to be the case.
      Usually rappers with gift of gab come from large metro areas which SLRC is not and that area isn't really known for that type of music.
      Jealousy* is a MF; Sniff, Sniff
      *Credit RBL posse

    7. @216 -- I was reading this dumbass's wiki and it literally says "According to family lore", he is a descendant of the iconic Mexican revolutionary leader Emiliano Zapata."


      what fucking BULLSHIT!

    8. 11:28
      Michoacános took over your state because you fools are hella soft over there, what you talking about Willis? Jalisco has never been ran by people from Jalisco.

    9. Chilangos 😂 😆 😂

    10. Semper Fi. Have you seen that video of CJNG sicarios in michoacan giving love to each other ? Please explain to us what's going on there ? Since those are you people

    11. @8:01
      Why would I want to watch what you are into.
      By the way I’m not a CJNG supporter. Fuck CJNG!
      Michoacán owns Jalisco that’s for sure!!!!

      Semper Fi

    12. These poseurs getting killed try way too hard with those stupid tattoos all over their face and neck trying to be hard. In Califas ask them if they’re raza and what Mexican state their gente hails from right away these fools slow to respond and say Jalisco or some other crash dummy state or sissy area like Sinaloa hahahaha

    13. Semper Fi is NOT a CJNG supporter,
      he’s part of the last of the original La Familia Michoacána the ones that gave the Zetas a good killing!

    14. If it’s not Michoacán roots there NOT gangster even the tecatos in La eMe know that!

      Semper Fi

    15. Semper Fi is the last known tarasco warrior alive from Tzintzuntzan

    16. 12:09 that right compa i know some solid good people from Michoacan but its a shame how such a beautiful state and its few good people have been taken over by evil scumbags from there. Most Michoacanos are dipshits but i know not all are like that. The ones ruining Michoacan & other states made a pact with evil to have all the power and wealth to buy off the government. The good people of Mexico have to rise up to end the senseless violence they create as rituals

    17. 8:33 if you go to michoacan you will find humble nice people
      Unfortunately everyone thinks all michoacanos are in the drug game

    18. People like semper fi give michoacan a bad name

    19. Semper Fi is the only one who says it like it is what you talking about lame?

    20. Mencho checks in with semper Fi whenever Semper Fi is visiting michoacan.

    21. Yahritza y su Esencia are from Michoacán

  16. That's a bummer. Homie was talented he had a sick flow. RIP

    1. My 9 year old niece has a “sick flow” these days..

  17. This happened in La Cima, Zapopan. It's under control of CJNG. It is a pretentious neighboorhood made up of new rich arrogant pennies, local and national artists, ghetto Chicanos, wealthy college arrogant preppies, small town Jalisco people, and a couple of buchones. Some people here do act like they are the rulers of the city. It must be the stupid fucking name which I personally always hated getting to their head. La Cima. My uncle in real estate has made a few homes here since the beginning when it was barely developing. He would always show me around with the possibility of buying a home. I finally had to tell him how much I dislike this place. It's full of people who pretend to be of class in the most classless way. Then it's location is terrible. Out in the corner of the suburbs next to dirt and the worst exits through traffic. The real estate developers and independent contractors are banking in on these dumb fucks. Now some homes not too far from this area are running upwards 750k+. All with simple minimalist designs. No gracias for me. It's a horrible imitation of LA and full of copycats. A friend of mine got also robbed of all his belongings in his home here. The security did nothing and couldn't provide anything so it was definitely in collusion with the thieves.

    Todos los tapatios de verdad saben donde viven los meros perros de Guadalajara. Con acento cantadito y todo te lo diran para que sepas. Amo Guadalajara, odio en lo que esta gente lo quiere convertir. Ojetes y fanfarrones cagados.

    1. Jalisco es del los Michoacános!!!!

    2. Lol.. La Cima sounds like your average “quatieri” in Naples.. you get a whole range of people living on the very same block..

    3. Naples like most Euro cities is fucked with grasping immigrants,all young guys,but we cant say that its wrong

    4. son los Jaliscochos

    5. @El Mickeyson. I hope that was a parody. The neighborhood is filled with the ''New Rich''? Oh dear oh dear. Poor people who want something better but just don't understand they will never have the spine and the stolen wealth of Old Money? There is absolutely NOTHING worse, old boy, than peasants ''pretending they are of class in the most classless way''. Jolly well put Mickeyson.

    6. 7:39 la ultima parte que dice es para ustedes 😆 mucha gente originaria de jalisco siempre a dicho desde que llegaron al estado ustedes lo an echado a perder

  18. The dude was from San Luis Río Colorado Sonora but I believe his family came from Guamúchil Sinaloa.

  19. I don't know fk all about narco rappers and who is who. But this song right here is the best there ever was. I even got friends who dont speak spanish who put this on their playlist when they heard it:

  20. estos pinches raperos no sirven para nada, para lavar dinero y transportar drogas en sus giras, no nomas este we, la mayoria lo hace, se sienten lo que no son y no miden las consecuencias

  21. No haters have nothing else to do but try to take someone else's fame n fortune .....earn it yourself...

  22. Does anyone know who were the 3 guys who appeared all of sudden to rescue him & take him to the hospital after the other 3 took off running after shooting him?


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