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Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Irish Gangs Met with the Sinaloa Cartel to Introduce Fentanyl to Europe

 "Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Irish criminal networks have traveled with other European gangs to discuss the supply of the lethal synthetic opiate, fentanyl, into the Irish and European markets, it has emerged. This is likely in response to the shortage of heroin in Europe due to crackdowns by the Taliban in Afghanistan.

The group of European traffickers engaged with Mexican Cartels, including the Sinaloa cartel, who are leaders in the production and supply of fentanyl into the US market. They currently coordinate shipments of cocaine and meth to various parts of Europe.

A long-running West Dublin trafficking outfit, which has dominated the supply of heroin into Ireland for many decades, is considered the most significant Irish organized crime group involved in this endeavor.

Taliban's Crackdown on Opium

Irish and European experts are concerned that the Taliban's crackdown on the production of opium, and therefore heroin in Afghanistan, may result in criminals turning to synthetic opiates, including fentanyl, to fill the market. These synthetic versions are far more potent than heroin. Fentanyl was first detected in Ireland in 2016 and 2017 but is not considered widespread. Ireland recorded 409 overdose deaths in 2020. While the population difference in the United States is vastly greater, the US reported over 100,000 in that same year, with nearly 75% being caused by opioid overdoses.

The crackdown and restriction on growing opium there, since the Taliban's restoration in August 2021 is being blamed in the UK for a gap in the market, which drug agencies say is being filled by synthetic opiates. Around 95-95% of the UK's heroin originates in Afghanistan.

British organization Cranstoun published a report this week highlighting “emerging accounts of nitazenes, a potent opioid similar to fentanyl, around 30 to 500 times more potent than heroin, is contaminating the UK’s heroin supply”.

Senior gardaí Chief Supt Seamus Boland told the Citizens' Assembly on Drugs Use that fentanyl 'is a risk to all drugs consumers, as cartels can add fentanyl to other drugs to increase addiction, thereby increasing customer base'. “We are satisfied that Irish criminal networks have been considering the supply of fentanyl into the Irish market," he said.

Chief Supt Boland also told the assembly that Irish criminal networks discussed a number of years ago investing in the emerging legal market for cannabis in Europe.

“In 2019 Irish criminal groups discussed the move to the legalization of cannabis in certain jurisdictions and the potential for increased numbers of countries to follow this route," he said. "They planned to invest €30 million into the global legal cannabis industry.”

Irish Gardai Cooperation with Colombian Police

Gardaí are to enter into a cooperation agreement with Colombian police in a bid to crack down on drug gangs.

Justice Minister Helen McEntee is to seek approval from the Government in the coming weeks to allow the special arrangement between the two police forces. Drew Harris visited Colombia earlier this year and met the leader of Colombia’s National Police, the country’s deputy defense minister, and the Mexican military attaché.

Despite the successes that gardaí and international police forces have had against the Kinahan crime group, the organization still has deep connections with Columbian cartels. In 2020, the Government sanctioned a three-year expansion plan for the Garda Liaison Officer Network.

It saw two new regional garda liaison posts created in Washington D.C. and in Bogotá, Colombia, based in the Irish embassies. The government has also approved the expansion of the Garda Liaison Officer Network to Bangkok and Abu Dhabi, two places where many drug traffickers have made their base to help skirt law enforcement in their home countries.

Irish Garda Commissioner Visits Dubai

Garda Commissioner Drew Harris traveled to meet police in Dubai to discuss the Kinahan gang. In a statement, An Garda Síochána said Commissioner Harris and senior garda officers regularly liaise and work with international law enforcement partners to disrupt and dismantle organized crime gangs. This has included the Commissioner traveling to the US, Colombia, and Europe as part of this work.

Kinahan Cartel Franchise Models

The Kinahan Cartel has taken a stake in major drug deals being conducted by domestic crime gangs in exchange for assisting them in importing large consignments of narcotics into the Irish Republic, according to gardaí.

The Irish Times learned that the cartel’s franchisee system, which has been in operation for several years, offers an option for criminal gangs to use the Kinahans’ contacts and infrastructure when importing drugs into Ireland. 

It is also believed that so-called franchisees have been used in recent years by the cartel to take receipt of drugs on a consignment-by-consignment basis. They were responsible for receiving and distributing the drugs in Ireland. Many of those involved had no record of organized crime.

Garda officers say the cartel has changed its business model and has been using freelancers, or franchisees, after its long-standing drugs distribution group in Ireland, the Byrne Organised Crime Group, was dismantled amid the Garda crackdown that followed the escalation of the Kinahan-Hutch feud.

David Byrne was the sole death that occurred during the infamous Regency Hotel shooting in Dublin, Ireland in 2016. Liam Byrne, his younger brother has operated the network since, until his recent arrest in Spain on a United Kingdom extradition warrant on gun charges on June 4, 2023. He had travelled to Majorca, Spain from Dubai to meet family.

Garda sources believe the Kinahan Cartel is now “taking a cut” of bigger drug imports, often valued at €5 to €10 million, when they are being smuggled into Ireland. It is offering Irish gangs or franchisees, “the use of contacts, trusted routes” and is being paid a percentage of each major consignment brought in using its channels. The arrangement includes controls that ensure these contacts cannot be poached, sources said.

The second wave of the franchisee system now involves piggybacking on the Kinahans’ infrastructure and know-how for a fee, though gardaí said this created extra risk for the cartel. “The more people you bring into your operation, the weaker it becomes,” said one source regarding the franchisee model.

He added the involvement of so many people, especially those with no proven record of loyalty, created “opportunities” for the Garda and international law enforcement “to gather intelligence” and disrupt the chain of supply.


  1. I have a house and family in Italy; I can unfortunately confirm that it’s been on the streets (mainly Rome) for sometime now..

    1. What a nonsense, meth heroine never took off nor will it ever takes off here. They've been cooking it for years only to export it again.

    2. Heroin never took off here? I'm sorry, are you in Ireland or are you in fairyland? Ireland has a serious opiate problem. I see unkies openly injecting in the middle of streets within Dublin...

    3. @643 - don’t mind them, they clearly have no idea what they’re talking about..

      Look up Simone Cicalone on YouTube, he walks through ALL the hoods of Italy (mainly Rome) and even without the English subtitles, you can see the effects of fentanyl…

  2. Irish are gonna get snitched on hard

  3. Chintos they are the ones behind the curtain!! They the taliban don’t care a rats ass about heroin killing infideles!!cheaper to make buy sell trade fini ask the Mexican farmers

    1. They dont care about infideles but they care about god and the ban on heroin/poppy. I know it sounds unbelievable but there are still plenty of reasons for you to hate them.

    2. they stopped heroin production before, y'know when they were in power before the invasion.

    3. I’m surprised by that a lot of Middle East groups use drug profits to finance their war machine.

    4. 4:02 5:20. The Taliban cracked down on opium in the late 1990s, mostly due to international pressure to get aid in return. the Northern Alliance were big growers and after 9/11 they went full steam ahead. Hezbollah is a huge example of this, using their networks to launder money from European buyers (Italians, etc) back to Colombians/etc. Using those profits to supply arms against sanctions for places like Syria, Iran etc.

    5. @402 — look at Venezuela… the fucking gov itself has a cartel that traffics coke.

  4. Cut out the middleman and deal directly with the chinese chemical industry.

    1. India is gaining on China in noteriety regarding precursor supplies. A major influence that’s been sitting quietly in the rear of the auditorium.

    2. 4:21 corruption in India goes to the highest levels.

    3. Lol I remember all the prescription meds that came from India… I wonder if this racket still exists, with their “doctors” you can find online.

  5. I'm shocked the Albanians haven't already pushed it all over Europa.

    1. Albanians are not greedy sells quality and price is right.

    2. I think it's all over the Europe but it's significally more marginalized market for opioids in the Europe than in the USA.
      In 90's heroin was used more and then subutex, methadone and so on.
      Reason for that difference is USA's pharmacies who lobbied their poison so well that it is SICK how big opioid addict base USA has today.
      Those involved in that oxy catastrophe should be hanged, really.

    3. Albanians probably recognise the downside of fent like a lot of criminal organizations do. Fentanyl is strickly Mexican for a reason

    4. They’re happy enough with coke and weed… they grow most of the weed they sell in fact and don’t need the DEA (or UN) scrutiny from selling fent…

    5. Albanians doing nicely with the coke, sewing up more markets all the time, they don't need to bother with fent.

    6. I hear you guys but let's not forget that greed powers many of these cartels. It's what destroyed the Italian mafia. Carlo Gambinos no drugs policy was a joke and the rats multiplied with long long drug prison sentences. You figured a few Albanians would get greedy and push the fentanilo.

    7. Lol nothing destroyed the Italian mob.. if you mean American-Italian mob, then the gov took them out.

  6. Everyone of these pukes is a killer- directly or indirectly. Conscious-less psychopaths who lose little sleep is what they are.

    1. Except for the baby pukes (Jr and Daniel).. they were born with enough privileges that they didn’t have to get involved…

  7. These would destroy Europe

  8. On one side the market has changed. Junkies want the strongest drug even if its deadly. On the other side its bad to bring that poison to ones country. There is still plenty of money in coke and high grade bud and those drugs are not as deadly therefore they dont bring as much heat.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. It is here in Ireland already for a long time. Its not just in the heroin either, it's in all the coke, mdma and spice which is what the younger kids are smoking in vapes. It's everywhere already.

    1. Are you seeing blues (M 30) a lot out there?

  11. It has emerged from where ? Nonsense. They don't want the heat that comes with that shit.

  12. I wonder how china feels about fentanyl boomeranging back to its own countrymen?

  13. What do you get for getting busted for drug trafficking in ireland like 5 years in a hotel like prison?

    1. Lol no… drug trafficking is a serious offense in Ireland; you’re looking at 10-20 years depending on priors and magnitude of said crime..

  14. I see you lurking Plastic Paddy


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