Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Judge Asks Foreign Ministry To Decide Whether To Grant Ovidio Guzman's Extradition To The U.S.

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL UNIVERSAL 

The son of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán is already at the disposal of the SRE.

A federal judge asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) to decide whether or not to grant the extradition to the United States of Ovidio Guzmán López, alias "El Ratón", whose future is already in the hands of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Upon forwarding his legal opinion on the process against the member of Los Chapitos of the Sinaloa Cartel to the Fifth District Court on Amparo and Federal Trials in the State of Mexico, the control judge at the Altiplano prison, Rogelio Díaz Villarreal, ordered the file to be sent to the SRE.

This, in order for the agency headed by Alicia Bárcena "to decide whether to grant or refuse the requested extradition".

In the document, Diaz Villareal informed that Guzman Lopez is now at the disposal of the Foreign Ministry, which must notify if it authorizes the extradition requested by the U.S. government in February of this year.

In addition, the control judge assigned to the Federal Criminal Justice Center in the State of Mexico, with residence in Almoloya de Juarez (Altiplano), ordered to forward his legal resolution on the extradition to the Second Collegiate Court in Criminal Matters of the Second Circuit, in order for it to rule on the appeal for review that Ovidio Guzmán López filed against the dismissal of the injunction he filed in April against the approval and entry into force of the "International Extradition Treaty of May 4, 1978 between the United Mexican States and the United States of America".

"Add the electronically signed official letter from the District Judge Specialized in the Accusatory Criminal System assigned to the Federal Criminal Justice Center in the State of Mexico, with residence in Almoloya de Juárez (Altiplano), acting as Control Judge, by which he sends the legal opinion issued in the extradition proceeding *; from the content of which it can be seen that he ordered the referral of the referred file to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs so that it may decide whether to grant or refuse the requested extradition; likewise, he informs that the complainant has been placed at the disposal of said Ministry in the place where he is deprived of his liberty. In view of the foregoing, forward to the Second Collegiate Court in Criminal Matters of the Second Circuit, with residence in this city, a copy of the legal opinion of the extradition proceeding *, in order for it to provide what is appropriate in relation to the appeal for review filed by the plaintiff. Be notified," reads the notification. It should be recalled that alias "El Ratón" is wanted by the Federal Court in the District of Columbia on charges of conspiracy to distribute cocaine, methamphetamine and marijuana.


  1. Him and RCQ will be put on the plane together, bound for Colorado, a parting gift from AMLO

    1. RCQ has nothing to do in the USA. He paid for his crimes. United States have double standard when it comes to crimes related to murder.

    2. RCQ was “accidentally” released if it wasnt for that he would of never gotten our

    3. Exactly…. Lock up the sacklers I bet you can attribute more deaths to their actions then you could rcq

    4. Shut up crybaby

    5. RCQ is wanted by the FBI so regardless of double standards he does have something to do with the US.

    6. Anon 11:29am. The wanted poster of the FBI has the Camarena murder right there. Quintero already did 25 years in prison. He did more than enough.

    7. RCQ tortured and killed a cia agent. You think that’s gonna slide?

    8. 2:01pm. You are probably mistaking RCQ with the Taliban. The Taliban killed a couple or a few CIA agents. RCQ is accused of killing a DEA. Camarena was born in Mexico. Emigrated to USA and became a police officer, and after that he join the DEA department.

    9. @201 — he tortured a DEA agent with the help of a CIA.. Felix Rodriguez, same guy who killed Che Guevara..

  2. Eccleastical Jurisdiction. Read about it. Raton rat boy/snitcholas seem to know a thing or two if they're trying to place themselve under Eccleastical Jurisdiction. This the only brownie points they've earned from me.

  3. Spoke too soon, I thought this was a Ministry, like the Roman church. Anyways, learn your jurisdictions and equity. To find out how high ranking elites are using it to keep their body's (not the commercial entity ALL CAPS NAME) out of jail/prison.

  4. It will be interesting to see if he’s extradited . I think we should let them go if they cough up restitution lol

  5. If I’m not mistaken , when he first got arrested and taken into custody I heard he had 60 days before being extradited. What happened to those 60 days lol?

    1. 12:45 - Well, I’m afraid you are mistaken my friend. When Ovidio Guzmán was captured earlier this year, a federal judge in Mexico placed Ovidio in preventive detention for 60 days at the Altiplano prison to allow the US government to formally petition for the extradition of Ovidio Guzmán, which the U.S. government did like a week before the 60 days were up. If the U.S. had not submitted an extradition request, Mexico would have had to charge him with something themselves or release him. The 60 days were not how long Ovidio had before he was extradited. Extraditions often take a very long time. Rafael Caro Quintero was recaptured last year and still hasn’t been extradited. It took more than a year to extradite El Chapo as well.

    2. 5:20 - Thanks for the clarification. Most helpful.

  6. I doubt RQC will be extradited. He owned the trainingscamp right next to USA military camp in Mexico, where el Mencho trained 600 of his cannon fodder. And the USA knew, cause within hearing distance, that everybody that wanted to escape got shot on site and burried there. Mass grave. Being part of that government demonic system kept him respected by Mencho, and free from extradition. Can't wait to hear his story in court.

    1. Stupid... Yeah Menchos was right there because he's a tactical genius at war... Your pathetic

    2. 5:14 AM
      How will you hear his story in court if he's not offered a deal?

    3. They would of been sprayed on sight with that mini gun from the black hawk

  7. Todo lo que sucedio en México quedara Impune si es extraditado.

    1. 8:07 no guey, si lo dejan en mexico todo quedaria impune, dejalo otro año ahi y se acomoda a toda madre con pirujas y cheve que sus hermanas pueden pagar

  8. Rcq is Thomas Shelby from the Netflix series Peaky blinders.

    1. Interesting.. I wonder if our “Shelby” took his name from that show now.. 🦉

  9. No extradition happening. Yes CDS is splintering and weaker (Mz begging Moroccans to pay him, many many Chapitos labs getting busted). CDS still has $ and political connections and dirt on politicians to bribe. ALMO will give up RCQ but not raton. We all know ALMO is on the take. He will retire a very wealthy dude.

    1. 100% Raton is getting sent the US. Raton will be USA's prize in the war against fentanyl

    2. 9:36 most of the labs that are getting busted belong to mayo. Y’all need to make up your mind. AMLO is either with cjng or cds

    3. 9:36 if it wasnt for fentanyl maybe he would stay in mexico, but chupapitos biggest mistake was dealing with that shit, and ots gonna come back and bite their ass big time

    4. 2:12
      Yeah, "if" , if aliens attack he will stay in Mexico. If he dies today, he stays in Mexico

    5. 2:42 100% if aliens attack he stays in mexico.

    6. 3:15 But IF they don't attack?

    7. 3:19 his ass is heading on a one way to the USA.

  10. I'm what you call a sinaloa nut hugger. I like boofing Jale and I wear a 701 shirt on special occasions. You are all just haters and jealous of chapitos success.

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 says about 70% of people in BB

    2. No Chapo beer??

  11. This is a tricky situation for any judge involved. The judge who ok’d Chapo’s extradition was executed a few days later in Mexico City. The judges of Mexico know the consequences and keep passing the buck. If a judge ok’s the extradition then their lives and their families lives will forever be at risk. Is Raton even worth it, that's the golden question. RCQ not being extraditied, there's more to it.

    1. 10:37
      The judge's execution had nothing to do with Chapo. Judge's wife was arrested for orchestrating the hit on her husband so she can cash in on the insurance money.

    2. That’s wild asf they caught her lol

    3. @10.37 The judges name was: Vicente Antonio Bermudez Zacarias, what was his wifes name?

    4. The wife's name is Marisol Macías Gutiérrrez.

  12. El compa ovidio no va a hacer extradited algo va a salir y siguera el raton trabajando

  13. Judge asks who's going to take the bribe for this entitled brat.

  14. The judge coped out. Why is he even a judge. How much money did the judge take to make Foreign minister make decision.

    1. If I'm not mistaken his extradition is legally approved by this judge and the courts unless his appeal goes to the SCJN. The legal arguments for non extradition by Ovidios attorneys so far have not been effective.
      The SRE will coordinate with USA authorities to carry out the transfer of custody. That's my understanding.

  15. Do a story on the Abel cazares murder in Culiacán the guy that got shot in the ram Trx he was el colorados son Emilios brother

    1. @11:55 Abel Cazares Elenes rated on Los Chapitos

    2. Andaba en la trx de vitolias

  16. Guzmán brother's are amongst the most handsome-charming criminals ive ever seen.


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