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Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Judge Suspends Extradition Of Former Juarez Cartel Leader 'El Viceroy' To The U.S.

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

A judge halted indefinitely the extradition to the United States of drug lord Vicente Carrillo Fuentes, alias "El Viceroy", former leader of the Juarez Cartel.

Judge Julio Veredín Sena Velázquez, head of the Seventh District Court for Criminal Matters in Mexico City, suspended the indefinite extradition of the brother of Amado Carrillo Fuentes, alias "El Señor de los Cielos" (Lord of the Skies).

On July 27 of this year, the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) granted the United States Government the extradition of "El Viceroy", who is wanted by the Federal District Court of the Western District of Texas for money laundering and drug trafficking.

In 2022, El Viceroy received an additional 20-year prison sentence, according to the Attorney General's Office (FGR), for organized crime to commit crimes against health.

In October 2014, the brother of the Lord of the Skies was arrested and placed at the disposal of a judge in order to be interned in the Federal Center for Social Readaptation 2 "Occidente", located in Puente Grande, Jalisco.


  1. Wtf?

    I wondered what ever happened to him...

  2. @ 9:59 if I’m not mistaken i think he’s paying a bunch of higher ups or he forfeited a bunch of assets to high ranking officials of the Mexican government in return he won’t be extradited.

  3. Guess he paid up big time to stay in Mexico. He got the last laugh on chaponhaha

    1. Everybody did. Chapo paid a shit ton, and in the end! He was sacrificed like a chivo to appease the gringos

    2. He paid them sure but with jump change compared e.g z40/42. chapo was so fucking greedy he did not like to give them his money. Thats why he is on vacation in el norte

    3. @9:48 a lifetime vacation

    4. 10:00:
      He will be eligible for parole before he turns 130.

    5. @9:48 Chapo was too flashy, and built a name that had to come down. Name another drug lord besides Pablo and Chapo that were named in main stream rap songs. Chapo could have had surgery and gone to Cuba to live out his life, but that wasn’t the deal. After all the action I’m sure Chapo don’t mind sitting down the next 10 years knowing his wife’s and children paid.

  4. Does anyone know if this actually means anything long term?

    1. I doubt it, indefinitely means until further notice. So I guess he can unclench his butt cheeks… for now.

    2. What has his arrest changed or cause since?

  5. Imagine how far down the carrillos fell from being at the top in Amado's day. This guy's reign was spent fighting chapo more than anything. The usa not in a hurry to get him. Raton will satisfy them for now.

    1. @12:02 if anything this shows that he still has some pull, or knows some1 still in power his brother was paying. He been in custody in Mexico for almost 10yr.

    2. None of u guys don’t knw shit! Heard a few stories n think they knw it all

    3. Can anyone explain how Juarez cartel fell off so fast after Amado death. The Vice President usually takes over after a CEO resigns/quits and the corporation continues making billions. I would think Viceroy would have Amando contacts.

    4. It was said that Vicente was not near the man his brother was. Said he was bad tempered, used a lot of cocaine, and indirectly oversaw or allowed the killings of women, in some instances.

      and a lot of Juarez Cartel cells were not happy with leadership, which Sinaloa exploited by flipping in 2007, the run up to the war.

      seeing him in 2014, in a video, he didn't seem like that, but that was 10-15 years later. He seemed ok, like a Chapo or someone. Polite and respectful. Sinaloa accent.

    5. @J you are right about viceroy being a bad leader. But allowing women to be killed goes way back to Amado days in early 90s.

    6. 4:23 Is right, CDJ didn't fall off much. Viceroy wasn't the businessman Amado was, after Amado passed CDJ was still a force just went under the radar. When the war broke out, alot of CDJ moved closer to Juaritos.
      Today La Linea takes alot of that under the radar traits from the old school.

    7. When Amado Carillo died plenty of Juarez cartel members did not want to work for El Viceroy and switched sides over to El Chapo.
      Jaguar from Ahumada Chihuahua was one of those that did this.

    8. Thanks for the responses.

    9. They were never at the top.. even Vicente wrote in his book that Amado worked for Mayo.. that 25 billion dollar net worth number is bullshit that was contrived to cover up the money they all had..

    10. De navolato a Juarez nadien sabe que rollo plebes

    11. But Jaguar and those guys flipped in the mid 2000’s


      Amado died in 1997 right

    12. greetings to everyone for the comments Thank You @J your comments make BB better!

      yes I also agree with some comments that killing of woman go back to the days of Amado not just to the Vicente days.

    13. Saludos para Navolato y Cd. Juarez ✌️

    14. 10:52 yeah Jaguar and them effectively flipped years after Amados death. Back when Amado was in charge the Juarez cartel was easily stronger than Sinaloa cartel meaning that for their own immediate safety they could not simply leave this cartel as easy as you possibly can today. So it took these people some time to gain traction to join Sinaloa cartel although Jaguar was barely a newbie when Amado died. He rapidly rose through the ranks for he was arrested in the age of his mid to late thirties If I remember correctly.

    15. ACF was the Boss of CDJ. He had the contacts for the coke both at the source and the distributors.
      Do you guys remember who was his UnderBoss? JJEM
      Many big names were considered lieutenants/operators that had their own networks. ABL, ICV and MIZG being some that I remember. To make ACF seem much more dangerous his wealth was said to be worth $25billion.
      JGA was said to be $10billion. Time has "proven" that is not the case regarding any trafficker.

    16. @8:43 Amado never worked for Mayo. It was Mayo who worked for him

    17. Mayo worked for Amado.

  6. Judge must have gotten a suitcase full of money 💰.

  7. I think some people don’t get extradited based on some background control of their perspective organizations. Because in reality they are keeping them in some kind of check maybe??!?? And without them there. Then things would be very very bad or worse. And also what the person above me said about paying. You never know. 🫤

    Rubio NYC

    1. @8:22 Fuck off, the dude above was just trying to present another perspective and you talk shit for no reason.

    2. Thank you 1227. That’s why I put the question marks cause I was asking. But some fuck if. Everyone’s allowed to their opinions. I’ve learned alot from the people here giving them. I did say in an other comment that although I don’t endorse cartels. I feel that taking out the old guard in some cartels has made for a bigger mess. I don’t want to see Mexico turn into shit.
      I’m Hispanic myself.

      Rubio NYC

      Again thanks 1227

    3. You're welcome bro. Fuck that guy...

    4. Or how much they have paid and continue to pay…

  8. El Patron Viceroy no es un Chapo qualquiera. A este si se le respeta!

    1. He looks like he stinks

    2. Having spent close to 10 years in a Mexican penitentiary, he's probably not gonna be smelling like a bed of roses..

    3. 12:52 nobody in their right mind would smell him anyways.


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