Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Los Metros Gunmen Overtake Grupo Escorpiones Hitmen

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The deadly sound of gunfire begins right away. A wounded male lies on the ground next to his deceased counterparts. 

Their mangled and broken bodies show them to be in a fresh state of necrosis. They’ve just left the world of the living. 

Trailing right behind them is the last of the three assassins from the Grupo Escorpiones who lost to the armed wing of the Cartel del Golfo known as the Los Metros. 

The night will hear his shouts of anger as he leaves in complete defiance. 

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario: That’s right you fucking dog. You cracked under pressure you son of a bitch. Leave him there to suffer. 

Tamaulipas me Duele


  1. Damn wtf that guy looked no older than 22 . All bad they made em suffer

    1. Theirs no discrimination on that side of life

    2. He was probably just shy of 19.. lol

    3. Imagine if he got back up like nothing happened and shouted "westside putos".

  2. Hard to watch someone scream that hard in agony not gonna lie. He felt his soul leaving his body

    1. FYI he had no soul

    2. FYI: If he didn't, neither do we.

    3. He had a soul same as everyone does just cant see it in flesh and bones

    4. @ 8:03 And you have no brain.

  3. Escorpiones aka Broke Boys don’t have money for war. Their only hope is to continue their propaganda war to gain sympathy.

    1. I always wonder how they could be lucrative today… they are so isolated and are constantly fighting other cells/cartels..

      If anything, I’m sure most of their funds go towards defending their “zona”

    2. Matamoros is a valuable plaza for piso, plus Escorpiones have control of the migrant smuggling route going from Mante up the eastern coast of Tamps. And there are still Escorpiones capable of sourcing cocaine as the Gordo Villarreal seizure demonstrated. Purchasing weapons is the most expensive part of any fight for a cartel, and Escorpiones benefit from being just across the border from a very loosely regulated gun market in Texas.

    3. 11:38 Funny you cheerleader mention propaganda because your homeboys of the CJNG are really good at that, trying to win the hearts and minds of the Tamaulipecos. The sad truth is that the 4 letras are just wannabe Zs and CDG managed to survive those crazy mofos

    4. The Escorpiones have been getting hit by the army and navy pretty bad. The took out a bunch of them. That affects any organization. So it's benefited the Metros. Escorpiones were getting the best of everybody before the army/navy started getting on them.

    5. Deflect and go on the offense. Old and failed strategy when there’s no defense.

  4. Why are most of the Mexicans in Texas Nuevo León and Tamaulipas so fat and ugly

    1. La Vida Buena de Comer y Comer

    2. Don’t generalize all of Mexicans in these areas by the pigs that work for these scumbags.. it’s not like they are college grads or come from notable backgrounds..

      Just look at Michelle Kersaint, who is Miss Tamaulipas and was a finalist in Miss Mexico last year…

    3. "Don’t generalize all of Mexicans"
      Ohh shit here we go lmao
      Ill say it you get lots of fat crakas,does that even it up a little,im so hurt,you bullies

    4. Cuz everything is bigger in Texas
      I agree, dudes in Texas are hefty for most part

    5. the land of the obese is right next door...what did you expect???

    6. You're a fu**ing lame azz idiot generalizing Mexicans like that.

    7. The thing about generalizations is that, well.. they are generally true…. All you butthurt fatties need to hit the treadmill

  5. There's something that sets CDG/CDN/Z apart from the other cartels. Their level of hatred and aggression is on another level. I think is the weather in the northeast of Mexico. The hot humidity drives you neurotic.

    1. 116 also I was going to say the level of hatred towards each other even though they supposedly belong to the same cartel. You would think that working together model would be more profitable. These guys have no sense of what that means “ let’s work together and be more profitable for us” model. It’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen.

      Rubio NYC

    2. Half of the Mexicans south of Texas are satanic

    3. 10:15 one day you're in Santa Maria.
      Next day you're in Texas.
      Then 4 days ago you say you live next to Obradors Palace.
      Man you're very believable.😭

    4. Without a doubt, nobody exhibited the level of cruelty that the Zeta leaders had in their “prime”…

    5. They own border crossings, they have LOTS of money

    6. Atleast they didn't do some sadistic 💩 to him. It was over in less than 30 seconds, if that.

  6. "video is unavailable"

  7. Where is the 🧜‍♀️ guy who claimed scorpiones had won tamaulipas?

    1. Bruh chill killing 3-4 four enemies means shit... metros only got reynosa if anything

    2. Likely dead from an overdose..

    3. Metros are broke from shooting all those rounds n missing the target, pendejos cant even shoot

    4. Shit metros can shoot all 24/7 for a year and wont go broke like the 🧜‍♀️ who are kidnapping USA citizens

    5. They were winning, but since the navy and army started getting on them, Ofcourse it's going to affect them. It's logical. They've killed alot of high ranking Escorpiones while the Metros have been pretty much left alone by the government. So the outcome isn't so clear anymore.

  8. Unavailable 😩
    Rubio NYC

  9. AI took the video down, considered Graphic.

  10. Video is back up. If it disappears again just give it some time before I come back to it. As always Blogger freaks out whenever I'm too honest with it.

    1. Happy Monday, Brother.. thank you for continuing to keep the site alive AND on fire! 🦉

    2. Hey how are doing sir. I got to thinking that you're better off just registering your moniker if that's possible oh your end. It's very easy to just use a temporary email for this to happen. Otherwise your crazed fan is going to continue messing with you on here.

    3. Sol, love his bullshit or hate it he puts in the work

    4. @Sol — thank you…

    5. Sol, if they keep messing with the video and pulling it down, you think you can put up the link where one can see it? It would be appreciated.

    6. Sol viva la raza lmfao,cryin little fuckers and their race shit,tells you what they are with the race shit

    7. 10:47 the link has been added to original source.

  11. I counted 27 rounds and he was still moving. Escorpion don't want to die.

  12. No wonder metros get smoked, they cant shoot for shit,out of those dozens of rounds only a few hit the target

    1. They did that on purpose. Jeez people

    2. 11:20 if they were smart they would know where to put a round to cause lots pain...jeez people dont b so stupid

    3. 1:37 I'm sure the guy wasn't in 'lots of pain' during the whole video, right? Use some common sense, it's clear to see they weren't trying to kill the guy effectively

    4. 4:21 that's why all them bullets hit the ground and not the body. Look where the dust jumps up. Those are misses. And for them not trying to kill him, he seemed dead at the end of the clip. He didn't even respond at the end to that last gun shot. I think someone in the video said "in the head, in the head, hit him in the head" right before that last gun shot.

  13. Dumb asses can’t even shoot🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. Actually I think they were aiming for his hips and down to prolong his suffering. He got hit 10+ times in the legs, a few in the pelvis, and a few in the arm. Terrible way to go.

    2. 11:00 two bullets one in each knee cap is more than enough to cause a miserable painful death no need to waste that much money worth of ammo

    3. i don't think you get that they can afford more ammo than they would ever shoot.. like read stories of the old tijauna cartel training camps they waste tons of ammo but it's nothing to them

  14. At least they didnt rape the guy like some other cartels like to do 🥰

    1. Several videos have surfaced making it very official what the snitch lovers can't deny anymore. But even so they've chosen not to address that issue. It's just too embarrassing for them. 🤣

    2. Yea, that's a different level of disrespect even towards themselves SMH

    3. Pacific cartel is all into the chorizo. No entiendo porque women are so beautiful.

    4. 11:56 i dont know if you can call that disrespect, its just, how can i say this? GAY in all forma and shape, we have talk about them been rapists and those videos show that, they lirerally rape GUYS 😂😂 in other words they are what we say, Gays and rapists 🤣🤣🤣 how much clear can that be?

    5. The facts speak for themselves. Sinaloa approved gay marriage for a reason.

    6. Jaliscos are known to be gay lol js

    7. At least they didn’t make teens fight till the death and blow up a child with dynamite like some cartels do

    8. 8:12 ok thats a cool story🤨😒🙄

    9. They do it to humiliate the enemy. A man getting violated is the biggest form of disrespect. And to the ones that are into men, even for a woman being victimized and violated against their will it's degrading for them.

    10. 10:53 thats an excuse to show their gayness, i would say ok maybe use a broom stick or something else, but to rape him with your own 🐔? Shit if you are not gay you shouldnt be getting an erection while doing another guy 😂

    11. Bikers often say fucking another man is like riding a japanese motorcycle..
      It feels good until somebody sees you!

    12. 5:44 so you are saying CDS are bikers?

    13. Never mine CDS are not bikers, when you said "it feels good until somebody sees you" yea they dont care if somebody sees them, it still feel good to them

  15. I hate to see my Mexican people committing GENOCIDE over stupid cartels.
    Now cartels are one of the biggest employers according to BB..
    Well, only the strong and lucky ones will survive.. RIP
    AMLO needs to get his head out of his A$$ !!!

  16. Trump, Christians, Whites, USA, guns, drugs, the American drug addict…? Somebody pick who is to blame for the diabolical laughter that these Mexican males exhibit. It’s as if a pack of rabid sickly jackals have come across a rotting carcass and they haven’t eaten in days. The head first dive into the normalcy of barbarity by these human males is shocking.

    1. Dont blame usa for shit happening in mexico. Mexico fucks itself. Ak 47s are not made in usa.

    2. Americans have a known history of sending firearms into Mexico. This isn't the first case either.

    3. And Mexican ship a different form of death into the USA. Both sides use the imports to kill themselves. Yippee…nothing further to debate. Apocalypse now.

    4. The neighbors who love and hate each other 😆

    5. The US is not entirely responsible but sure as hell is a key factor.. if everyone here wasn’t on dope, manufactured and/or trafficked from MX, there would be no real market for the cartels..

      Until recent years, MX did not have anywhere near the drug problem it is now too

    6. Diabolical laughter??? Bet if you were to find yourself in that situation you sure as hell wouldn't be laughing. You'd be wimpering and crying. And @4:55, nobody forces anyone in the U.S. to take them drugs. Not only does no one force them, they actively go out and seek it and go on the hunt till they find it. With all thoose guns crossing the border, people are getting killed, and no one actively seeks to get shot. There are no volunteers for that. Those people are all killed against their will. Or tell me, how is it you even compare the two??? Seriously!!! Use your brain a little.

    7. The same old blame game,meanwhile mexicans support criminality and help cartels,they have to blame someone ,they cant look in the mirror honestly, all these dumb fucks whining are in the U.S as well, wish the U.S would fuck them off

    8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    9. The white man is the devil

    10. 8:31 Your the dumd fuck you fuckin idiot. Stating facts isn't whining you schmuck. But your stupidity shows in your comments so what can I expect from a retard

  17. The matamoros faction kidnapped a drug trafficker known as la camelia for suspicion that he was spying for the metros and jalisco cartel. They took his millions meanwhile el primito paid millions to government officials and el marino loco whom is retired and a drug trafficker and a mercenary to rescue la camelia. El marino loco gets into matamoros in official vehicles and tries to kill la kena but la kena eacapes wounded. La camelia is found dead. Now this weekend zve claim they entered abasolo and the metros claim they have taken rio bravo. All this has happened in the last 2 or 3 weeks. But coke still flowing thru matamoros like water uncut and cheaper than ever.

    1. Who is el Marino loco?

    2. El marino loco is a retired mexican marine whom now is a trafficker and a mercenary. He used to humiliate drug traffickers when they were arrested. Hes a piece of shit. Google him up.

    3. @512 — lol source on him being a trafficker?? That would be suicide considering his reputation… For sure those Fresa brothers and Tampico have a bounty on his head..

    4. El Marino loco is still kicking asses and I met him a month ago in Cuernavaca. Callate con tus mamadas, pendejo.

      El cabrón de Tamaulipas

    5. Yes 636 and I saw Mencho eating tacos al pastor en Fresno just chillin like a mothafu@ka.

      Off topic but now bartenders are called mixologists? Get the hell outta here with that booshit.

    6. La marina loca va a mamar por andar metida en lo que no debe alv.

    7. Marino Loko isn’t the only Marino Loko, it’s a moniker for individuals who dish out vigilante justice or to carry out assassination missions that the Gov. does not want being traced back to them. Think of those individuals as Shadow Ops for the Gov’s seedier operations. El Thor is just one of many Lokos.

    8. Well there's only one person known as marino loco. Your shadow ops marines don't go and aren't known by that moniker, that's if they eveexist.

  18. Laughable. Now the escorpiones culos are saying El Marino Loko has switched over to being what he detested, a drug peddler. Así es el pavor que le tienen.

    1. That rumor has gone around for years now, ever since Marino Loko made a splash and then seemingly disappeared. They always say he’s operating in Tamaulipas, but that makes no sense given he humiliated Zetas, Metros, Ciclones, everyone.

    2. Hes a nothing but a cartel bitch now. Look it up.

    3. Actually there were rumors of Thor wanting to be a trafficker but they had a disagreement which sat him on the path to dish out assassinations and kidnappings. It’s not entirely far fetched that he either became what he was again, he was put in a position by force, or he needed to do what he needed to do to gain trust and informants to feed him info on certain people he has a personal vendetta against. There’s levels to espionage amongst the ejercito. Everything I have said is speculation only.

    4. 9:47 "There's levels to espionage amongst the ejército"
      True that. But seeing as Blackhawks, fiscalía and multiple units of military men were hunting down those individuals shows us that this wasn't a covert operation.
      Much respect for EML but I'll assume there are many men just as capable as he was during his active service who SEDENA or SEMAR can send after any group in México. MF in Tamaulipas fear EML. Good.
      To that plebe who wants to know what an exemplary legend looks like, unlike that Cuban who many descerebrados worship in Sinaloa, I submit EML.
      Saludos ECDT
      🎶Zombie El R8: El Marino Loko(Thor)🎶

  19. too bad they werent cjng that were eliminated. cjng are the zetas of mexico no body likes them

    1. No true mexican likes any cartel cause they are ALL the same shit, if you cheer for one you are shit like them

    2. Says the official mexican validater. If you aint validated as mexican by this guy, you aint mexican, regardless if you were born in Mexico and have been loving there 90 years. If this guy says you're not Mexican, then you aint mexican, end of story...Although if you do things or live life as he approves of, then there's a chance he might change his mind and validate you as a mexican, so there's still hope.....(what a clown 🤡)

  20. Hilarious seeing the race card always, white this whites that , fuckin losers

  21. Somehow I tolerate myself watching this but I can’t watch people being decapitated.

  22. They will meet again.

    In Hell. 🔥



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