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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Mario Calabazas' Died Of Overdose Prosecutor's Office: Sinaloa

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was reposted and translated from RIODOCE 

Mario Alberto Lugo Lara, Mario Calabazas, died from a methamphetamine overdose, informed the State Attorney General, Sara Bruna Quiñonez Estrada.


She commented that since the body did not show any signs of violence, they sent the body to be analyzed in a laboratory in Sonora.

She mentioned that a week ago they received the results and the cause of death is methamphetamine overdose.

She pointed out that the manner in which the drug was administered is unknown.

"By methamphetamine, that was the result by methamphetamine," he expressed.

Mario Calabazas, leader of the armed group Los Calabazas of the cartel of Fausto Isidro Meza Flores, El Chapo Isidro, was found dead on August 15 in a house in the San José de las Delicias syndicate, in the municipality of Sinaloa.

Lugo Lara and Chapo Isidro clashed in that town and other mountainous areas of Sinaloa on July 28 and 29. The confrontations, burning of vehicles and homes in San José de las Delicias, led to the displacement of more than 300 people to Guamúchil.

That day, the Mazatlecos led by Chapo Isidro arrived in the town to look for Mario Calabazas. They shot at houses, some of which they burned. Two of them belonged to Lugo Lara. Residents said that, by that day, the Calabazas leader had already left.


In the following days, there were confrontations between Los Calabazas and Los Mazatlecos of the Beltrán Leyva cartel, and again cars were burned. A daughter and daughter-in-law of Lugo Lara were allegedly kidnapped.

Source: RIODOCE 


  1. Huh… so I’m wondering if he intentionally committed suicide by overdose instead of being caught or killed by the opposition.

    Orrrr if he was caught by Isidros people and out of pity they administered the lethal doses of the drug to take him out. Just to show mercy and give him a painless death.

    Or maybe he knew they were getting close and decided to enjoy his few last days by “partying” lol. 🤔

    1. Shit I was wondering exactly the same .. I think they gave him a painless death but who knows 🤷

    2. I think it was his boys who did him in. The orders came from the top, and those around him knew what time it was. They grabbed him and gave him a hot shot. Doing this I’m sure saved a lot of lives.

    3. That’s not a painless death. They would use fent for that.

      He was abusing meth to stay alert and awake because he was at war

      There’s nothing more to it.

      You kids are so stupid

    4. @355 — he was real alert laying down in bed….

    5. I would NOT think meth od painless.

    6. 9mm straight to the head might be the best. And dont tell me they had no ammunition on them. I think he killed himself.

    7. a meth overdose is anything but painless. that would be a horrible and painful way to kill someone or yourself.

    8. 10:18; You poison yourself w/ enough meth (not personal usage quant) and the heart will stop quick. He was abiding by Isidros terms to release his family and leave the rest alone.

  2. Or was the meth use tied to his sudden downfall

    Or was he tweaked and on the run losing it as he gets hunted down

    What’s the advantage of them having the authorities declare it a meth overdose rather than execution if that’s what it really was

    Maybe keeps things calmer but they tore up the whole area and made National or at least state wide headlines

  3. Or faked his death... paid millions to the military that caught up to him... I doubt the oops would show pitty. Not likely, but then again who knows

  4. Lol WUT???

    When is the last time you ever heard of someone dying from a fucking meth overdose.. let alone a cartel boss???

    Don't most people have strokes, heart attacks, aneurysms when doing that much meth, before even ODing??!

    This is fucking insane, total BULLSHIT!

    1. Yes you’re clearly an expert in the matter and they should get your forensic knowledge. Glad you’re smarter than everyone

    2. Actually he's right. You don't hear about meth overdoses often in news. That's not being an expert. I hear of opioid deaths frequently but not meth

    3. People frequently overdose from meth across the country, but especially in places like San Diego, LA, where the flow of meth has the highest volume in the country. It has the highest rate of overdose besides fentanyl.

      There are either hundreds if not thousands a year in San Diego

    4. Not to mention San Francisco it’s crazy out there.

    5. I still think it's very unlikely he overdosed off of methamphetamine alone this is Mexico guys hello that's what they're saying but what truth is a whole different story.

      Now if this hot shot did happen I actually do think it would be his own homies to save themselves considering the opposition they're against and area from being destructed even more I mean definitely somebody would have to shoot him and the body with the crystal not smoke it I highly doubt really don't believe you smoke too much Crystal overdose I believe that you shut up with Crystal but who is to say there wasn't anything else in that shot so that's my belief could have been an enemy as well could have been a double agent but I know it's just I do agree it's pretty damn rare to overdose methamphetamines unless you have some bodily deficiencies like bad heart and other things and he was going through a war so hell it's a good excuse I just don't believe it

    6. San Francisco isn't near as bad as Los Angeles

  5. Maybe someone poisoned his food... Imagine dying from meth laced pozole lmao

    1. I had food poisoning the other day. I was shitting and throwing up at the same time. Pinche carnitas en salsa verde, never again

    2. You can taste it tho I had a ex who tried to lace my food with meth and I was able to taste that shit in the first bite if they wanted a painless death wouldn’t they just use fent?

    3. 7:19 what could you have done to have pissed her off that bad 🤣

    4. @719 — Jesus CHRIST… clearly she was a user right? Lol

      And if someone was poisoning him I highly doubt they would care if his death was painless..

      Side note: anyone remember that kid who drank out of the bottle containing liquid meth when caught up at the border? He was telling them it was apple juice then rushed to drink it front of them and had like the worst death imaginable immediately after..

    5. 8:03 ah yes this one

    6. @807 — holy fuck I totally forgot the pigs made him do it… how in the hell did they not in trouble for that?? That was complete coercion and they knew wtf they were doing…

      “While smiling”

      Pieces of shit

    7. Was not the only case, there was even a case in germany where some ppl had dinner at a restaurant, ordered a bottle champagn. Some died the rest went to the emergency room. The bootle contained liquid xtc.

  6. Calabazas boofed the jale like our BB friend SIR. Don't do that redit ninos. You may not wake up.

    1. I believe they call them booty bumps, sir..

  7. Most likely his own crew took him out. I know in the Italian mafia, when a member has to be taken out, his own crew often wants to do it so the victim don't suffer as much.

    Nobody wants a war with Chapo Isidro, he's too ruthless and they most likely were given the choice, take him out and stay with us, or fight us and everybody dies.

    1. Lol they don’t kill them internally to lessen any pain… they do it because it’s fucking INSIDE family matters

    2. No suffering too much lol its just easier when its done by someone who the victim trusts.

    3. @6:56am. In the guinea Mafia, your own crew takes you out because they're the ones you trust and can get close to you. That's why Sal Miciotta, a wiseguy with the Colombo borgata, insisted that he be the shooter if given a hit job. He knew that his own crew might have been ordered to whack him.
      The wiseguys called it "copping a sneak."

  8. Y esto quedara como un suicidio, por la amistad que existió algún dia🎶🎶🎶

  9. Daughter and daughter in law kidnapped that’s some honor hitting you in the heart imagine the ordeal they must of went through even if they made lugo lara listen to what was happening to them definitely meth overdose after hearing your daughter n daughter in law kidnapped raped n killed imo

    1. Were they killed or let go?

    2. No idea but vendetta makes many men do crazy things


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