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Sunday, September 3, 2023

Member Of The Cázares Family Murdered In Culiacán: Sinaloa

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL SOL DE SINALOA 

Abel was listed with a pending lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of California.

Culiacán, Sin.- One of the members of the Cázares family was shot and killed as he was driving down a street in the Gabriel Leyva neighborhood, in the Tres Ríos Urban Development in the state capital.


He is Abel Cázares Elenes, 39 years old, who appears as one of those listed in the criminal process 17CR00203 filed in the Court of the Central District of California, based in the city of Los Angeles.

In this U.S. Court, his direct relative Víctor Emilio Cázares Salazar was tried and sentenced to 15 years in prison for drug trafficking and money laundering charges.

Abel's murder was reported at 5:00 a.m. when he was driving a recent model red Dodge Ram TRX pickup truck. He was identified as living in the Los Pinos neighborhood of this capital city.

The information indicates that he was intercepted when driving on Juan Macedo López street, behind a well-known seafood restaurant in the city and a few meters from the State Attorney General's Office.

The scarce information on the attack is that an armed group intercepted the man and shot him with high caliber weapons. Abel was left lifeless on the driver's side. 


Abel Cázares is part of the Cázares dynasty of Badiraguato and Mocorito, from this municipality originates Victor Emilio and his sister Blanca Margarita, also wanted by the DEA and the Treasury Department.

In 2017, Abel along with other family members were identified by the California Court as members of the "Elenes Cartel", where other subjects are also listed.

In addition, a sister of Abel is the wife of Dámaso López Serrano, "El Mini Lic", who is in custody of the US government accused of drug trafficking, also in California.

On twitter X account LaMasakr3 published the following information

"🔎 #Culiacán, #Sinaloa 

Jesús Abel Cázares Elenes, alias El Trocua, was murdered while driving a TRX, he was a brother-in-law of El Mini Lic and a member of the Elenes Cartel.

He was shot at with long arms from another vehicle that was "hunting" him on Juan Macedo López street between Enrique Sanchez Alonso Boulevard and Doctor Luis G de la Torre.

The incident occurred early Sunday morning, September 3, around 5:00 am.🔎 follow-up + extension 

Son of Emilio.
Nephew of the Emperatriz. 
His cousin Edgar is husband of Grisel, sister of the Chapitos." 


  1. "Do a story on the Abel cazares murder in Culiacán the guy that got shot in the ram Trx he was el colorados son Emilios brother"


    1. Thank you for the story i had read about this on a Mexican newspaper but I wanted to see it on you’re website with the chisme in the comment section

  2. Char why do you think he was smoked? My first guess🤔 snitching

    1. Envíe more then likely as that tends to happen a lot.

    2. He got killed because of a girl that’s the rumor

  3. Was probably la chapiza no ?

    1. The victim is tied to Mini-Lic, so I would assume so...

  4. Abel viene de familia respetada alguien sabe que paso ?

    1. Hit had to come from higher ups because he was well respected. Surprises me that he was alone.

    2. Culiacan no ay respeto amigo solo ay gente que tiene miedo y alo sucedido tambien ay de esos que les gusta matar gente de poder

    3. The Chapitos are cleaning house. He could have been one of the people snitching, considering that Mini Lic was his brother-in-law. Remember the letter from Mini Lic? He knew too much considering that he had been out of that life for years. I wonder where he got his information from. Maybe from his brother in law?

    4. @752 -- Don't forget "Shelby" ...

  5. Could be anything when you are in the game and Culiacan

    but Ivan would probably love to hit Mini Lic's people after that expose this year

    the late hour suggests someone was either following him, or someone at the party/location called it in and they sent a team

  6. Fue la Chapiza ya se sabe que ataques a miembros pesados vienen de arriba

  7. Cazares and his lieutenant in L.a Charlie Cuevas went down in that Operation Imperial emperor DEA them boys were moving tons dicen que todavia esta el Castillo de casa en badiraguato

    1. Cuevas was the facilitator in Mexicali/Calexico

      Used to drink pepto bismol for the stress and bud lights and jack in the box tacos lol

      Eventually he had to go meet Cazares in Culiacan and Cazares had some dude tied up and bleeding to make a point

      They started losing loads because DE was on them

      LA Times did some 6 part story on it in 2011

    2. Fasho J .. I have sinaloa folks in L.a asi me la contaron a mi . I tried looking up 6 part l.a times story it's there for sure but it won't let me read unless I'm a subscriber lol tks tho

    3. Los Angeles Times subscription $1 for 6 months


      BB republished them too

      Here it’s one of the best inside looks at the game ever published to me

    5. LA Times used to keep track of the body count in MX too…

      I believe they stopped around 500,000 in like 2010…

    6. 1:17 Connor is it true in Arizona it's 1000 to 1500 per head to pick up people right when they cross dessert? Or anyone that knows the AZ route?


    Información que circula en redes sociales, dónde informan sobre la muerte de un líder de L@ F@mili@ Micho@c@n@ junto a varios de sus allegados a manos del grupo rival "LOS TL@COS" con los que tienen una disputa por el control de una parte del Estado de Guerrero.

    Según versiones de los habitantes, entre los fallecidos se encuentra un líder criminal y objetivo prioritario apodado "EL C@M@ND@NTE FIERR@S" quién se presume es el POSIBLE, responsable de varios ataques contra Policías Estatales, en los Municipios de Coatepec Harinas, Ixtapan de la Sal entre otros, del Estado de México.

    El Grupo Criminal de "Los Tl@c@s" exhibió en redes sociales, cómo presuntamente arrastra el cuerpo del COM@ND@NTE FIERR@S junto a otros cuerpos de sus allegados.

    Este Criminal, antes de su presunto fallecimiento, gozaba posiblemente de una total impunidad, gracias a las posibles negociaciones con los altos funcionarios de los Gobiernos Estatales y Municipales, que conforman la llamada Tierra Caliente, que se encuentra entre Guerrero, Michoacan y Estado de México.


    Cuál es el motivo, de no informar sobre el deceso ó neutralización de este líder Criminal??

    Que es lo que tienen entre manos las autoridades???

    A caso se salió de control este asunto, de los convenios y tratados, con los Grupos Criminales??

    Los tlacos been whooping FM ass lately.

  9. Nice truck but not bulletproof. Life is the biggest investment so protect it at all cost.

  10. CDS falling apart! Shit all this hitts CJNG has taken are nothing compare to this guys, so if you think CJNG are falling apart you better take another look at this fools, they are not looking good

    1. Every dickhead culero en Culiacan y La Chapiza/ Los Chapitos will be hunted down, tortured, and disposed of before the end of 2024.

      Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide😝.

      They fucked up the DoJ snitch immunity contract when they got into the fetty real heavy.

      The DEA says that Los Chapitos are dumb as fuck.

    2. You must be sarcastic this guy wasn't even important in the CDS hierarchy

  11. At least Edgar’s Guzman López is dead. Ovidio the head Raton in charge is practicing sucking dick for his stay at Florence Super MAX.

    OG Shadows bitch ass is in rehab and tweaking out.

    JGL jr baby Chapo Ivan and Alfredo are having the noose tightened around their throats and Congress is ready to let the American bounty hunters and elite special forces loose in Culiacan.

    CDS will son be a distant memory and irrelevant in the illegal dope game in North America 🇺🇸

    Fuck Cartel Sinalo.

    La verdad es La verdad. 🤣

    1. and here we got the guy that have seen all the narcos series 😂😂

    2. If cds goes then some other deadly cartel will emerge within cds

    3. 7:23 cds fan to the rescue!

  12. Didn't chapitos sister marry a cazares

    1. For fucks sakes read the story.

    2. sorry 10:24 i stopped reading when they start showing the cringe photos of this clown and his cringe trash family.

    3. I can sence your jelousy why so jelousy lol

    4. 10:38 i can sence you are a cds fan boy

  13. Is MZ behind all this?

  14. sinaloas=corrientes

  15. Desarrollo Urbano Tres Ríos.* I’ve been down that street many times, it’s right behind Starbucks and across from the mall. It’s definitely a killing alley. Also, no fucking way he lived in Los Pinos neighborhood. That area is a super poor shithole.

    1. Tres Ríos is always in the news for murders. Is that a wealthy area ?

    2. Yes, quite a lot of it is. It’s also the busiest area for shopping/expensive shit. My in-laws live there. The wealthiest area is La Primavera, but it’s so exclusive that crime is damn near non-existent there.

  16. Time is running out on Menchos... Once AMLO goes he's done

    1. Most Mexican presidential candidates have their favorite cartels in this election

    2. Who needs the president if he bought the head of the army or police or the gobs of a state.

  17. Just another drug pusher meeting an early death. DGAF and good riddance.

    1. ok then why do you stay on this site if thats all there is 🤭

  18. Otra viudita en culiacan hay que ir para culichi


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