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Friday, September 29, 2023

Minors Could Be Involved In The Case Of The Seven Missing In Zacatecas

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Zacatecas Attorney General's Office reported the arrest of two minors who were allegedly involved in the kidnapping of seven young people in the municipality of Villanueva; six of them were murdered.

Oscar Alberto Aparicio Avendaño, head of the Secretary of Public Security (SSP) of the entity, said that the detainees are allegedly members of the Jalisco Cartel New Generation (CJNG). The detainees are two adolescents aged 15 and 16.

"These young people (...) are originally from Durango and may be related to the facts that this prosecutor's office is investigating, we have a recognition process in which witnesses recognize that they may be part of the armed group that took the victims," said Francisco Murillo Ruiseco, prosecutor of Zacatecas.

The head of the state Prosecutor's Office added that the detained youths are currently in the Adolescent Detention Center.

He pointed out that after the recognition of the detainees by witnesses, it was enough evidence "to obtain an arrest warrant against them for the crime of aggravated kidnapping to the detriment of the seven young people from Villanova".

The newspaper La Jornada reported that the kidnapping of the youths was allegedly the result of disputes in the state between the criminal structure of Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, alias El Mencho, leader of the CJNG and the Sinaloa Cartel.

Guardia Nocturna  Borderland Beat Archive


  1. So the victims are from Durango and the kidnappers are New Generation?

    1. No, the killers are from Durango 🤷🏼‍♂️

    2. 12:07 but they belong to the CJNG right ?

    3. 12:19 yep, it says it in the post 🤷🏼‍♂️

    4. Pobrecitos sol, los putos wachos los mataron de seguro💯


    5. 12:19 yes cjng taking over durango

    6. Anyone remember the PartyLine?

      El e01

    7. 4:01 more like CJNG lossing in Zacatecas

    8. 14:09 'los puros guachos' que expresión es esa?? Que corriente eres

    9. 5:44 so i guess Duranguenses are now working for CJNG, that sounds like they are gaining ground

    10. 7:43 sicarios can come from anywhere. Recently was in Zacatecas for the December parties and it's probably like 70% mz 30% CJNG.

    11. 8:42 "recently" 🙄

  2. But I thought that according to all the cartel experts on here cds had done it ? Not a fan boy but just goes to show how people in this comments think they know everything

    1. 11:53 100% cds done it, also chapo and ovidio snitched!!!! and ivans out in left field.

    2. 12:09 I believe you buddy I know your a master a this cartel stuff so I'll take your word over any government officials word

    3. lol how 2 minors from durango in zacatecas fighting for cjng when they have family in durango?

    4. "may be part of the armed group that took the victims," it hasnt even been confirmed........

    5. Typical sinaloas cant never man up cuervo sierra all of a sudden stopped posting and now they're blaming jalisco 😆

    6. 1:48 oh yeah cause I'm sure CJNG doesn't force kidnap minors and also we should trust what you say more than a government official

    7. 2:22 they all do bud, in this case it was CDS, but is well known the Government loves to blame CJNG cause they are on CDS side, at the end of the day both cartels are the same shit

    8. 3:19 trust me I know they are the same shit . I actually go to Zacatecas so yeah trust me I know . My thing is the CJNG groupies are just as bad if not worser than the CDS fans at this point

    9. Its kids fighting kids in that area thats why it got coverage if it were grown adults it wouldn’t of made headlines all over mx.
      but the captured ones were rivals except 2 of them.
      they let one live but i guess they went overboard with the beatings on the other one.

    10. 5:48 with his perfect english.

    11. 8:15 born and raised in Mexico till the age of 10 then moved to the USA and graduated from high school in the USA . Married an American citizen and she fixed my paper situation. So yeah fluent in both languages and go to Mexico yearly

    12. 12:29 damn vato you got married at 10 when an American citizen fixed your papers situation? Estas cabrito

    13. 4:06 got married right after high school

  3. The Mexican government should adopt ascorched earth policy against the cartels like Bukele did in Central America. Those cartel operatives should all be eliminated

    1. They don’t do it because the cartels are Mexicos version of the military industrial complex so much legitimate and illegitimate money jobs and investment will be gone and they are also perfect for running campaigns wether they pay for them or you run on kicking them out

    2. 1:46
      It's called "cartel industrial complex".

    3. 13:46 son la versión del complejo industrial militar??? Cómo se ve q no sabes nada de la milicia. Hablas por hablar.

  4. They use minors because they will serve very little time in Mexico.

    1. They do that all over the world

    2. Detroit had a gang called YBI (Young Boys Inc.) back in the 70's. They recruited teen boys because they would serve little time if caught. Michigan changed the law which gave teens harsh sentences. The gang forgot that these teen boys were easy to flip on them when facing time. This led to the demise of YBI.
      Most states have allowed children to be tried as adults which has made recruiting children in the U.S. unprofitable. Mexico needs to do the same.
      This has led to obscene sentences for youth, but the U.S. Supreme Court has stepped in and taken the death penalty and life without parole off the table for minors. Mexico can increase the penalty for minor offenders while maintaining humanity in sentencing.

    3. Let’s ask the families of the people slaughtered by these “teens” who received life! Fuck the teenager who killed somebody. Why should they get a life while the family suffers? Biden, Hillary, and the rest of the lying racist corrupt left said it right back in the 90’s. They are predators. The law was designed by hardcore racists on the left and it worked! I don’t give a shit if the now 40 something year old lifer who was a “teen” has helped others in prison or taken Some college courses. All somebody who is in reality has to do is ask the victims family! Who matters more the innocent family or the “teen” killers desire for freedom?

    4. @Detroit, the YBI continued for almost another decade after their supposed "demise" and it was the crack epidemic that finally finished them as it surpassed heroin sales (the bread and butter of YBI).

    5. 6:24:
      I was born at Grace Hospital. The YBI was formed in my own neighborhood. I don't know how YBI is portrayed by netflix, etc., but I worked in one of the police departments involved in dismantling them while they were being dismantled and had friends involved in the YBI investigations in other police departments. Even though I never worked on any of the YBI investigations, I personally know several people who did. YBI was essentially dismantled in the early to mid 80's. Cooperating witnesses, mostly juveniles, led to their demise.

    6. @Detroit, I don't know how their painted by Netflix either. They were thought to be dismantled in the early 80s when there was an assassination and a few went to prison too. But they continued without calling themselves "YBI" and they finally went under in the late 80s after crack outsold heroin.

    7. Hey Detroit,Windsorite here .probably preaching to the choir but int the off chance you havent ,you would enjoy Al Profit.

  5. BB, if you have a chance, could you please cover on San Pedro/MTY? there have been several mantas and murders in the past two weeks... an overview of the recent incidents would be great. thanks!


    1. That part but cds bussies will never see that

    2. I wonder if the viva cuba kid is alright today ? Maybe no Internet?

    3. whats his fb page

    4. 2:52 just type on the search botton in facebook (Cuervo Sierra)

    5. 1:21 Would this be the "Cuervo Sierra" that took over Barreras group from Durango?

    6. 4:29 nah, its a dude who get high as fuck all the time and is kidnapping any one who he thinks its a rival, but in reality he is all paranoid from all the drugs he is doing, shit ive seen a few videos of him high as fuck talking all kinds of none sence 😂

    7. 7:48 he fights for MZ?

    8. 10:46 yep, always claiming his alliance to MZ aka el señor cubano

    9. 8:09 don't you mean the real M grande and not that knock off version from michoacan where he is not even welcomed trying to call himself the m grande lol

    10. 8:35 yes the M grande, MZ, el señor del Sombrero y tambien El señor Cubano 👍

    11. 10:28 so your telling me that basically you know more than semar FBI dea atf CIA take but mayo birthplace in Mexico? Idk what you doing on here commenting you should be working with a big security company

    12. 12:31 what you talking about? We all know Marios nicknames and the fact he is Cuban, that does not make me an expert on anything

    13. 1:15 well according to the real experts in American and Mexican intelligence they say mayos birthplace is Mexico. Sinaloa to be specific. So either they are wrong or your wrong and I mean doesn't take a genius to figure out who is wrong between you and them

    14. 7:35 well yea he was born in Mexico but his mom and pops are from cuba, so that kind of makes his cuban, whats your take on that?

    15. 10:52 my take is I'm seriously wondering what you doing on here instead of working for the FBI or CIA . I mean since all the Mexican and American intelligence agencies have his birthplace as Mexico and his nationality as Mexican. If I was you I would go show them your grand discovery. Who knows they might laugh at you or offer you a job

    16. 10:52 all the reliable news outlets report that the only Cuban family members mayo has are his father and brother in law. Mom was Mexican. And by reliable I don't mean all the Cuban kids here on BB

    17. 1:19 yea that makes him Cubexican 🤷🏼‍♂️🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺

  7. Interesting, maybe forced by CJNG to try make CDS look bad, or maybe it was CDS any government is lying. Alot of us think we know what is going on by reading sites such as these, but there is so much that happens in the back ground that never gets reported. I guess we will never know the truth about these type of situations.

    1. Yeah its a really small posibility that someone from Durango is working for CJNG, most likely they got caught and their higher ups told them to say they were CJNG to bring some heat on CJNG, just think about how CDS has Durango on lock, why would those guys even think aboit joining CJNG knowing well all of their families would be in danger in Durango? I call this bull shit 100%

  8. Not one major head will roll on this genocidal act! 15 & 16 year old?! Really?! Typical, and the Mexican citizenry will lap up the sour milk and accept it and won’t do shit! MAINLY, because the poor or average citizen can’t have guns! What a sick joke! ONLY the criminals law enforcement, elites and rich can. NOT YOU common folks! You get to suffer and die!

    1. Guns don't help.

    2. Calm down!! Just like gangs violence in 80s and 90s no one gave a shit. Same thing happen in Mexico. What cartel, click, gangs or group you represent. Sad but TRUE! World doesn't give a shit

  9. we already know it the kidnappers and extortionist cjng thats all they are good for pick on innocent people

  10. VIVA CUBA CHICOSSSS!!!!!!!🇨🇺

    1. See you finally got Internet kid

  11. Lla podemos dormir tranquilas, fue la gente del señor de los 🐔's y no la gente del señor de 🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺

  12. 9:13 pero no jurabas que avian sido los mz. Segun tu Eres un experto y sabes mas que El gobierno

    1. 10:44 no te entendi chiico molesto

  13. omw to zac to snatch up a durango running with jalisco by noon CT may have video if it doesn't reveal too much

    1. cjng taking young cds specifically from durango for propaganda. They figure if they're young enough they won't hold a grudge so they spoil them so they'll tell their young homies back home the grass is greener on the other side. Families are gonna start getting snatched up in durango to counter this. Our only hope is sicario 006 joins us to smash on jaliscos.

    2. 1:27 the authorities mentioned there are videos of what happened, wounder why they havent leaked yet? Maybe cause in those videos it shows in reality who did it?

  14. They can arrest murderers in Zacatecas but not in Jalisco? They must be protected by narco Alfaro

  15. i knew it i called it the mugrosos cjng did it


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