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Saturday, September 16, 2023

Ovidio Guzman's Last Hours In The Altiplano Before Being Extradited: "Sir, You Are Leaving"

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from MILENIO

The guards at the Altiplano, where he spent 252 days, describe him as "a quiet guy, he never gave any trouble," and say that when they told him he was leaving the prison "he looked sad, but not angry.


For 252 days, Ovidio Guzman, El Raton, clung to Mexican soil, postponing what could not be postponed: his extradition to the United States. But that countdown has come to a surprising end.

This Friday, in the midst of preparations for the Grito de Independencia, MILENIO learned that a group of guards from the area known as AMESVE or Area of Special Security Measures and Special Surveillance, arrived at Corridor 2 of the prison and asked the son of the founder of the Sinaloa Cartel to gather his belongings and get ready to leave his cell.

Ovidio Guzmán, accustomed to attending to the numerous proceedings that his legal team has filed to delay his transfer to the United States, complied with the instruction without resistance. In the area of Special Security Measures, the inmates are only entitled to 15 minutes in the yard without contact with other prisoners, so every outing is usually well received. It was even longed for as a way to get out of a tedious routine.

It seemed like any other day. From January 6 to September 15 of this year, the member of the criminal group Los Chapitos slept in the maximum security prison of Altiplano in the hope of not setting foot in the United States and avoid facing the eleven criminal charges against him in the United States, which bring him closer to a life sentence, the same sentence that weighs on his father Joaquin El Chapo Guzman.

In silence, the Sinaloan walked through the corridors that separate the area of the most dangerous inmates from the offices of the prison bureaucracy and, surrounded by guard officers wearing masks, the director of the prison personally informed him that the request of the government of President Joe Biden to take him out of the country had been approved.

"Sir, you are leaving," one of the guards mumbled at Ovidio Guzmán's surprised expression, according to sources consulted by this newspaper. Without raising his voice, the alleged drug trafficker asked to speak to his lawyer Alberto Diaz Mendieta, but the phone call was denied at that moment.

The reaction of El Raton, accused of being one of the most dangerous traffickers of fentanyl to the United States, was consistent with his behavior in El Altiplano, the prison from which his father escaped on July 11, 2015 with the help of his wife and stepmother of Ovidio Guzman, Emma Coronel, who was released from prison in the United States just two days ago.

The Mexican government guards stepped aside and their place was taken by a small group of Interpol personnel who had arrived at the maximum security prison in a helicopter owned by the Attorney General's Office.

He looked sad, says Altiplano personnel 

A member of the Altiplano prison staff assured that Ovidio Guzman did not look angry when he was taken out of his confinement, but that he looked sad. 

"(He is) a quiet guy, respectful, the truth. He never gave problems. He was in the most guarded and restricted area because of who he is, because of his brothers and his father, but not because he was dangerous or violent. I would say that he even looked sad, but not angry," said a member of the Altiplano staff.
On January 7 of this year, two days after his capture in Culiacán, Ovidio Guzmán's lawyers asked a federal judge to allow them to send their client a series of medications against depression and anxiety, as well as special food for a diet that would not irritate his stomach due to his frequent gastritis problems.

Ovidio Guzman's subdued personality caught the attention of the guards, who could not decipher if he was a young man genuinely subdued by anxiety or if it was an act to convince the judge that his stay in Mexico did not represent any danger and that there was no need to send him to the United States.

In the last few days -they say- his mood had improved. His legal team had given him a slim hope that could keep him longer in Mexico: an injunction in which they argued that Ovidio Guzmán was not Ovidio Guzmán, but that the young man captured was someone else and with a different identity than that of Joaquín Guzmán Loera's son. An implausible argument, said President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, with which the Sinaloa Cartel hoped to buy time.

"The lawyers use these legal tactics to gain time, they are dilatory, legitimate because lawyers are dedicated to that, but of course it is about Ovidio," confirmed the President in March from the National Palace.
If the legal process that will follow him on the other side of the Rio Bravo concludes that he should have the same punishment as his father, El Raton will have been moved from a harsh maximum security prison in Mexico to a ruthless maximum security prison in the United States.

Then, at 33 years old, he will live in a three-by-two meter cell, extreme isolation as applied to the worst terrorists and, if he does well, a five-minute phone call every month.


  1. I doubt this. A High Value Target getting extradited from Mexico in only 9 months? This is just a smoke screen. It sounds more like he already has a deal in the works and is fulfilling his end of the bargain right now.

    1. The only deal he is getting is giving up his beothers or theres no deal, USA made it really clear that who ever was trafficking Fent would get rain on cause all of the deaths is causing, shit im in small town and never heard of many overdose deaths throug out the years (even in the worst cristal meth epidemic) and now i know of 5 people who have died and they were people who i personally now who went to school with, i cant imagine how many more have died just in this little area, Fent is no good and the chapitos were bragging about moving tons, well now its time for them to eat what they coocked

    2. I thought it unless his brother's get captured quickly from his snitching.... he is one of the faces of the fentanyl crisis... they are gonna make an example out of him

    3. They said that about Chapo and he had no deal.

    4. 2:33 Who do you think gave the greenlight for the fent? Politicians and the rich love fent. Its killing the obsolete proletariat class. When automation and AI finally create a dystopian WEF/PRC surveillance nightmare y'all won't do anything to fight And will be put in a 15 minute super city Gulag /extermination camp. Fent is Big Brother's way of giving you a cyanide pill in the mean time for you to self euthanize because you are not needed anymore.

    5. 2:33:
      Keep in mind that the people making the decisions are older and most don't know anyone personally who died. Cutting deals with criminals is too entrenched in the system.

      They already had Chapo sewed up before he reached the U.S. There was no need to offer him a deal. Chapo is the type of guy who would rather maintain his image and do the time than cooperate. Ivan was pretty much raised in the same mold and would do the time rather than cooperate. This is why they are working so hard on Ovidio. Their strategy clearly appears to be attacking the Chapito chain at the weakest link and that weakest link appears to be Ovidio.

    6. @Detroit. I think you misunderstand Chapo, and Ivan. Chapo was never the kind of guy who would rather spend the rest of his life in Supermax than co-operate. NOBODY given that choice refuses. And Oviodio is just as ''sewn up'' as Chapo was.

    7. Detroit, but that proves my point. People were saying the same thing about Chapo that you are saying about Raton and if things don't go like you speculate you'll say "there was no need to offer Raton a deal".

    8. Hate to say it but this-
      "Then, at 33 years old, he will live in a three-by-two meter cell, extreme isolation as applied to the worst terrorists and, if he does well, a five-minute phone call every month." is incorrect.

    9. D. The eldest brother is actually quite a funny, witty, charismatic character when around him. His bro is more reserved. Kinda like military you can only control so much wrong doing. Look at what PMC and military get away with in other countries. I know, they make decisions but cannot control all.

    10. It would be really smart of him to give up his brothers he’s lroau got millions and Ivan is not that smart anyways

    11. 3:41:
      It's pretty well known that Chapo would never give up anyone that is close to him.

    12. Hey Detroit, isn't that the reason the beltranes left CDS. They claimed chapo switched on one of the brothers
      They are all back stabbing, cutthroat mathafakas!!

    13. 15:11 - correct assessment.

    14. @02:33 the death toll of personal friends and acquaintances of people in my life is so great that I lost count after 12.

      Fentanyl is a fucking horrible drug, and these bitch ass mofos (Raton y Familia) are so arrogant and greedy they all deserve to be lit on fire and urinated on their ashes.

      Dust to death.

      The sad part is that fentanyl is not hard to dose properly, especially if you have millions upon millions of US dollars in profit to invest in your product.

      For example, LSD is manufactured and dosed much like fentanyl in the microgram range.

      In the hospital, 150 mcg of fentanyl will stop all pain and put you on cloud nine for a couple hours.

      150mcg of LSD is an average hit of acid. Fetty could be put on blotter and gel tabs just the same as LSD.

      Chapitos could easily buy pharmaceutical equipment and pay chemists to create non-lethal doses of fentanyl (and probably profit more)... but they don't give a rats ass and push unknown dose weights of fetty simply out of greed.

    15. Detroit!!! You have to be kidding!!! Chapo would rather maintain his image and do the time rather then cooperate???!!!! You are tripping! He's already been known as a snitch. That fool would turn his momma in just to go to regular old gp, let alone what he would do to get out. Is all that complaining and crying and asking for leniency part of the image he's trying to maintain???!!!! Please!!! You are one funny guy.

    16. @Detroit we don't all have access to JWICS and the NSA Intel that you are pricy to.

    17. 03:11 they say a computer can do my job better than I can do it. So, fuck it I'm banging blues and getting in line to help El Rata

    18. He started snitching within hours of his arrest. BB blatantly called him out posting info the day after his arrest that only could have come from him. He will rat and rat just like we all know chapo did, but he will get zero credit for it. Imagine that. The Karma Loop better known as the US justice system is going to give Gina skight taste of his very own medicine. If he does get a deal it won't be until the cameras are gone and he's forgotten. This kid is not very smart. They say Ivan isn't either but Ivan and Mayo are really good at what they do.

    19. Detroit 🤦🏻‍♂️ no. What we have here is a confluence of political pressure, the fentynal crisis, a famous name and a name brand cartel - and we now have a trophy buck to display on our wall as a sign of our seriousness and progress in the fight. If it was fast, it was due to back channel pressure. We need a head and we got our head. Mark my words and screenshot it - he’s not getting a deal. The rest of you waxing moronically about what you think you know about Chapo’s or anyone else’s personality is comical. You actually think you “know” these men because you read about them and watched Netflix NARCO’s? 🤦🏻‍♂️

    20. @detroit 8:48. Chapó is not the type to endure hard time….. he’s already complaining of violated human rights….Huero Palma, has done some hard time….

    21. @Detroit. 3.14 here. That isn't true. He is known as utterly ruthless when it comes to his own interests, and his entire career proves it. The slightest threat to his interests would lead to re-alignments that meant the death of people who trusted him. The ''snitch'' bullshit is childish, but he is the most cynical, pragmatic and manipulative of the lot.

    22. Si, el Raton se fue rápido porque se pactaron acuerdos.

    23. For all of the Chapo snitched guys. Chapo never gave up anyone who is close to him and is doing the time without giving up anyone who is close to him. He might be complaining, but that doesn't mean he is giving anyone up.
      Chapo has given up enemies and competitors. This is considered a business practice and not snitching. There is nothing in the public record to suggest that Chapo every gave up a compadre or family member.
      Chapo may be ruthless, manipulative and cynical, but that doesn't make him a snitch.
      Ivan has already done time without giving anyone up. It's unlikely that Ivan would cooperate. Ovidio is more of an unknown. They are going after him because of his personality and his reputation as being the nice guy of the Chapitos, even though he has proven that he can be ruthless. They probably also sense that he is unhappy with the lifestyle.
      As for being privy to inside information, I don't have any inside information. However, I have worked inside the system for decades and can make a pretty educated guess on what is going on.

    24. 12:06 if you followed chapos jury you would know he in fact did snitched on Mayo, peña nieto and calderon, but chapo was the main target so no need for his info, why do you think peña and calderon are in Spain? Because there is no extradition to the USA, real question, are you from Sinaloa?

    25. @3.32. Chapos jury? What do you mean, his trial? Chapo never snitched on Mayo, or either President. You aren't throwing people under a bus if the bus has already passed. Traffickers regularly agree to allow others to accuse them of things that can't be punished. If 2 brothers are targeted and one ends up safe in the hills and the other is extradited, they agree beforehand that all the blame will go to the brother who is safe. That isn't ''snitching''. As for ''snitching'' on an ex President who won't be punished? Damn, I wish people would stop using that word..

    26. @Detroit. He gave up people who were close to him throughout his career. He would adjust and realign, and use security forces and his police attack dogs to murder the men who were no longer useful, or had been used as temporary allies . You say he only gave up competitors and rivals, but nobody close to him. The point is those people he gave up WERE the people close to him, till they had served their purpose and he realised he would have to sell them out to move on his next target. When he was arrested in Guatamala he gave up everybody, but was allowed to climb down because he was useful. And Ivan was Chapos son, so at that point, with the AFI backing Chapo, why would he have been asked to ''snitch''?

    27. @6.42. Who told you Ivan was a funny, witty, charismatic leader? Sean Penn? From what I know of Ivan- I never met him btw, but I know people who have- he is not witty, or wise, or charismatic. He is petulant, contemptuous, and has a huge chip on his shoulder from never having fought and from being compared to his father on social media. His Social Media accounts are all fake too.

    28. 6:25:
      I have worked with the Mexican system for more than two decades and am somewhat familiar with it. What people overlook is that there are a lot of honest people in law enforcement in Mexico. It's the crooked ones that get all of the attention.
      I have seen the capacity of law enforcement in Mexico improve over the last few decades. Take the municipal police of Chihuahua for example. Historically, the municipal police in Mexico are nothing but glorified security guards. The municipal police in Chihuahua are now investigating crimes, including murder which is leading to convictions. This is because the people of Chihuahua are tired of the violence and tired of waiting on state and federal authorities. They are electing people who are improving the capacity of the municipal police force so they don't have to depend on state or federal intervention.
      Mexican federal law enforcement has come a long way in the last thirty years and several state police agencies are becoming quite capable.
      It's not just law enforcement. SEDENA soldiers lacked even helmets and bullet proof vests until about 20 years ago. Now they are fairly well equipped.
      The situation in Mexico is changing. Once Mexico has the right president you will see a significant drop in violence. What Mexico lacks right now is the leadership. They need a war president, not a peace president.

    29. This guy must have like to eat cheese to be called the Raton.

    30. 5:21 Yea i ment trial, he said Mayo was the real boss and he was just a worker, he said he payed peña nieto about 100 mill so they could work as they pleased but peña didnt keep his word, he also said he had a deal with Garcia Luna (the guy that actually got arrested) and Calderon knew about it, he snitches his ass out but USA and Mexico have a little pact in which no Mexican president can get arrested so they are good, but yea chapo snitched on all of them and the only one who they could arrest was Garcia Luna, and he is in jail now

    31. @Detroit. Sorry man, You talk as if you are responding to a constant barrage of US media saying the MEXICO don't have the strength to deal with THE CARTEL!!!
      They have better helmets now, so that fucked up strategy will suddenly work? Why do people in the US still not understand who is running the show?
      It is the same men with the shiny new helmets, not the illiterate thugs on arrest rotation.

    32. Chapo snitched!!
      Get over it already lol

    33. Didn’t the letter from Mini Lic say they all planned on turning themselves together, at one point?

  2. Que Dios lo cuide...

    1. Los chapitos are devil worshipers just like their father.
      Chapo’s weakness is that he worships the devil this is on record.

      Semper Fi

    2. Santanas lo cuida.

    3. Where is it on record that he worships the devil? Last time I checked he actually build a Christian church for his mother.

    4. Esque el producto que vendio en la tienda de satanas le fue bien por eso lo cuida y lo quiere mucho.

    5. 2:22 que dios lo guarde y se le olvide donde

  3. That's the problem with Chapitos. They're not real Gs meant for the game. Raton looks pathetic like his father crying to DEA. That sends the message to CDS that their patrones are weak and defeated. This may be the saddest day for all the Sinaloa nut huggers. El Botas Blancas went out like a boss fighting. Raton and Chapo went out looking like punk bitches. Can we get a shout out to all the therapists to be on standby. Sicario 006 will take this the hardest.

    1. Im not trying to defend Chapo but how exactly did he look like a punk bitch? He escaped prison twice why would he not think he could do it again most of the top narco bosses don’t go out in a blaze of glory,(z40, Benjamin arellano felix, hector beltran, osiel, Amado Carillos brother, etc) you just be watching too much tv

    2. @2:47 real g? They are not low level street gang members they are cartel bosses and how are they supposed to look like the people you see on TV? Come back to reality you sound like a super fan.

    3. Here’s a little secret everyone has a moment of breaking down when going to maximum facility unless you been in prison most your life every one breaks for a moment with a federal life sentence. Fed Life means only way out is in a box.

    4. 456 does Raton look like a cartel boss? He looks like a mocoso that just got his ass whipped.

    5. 7:46 who cares what he looks like for example the italian mob in its peak were ran by old men it’s all about being able to demand respect

    6. El Raton is a real presidential, kingpin Mafia man with a strong chin. He is elite, can't you fucking tell

    7. Animos Sicarios!

      It is with great regret that I must inform you to the status of operative Sicario 006.

      Ready to lay down his life for El Raton, the great commander chief of Cartel Sinaloa and all of Culiacan -Sicario 006 took his own life saddened by the news of his incarcerated and fearless leader's extradition.

      Special Forces Tier 2 and Mossad Agents everywhere took a knee to commemorate the passing of their cherished and loved colleague Sicario 006.

      RIP 006 - Memory Eternal 😭😭😭😭🇮🇱

    8. Raton is a macho masculine not a bitch she her

    9. @BB Can we please get an update on señor 006 and his possible death?? Maybe his Bio as well?

    10. El Ratón, es hijo de La Rata…..!!!!

    11. @2.47 Oh please. ''Botas Blancas'' lol. You'll be calling him Jefe de Jefes next and chopping off the heads of your nieces dolls. Mr coked up white tennis shoes was hunted down and assassinated. He had no choice but to order his men to fight back, no matter what Barbie said. He was ever going to leave that apartment complex alive.

  4. I don't believe any deal will involve giving up his brothers. What the DEA is looking to do is dismantle the infrastructure of CDS. His brothers aren't the ones digging the tunnels or in charge of smuggling product across the border. These, along with the financial operators, are the people that the DEA is truly after. Remember that if the DEA took out the Chapitos tomorrow that the drugs would continue to flow. The capture of a Chapito is only symbolic.
    He could be working on a deal to cap the sentences of him and his brothers and work on what appears to be their "capture" in the coming years. Like the Mayitos, this could be their ticket out of this lifestyle. The people that need to be worried are the ones digging the tunnels and smuggling the product because they will be serving long sentences while the Chapitos go the way of the Mayitos.
    I believe that the Mayitos gave up a lot of the Chapito operators, that's why you've seen so many CDS labs being "discovered" over the last few years and could be why Ovidio was located. Now it's time for the Chapitos to return the favor, but the DEA already has significant knowledge of Mayos operations, so Ovidio's only option is to give up the Chapito's infrastructure in order to avoid serious time for him and his brothers. Notice the change in his hairstyle. His lawyers probably advised him that it is better to look like a professional rather than a teenager.
    This could be the beginning of the end for CDS. And, of course, who benefits? El Mencho, the next target of the DEA's affection.

    1. Speculation but we'll see how it pans out.

    2. @ Detroit. You have it backwards. They didn't build a case from the ground up in order to find out about powerless employees. The men who dig the tunnels are poor labourers- a hundred can go missing and a hundred will be replaced in 48 hours. Same with the men who design those tunnels, and the mules who transport the product. The DEA have never cared about the real money men, only the men who are small enough not to cause a problem. They haven't suddenly changed their strategy, its the same old Kingpin bullshit.

    3. That’s plausible I suppose

    4. Don’t they make them shave their head in altiplano? All them dudes got pics of them looking like skin heads

    5. @Detroit you and your theories.

      It’s more likely that the Mexicans are pressured by all of the rhetoric of Congress preparing to annihilate cartels in Mexico, than Mayo snitching.

      It’s not a secret that CDS is stockpiling and manufacturing fetty.

    6. 4:06:
      You don't understand my comment. The DEA is focused on the structure of an organization. The upper tier guys aren't the ones transporting the product. I'm not referring to the guy who is actually carrying the product across the border, but the guy who makes it happen.
      The top tier guys don't touch the product. The small time guys only fill up prison beds without having any effect on reducing the flow of drugs. The DEA is after everyone in the organization, from the guy selling nickel bags to the top dogs, however, the primary focus of the DEA is on the guys in the middle that make everything happen. By taking down the guys in the middle you are destroying the working parts of the organization.
      The DEA wants the top tier guys because they benefit the most from the criminal enterprise. However, if they focus only on the top tier guys, they lose focus of the infrastructure. What hurts the top tier guys is when they get a lot of attention in the media. When you have the public aware of you like John Gotti was, you almost have to go to a trial because high profile targets have to serve the most time in the eyes of the public. The Chapitos are much larger than John Gotti ever was. However, few people outside of those who follow the drug war can even name one of the Chapitos. There's a difference being top tier and largely unknown and being top tier and being widely known. The Chapitos, like the Mayitos aren't widely known in the U.S., so they can receive lighter sentences without the public backlash and politicians beating their breasts.
      The Chapitos have the opportunity to walk out of this lifestyle without doing any serious prison time and they should take it. My best guess is that Ovidio will reach a deal that will cap the sentences of his brothers so that it saves his brothers from cooperating. It's questionable if the brothers will agree to any deal, but I believe that Ovidio is ready to leave this lifestyle. One way or the other, he will be out of it. Either he's going to get a deal where he will do his time and be able to carry on with his life or he will be in his 80's or 90's before he will be eligible for parole. He has little chance of beating one case, let alone every case that he may be facing.
      Too many people here are focused on the concept of the "War on Drugs". This is a concept that is pushed by politicians. There is no "War on Drugs". When you think of war, you think in terms of winning or losing. The DEA doesn't think like that.
      There will always be crime. The job of the police is to keep crime under control. A thief dies every day, but another thief is born every day to take his place. The job of the police is to hold the thief accountable for his actions.
      It's the same in the world of narcotics. A drug addict dies every day, but another drug addict is born to replace him. The job of the DEA is not to "win" a war. The job of the DEA is to limit the flow of illegal narcotics and suppress the violence that comes with any large illegal enterprise.

    7. I couldn't read the entire wall of text, but that's not happening in MX. They don't have a RICO type statute to take down entire organizations. Middle guys and lower are not going to get extradited and they are easily...let me repeat, easily replaceable. Repeat it with me - he's not getting a deal. He's a trophy buck and he's going to hang on a wall in Supermax. Period. They are not going to take down the entire org, they know that, and the "cartels" here (they are not "cartels" but I digress) are not organized like Italian OC in the States. Your analogies are wrong and there are structural judicial issues here that do not lend themselves to "dismantling" organizations. Not. Going. To. Happen.

    8. @Detroit. I understood your comment completely. I'm a middle aged man, worked in Mexico covering the cartel wars at their height, I don't need it explained to me that Ovidio did not touch the product. You said that ''the DEA aren't interested in him, they are interested in the people who build the tunnels and transport the product'', but that's bullshit dude. You suggested that they are arresting the brothers IN ORDER to take apart the weaker members, when what happens is it takes years of the Mexican army torturing those members you talk about- the men who do touch the product- in order for the DEA to work upwards. They likely already know about the men beneath Ovidio, which is why they feel confident enough to extradite him. By that time the routes and methods have shifted, but the DEA have a huge prize that will justify their purpose. When you say the DEA doesn't think about winning or losing? Maybe not in the strict US definition of ''winning against drugs'', but they will always prioritise arresting high profile targets, prizes that will give them the funding that will prevent them being subtly taken over by other agencies.

    9. 6:29:
      You didn't understand my comment because you changed what I said to "the DEA isn't interested in Ovidio". You need to reread what I said.
      I never covered the cartel wars. I worked in both federal and local law enforcement dismantling drug organizations. I have also worked with members of Mexican law enforcement and SEDENA and got to know many of them well. There are some incredibly courageous and honest people in both SEDENA and Mexican law enforcement who are putting their lives on the line every day. I am blessed that I can cross into the U.S. if I feel threatened. They don't share that blessing and my heart goes out to them.

    10. @Detroit. How many times do I need to re-read what you said? Stop ducking and diving dude. I didn't misquote anything. You said that the ones digging the tunnels and moving the product were the ones the DEA ''were truly after'', as opposed to the Brothers who never touched the product. But it isn't true. I've met lots of soldiers on both sides too, but you seem blinded to the fact that the people who commit the most violence- disappearances, murders and rapes, paid for with drug money, are in uniform. Whenever the Government has let them off the leash they are also free to be employed by the traffickers, and violence goes through the roof. The good they do or don't do has nothing to do with how skilled they are, or whether they have brand new helmets, it's about how much they are paid, and who pays them- in other words who REALLY employs them. The more skilled they are the more terrifying it would be when they get let loose in a Cartel War-zone. The US always pretends that its a question of technique, instead of a failed strategy.

  5. This dude is gonna rat or work on a sweet deal for his brothers,do maybe 10 yrs and live rich lives after! Guaranteed

    1. 03:10 oh yeah, Ovidio is gonna get a good deal and be out in 5 years with good behavior.

  6. NO DEAL. DEA got the goods on him already Fentanyl, this guy is finished. He going to be washing inmates underwear.

  7. It's an election year, and both sides, are trying to keep power, Morena is passing to Shienbaum and Biden is passing to Biden, but there's always high high level politics and lower politics involved in these trades.

    Also, consider the timing. Mexican Independence day, that's some bureaucrats version of a joke for sure.

    Without some kind of other factor, Ovidio was going to stay for another 2 years, at least. Benjmain Arellano Felix was in Mexico for like 10 years.

    and factor Lopez Orbrador, and by extension his party, cleaning themselves of Culiacanazo.

    the deal thing, I don't believe at all. DOJ cuts a lot of deals, with a lot players, but the publicity they gave to that press conference, and fentanyl overall, no way will they plead him out to some 10 year term. They aren't going to make deal with the men who "feed captives to tigers" and kill US citizens with fentanyl.

    1. In the US for elections Rat is small time.

    2. @3:24 he will give info, and in a few years he will get reduction from life to around 25. Out in 20 to live the golden years with his money. I see all brothers going down in next few years and giving up Mayo. Giving the US Mayo will get you down to 10-15. It’s all been worked out years ago. Mayo kids roll on Chapo yo get better deal, and now it’s Chapo kids turn. Mayo spends 5yr or less in prison before dying. I think after 50/60 years Im the game sitting down for a few will give the old man some peace. All kids leave with millions and no charges.

  8. Fentanilo es bad. Jale Azul for the win😎

    1. Only a true mas chingon does both, guey.

  9. He's already got that prison stare, wide eyes never blinking. It's a cold world you don't want to believe exists, where time is stopped and nothing remains but wear on the steel and concrete.

  10. This man does not have the look like he’s made for the prison life but im sure he’ll do fine there will be countless prisoners who will want to be on his good side for financial reasons thats if he allow to be around people but more so because of the lifestyle he always been accustomed to, I’ll be very suprise if he doesn’t live up to the prophecy his dad saw when he gave him his name Ratoncito

    1. he feed his enemies to tigers and killed by his own hands, been around real danger what makes you think he he cant handle prison, these are Los Chapitos stop it punk

    2. 4:52pm daaamn, i heard about you Chapo nut huggers but I’ve never seen one until now. Go ride his pp some more. 🏳️‍🌈😂

    3. 717 😂😂😂

    4. @4.52 He fed his enemy to tigers? While his men played Funkytown at full volume and he rode around on a bike with his hair on fire like Ghostrider. Different brother, very dodgy rumour.

  11. Who do y’all think took over his cell?

    1. El panu or his brother Joaquin Lorraine Lopez

    2. Lorraine Lopez? Lmaoooo that’s the name of some big titty farmers insurance agent where I live 😂😂😂

    3. Dude had an entire area, likely pod, to himself… same way Epstein had during his first stint.

  12. Ojalá y se arrepienta y dios le de otra oportunidad en esta vida

    1. Si se la ca a dar, en la carcel por el resto de su vida, y yo ruego para que se reencruentre con su papa en Florence 🥰 reunion familiar

  13. They waited until he shaved and got a haircut until a pic lol.

  14. I had gastritis myself. Gut burning sensation , a lot of burping, bloating, acid reflux in throat, pockets of trapped gas in the stomach, nausea. Smoking weed and drinking alcohol exacerbates all the above and will eventually lead to gastritis.
    The only thing that cured me was PepZinGI zinc-L-carnosine and a strict diet. A lot of water.

    1. Try a lavado de culo instead

    2. @05:56 are you saying that you smoke weed drink beer and sniff coke?!

    3. Ever get tested for food allergies, specifically gluten?

  15. Now what? Americans are fools to think this will end or slow down the dope game. It's all for show. The armchair warriors here are talking bs while cruising in their 1996 Altima’s.

    1. Lmao. OK Mr Big Brain. Everyone knows drug trafficking will continue to one thi KS extradition one dude is gonna end it all.trying to shit on Everyone and sound smart just made you look when dumber

    2. But that’s the tale the government is trying to spin. And just because readers of bb to sip on that koolaide don’t mean the rest of the US aint

    3. What does the type vehicle people drive have anything to do with this article. Asinine

  16. El 🐀 will be @ the SuperMax in Florence CO with his dad the day he is found guilty. The US government will make no deals and he will get LIFE in solitary.

    Ivan ⌛

  17. Yet the real bosses of Cartel De Mexico are doing just fine. Get it through your head that this is just a game, you either choose the good guys or the bad guys. Because at the end of the day both are generating trillions by fucking each other up. While the big bosses for the good and bad guys are raking in the money in profits. This is like a sports team to me just wanna she who wins the Championship this year and who takes the biggest "L" all while innocent people get affected as well either by will or just by luck. Welcome to like people, work with it, worry bout your own, and if you decide to take action. Then understand what comes with it. Whether on the good side or bad. I rather just spectate and be entertained. There's other things I rather put my own personal effort into.

    That's my 2 cents.


    1. Gizzle- If that's your 2 Cents you should owe money on it, with crippling vig. I thought you were going to say that the entire security apparatus working for a scattered group of traffickers, and the rest being protected, means that we should call that out, and fight back. But nah. Lets just sit back and watch it like a team sport. An 8 year old girls being burnt alive? Damn! What's that, 1-0? But NO, 7 teens were decapited only 4 miles away! OOOH. I call that 3-1, seeing as only 2 of tghose teenagers were armed. Fun innit?

  18. Ultimately a sad story. Bullied and rejected growing up and bears a large responsibility for the worse drug crisis in USA with ODs still climbing even after RX Opiate pills have nose dived. Too many lives shattered and potential loss forever.

    He will be used as an example and justly partly responsible for the 100,000’s of American deaths. Plus his trial will be during the election so every incentive for sentence life.

    1. @9:40pm the way i see it no one forces anyone to do drugs. They all do it on there own free will knowing the consequences that they may die. Drugs are gonna keep getting sold even if Ovidio is locked up or not. It’s just a show at this point

  19. Well I don't think with Chapo or Raton makes a difference there's a lot of cartels doing the same thing sending fentanyl to the US and we the Americans are the drug addicts we are the ones with the problem

  20. Jajja pinche Raton, mama la verge dura pendeja. 🤣🤣

    It was all meth and Chapiza swinger pizza parties last week

    a la verge me vale Madre. Que paso?!

  21. I have a friend who got 23 years for a couple of keys of brown.Never did violence in his life(not that kind of guy)kept it very quiet,made money for many friends,stashing it moving it,dealt with the wrong fuckin rats,23 years?Murderers,child molesters get less,white collar crime stealing millions?

    1. 03:01 yup, your amigo is where he belongs. Just a couple kilos of heroin 😂😂 fuck your friend and everyone else who sells heroin, coca, meth, and fetty

      It’s not legal dumbass. That’s why you do time and forfeit your life.

      People that want to sell heroin need to move to Colombia 🇨🇴 and renounce their American citizenship.

    2. A couple of keys of H ain’t no small stash dude…

      I’m not advocating this draconian system but you should in no way be shocked.

  22. Its a dirty world,i dont give a fuck about Guzman,but what kind of pressure and threats did the U.S make.
    About stopping the flow of money and support,mex politicos as we know could care less about their own gente

  23. Sad reading this!!! 😞

  24. Family reunions always makes me happy

  25. A lot of people saying he won’t get a deal but as far as extradited bosses we got it pretty quickly after his arrest. This could suggest he has info that ain’t stale.

  26. The only thing that I will say is that taking out people like Chapo. Has only made things worse. Has only created more splinters. That are doing worse than the bosses that were in charge. Because these guys came from more humble beginnings. These new bosses don’t really know much about that. Only IG OR TIK TOK. no real mindset when it comes to see what it’s like to be poor cause they grew up with money. And the poor ones that are trying to be rich. Have no one to keep ‘em in check when they want to extort or kidnap or other shit. All I’ve seen are things getting worse when Coronel. Or el barbas and his brothers. Or the Arellanos gone. Things have definitely have gotten worse. Made more groups. No checks and balances. It’s horrible.

    Rubio NYC

    1. 3:51 yep, they should just stop looking for Don Mencho 👍

  27. Snorting Coke gives these guys gastritis, especially when it’s a lot, and this guy was well known for high cocaine use. So, the lack of cocaine gives him anxiety and leads to depression. Now, he doesn’t even know what or socking at him, hence the lost stare, and I’m sure they dressed him up like a private school middle school student so that people feel bad for him. This guy is a murderer, a psychopath, but yet not man enough to face his consequences

    1. You’re an idiot. It’s been documented the guys had issues since he was a kid…

  28. Who cares as long as he is in prison forever i couldnt care less about any of them

  29. My opinion is that he would be able to give up massive logistics loads of labs as well as his brother's whereabouts. He could write out quite a bit to save his ass. But the government the US government that is is going back on their deal they had with the CDS. LOS CHUPITOS BROKE THE RULES BY PRODUCING FENTANYL. So the deal to leave El chapo's kids alone as well as El Mayo is off the table. Although El Mario may not be producing fentanyl he may still have a deal in place because you don't hear about the VA going after a hardcore like El chapo's kids. I think it's true what others have said they are going to make an example of ovidio and hang him out to dry I believe he will get a life sentence plus a hundred years. I think it's silly to make a bet but honestly I want people to check back on what I said life plus a hundred years. Praying for Mexico praying for America

    1. @10:54 that’s the damn truth. They had a DEA snitch immunity deal but fucked it up bad.

    2. No we would know it by now. Politics works different with every new legislature. And new guys would have blown the whistle. Its more like with lion, no need to outrun the Lion, just be faster then your friends. And mayo was faster

  30. The lawyers are preparing his defense.


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