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Sunday, September 17, 2023

Poza Rica, Veracruz: Grupo Tercios Employ Pickaxes To Dispose Of Their Captives

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The armed criminal cell Grupo Tercios is back in the news again. We last heard from this 10 man team of assassins a month ago on the 18th of August of this year.

For that broadcast a shirtless male on his knees gave up details about illicit activities that involved the Jalisco New Generation Cartel in and around the city of Poza Rica, Veracruz.

At the time of that previous article’s release it was suspected that their captive was killed off camera afterwards. And here with this film all doubts are cleared about what actually happens with their prisoners. 

Two males are kneeling front and center before the contingent of hitmen. The kneeling man on the left is alive. 

While his partner on the right appears to be a deceased male who has been propped up for the recording of this film. The dismembered parts of another man can be seen in front of everyone. 

Video translation is as follows:

This message goes out to everyone who’s working independently. Store owners, H’s and the Charitas. We’re going to fucking destroy all of you. Keep thinking that nothing is going to happen to you guys. We’re the ones in charge here. We will snatch you out of your homes in the same manner that we removed these dumb asses that you see here. All the heads of the taxi syndicates need to fall into formation with us. Otherwise, you will end up cut into little pieces here. 

Sincerely, Grupo Tercios 

Jefe 01 and Jefe L01

Hitmen scream in unison: We are Grupo Tercios!


  1. Sic# 006 .Would you be so kind to provide some intel on Grupo Tercios. Weapons,Training and who they are aligned with.

    1. Does the real double o six even comment here anymore?

    2. can you think for yourself groupi?? need daddy leche in you huh

    3. no cry yourself to sleep now! you followers

    4. 1213 006 has the depression y anxiety como Oviedo. He will posy in a few days after he finishes crying.

    5. Sicario006 for president!

  2. I grew up as a child, out in Poza Rica...I recall lots of jungle and long walks to gather water for showering and laundry.

  3. Any peaceniks think the current pussyfied policy of Abrazos no Balazos is working? Hablador is nearing his 5th year in power, what will be his dead count? 150k? 170k? 185k?
    Would these men who got murdered in a medieval manner have been able to defend themselves with firearms if they could legally carry them outside of their own home?
    Too late for that now.

    1. Mexico surpassed 180,000 murders during ELMO's administration a few months back. He has to be getting close to 200,000 by now.

    2. He still has about 13+/- months left of his administration. How will his gullible fans reconcile the murdered numbers? Keep blaming the past presidentes as usual...

    3. And then you compare it with the numbers from p.diaz,fox, calderon, epn? If we see a hardliner going full force, the numbers would not fall.

    4. I blame Adam for eating that damn apple

    5. @5:13am He blamed it on a talking snake. I bet it was speaking Spanish.

    6. 9:34 Detroit

      He Elmo 🤣 for sure can't hide that under the carpet. What will his speech writer write? Only 6 got murdered while he was president.

    7. 11:59:
      See the June 3, 2023 BorderlandBeat article, "AMLO's Administration Has Seen the Most Homicides in Mexican History", posted by SoCalJ. Calderon had 120,000 homicides during his administration and EPN had 156,000. ELMO surpassed EPN's record many months ago.
      There is no one reliable source for the number of homicides in Mexico. Even the Mexican governments own statistics vary. Current homicides estimates for the ELMO admin are in the 185,000 to 190,000 range. According to ELMO's own statistics, homicides are in the 170,000 to 175,000 range. No matter whose numbers you use, homicides are at record levels under ELMO's security policy.
      Bukele proves what happens when you elect a hardass that puts a mano duro security policy in place. ELMO's security policy is an absolute failure and has led to the slaughter of untold thousands of Mexican men, women and children.

    8. As long as there is a market for drugs, there will be no shortage of suppliers. There is no security force in the world that can shut down these guys.

    9. You guys are full of crap believing that President amlo hasn't done anything yes there's alot of murders that's because the Mexican government is doing something about it not just a cartels grow up and spread facts

    10. Im going to punch all of you almo haters in the nose! He should change constitution so we have him for 6 more years!!!

      ~Almo chorizo rider

    11. 11:45:
      Get off ELMO's dick. Mexicans are being slaughtered because ELMO has absolutely no idea of what he is doing.
      Look at the Zacatecas-Jalisco border region. SEDENA is there and yet they do nothing because Papa ELMO doesn't have the huevos to tell them to do their job.
      Look at Guanajuato. Guanajuato is a giant killing field and ELMO does nothing.
      Look at Ostula. The people have been begging for the last five years for SEDENA and the National Guard to be sent in and ELMO surrenders his duty to protect his people and leaves them at the mercy of organized crime.
      Where is the National Guard? They are trying to keep honest and hard working people from reaching the U.S. because it's easier for ELMO to appease the U.S. rather than do his job.
      All Trump had to do was fart and ELMO jumped up and saluted him, and yet, ELMO surrenders vast portions of his country to organized crime.
      Biden is softer than Trump and ELMO still has more National Guard chasing down women and children seeking refuge in the U.S. than protecting his own people.
      Hitler went down in history for the holocaust that occurred in his country. History will remember Mexico's holocaust because it's coward president didn't have the courage to stand up to organized crime.
      Hopefully, Mexicans will vote in a president with some juevos in 2024 and we can forget about ELMO's disaster of a presidency.

    12. 2:51 looks like it will be someone with boobs.

    13. 528 is she Jewish? Is that good or bad?

    14. 7:34 you think she has an obligation to any other Mexicano besides Hablador?
      She'll be the same or more incompetent than him.

    15. Elmo has been bad mouthing the female candidate for President.

    16. AMLO's disaster presidency?! Hahaha, Detroit, what are you smoking. Let me remind you of the notable captures under AMLO. RCQ and his nephew "El R", Ovidio, el Omega, El Durango, Lupe Tapia and his son, La Vaca, El Marro, Huevo Trevino, El Cazador, El Contador, El Vaquero, Menchos brother El Montana and Menchos wife La Jefa to name a few...

      6 national dam projects
      12 national road projects
      4 wind farms
      1 solar energy farm
      6 Iberdola power plants
      Built 1 new oil refinery modernized 6 and bought one in Texas
      Nationalized the Lithium deposits
      Building the Tehuantepec Isthmus railway that will create an import/export route which equals more jobs.
      Construction of the Tren Maya which has created direct and indirect jobs and will attract tourism to that region.
      Built 3 new airports along the tren Maya route and remodeled 2
      AMLO scrapped the retarded idea of building an airport on top of Lake Texcoco and instead turned the lake into a national park.
      Rather than a flooded airport on top of a lake, AMLO opted to build the Felipe Angeles Airport for half the cost. All because he made use of his resources and used the military to build it. The construction of the Felipe Angeles Airport also includes an added museum and a new highway to get there.
      AMLO finally sold the presidential aircraft that cost over 200 million dollars and is using the funds to build 2 new state of the art hospitals in Oaxaca and Guerrero.
      Under AMLO the corrupt Polica federal was disbanded and absorbed by the Guardia Nacional. The 30k personnel were absorbed by the Guardia and an additional 90k GN personnel were hired. By the end of his term there should be close to 600 military stations throughout the country to house the 120k Guardia Nacional personnel.
      Under AMLO SeDeNa took charge of all land, air and sea ports of entry and not just moved the aduanas headquarters to Nuevo Laredo but is building a new state of the art facility to match the U.S border crossing technology.

      Now unlike his predecessors, AMLO has reclaimed Mexico's national sovereignty. He's limited the DEA's power on Mexican soil, he renegotiated the Merida Initiative with the Bicentennial agreement along with nationalizing and subsidizing Mexicos energy and natural resources. This still doesn't include his contributions to the health sector, the education sector and all of the social programs that the elderly, indigenous and disadvantaged youth have benefitted from. Now you can claim 200k people have been killed under AMLO's term but let's be honest and ask ourselves, of those 200k, how many of them were involved in a life of crime. You paint this pristine picture as if criminals are committing genocide against a defenseless population when the reality is, its criminals killing criminals with a small percentage of those deaths being innocent victims.

    17. 4:52 are you referring to Gálvez or Sheinbaum?

    18. 9:59:
      You are the king of ELMO chayoteros.


    20. LOL at Detroit. Prove me otherwise. There has been more arrest and extraditions of high profile targets under this administration than the last 3 combined... you say AMLO's presidency is a failure, tell me how California gas prices are doing in comparison to Mexicos? Hows the "super peso" doing against the failing dollar? What does the opposition have to say now about AMLO's purchase of the Deer Park oil refinery in Texas, the modernization of Mexicos 6 oil refineries and the construction of Dos Bocas? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    21. 5:42 California gasoline always cost more than other USA states or México. A better comparison are wages paid. How many people have left their homes in México to work in California or any other state in the USA from México or vice versa? You already know the answer.
      The "super peso" that isn't benefitting the people of México? Has the canasta básica decreased in price? What about the 16% IVA aka sales tax? Cost of gasoline, diesel or gas LP? Who's really benefitting?
      Tell me how much do USA dollar remittances compare to other sectors of the economy. Peanuts? Greater than oil production, tourism, drug trafficking? Yup you know.
      Have the three signature projects of AMLO (AIFA, Dos Bocas refinery and Tren Maya) been on budget, under or typically over budget? Built on schedule? Are they generating profits?
      I see you now write that the two "state of the art" hospitals in Guerrero and Oaxaca are being built. Glad that stuck with you.
      Any past presidentes get sent to prison yet?
      No le pongas tanta crema a los tacos vato.

  4. My goodness Mexicans see each other like cattle. Amazing what money can and does. Thank you again Mr Sol for showing us this. So that we can see the lengths people are willing to go for paper.

    I have a question for you Mr Sol.
    How do you feel about all this. I mean all the clips you have put up. This style of killing. I mean I don’t think is that you are possibly into SNUFF films. Do you believe this is making or still making some kind of impact to each other as enemies. Or is it more now like a “cool” style of killing, instead of the typical headshot?

    Rubio NYC

    1. I would call it a "Performative Folk Art" at this stage.. Or, The Cruelty-Olympics.. Or,how about "Aztec Games"..

    2. It’s not just in Mexico. It’s all over the world buddy.

    3. 1231 looooooool. I think the performance one fits the best. Cause it actually does look like it.
      Rubio NYC

    4. I’m pretty sure that shock factor gives locals a great apprehension whenever these groups are mentioned. It might not make much sense to many people but the quiet tools are always the best ones to employ.

    5. Thank you Sol. I just had to ask. Cause I figured these groups must be desensitized with one another. And the drugs and drinking they do makes them do worse things. The sad part is that they aren’t following the Notorious BIG rule “ Never get high on your own supply”. Especially when it’s crystal. That shit makes you so violent. I used to take adderals for ADD. and stopped because I did t like that it was giving me this real shitty attitude. And I fight Muay Thai. And wanted to just go around kicking people. It’s was not me. Adderals are an amphetamine like crystal. But crystal is really bad. I just hope these fuckers stick to come like the old timers. It that’s wishful thinking.

      Rubio NYC

  5. Wow, WatF Shiz.

    That’s extremely brutal and creative.

    Where the hell is Poza Riza?!

    1. Es Poza Rica y esta en Veracruz puñetas!

  6. Damn, see what happens when Mexicanos no tienes pistolas!?

    They resort to pick axes. Next round will be a boulder smashing contest filled by sledge hammers and hatchet throwing.

    There’s gold in them hills! Shiny like meth rocks 🪨

  7. Isn't Grupo Sombra still active in this region of Veracruz?

    1. They would do the same thing remember?

    2. Yes they are in Alamo, Tantoyuca, ebano and all the areas north of poza rica. They are just very quite

  8. LO QUE son Puro GRUPO COBARDES HIJOS DE SU PU@##TA MADRE QUE Verguenza de gente Ignorante que solo por hacerle casa a un Perro de Jefe ya pagaran en El Infiero Bola De Lacras y Cobardes que diran sus hijos mi Papa tien un buen trabajo cuando es lo contrari haciendo sosas que se los van a llevar derchito con El Diabolico y CHASM COBARDES.

    1. Todo chido lo que dijiste, pero porfavor usa las ,,,,,,'s, porque no te entendi ni madres

  9. They think they scaring rivals with shit like this but instead what they do is piss their rivals off and make sure if one of their own gets captured by rivals will suffer a similar death. Stupid motherfuckers a bullet to the head is all you need.

  10. who the hell are these assholes supposed to be? what happened to that bullshit line cartels always try to feed us about not extorting the public and not killing Innocents? all this would do is piss me off if I was a store owner.

  11. also the majority of these guys look 9 months pregnant. what are they doing over there? there must be some amazing food!!! 🤣

    1. It's thier gear. I thought the same thing until I really looked at it...looks like magazines and whatnot

  12. Replies
    1. that's perfectly fitting. 🤣🤣🤣

  13. Menchos people with them m4s

  14. Everyone saying that this shit has been done since the beginning of time is right! What is wrong is that third world mentality has not evolved through some civilizations. I mean, it took thousands of years for apes to involve into man. Parts of Mexico are third world. We have our lifetime ahead of us to witness this behavior. It will never stop. The screams heard in this film will never stop. Buanas Noches...

  15. I think this is a re-incarnation of Grupo Sombra.Same area of operation plus the last pick-ax execution video was committed by Grupo Sombra, so perhaps this Tercios name is in reference to this being the third incarnation of Grupo Sombra?
    Whoever they are, this type of brutality is like something out of Mortal Kombat. FINISH HIM! Fatality....

  16. They need to sharpen their machete. Like it took ages for them to kill the dude xD
    They're so bad at that

    1 fat american police recruit would probably shit on the whole family hahaha

    Any european kid would be able to beat all of then too.


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