Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Reynosa, Tamaulipas: Mexican Federal Forces Capture El Roque And His Bodyguards

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

Female broadcaster: And now on security issues in Tamaulipas. El M58 was arrested following an operation that was implemented this morning. He is one of the operational chiefs for the Gulf Cartel. Good afternoon Carolina Garza. Go ahead with your report.

Carolina Garza: I greet you from the city of Reynosa where I am commenting in relation to this information that has been taking place during the morning hours and over the course of the last eight hours.

Here in the city of Reynosa this morning federal forces captured Roque Cruz Fuentes alias El Roque M58. He is identified as a criminal leader with operations in the Tamaulipas border. And is one of the main targets for the authorities. This following the search of properties in the El Olmito neighborhood in the northwest of the city. 

This operation also resulted in the arrest of eight other people and the rescue of a kidnapped woman. Since seven o'clock this morning, the overflight of three helicopters from the Ministry of National Defense was observed over the neighborhoods of Hacienda Las Fuentes, El Olmito and Las Camelias. As well as multiple patrols of the Mexican Army Special Forces and National Guard. 

The identity of the individuals who would face justice was kept secret until that time in the morning. Several hours later, a strong security device was maintained in the surrounding area. The Notario Miguel Aldrete Gutiérrez street in the Olmito neighborhood was closed off until this afternoon. Finally a search warrant issued by the Public Ministry was executed for two properties that had remained within this perimeter by security forces. 

El Roque and eight of his bodyguards were detained by federal agents. While a woman, an alleged kidnapped victim, was also taken to the investigation unit of the Specialized Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime. The detainees were taken in an armored bus to the facilities of the Federal Prosecutor's Office.


  1. People respected that fat fuck? Lol

    1. That fat fuck would of got you and your family chopped up in pieces and fed to dogs 🤷🏻‍♂️

    2. Might not be respect, maybe just fear of his violent actions.

    3. You momo has the body of a tortilla and u respect her , so what is you really saying 🥵

    4. He put in work

    5. His mom should open a restaurant

    6. 10:08 he would eat u himself no dogs around he ate them all already

    7. 10:08 what are you related to the fat fuck?

  2. Does el Roque M58 have a Special Forces military background like Sicario #006?

    1. They worked the Cafeteria

    2. I heard 006 was captured,any truth to that? I haven’t seen him comment lately

    3. Sic006 is currently in training with MI6 and S.A.S .

    4. Sicario 006 faked his death. He is now part of the most secretive elite special ops unit in the world. Nobody even knows anything about the unit.

    5. I thought Sicario 006 was currently fighting in the Ukraine?

  3. He was difficult to capture because he would always run away.

    1. Annoying, that running away thing.

  4. El vato mas pesado de todo Reynosa.That dude was a big fish or pig in this case haahhahahaha

  5. Replies
    1. Lmao why else do you think he has so many guards??

    2. I Just hope that his bodyguards have walkie talkies so the bodyguards on one side of him can communicate with the body guards on the other side.

    3. @348 — “The boss needs his hourly enchiladas!”

      *beep beep*

  6. That ballena should be called el 85 Toneladas

  7. Tanto pinche show para agarrar a un nadien. Porque no agarraron al mofles o el mono o la chispa los lamehuevos de la primita y las jaliscas.

  8. Did they really have to add a big ass arrow to identify that fucker? Come on, that's excessive. Did anyone believe he would be confused with a Rotoplast?


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