Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo León: The Interrogation Of Maria Jorgina Gomez Coronado

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A lone female appears on film in the dead of night in a secluded area outside of town. She is sitting on the ground with her legs crossed on the rural terrain. Her hands and field of vision are covered with grey duct tape. 

The bright glare of several spot lights illuminate the desolate surroundings. An unknown male with an authoritative voice will question her before she abruptly leaves this world. 

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario: What’s your name?

Captive: Maria Jorgina Gomez Coronado. 

Sicario: How old are you?

Captive: 29. 

Sicario: Where do you live?

Captive: 415 Guadalupe Perez Interior. 

Sicario: What’s the reason that you find yourself here?

Captive: I was prostituting myself with the Civil Force. 

Sicario: Tell me the name of the place where you were giving the Civil Force intel?

Captive: It took place at the Hacienda Larraldeña comunal cemetery. 

Sicario: Give me the names of the policemen from the Civil Force that you would have sex with and give intel to. 

Captive: Angel Mario Torres, José Antonio de la Cruz, and Alfredo Gonzalez Izairi. 

Sicario: How often would you go see them?

Captive: Every 3 days or every week. 

Sicario: Who else besides you did the Civil Force see as well?

Captive: 4 other women. 

Sicario: How much was everyone being paid for the sex and the intel?

Captive: Anywhere from 1500-2000 pesos. 


  1. why the captives always admit that they have done something bad. Why don't they say that they are innocent?

    1. Because lying would make it worse for them.

    2. Possibly for a painless quick death!

    3. If they respond with an unwanted reply that doesn’t fit the kidnappers/killers narrative it will only lead to a more painful death.

    4. @5.13 They would have said they were innocent when the doors were kicked in by armed men, then when they were thrown by their hair into a vehicle, then again when they were left huddling in a corner for hours, or days. I have no idea if what she says is true or not, but we only get to see the point where the victim is broken and will confess to anything.

    5. @5.29. Or telling the truth would be worse for them. It isn't always about truth or lies in cases like this, it's about how badly the people responsible for the job need that message sent to the authorities.. They will happily take a young woman and give her a script if she's a witness to the original attack and has to die anyway, and she will read from it thinking she'll be freed.

    6. nah it's a fair point 99% of them admit everything and give names and locations.. it's a strange thing. yes there are good reasons to cooperate but not everyone would - i guess we only get to see the videos where they get what they want

  2. So, let me get this straight. Since the cartels can’t take on the Fuerza Civil in Nuevo León, they have now resulted to destroying Fuerza Civil’s image by exposing them as people who pay for sex ? Interesting strategy.

    1. 5:20 - Bro, I’m honestly so confused right now. So instead of the cartels accusing Fuerza Civil of being corrupted or stealing from the people in Nuevo León, they’re instead accusing Fuerza Civil of paying for sex ? Like ok ? Are the Mexican people supposed to care ? What the hell are the Mexican people suppose to do with this information ?

    2. Online chatter claims this was Cartel del Noreste. So, there's always that angle to look at as well.

    3. 05:20 I don’t understand. Was she working for a rival cartel? Did she forget to pay her pimp?

      Isn’t prostitution legal in most of Mexico?! They’re a shitload of sex store brothel autopista hotel motel whore houses everywhere from Mexico City south.

      What kind of intel could the girl possibly obtain from sex work? Pillow talk!?

      I seen em.

  3. Smh got killed for 80 - 115 usd a week smh you will earn 6 times that amount doing min wage. Even postitutes getting hit . Mex gov gotta smoke some like h2

    1. I’m from that same town and you get payed 1200 pesos working 60 hours a week at a warehouse at that

  4. Say it or get tortured and still say it

    1. @5.34. And then when we film, say what we tell you to say or die. Then die anyway

  5. Covering of the eyes in my opinion gives this young women a more calm and sense of not knowing when the shot comes..also some type of feeling towards her by her captors. Emphaty or sympathy

    1. @5.38. You make it sound like blindfolded executions are an act of kindness, instead of a way to keep the people they are killing docile and unable to cause problems. Empathy/sympathy...

  6. The director of the video often insists that their one-time action stars stick to the script and repeat their rehearsed dialogue verbatim..
    Ad-libbing strictly frowned upon..
    If everyone was allowed to ramble on peevishly about their personal problems, the production would run long and over budget..
    Folks mostly tune in to the very end of the broadcast to catch the moment of truth when the sinner is sent to meet his hopefully more understanding maker..
    The filmed finale is guaranteed to shock, but there's never a surprise ending..

  7. They did or they Almost caught Alfredo Guzman any info please share

  8. Same guy posting here... So Alfredo managed to get away but they caught 2 of his guys Brayn y Kevin. Helicopters in all the enrances of Culiacan. There is a man hunt going on.. thats all the info I got anyone else wanna shed some more light. I think they will Capturea Aldredo soon.

    1. Let us know if you find out more

    2. @08:16 Tres Ríos, en el municipio de Culiacán, Sinaloa, en donde presuntamente detuvieron a dos personas.

      Información preliminar refiere que las personas detenidas estaban en posesión de armas largas y una camioneta tipo Hummer de color negro.

      If you know the whereabouts of Alfredo Guzman Salazar please contact President Andres ALMO, the DEA Chapitos tip line, the American White House, and Cartel Medellin for rewards leading to the arrest, capture, or killing of the new lidir of Los Chapitos who are responsible for the deaths of more than 500000 people in North America.

      Last seen driving a black hummer in Tres Ríos (Three Rivers) neighborhood of Culiacan- Sinaloa México. Considered homicidal , armed, under the influence, and dangerous do not contact the Policia Federal, Policia Municipal, Special Agent Culero at the DEA, or the Mexican National Guard if Alfredo Guzman leader of Chapitos is encountered.

      The safest play is to discretely contact the Marinos, SEDNA, President Biden, Robert Dinero, Chuck Schumer, the GOP, or the Mothers Against Fentanyl who will coordinate the indictment, capture, and sentencing of the World’s Most Powerful Drug Cartel’s de facto family leader.

    3. 06:31 Definitely Alfredo is a rap. His goose is cooked. Then Ivan Archivaldo and JGL.

      There's nowhere to run and everyone knows where they hide. Mexico is motivated to get dem Boyz before Ted Cruz invades Mexico and shames them with his mullet.

    4. No one should ever have to be confronted by a mullet its just not right and shameful and ewwww

  9. Cdn not nice. Is it necessary to smoke the working girls?

    1. 707 mannnnn you’re right. Killing that buseta like that.
      Soooooooo wrong
      Rubio NYC

  10. Every police force has a sadistic asshole like this on board. They know that the victim is already fucked to the maximum, now they have to yell at them to feel better about themselves. Fucked-up ppl who pass on that fucked-up mentality


  12. News about Alfredo Guzman - new leader of Los Chapitos Cartel Sinaloa. Saturday September 23, 2023.

    Jesus Alfredo escapes capture as Los Marina attack.

  13. Solo era una sexo servidora. Cuál es la ganancia de matarla ?

    1. Soy de ese mismo lugar y ella se metia con falcones y le sacaba info para la fuerza civil

    2. Falcones??? Y eso??? Porque no con agulas o mejor halcones???


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