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Sunday, September 10, 2023

San Luis Potosí Governor Denounces That Citizens Can Buy Firearms Through Parcel Delivery

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

* Ricardo Gallardo Cardona, lamented that anyone can carry a gun and carry out violent acts in the streets.

After a couple of armed conflicts took place last Monday, one on highway 57 and the other in the El Dorado Shopping Plaza, the governor of San Luis Potosi, Ricardo Gallardo Cardona, affirmed that now anyone can access firearms, even by parcel delivery. This represents a latent security problem that must be addressed from a young age, said the governor.

"Any person now has access to a gun even by parcels, and it is very unfortunate that this is happening. Any person has a .22 or .38 in his house, any person feels like Robocop and goes out and undoes things. Society today is in a very bad shape". Said the governor of San Luis Potosi.

Ricardo Gallardo Cardona stated that something has to be done to "reshape society, but from the grassroots". He explained that, for his part, he tries to have a lot of contact with young people, in order to prevent them from taking the wrong path and end up committing criminal acts. He is committed to education and to dissuading people from having firearms in their homes.

Finally, the governor said that the vast majority of people who engage in drug dealing lack education, they are forced to get ahead in life through the sale of illicit substances. However, this would not happen if there were not a high demand for these types of products and very permissive spaces on this issue.

Código San Luis


  1. Give up your armed protection you fuckhead. Another blatantly hypocritical stance by some liberal liar. Guns for me NOT thee, right lying liberal. God bless the 2nd amendment and God bless MY USA and my God given right of sled defense. Rough estimate… 60% less population but 30% more murders at least! Still blaming guns? Go ahead! I’m keeping mine so fuck you hypocrite liberals!

    1. Right… if guns weren’t necessary then why does he have an entourage of armed guards? Lol

    2. I actually can't decipher whether or not you're serious

    3. Stick ya guns up ya ass Usa school shooting pricks

    4. Gun lovers remain ignorant of what the 2nd Amendment actually says.

    5. No, liberals remain ignorant of the US Constitution and it's meaning. And if they hate the country so bad then why don't they move to a communist country to live?

  2. First take care of the drug cartels.
    You wont because they pay you to look the other way?

    1. 8:56 - Supply and demand. Eliminating the suppliers ( the cartels ) won’t stop the drug trade as long as the demand for drugs still exists in America and all over the world. Mexico could eliminate every cartel on existence, and eventually a new one will rise. Why? Because the demand is still there, so the potential to make billions is also still there. And I know someone is going to bring up how cartels have begun diversifying and how drugs are now no longer there main source of income. It doesn’t matter. We all know drug trafficking is still a big portion of their income. If we have the opportunity to take away hundred of millions out of the cartels pockets by lowering drug addiction, are we seriously not going to just because it’s no longer their main source of income ? 100 million dollars is still 100 million dollars, doesn’t matter how much more you’re making. Taking away millions means less money to buy equipment, less money to bribe officials, less money to pay their sicarios etc.

    2. Not only to look the other way but to stick head up ones own ass 8:56

    3. Yeah, walter white wasnt the main problem, it was the Southwest's population that caused murder.

  3. Mexico disarmed it's people a long time ago. We can see how that worked out. People need to be able to defend themselves. The police don't protect anyone.

    1. They recently have set up
      A bunch of gun buyback programs

  4. Ese wey vende culo a Operativa Belika, San Luis es de los San Wichos, nobody wants those jaliscas entering!

  5. Parcel delivery? Pasen el dato. Me urge tener pistola para mi casa.

  6. Yo me estoy clavando a una barbie de san luis Potosi.. que Rica les recomiendo una Potosina gallos

  7. Tell Governor Abbott to stop sending bus loads to Los Angeles, we have lots of issues, as we speak. Homelessness, drug addicts.

    1. Yeah abbot is one of the biggest losers in politics dude has blood on his hands bunch of dumbass Republicans down there in big ole Texas

    2. Tell your mama to stop sending hes ass to texas

    3. 4:01 Nino not funny, Texas is with a capital T, and don't forget your periods at the end of a sentence. Be productive send worthwhile comments. Sol is #1

  8. Mr Gob you are a dick, how about rejecting the bribes are going tough on corruption and extortion and kidnapping.

  9. YES. YES. Assault rifles next.

  10. Governer is dumb, big shout out to Sol the machine.
    Hearst too your god.

    Rubio NYC


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