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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Sinaloa Cartel Uses Pharmaceutical Tablet Presses In The Production Of Fentanyl Pills

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

In the last four years and eight months, the Mexican Army has seized 33 tableting machines used in the production of fentanyl pills from the Sinaloa Cartel, which are the same as those used in the pharmaceutical sector to manufacture tablets of different sizes, shapes and presentations.

According to El Universal, so far in 2023, military authorities have managed to seize eight of these machines; and since 2019 to date they have seized 33, which were secured in 21 drug laboratories dismantled in Sinaloa, and one in Tijuana, Baja California.

In said synthetic drug manufacturing centers, the Army also managed to secure 619 kilos of fentanyl, 3 million 769 thousand 628 pills, 8 kilos of heroin, 229 kilos of methamphetamine, one kilo of cocaine and 22 properties, according to the newspaper, according to data from the Sedena.

The newspaper also interviewed chemist Jorge Cardenas, who explained that these machines are necessary for the tablets to contain the exact amount of fentanyl. "He explains that a hopper, that is, a 100-kilo container, can carry less than one kilo of fentanyl and the rest are excipients, additives and inert material, such as talcum powder". On the other hand, he points out that 500,000 pills are obtained from one kilo of fentanyl powder.

In the article, the specialist points out that these machines, programmed to mix the solids, are not authorized in Mexico, so they must be acquired by a pharmaceutical company, and that they can be brought from countries such as China.

El Universal also interviewed Manuel Balcázar, associate researcher at the Center for Studies on Security, Intelligence and Governance of the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM), who points out that drug trafficking organizations are becoming more fentanyl manufacturers in the country.

"Even if there were restrictions, second-hand markets, stolen or contraband products could be obtained and installed," he said.

He added that "criminals are exporting drugs to the United States with the networks they already have because of the ease of being able to move without being detected through traditional mechanisms.

He pointed out that the model is changing, after the criminal groups observed that the profit is less and less in natural drugs and more in synthetic drugs".

For his part, Artemio Cantú, a retired DEA agent, pointed out to the media "that a basic tablet maker does not need a very large space, so the pills can be made in an apartment or house".


  1. What did el universal think, that they design new machines? Of course you take those from big pharma, well designed, reliable, high output and they are available. Police should use this knowledge instead of complaining.

    1. They’re not even from big pharma… you used to be able to buy them on eBay maybe even still to this day, but I’m sure the actual pill imprint is not allowed…

    2. Lmfaooo an eBay version is not for commercial products.

      A pharmaceutical one is calibrated and is bigger

    3. @458 — no they had the very same pill mills shown in this article!! Same gigantic ass press!

    4. You can get em from

  2. Replies
    1. Would be awsome if you went to chicago and scream arriva la chapuza when raton is in trial 😂

  3. Well it’s safe to say that SNITCHaloa is officially the devil. Pushing this stuff. “Profit margins are lower with natural drugs” yea they got pushed out, and in turn are ruining the market. All we have waking around are zombies.

    1. Uhhh so they were saints until then? Wtf is your rabbit ass mind thinking?

  4. I wanna see one of those cheerleaders yell ARRIBA LA CHAPIZA while Ovida is in her next court see how much it would help. The truth it could have been Julano de Tal's pill maker and still the heat is gonna go to the Punks. Shit really ain't looking good for them seems like uncle Sam wants em bad.

  5. They make it sound like it's something new.
    These tablet machines are readily sold on the secondhand market.
    In the Netherlands they have been been using them for the past 30 years for xtc pills

  6. B-b-b-busted!!!

    No Mayo cartoons on the walls?

  7. On a completely unrelated note... It boggles my mind to this day about both Z-40 AND Z-42 were presented to the world completely uncuffed...

    I mean, what other cartel figures in MX have done the same?? let alone on their level and with their past???

    and is it not completely demoralizing for the military to be shown by his side, as he walks uncuffed.. seemingly with what appears not a single worry in the world..

    What kind of message is this? Why were they given such leniency and priviledge?

    1. Don't worry about big zeta poppy! He will make you bite the pillow!

    2. For one, neither were as big or notorious as Chapo. Neither had escaped twice. Neither had big shootouts when arrested. They came hard for the Guzman's. Z40 gave up, no shots fired.

    3. 324, but chapo lost at the game! He is where he never wanted to be. Big zeta poppy under paid protection in Mexico still calling shots. That takes power.

    4. That's winning ay? None of them are winners. Not one. If he's so powerful, why is he in a cell? Even the POS Chapo escaped 2x. Surely if Miguel is so powerful, he could leave. Not even a crime to escape in Mexico. He ain't no better, or badder than anyone. All the bosses are tough when they kill vatos who've already been "heated up", bound, and surrounded by 20 other tracked out zombies. They're all the same kid. None of them would be anything if the laws were enforced.

  8. The blues have torn up Phoenix. I see teenage homeless zombies that are barely alive. You can debate the drug war forever but we can all agree that it's poison. Bye bye Raton.

    1. I wonder if they made their way to Alaska? Likely so I’m sure… I couldn’t imagine having to be an addict in fucking Alaska..

    2. Everything yoo expensive and cold in Alaska

    3. @815 — I’d love to know their drug prices… has to be comparable to Australia, distant island prices.. and like you said, all the harsh weather makes it even harder to bring in drugs too

    4. There is for sure fent m30's and power in Alaska. It's a small market, but a profitable one for locals. Mostly by mail.


      major issue there. all the transient workers, plus poverty plus isolation, lack of jobs.

    6. The thing is, nobody got them addicted to those pills except themselves. Know why I’m not addicted to fentanyl? Because I don’t smoke or pop blues

    7. Phoenix is a shit hole


  10. Pinche gente corriente que consume drogas.
    Igual de corriente que los que la venden.

  11. There's a video on grillonautas that there was a confrontation in Sinaloa with cjng being involved.
    Atte: Mr real

  12. Have new video & info on the fighting in Rosario, a clash just happened right now

  13. I wounder who Ovidio gonna give up now

  14. BB posted about that shootout on 9/9/23. Comments were saying it was internal fighting between Chapitos groups.

    1. New fighting today 9/20/23 I know it was published last week still going on.

    2. 8:04 okay so what're the rumors on who's fighting?

  15. His going to give up his uncle 3 months

  16. Alibaba has plenty more pill presses. And precursor chemicals.


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