Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, September 15, 2023

Statement From Attorney General Merrick B. Garland On The Extradition Of Ovidio Guzman Lopez From Mexico To The United States

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This Press Release was reposted from Office of Public Affairs U.S. Department Of Justice 

Friday 15, 2023

The Justice Department issued the following statement from Attorney General Merrick B. Garland on the extradition of Ovidio Guzman Lopez, son of Joaquin Guzman Loera, aka “El Chapo,” from Mexico to the United States:

“Today, as a result of United States and Mexico law enforcement cooperation, Ovidio Guzman Lopez, a leader of the Sinaloa Cartel was extradited to the United States. This action is the most recent step in the Justice Department’s effort to attack every aspect of the cartel’s operations. The fight against the cartels has involved incredible courage by United States law enforcement and Mexican law enforcement and military servicemembers, many of whom have given their lives in the pursuit of justice. I am grateful to them and to the Department’s prosecutors for their work and their sacrifice. I am also grateful to our Mexican government counterparts for this extradition. The Justice Department will continue to hold accountable those responsible for fueling the opioid epidemic that has devastated too many communities across the country.”

Updated September 15, 2023


  1. He gone be out in a couple of years like mayito gordo who is now a business man in San Diego or vicente zambada who is in the Dubai with citizhenship and a high ranking business man 👏 Sinaloa just smart dudes

    1. Not really Mr.
      He will be locked up, way over 10 years, USA justice don't like dealers that Fentanyl and have on American soil.

    2. No digas amadas ary jane

    3. Mayito wasn't high ranking. Vicente has deals going on with the DEA and testified against El Chapo. Ovidio is fucked. He's going away for at least 20 years if not life.

    4. 😂😂😂😂 CDS fans telling them selfs lies so they can go to sleep with out crying 🤣🤣🤣

    5. Jaja, who is El Raton Gordo gonna snitch out?! There's nobody left to snitch on except the DEA, DHS, and CIA.

    6. @7:06 now I know you full of 💩because in Dubai non emirates are not allowed to get citizenship even if you marry a citizen from Dubai u still will never get citizenship just a temporary visa.

    7. Pinche mayo gorda y vicentillo le sacaron brillo al USA judge y le dieron las nalgas del cds.

    8. Mi familia va orar y resar por el señor Ovideo

  2. ABC news confirms Ovidio Guzman Lopez is in USA SOIL


    1. @Char Thanks! =)

      Wohooo, yuppie! No mas Raton

    2. He's going to rat on his brother's or low level operators and their trafficking operations. Maybe even all the information they have on cjng.

  3. Waste of money for a trophy. Basically this will have no effect on the chapitos faction much less on the cds as a whole other than upset the guzmans because their brother is done for. I bet he wishes he at least changed his house and went low key after his first arrest.

  4. 3 separate shout-outs to Mex military and law enforcement in a relatively short statement, I'm sure the u.s. feds had to muscle/bribe their Mexican counterparts a bit, but publicly, so not to ruffle diplomatic feathers, they want it to appear that everyone's working hand-in-glove, it's brave Batman and Robin manning the foxholes against the bad boogeymen with the fentanyl and hungry tigers..

  5. In the letter chapo sent his children he basically tells em that the attorney had a list of names of foos they wanted

  6. Manufacturing companies are moving to Mexico from China, Mexico will comply faster with USA. USA wanted Raton very bad, others are still waiting list for extradition.

  7. Winter arriving in Chicago, tell the Chapitos to bring him winter cloths...

  8. El mayo send a message to los. CHapitos se calman o los mando para el gabacho

  9. Chicago es cuidado de ratones

  10. He’s gonna be La Chupizon now

  11. "O gentle son, upon the heat and flame of thy distemper, sprinkle cool patience"

  12. Free El Raton. Another arrest with absolutely zero effect on the lost “drug war!” Arriba la chapiza

  13. The good old hypocrite US government knowing they work with cdsnitches 💯

  14. ADX like dad. Too much political pressure with number of deaths by fentanyl and Ovidio was a major supplier.

  15. His visa application was approved rather quickly. I wonder if he will get permanent residency or only a temporary stay?

  16. They will hopefully make an example of him and give him life in a supermax solitary

  17. This fucking little weasel is just as evil as the drug dealing scum he is prosecuting. Thank God this child raping looking fuck didn’t get on the Supreme Court. The liberal White and the liberal Jew are the two most hateful and dangerous people when it comes to minorities. Especially Blacks. Whoever can’t see that might as well lay on the train tracks cause you’re worthless. I’m sure this is calculated on chapitos part and the info he will rat will be carefully chosen so he can see freedom one day soon

    1. Today is Saturday great day for a Barbeque. Carne asada sounds good.

  18. Viva mexico alv 🇲🇽💯🥳

  19. Now watch and see him these next few weeks in court live up to his name. 🐀 just watch

  20. He'll be held as an example especially since the trial will be during the election. He's super F'd.

  21. Good now this will cripple the cartel drug trade.... oh wait... it never does is government is a joke..

  22. He looks about as trustworthy and believable as Fauci.


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