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Friday, September 8, 2023

The Hunt for La Kena

 By “Itzli” for Borderland Beat

Military operations in Tamaulipas, Matamoros throughout the week appear to be targeting CDG Matamoros faction leader La Kena.

Monday Shootout

Expounding on previous reporting by Borderland Beat, on Monday, September 4, 2023, Mexican military forces of the Secretaría de Marina (SEMAR), along with the Fiscalía General de Justicia of Tamaulipas, conducted operations in the city of Matamoros in which four cartel members were killed and a bystander injured, which was later described to be the result of a kidnapping investigation.

Online reports began to circulate at 10:40 AM indicating a shootout occurring near the Periférico/Buena Vista/Paseo Residencial neighborhoods of Matamoros. Fifteen minutes later, it would be reported that Naranjo street had been closed and the first pictures began to emerge of the scene.

Based upon video taken from a Walmart parking lot, the black SUV is near the corner of Naranjo and Paseo de Arbol, close to Planchaduria Coral, and it appears that both streets would eventually be closed.

Thereafter, it was reported that a member of a family traveling in a nearby vehicle was injured by a stray bullet, although the location described was miles away from Naranjo street.

Just over an hour after the shootout occurred, the United States Consulate in Matamoros announced that their employees were sheltering in place.

Identifying the Dead

Within two hours of the shootout, a picture circulated of one of the individuals that was killed along with a vest indicating they were “Special Forces of Boss XIX Gulf Cartel”, a reference to José Alberto “La Kena” García Vilano, leader of the Matamoros faction of the Cártel del Golfo (CDG, Gulf Cartel), whose code number 19 is frequently stylized in Roman numerals. 

According to rumors that spread around the same time, the shootout took place “around the corner” from two houses of leaders of the CDG in Matamoros, with two other homes said to be located a few blocks away.

Initial rumors identified three of the individuals killed as SC70/Yeyo, SC5, and Jane, although it would later be said that SC70 was still alive, SC5 and Jane still rumored to have been killed, and the additional identification of Alacran 273 among the four individuals killed. It should be noted that SC70 is a reference to “Escorpión 70”, who is in charge of cartel operations in the city of Río Bravo. Also known as “El Yeyo”, some sources claim his real name is Diego Salas, while other sources claim his name is Diego Aurelio Salgado.

Furthermore, some sources have identified SC5 as José “El Cachetes” Sanchéz García, who was once a regional leader of the CDG in Aldama, Soto la Marina, and Abasol, as discussed in CDG Matamoros Part 10: Dawn of a New Era. However, this appears to be a mistake, as others identify him as Raymundo “El Cachetes” Saldaña, whose identity was notably exposed online in December 2019. While the death of SC5 has been mourned, there are rumors that he was not among those killed and is merely taking advantage of the situation to keep authorities from searching for him. 

Helicopter Operations

While media has generally focused on the shootout, it should be noted that reports of SEMAR helicopters flying over Matamoros, along with videos, began around noon on September 4, as well as video of additional operations taking place in the city. Amidst additional video, it was rumored that the second in command of “La Kena” was moving between safehouses to avoid arrest.

At one point, a helicopter either touched down or flew low enough to send debris flying down a street in the Valle de Los Reyes neighborhood. It should be noted that this location is relatively nearby where the innocent civilian was reportedly hit by a stray bullet.

Hunting La Kena

Throughout the afternoon of Monday, September 4, dangerous situations were reported in Matamoros, such as gunshots and car chases on Teotihuacán street, apparently in the Fundadores neighborhood. It would be said that authorities were hunting for La Kena by land, sea, and air.

That evening, pictures of a white Escalade SUV with numerous gunshot markings on the bulletproof glass began to circulate. It was said that La Kena had escaped the shootout with SEMAR and later abandoned the vehicle.

The following day, footage showing SEMAR forces firing on the vehicle in which the four cartel members were killed began to spread. One of the vehicles involved was a gray van, in which soldiers appear to be discreetly traveling in. 

Eventually surveillance footage appeared showing the same van arriving near a parked white SUV and a shootout takes place before the SUV escapes. This appears to be the vehicle in which “La Kena” allegedly escaped.

It would be claimed that “La Kena” was injured in this incident and was treated at a clinic before being taken to a safehouse, possibly outside of Matamoros near the dirt roads connecting to the beaches.

Thursday Operations

During the evening of Thursday, September 7, additional operations took place in Matamoros. A dangerous situation was first reported in the Sección 16/Lucio Blanco neighborhoods. Helicopters were once again shown flying over the city and spikes were left on Virgilio Garza Ruiz Avenue, in the Hacienda del Puente neighborhood. 

A shootout and car chase was reported in the Valle de Los Reyes, the same neighborhood in which a helicopter was shown flying low or touching down on Monday, September 4. Around the same time, a dangerous situation was reported nearby on Brecha 30, near the Los Palmares neighborhood. At some point there appears to have been a protest against the soldiers, but it was quickly dispersed.

It would be said that cartel members were worried about leaving their safehouses and it was alleged that Americans were embedded with SEMAR forces. Footage would be shown of soldiers manning a roadblock and it was said that operations were being conducted in the Sección 16, Baghdad Sur, and Voluntad y Trabajo neighborhoods, along with Agapito González Avenue.

Rumors would indicate that SEMAR forces had located three safehouses where “La Kena” was believed to be hiding and that it would be a matter of time before he was located.

The Kidnapping

Amidst the rumors that “La Kena” would be captured or killed comes allegations that he had kidnapped someone he shouldn’t have, which echoes the official reports from Monday, September 4, in which the operation was described as having stemmed from a kidnapping investigation.

Some point to the August 10, 2023 disappearance of Julio Cesar Lazo Rodríguez, whose brother, Francisco Javier Lazo Rodríguez, is allegedly a close associate of Carlos Fabián “El Cuate” Martínez Pérez, son-in-law of Osiel Cárdenas Guillén. 

Others allege that Juan de Dios, said to be the biggest cartel financial operator in Matamoros, as well as owner of the Hotel El Paisano, located in the 20 de Noviembre neighborhood, had been kidnapped by La Kena and was forced to hand over large sums of money. This appears to be a reference to Juan de Dios “El Camelia” Gómez González, who had been previously identified by the United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) as the principal drug distributor in Matamoros who had direct ties to Colombia. On a side note, it appears that José Alfredo “El Contador” Cárdenas Martínez married Balkys Marlene García Leal at the El Paisano hotel.

While some allege that “El Camelia” had recently returned to Matamoros from Colima and was suspected of passing information to the Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación, others allege that “La Kena” had crossed a line with the killing of “El Camelia” and that the Cárdenas family would be replacing him with Armando “El Pajarito” López Garcés, code name “Escorpión 7”.

Ultimately, one must consider the possibility that the fall of “La Kena” was to be expected, as it was rumored on August 25, 2023 that Yahaira “Yaya” Cárdenas Muñiz, the eldest daughter of Osiel Cárdenas Guillén and wife of high ranking CDG Matamoros cartel member Rene “El Gordo” Villarreal Garza, had left the city of Matamoros after proclaiming that they would take over leadership with the coming fall of “La Kena”.

Updates 9/11/23

The CJNG Trafficker

Based upon a now deleted tweet that a commenter shared, rumors of a Matamoros hotel owner that was secretly trafficking drugs for the CJNG date back to at least 2021, although it is not specified who this individual is.

El Ciego

It should be noted that with the rumors regarding the kidnappings of Julio Cesar Lazo Rodríguez and Juan de Dios “El Camelia” Gómez González comes frequent mention of a cartel member known as “El Ciego” being responsible.

Born in Madero, Tamaulipas, the true name of “El Ciego” is unclear, as it has been said his name is Sergio Guevara Vázquez or Ricardo “Richy” and is rumored to have appeared on the cartel scene in June 2013. 

After a group of Americans were kidnapped in Tamaulipas on June 1, 2023 and their vehicles were stolen, a Lamborghini belonging to one of the Americans was found in Matamoros and the driver arrested. It was initially rumored that this was “El Ciego”, though it was later said that this was not the case.

“El Ciego” is said to traffick cocaine via ships and airplanes, as well as stolen fuel and the exotrion of transportation companies. In mid-August 2023 it was reported that “El Ciego” had been extorting and kidnapping businessmen and fellow cartel members, with it said that his safehouses were filled with innocent people that he had kidnapped and kill. “El Ciego” was said to have called Julio Cesar Lazo Rodríguez to meet with him, which led to his kidnapping.

La Camelia

The narrative that recent events in Matamoros stem from the kidnapping and killing of “La Camelia” have expanded dramatically in scope and should be noted, though all all information should be taken with a grain of salt.

Along with an alleged photo of the body of “La Camelia” was a message:

Así quedó juan de dios gomez gonzalez alias la camelia, por este bato CJNG y CDG METROS pagaron millones de dólares a LA MARINA y FISCALIA TAMAULIPAS, en matamoros Irving barrios quiere irse con las bolsas llenas de verdes ahora los ajustes entre delincuentes tbn se negociaN a traves de la justicia

“This is how juan de dios gomez gonzalez alias la camelia turned out, the CJNG and CDG METROS paid millions of THE MARINES AND TAMAULIPAS ATTORNEY GENERAL for this dude, Irving barrios wants to go to matamoros with his pockets full of money now days the conflicts between criminals are also negotiated through law enforcement.”

Not only is Tamaulipas Attorney General Irving Barrios Mojica is accused of being bribed by the Los Metros faction of the CDG into supporting government actions against the Matamoros faction, it is said that the leader of Los Metros, César “El Primito” Morfín Morfín, paid a large some of money to corrupt SEMAR officials in an effort to rescue “La Camelia” after he was kidnapped. The operation allegedly included the infamous “Marino Loko”.


  1. What does Kena mean? Or why does he go by this?

    Great article btw Team BB!

    1. He likes playing keno In Las vegas

    2. 4:23 most likely when he was young when somebody told him a chisme or a story he would always say "Que? No!" But with an accent that sounded like "ke? Nahh!" so people started calling him the "ke? Nahh!" And it sticked

  2. Thanks Itzli for the update on the conflict in Tamaulipas


    1. Lol.. totally sensationalized with calling him a cartel drug runner. Clearly just some white kids who had the direct plug.

      I also don’t believe his story at all, I know for a fact the cartels will say “just blame us that we’ll kill you, if you ever get caught” …He likely did the kidnapping as a favor to them, or the victim owed him a bunch of money.

    2. Wow your lack of understanding of what is going on is amazing. It makes total sense that he cld of stepped over the line kidnapping a high ranking well respected and important cartel member and the rest of the cartel wld get pissed. Not saying thats is what happened but cld be.

  4. Imagine the stress he's under. Bouncing from house to house everyone after you. Helicopters...soliders..Americans. I guess power really is that intoxicating. Why did he kidnap and kill the financial operator? Anyone know? Fantastic as always BB

    1. Probably thought the dude was a rat and/or betrayed him..

    2. 6:50 Supposedly that's exactly what it was. There's a video on YouTube that says Kena found out he was an informant. That he was passing along information to the Metros and CJNG.

  5. Which group closer to being brutal like los zetas, metros or escorpiones

    1. Los Michoacános!!!

      They killed a bunch of zetas you should look into it here on BB there’s lots of articles on their ass whooping.

    2. Los michoacanos no hacen ni verga. Ya dejate de mamadas. Para cobrarle cuotas al los agauacateros nadamas sirven.

    3. 4:17 tienes toda la razón pudieron acabar con esa avanzada de Zetas que tenía El Tisico pero han demostrado ser lo mas corriente de todo el hampa
      Si la Letra era culera secuestrado, cobrando cuotas, robando y mas, los Michoacanos en su faceta La Familia Michoacana/Caballeros Templarios demostraron ser aun peor y bueno ahi estan las escorias remanentes de Carteles Unidos

    4. Permiteme explicar por que michoacan salio peor que los Z...

      Es que michoacan no la tiene facil pa hacer feria pa gente regular...
      Los jefes facilmente venden o mandan merca, son jefes tienes sus contactos
      Pero los que la cultivan/transportan/venden/sicarios, no les queda mucho
      Tambien esta por geographia en que la madre de la frontera
      Que extranjeros caen alli con dinero...
      Llegan los contactos de los jefes si

      Y ni eso alli todos quieren feria facil
      te roban/secuestran/no te dan merca en lo que quedan

      Es duro esa tierra hacer feria...
      Hacer merca alli no es el problema
      Pero pues miren los cultivadores en colombia, no les queda nada

      Los unicos que sacan feria grande son exclusivamente los jefes y los contactos de ellos en EU que le mandan la merca
      Toda la poder esta en las manos de unas cuantas personas
      Didria pa todo ese negocio pa todos

      Compa me acuerdo de ti alla cuando me explicastes de jaime el humer

    5. Damn look at these haters all mad that Michoacános have a foot hold in almost all of Mexico. Michoacán is another level of brutal!

    6. Well he really got help from you hateful fuckers

    7. 1:39 it wasn't that long ago people fled michoacan. I seen it. Foothold in most of México? You really don't know what you're talking about.

    8. @1:39
      Mencho and the Valencia’s are from Michoacán the Milenio and CJNG are Michoacán family cartels. You are the one that doesn’t know what you’re talking about!

  6. CJNG can't even hunt down their own enemies... pretty weak

    1. They did kill R18 in culiacan

    2. That's a negative chief CJNG has sleeper cells that hunted down R18 in mazatlan

    3. CDS fans "R18 was internal he had a falling out with senor mayonnaise"

    4. You’re talking about hunting guys out of state and who are in their home territory… plus they don’t need to hunt anyone, they just have the gov do it for them. Less resources strained by doing so..

    5. 542 total opposite land air sea same reference like the manta in TJ or Baja my tinfoil hat is telling me cjng is cartel sharing bed with Mex military

    6. @4:32 they been with money the dog dances them military and police don’t get paid much

  7. Its all rumors la kena still in front. Fucking mexican armed forces are trying to take out matamoros leaders to let the jaliscas in. Not happening theres is plenty more like la kena ready to fill the spot.

    1. I don’t think he’s in front.. CJNG dropped a dime on him and the gov is going hard after him, presumably Jalisco is too.. Best thing he can do is designate a replacement and hide out, let the heat die off.

    2. Jalisco this and Jalisco that but it’s Michoacán who tells them what to do and the ones pulling the strings in almost all of Mexico.

    3. Keep living in that dream must be nice

  8. Dedo bien puesto, oh traia GPS la Camioneta den su ubicasion en el ciudad

  9. Reynosa/metros CJNG ZVE Marines vs Matamoros state police

    1. Its more like metros jaliscas zve and mexican navy vs cdg and the state police. And they still cant overrun matamoros. Not even close

  10. Golfundillos stay running they really in trouble, aint this the cell that ordered the killing of the Americans?

  11. La kena ya esta en la pgr, VA para cuidad de Mexico!!!! Toda la pgr en matamoros esta blindad con tanques de Guerra!!! Los mismo escorpiones se le voltio a la kena por secuestro y matar una persona que pesa en Matamoros!!!!!

  12. El kena logotas Juarez cartel

  13. AMLO is doing nothing for the mexican people. He has not accomplished anything only hablador. All of the captures and operations were done because the U.S is putting the pressure on grandpa or they will threaten hablador to renew the DEA visas. Hablador ses whatever his speech writer tells him.

  14. He's built like a teletubby

  15. Probably jalisco paid good money so go government can go after these guys so they can take over Matamoros or his buddies turned on him But jalisco never should have allowed to enter Tamaulipas or Reynosa they'll do like the zetas in Nuevo Laredo when the Trevino's turned on los Tejas and Chacho.

  16. El 19 or la Kena has the most influence in Tamaulipas .

  17. I know this is a poor takeaway from everything I just read but I need to know. they have Wal-Mart in Mexico? If they do, I never knew about it. 🤣

    1. Hay Walmart ,home Depot, MacDonald, Amazon,acá también venden su cagadero.

  18. Yeah they got Walmart but folks don't pronounce the "t"..

  19. His son lives in a lavish house in Brownsville

  20. This might contribute to the article

  21. Thank for writing this Itzli saludos

  22. Seems like la kena kidnapped la camelia for suspicion of working for the jaliscas. Took all his money too. El primito paid millions to get him back even hiring el marino loco to go into matamoros to free la camelia. They failed to get the man free and failed to kill la kena.

    1. 7:07 Where did you get that from?

  23. So El/La Camelia was main coke mover in Matamoros, had connections to Colombia. Gets kidnapped and killed by La Kena for supposedly working with Metros. One is playing chess the other checkers?
    La Fiscalía/Chilangos now on his 6. El billete que le pudo tumbar a Camelia mínimo la mitad lo va pagar para arreglarse si es que se puede.
    El que paga manda y parece que este buey ya la cagó por sentirse de muchos huevos.

  24. XIX really screwed up with this hit. Time to pay the piper...


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