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Sunday, September 3, 2023

The Snitch Cartel Couldn’t Handle Being Snitched On

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Two individuals who provided reports to the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) within the Sinaloa Cartel, and who cooperated in the prosecution of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman's sons, were allegedly murdered in Mexico.

According to information gathered by Republican Senator Chuck Grassley, the two individuals were assisting in the investigation into the "Los Chapitos" network, against which the US Department of Justice unsealed a criminal indictment in New York in April 2023 for fentanyl trafficking.

In a letter, Grassley last week questioned Deputy U.S. Attorney General Lisa Monaco for giving preference in 2022 to preparing the DEA-backed indictment in New York against "Los Chapitos" and setting aside indictments in other judicial districts that were already ready.

"My office received credible information that other federal agencies attempted to indict Los Chapitos for fentanyl distribution, but your office directed prosecutorial teams not to do so in order to give preference to the DEA (indictment)," Grassley said in his letter dated Aug. 21.

"According to this information, two cooperators inserted by the DEA into the 'Los Chapitos' network had been killed in Mexico by the time your office issued such an order. Despite these deaths, your office allegedly gave the DEA more time to conduct its unilateral investigation," Grassley said.

On April 14, 2023, the US Department of Justice made public the criminal indictment filed in the Southern District Court of New York against three of "El Chapo's" sons for fentanyl trafficking: Ovidio Guzmán López, Iván Archivaldo Guzmán Salazar and Jesús Alfredo Guzmán Salazar.

That same day, the head of the DEA, Anne Milgram, publicly assured that her agency had successfully infiltrated the network of "Los Chapitos" and the Sinaloa Cartel since November 2021, which allowed access to the highest levels of the criminal organization.

When contacted by Grupo REFORMA, Senator Grassley's office said it could not share details about the sources that provided the information about the death of the two informants in Mexico, but insisted that the legislator was interested in holding the Justice Department accountable for the incident.

So far, the Justice Department has not responded to Grupo REFORMA's request for comment on the Republican Senator's allegations about the killings in Mexico, including the identities of the cooperating individuals and their exact mission within the Cartel.

Unlike an informant working under the coordination of police investigating criminal organizations, a cooperating individual is traditionally in the U.S. system someone in contact with a prosecutor who agrees to cooperate in order to gain benefits in their prosecutions.

Valor Tamaulipeco


  1. Rule of the game is, only top CDS guys can snitch the others cant, but their corridos will say they will never do it, even dough we all have seen them do it in court 😂

    1. you seem to be a groupie listening to their corridos all the time. you talk sh but you would
      for sure snitch on your famliy if caught by CDS

    2. OOF, you worded this so perfectly. 😂

      It’s hilarious because it’s true. 🤣
      Thank you for getting a chuckle out of me today.

    3. Yes hopefully soon we will have made progress with the snitches on the other cartels too because trust me they all have one in their ranks, more snitching more bad hombres behind walls good for the common folks

    4. 4:29 o foo show they all got a few, but cds at least 9 out of 10 snitch

    5. 7:14 Yeah man and may there be many more

    6. 9 of 10 this kids is really just reaching. thats not a fact just made of non sense, his team is getting killed 9 of 10 and put in the dirt by la mera verga

    7. 4:47 sientate un rato and tell me what CDS capo has not snitched, ill be waiting

    8. 4:47 thanks for not responding which CDS capo has not snitched, now you know i wasnt exagerating when i said 9 out of 10 CDS are snitches, and im actually been generous is more like 95% of them snitches, which translates to 19 out 20 snitch

  2. The snitch cartel? That could only be the sinaloa organization 🤣🤣😭

    1. I'm amazed it still needs to be pointed out that the main reason CDS has this reputation is because they allegedly ''snitched'' on the men who set up an entire network of snitching, then fucked up by killing Edgar Millan- so CDS is the snitching cartel, and the Beltran Leyva brothers stood tall. Its such bullshit. They all send their tame police and soldiers after their enemies, it's just that some have more than others.

    2. That’s what I’ve always thought too! Yes CDS has absolutely used the authorities when it has benefitted them (which it has often) but there is not a single other group or boss that wouldn’t have done the same exact thing given the opportunity. Why send out your own guys to take out a group when you can send the military to do it “legally”? And no this is not me CDS dickriding/cheerleading. I have no love at all for any of the cartels. But it just seems either ignorant or hypocritical focusing on Sinaloa as the snitch cartel. On the other hand though I do hope that somehow Los chapitos find out everyone on this forum and Reddit call them that because I bet it would drive Ivan crazy. Haha.

    3. 3:16 Sinaloa got big because of the connections they made with the government from having no border to occupying a couple now, they made a deal were the government attacked their enemies and let them work with a couple busts here and there if they presented that deal to any other narco boss they would’ve taken it as well, but what the Zambadas did over in the US is flat out snitching and sent their dear Chapo away for life so yes they’re rats no matter how you try to paint it

    4. Guys guys, dont need to make the obvious so obvious, lets just all agree the S on CDS stands for Snitch 👍

    5. @3.49. Yes! It's so stupid that people have to say they aren't defending Chapo, or CDS, but... every time they point out the truth, or even just their opinion.
      Haha, yeah it would be funny if Chapitos legacy ended with them being called a bunch of snitches on Reddit. Maybe it will..

  3. Only organization that doesn’t snitch is in the “God father “ Hollywood bs

    1. Let me guess your born in sinaloa

    2. 6:13 with out a daught

    3. He is right… these days all major crime organizations have intelligence relationships with law figures.. on some level or another

  4. It's called on the payroll but i guess haters gotta hate

  5. Sinaloa land of fags

    1. I’ll never understand the “this cartel snitches more than other cartels” argument. They all snitch when it is beneficial to do so. As one of the Cifuentes testified “when you speak to [US authorities], speak as if you were speaking to God”.

    2. 521 read up on why BLO broke off CDS and went to war. Hint...chapo switched.

      The minions saw what their papi did then elevated it.

  6. When I saw first two words before reading the rest I already knew it was about cds

  7. Everyone snitches when your facing life in prison, everyone want to cut a deal for less prison time.

  8. They’re all snitch cartels.

    1. yeah CJNG never snitches cut it out, these grupies wish lol when they going to jail or interrogated they spill the beans those foos are cocaroaches like zeta they rob old ladies and young kids. Lacras the Mexico

  9. Every cartel has had a high ranking boss that has ended up cooperating with authorities once they hit the USA prison system. From the Colombians . Medellin Cali Norte del Valle to the Mexicans cds CDG CJNG Z's . Even Escobar was scared to do time in the USA

    1. Escobar never snitched like chapo and mayo nice try

    2. Never once I said Escobar snitched people in his organization did though but he was scared to be extradited to the USA to do time . Everyone is tough until they are in a USA court room

    3. 5:22 yes they all have, but there are levels and CDS is a few steps up, and if you cant see it, you must be blind as a batt

    4. 7:20 I agree with you alot of the CDS flip but at the long run at least they don't end up dead but instead in the USA protected but yeah pretty bitch way to go out

    5. Pablo Escobar was one of the biggest snitches ever, if not the biggest. He used a web of informants to snitch on rivals which kept him ahead of the game for years. He's should be the poster boy of snitching.

    6. 8:03 yep, if you have the nuts to get in the game you have to have the same nuts to go out, but CDS guys seem to not get it, again every cartel has its snitches but CDS is way ahead

    7. 12:59 totally agree with you especially if they have corridos over exaggerating corridos composed to them . But at the end of the day is between being a snitch free alive living in the USA or real and dead and locked up for life most likely in the usa

    8. 9:08 why does sinaloa snitch so much

  10. Talking about snitches. El mini lic's brother in law got gunned down in culiacan

    1. He got smoked in vitolias new trx

    2. Got a article link? I can’t find anything so far

  11. “The Snitch Cartel Couldn’t Handle Being Snitched On”

    😂 😆 😂 CDS the “fag cartel” someone else wrote on here hahahaha!!!!

    Semper Fi

    Like a lot of things in life, we laugh because it's funny, and we laugh because it's true. Al Capone

  12. The only reason Sinaloa is known as the snitch cartel is because for the better part of 2 decades they had the Mexican federal government in their pocket . They have gone to war with Arellanos CAF Osiels CDG Lazcanos Z's carillos CDJ and have survived and yes the only reason they have survived those wars is because the government would do their dirty work .

    1. No man, they are known as the snitch cartel simply cause they snitch more than any other cartel, i mean whats more downward than that?

    2. 1:03 at the end of the day it's how you see life you could either be a snitch but alive free living in the USA protected by the gov or a real mf and dead or locked up for life most likely in the USA .

    3. 10:43 i would rather not getting involved so i wouldnt have to choose between those 2 things

  13. Dicen que por las noches el hombre no dormia y que siempre estubo al millon con la mayiza, el espejo murio, junto con el jinete que lo bailaba.... 😔


  14. Y en el radio se oyó
    "Se fue el 14, ya no va a estar con nosotros"
    Se los digo con respeto
    Como Manuel, no creo que vaya a haber otro... Ⓜ️1️⃣🦉

    1. Honestly if (((El M1))) was alive he would've been a nightmare for CJNG in Zacatecas.

      RIP El señor de la retro

    2. I doubt if he was alive he would've kept being played by those who used the anger from his sons killing to be ordered to fight in another state.
      Did he ever go fight in another state?

    3. 10:10 pm He tried to send people to Morelos to find Arturo Beltran Leyva but were picked up quick and left on the streets with a bullet in the forehead and a narcomanta from Arturo saying that whenever he wants and wherever he wants he will go toe to toe with him , and that if his boss ( Mayo ) doesn’t teach him how to respect , that he would . Later he realized sending people to Morelos was suicide .

    4. 1038 totally just made that up because its a lie.

      However I wonder of any of the people that fought along M1 are still alive and operating?

    5. 10:38 😂😂😂😂 thats what his corridos said, by now you shoikd know all od that shit is fake, shit his last corrido said he took out like 7 or 10 soldados, 🤣 when in fact he never even could get his gun out 🥲

    6. @11:35 Not a lie . I was wrong about the state . It happened in Guerrero .

    7. The lie is- Manuel or Mayo sending people to Morelos. @8:11

      The mantas are real, context behind them, fake!

    8. 10:22 has no evidence , the three killed were tortured badly and admitted to working for Manuel Torres el M1 who were sent to create chaos and steal /rob to heat up the plaza for Arturo . El ondeado M1 was always bitter that Arturo killed his son and he couldn’t do anything to him , due to the bosses (Mayo , Chapo, Arturo BL , Hector BL) reaching a pact of no aggression . M1 being a hit man or leader of sicarios was over his head trying to get back at Arturo who was a Boss on whole another level the same level as Chapo, Mayo , Lazcano .

  15. For many years, snitches have been yapping. Has the biz been affected? The numbers say no, for sure. Demand, and demand alone, is what keeps this commerce humming. The snitch thing is just a big distraction.

  16. snitchaloa getting their karma. during the war vs the Zetas they were getting spanked so hard, snitchaloa started working with the mexican military and dea just to take them down. thats how Z-3 was killed because snitchaloa informed mexican marines about his wareabouts. now its coming back to haunt them.

    1. Negative, Zetas were terrorizing Mexico the places they ran they ruled with fear they brought so much heat on themselves we all know about the massacres like Allende,Monterrey casino, the killing of migrants there’s no way they were going to last long operating like that

    2. Z3 was killed in revenge for having killed the governors son.

    3. Spanked hard eh? And where are the zetas today, compared to CDS?

      I’m not advocating or favoring anyone here but moronic comments like yours trigger tf out of me

  17. This just in: multiple LE agencies are teaming up to crack (lol) down on street dealers in SF, seizing lots of kilos of fent and meth. The courts are apparently going to crack down too so expect lots of snitching. Many of the people busted in SF for dealing drugs are from Oakland, by the way.

    1. 758 finally Newsome grew some balls but it's too late. San Francisco is so f#cked up. He wants to be President but California is a mess compared to other states.Amlo could run California better than Newsome.

    2. California is the world's 5th largest economy, has 3 of the world's best research universities, has lower crime than most southern states, and it's a leader in the tech sector. It's not perfect, far from it, but this ridiculous myth that's been floating around that it's "a mess" is not reflected by reality. Southern states have been truly a atrocious for decades but conservative commentators know this and have managed to convince a sizable, and gullible, sector of the population in believing that convenient myth in order to take attention away from the disaster of other states.

    3. Lol I remember one time in SF I literally saw a billboard that said…

      “Welcome to San Francisco: home of the cheapest fentanyl!”

    4. @11:16. You are 100% correct. The southern states are the worst at deep seated political corruption. So much so you can’t fully expose it. They just won’t allow it. Like for instance in my home state of Mississippi. The upper political class has been using money that is supposed to go to needy families for food and stuff like that. Instead of giving it to the people that need it. People like Brett Farve gets millions to build his daughter a gymnasium at a college university. That’s 5 million, but it’s over 77 million missing. It’s disgusting to be honest to see how greedy and dishonest the politicians are here. And it’s been that way and short of the world ending it’ll remain that way. Bottom of the list on things that matter like healthcare and education but top of list for incarceration rate and poverty rates.


  18. Snitching, known as debriefing, is rewarded by departures from federal sentencing guidelines and can take many months to years off prison sentences, a system where one does the majority of their prison time without early supervised release.

  19. Government works with cartels , look up Iran contra scandal

    1. Dude the government doesn’t directly work with cartels. That’s a bit of a stretch. Yeah some narcos may benefit from covert operations the CIA does. Well the same can be said about isis. The enemy of my enemy is my friend type shit.

  20. Y que pensaron? Que iba ser fácil. Nada es fácil. Pendejos así quedaron como los chinos Milando.

  21. Faaaaken essssnitcher beechesss

  22. CIA watches all, regardless of that mojado money, big brother watching those nopals


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