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Thursday, September 7, 2023

Three Inmates Escape From La Piedad Prison In Michoacán

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Among the three escaped inmates are Vicente Aguilar Huante, 27, and Francisco Javier Acosta Lara, 31, sentenced for the murder of the parish priest of Janamuato.

On the night of Monday, August 4, the escape of three inmates from the La Piedad, Michoacán Penitentiary Center was reported, which unleashed an intense operation between authorities of the three levels of government in search of the subjects. Two of the fugitives were serving 23-year prison sentences for the murder of the parish priest of the community of Janamuato, José Alfredo López Guillén.

It was minutes before 9:00 p.m. when personnel of the Cereso prison, located at kilometer 40+500 of the Zamora-La Piedad highway, noticed that three inmates were not inside the facility and immediately alerted the guards on duty.

The escape was also reported to the Coordination of the Penitentiary System. As well as to the Civil Guard and the State Attorney General's Office, so in coordination with municipal and federal authorities, checkpoints were set up and an operation was implemented specifically to capture them.

It transpired that among the inmates is Vicente Aguilar Huante, 27 years of age, from the municipality of Zacapu and Francisco Javier Acosta Lara, 31 years of age, from the city of Morelia, both were sentenced in 2018 for the murder of the parish priest of Janamuato.

The third fugitive is Juan Carpinteyro and/or Juan Carpinteiro Pavón, 30 years old, a resident of Mexico City.

Operation deployed after three prisoners escape

An inter-institutional air and ground operation was deployed in the region in order to locate and rearrest the three men. Elements of the Civil Guard of the Ministry of Public Security, personnel from the Coordination of the Penitentiary System of Michoacan, the Mexican Army and the Civil Guard are participating in the operation.

The operational mobilization includes tours of areas of difficult access, trails, highways, towns and cities in this region, as well as random checkpoints. Any information about the fugitives can be reported to the telephone numbers 089 Denuncia Anónima and 911.

The government of Michoacán, through the Secretariat of Public Security in coordination with federal agencies and the Coordination of the Penitentiary System, is carrying out an operation to locate three inmates of the La Piedad Penitentiary Center.

On Monday night it was detected that the inmates Vicente Huante Aguilar; Juan Carpinteyro and/or Juan Carpinteiro Pavón; and Francisco Javier Acosta Lara were not in their cells. Coordinated actions were taken to find them.

A search and location protocol for the inmates was immediately activated with the participation of municipal, state and federal corporations.

The operational mobilization includes searches in areas of difficult access, trails, highways, towns and cities in this region, as well as random inspection posts.

The Government of Michoacán asks the public to call 9-1-1 with any information that may help in locating these people.

TV Azteca


  1. Weird name carpinteyro

  2. Wasn’t 40 at this place?

    1. No, z chorrienta, was in the prison in Buenavista CEFERESO #17 in tierra caliente.

  3. Takes something most of us haven't got to murder a priest.

    1. Plus to only get 23 years is a joke

  4. Templar El gonorea Al mando

  5. Pura jente del Jose Torres alto mando cartel


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