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Sunday, September 10, 2023

Tierra Caliente Regional Prosecutor Killed by LFM Just Days After Taking Office

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

The regional prosecutor for Tierra Caliente, Víctor Manuel Salas Cuadras, was murdered this Saturday in Coyuca de Catalán.

The prosecutor was an active lieutenant colonel in SEDENA and had two days ago assumed the position of Regional Prosecutor's Office on instructions from Guerrero State Attorney General, Sandra Luz Valdovinos Salmerón.

Official versions announced that the FGE official was traveling in his white Ford truck on the streets of Coyuca de Catalán where he was intercepted by a group of armed men from La Familia Michoacan (LFM) at around 6:00PM. It is possible he was killed there as bullet holes peppered his truck.

At 11:00 PM, his body was discovered in the El Jaripo community, near the Coyuca de Catalán-Zarándaro federal highway. He had gunshot wounds to his head and body.

Seized LFM Luxury Vehicles

Official versions announced that Víctor Manuel Salas participated in the investigations of 13 vehicles that the FGE secured in a warehouse located in Ciudad Altamirano and that belonged to relatives of the leaders of the La Familia Michoacana that controls the Tierra Caliente region.

The 13 vehicles, including a Lamborghini SUV and a Hummer as well as several classic vehicles, were transferred to the FGE facilities in Chilpancingo and have not yet been claimed by their owners. The trucks were yellow and red: the colors that distinguish the cars of José Alfredo Hurtado Olascoaga, known as El Fresa. The Hummer and luxury cars were black and white: the favorites of Johnny Hurtado Olascoaga, who is nicknamed El Pez.

The seizure of these units caused 8 Mayors, 2 deputies, and a local deputy from the PRI, PRD, and Morena of that region of Tierra Caliente to direct the closure of the routes in that area, creating blockades for three days to demand the departure of the State Prosecutor, Sandra Luz Valdovinos Salmeron.

On August 21, 2023, armed men entered the FGE in Coyuca de Catalán and took away the head of the Public Ministry, Patricia Jaquelín González. She was found alive two days later.

Víctor Manuel Salas arrived on Saturday at the Regional Prosecutor's Office based in Coyuca de Catalán after being notified that as of September 8, 2023, he would leave the Regional Prosecutor's Office in Tlapa where he held this position since last May.

Months before he had left the Coyuca de Catalán area under military and GN escorts due to threats made on his life.

"It was a mistake that the regional prosecutor (Víctor Manuel Salas) was returned to Tierra Caliente to occupy this same position," said a source.

Source Proceso, AM


  1. I was going to marry darla but I had to flee to United States because her father wanted me to launder money for him and set up halcones around all his houses but not pay them a dime he’s a piece of shit and darla and her sisters are rotten to the core I could’ve been a made lfm member but I’d never give up my dentist profession for some street fame the government is so corrupt in Guerrero I could find fresa and pez by myself but the marines can’t because they all take $$$

    1. Who is darla?
      Inspire me with some knowledge…

    2. darla is the one that got away..
      We've all got a darla, the freckle faced girl in 3rd grade, the hormone-infused hottie that took your virginity, the cheerleader that was banging the high school quarterback but never glanced your way once, maybe even some drunken bridesmaid you boinked at your primo's boda..
      Maybe just a face on a train, or perhaps a short glimpse of a pretty maid in a cotton dress on a summer day..

    3. @4:37 I'm impressed 😎

    4. Guerrero??? Why would they be there?

    5. 3:07 that's koo foo

    6. Fresas daughter that’s who

    7. 10:35 because that's where they have the most control. Duh

    8. Yee Darla you can find her on Instagram always showing off what her fathers blood money bought them but every Father’s Day they would visit there father and would be escorted by tge agents because when I was there fresa side chick was a fgr supervisor but I hope they get caught soon and yes fresa and pez killed el pony and lalo Manetecas

  2. When the hell are the authorities going to arrest the Hurtado Olascoaga brothers?

    1. 3:16 - They almost arrested one of the Hurtado Olascoaga brothers back in March of this year. The military had located one of the two brothers hiding in Petatlan, Guerrero, but I forgot which brother it was. Either way, when the military showed up to capture him they were attacked with rocks and sticks by members of the community, who had been paid by LFM to block the soldiers from getting to the leader. LFM was too scared to confront the military, so they had random civilians do their own dirty work. The civilians threw tire punctures on the road and when that didn’t work they used their bodies to block the military convoys from being able to drive through. This unfortunately bought one of the leaders of LFM enough time to escape the area.

  3. Funny thing is El fresa roams around with 100 truck convoy sometimes passes in front of especial forces Mexican army n makes them run for their life

    1. And my dad has a 200 car convoy that follows him around hahaha see how easy it is to make up shit

    2. That’s so wild man parts of Mexico sound so crazy

    3. Whole cartels can muster may be 50 truck convoys so a 100 for a minor cartel is way too much

    4. 4:34 - What are you talking about ? Back in March of this year, the military located one of the leaders of LFM hiding in Petatlan, Guerrero. I can’t remember if it was El Pez or La Fresa who was hiding in the area. It doesn’t really matter, my point is when the military showed up they literally met zero resistance from LFM. These guys were literally about to let their leader get capture because they were scared to go toe to toe with the military. Instead, they just paid random civilians who were also living in the community to attack the military with sticks and rocks. The civilians with sticks and rocks had more balls than the ones with guns and armored vehicle. Anyway, the operation in the end was a failure because the leader of LFM managed to escape the area while the military was busy dealing with civilians who were blocking the roads so that the military convoys couldn’t get through. Where was the 100 truck FM convoy when their leader was about to be arrested ?

    5. 434 it's 98 truck convoy.

  4. When will Mexico take control of lawlessness?

    1. México allows itself to be awash in murder and impunity so those who control it can acquire and hoard their fortunes.

    2. When he stops causing it…

    3. 553
      Curruption will always be there.
      Just like this person did not want to fall in with the criminals. He wanted to stay clean.
      He ended up getting plata o plumo.

  5. A Chevy ssr!!! Lmao those things are hideous

  6. Safe to say he was a friend of CJNG?

    1. not really, could've just refused to work with LFM/take bribes

    2. No. Mortal enemies

  7. A rat bastard must have sold him out,what he was driving when and where,one of his own people?


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