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Sunday, September 10, 2023

Tlapacoyan, Veracruz: Gente Nueva Begins Killing Cab Drivers, Municipal Policemen Are Next

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The drivers were attacked last night at two different times. Messages from a criminal group appeared at various points in the municipality.

Two cab drivers were killed almost simultaneously in attacks last night by armed civilians in the center of Tlapacoyan, northern Veracruz.

The first of the attacks took place on 5 de Mayo Avenue, where the driver of cab number 40 was killed. The second occurred on Juarez Street.

Shortly after 8:00 p.m. on 5 de Mayo Avenue, between Héroes and Ferrer, the driver Lorenzo Polo Munguía was shot by unknown persons who escaped after the attack.

The body was left on the side of the rental car. Tlapacoyan Civil Protection paramedics responded to the report, but, upon arrival, confirmed that he had died.

The second case happened minutes later. Cab driver Ramiro Lorenzo Cañada was assaulted, died and was left lying on the side of his vehicle on Juarez Street, between Enriquez and Zaragoza.

Elements of the Municipal Police, the Public Security Secretariat, the Navy Secretariat and the National Defense Secretariat arrived at both sites to guard the areas and deploy an operation to locate the assailants.

Elements of the Ministerial Police initiated investigation files, as well as the removal of evidence and bodies.

This morning, banners from a criminal group appeared at various points in the municipality.

Video translation is as follows: 

This message goes out to all the businesses in the city of Tlapacoyan from the Gente Nueva. If you’re not going to join us then you’ll have to close down. Otherwise, you and your employees will be killed off. You’ve all seen that what all has been happening here is a serious matter. This drug corridor has an owner. 

Yours truly, Gente Nueva G.N.

Video translation is as follows:

We are the absolute Gente Nueva you faggot  You can go fuck your mom you dog  You stupid fuck son of a bitch!

Video translation is as follows:

We are the absolute Gente Nueva you sons of bitches!

Narco message reads as follows: 

Monday 06 September 2023

For all the citizens of Tlapacoyan, Martinez de la Torre, and surrounding area. Greetings from Gente Nueva GN. We’ve begun taking control of the region. As you can see all the events are not isolated situations. All those who have been killed off were individuals who were involved in shady shit. The party has just begun. All the crooked cab drivers and municipal policemen are next. 

They will be dealt the same fate that was handed out in Poza Rica’s north zone. For the following individuals: Montoya, El Verde, El Arroyo, Jaime, Sergio, Mocho, Chaparro, M8, Oso, Oscar, Cholo, Eduardo Monroy, and everyone who operates on the thoroughfare. If you heed the call a peace deal will be brokered with you guys. For those of you who can’t, then you should already know how we operate. 

We don’t allow trash into our ranks either. Everyone who has been called out shouldn’t miss out on this opportunity. For all the citizens in general: any contributions of intel about miscreants will be taken into account. The purge that we’re applying is currently in effect. Everyone will be notified once we finish out assignment here. 

Sincerely, The absolute Gente Nueva G.N.

Additional videos released by Gente Nueva operatives in the state of Veracruz:

Milenio  Amo A Mi País  Mexico Código Rojo


  1. Assignment ? Running up and shooting taxi drivers, real dangerous hard core work..
    The New People . Fuckin rats all over the place

    1. better respect it or they coming after you too

    2. "better respect it or they coming after you too" Respect this you fuckin clown

  2. I feel like not a lot of people really know what's going on in Veracruz but seems like its a shit hole you have cjng cds cdg ZVE and local gangs such as tercios just killing extorting raping all throughout the state

    1. It’s because there are so many smaller (mostly former Zeta) groups active. After Z37/Puchini was arrested a lot of people went independent.

    2. 9:46 Don't forget it's another state governed by MORENA so these murders will be forgotten just as Hipólito Mora massacre in Michoacán which is also governed by MORENA.

    3. MORENA lol more like MIERDENA
      Calderon was on the RIGHT path.
      But he was OUTMATCHED by the amount of MONEY that CDS and Zetas were pumping into politics and law enforcement.

  3. @Sol hey thanks man. I enjoyed reading about Veracruz. They have too many cartels in Veracruz now. I can't believe it.

    One thing that bothers me is the strict censoring of the comments. If a reader like me reposts descriptions of an individual or statements made by cartel members it gets deleted.

    However in the publishing of articles it is not censored.

    Example,"you faggot You can go fuck your mom you dog You stupid fuck son of a bitch!"

    If I make a comment that

    " I'm happy that faggot ass El 14 was assassinated" .... it gets deleted 97% of the time....

    What's the difference? Are only writers of BB allowed to refer to regular people using profanity and racial slurs?

    1. We're not here to gay bash anyone. Those comments you mentioned might get posted every so often. But then it just snow balls from there. The same can be said about the cheer leaders. Anyways if what you have to say is that important I'd say try and try again

    2. Correct. Thanks, Sol.

      BB reports quotes accurately and trims the comments as the editor sees fit.

      It has to be the least-censored site out there.

      BTW: it's not impossible to use an alternative to profanity.

    3. Lizard Boy behave, or your Green slimy tail will be cut off.

  4. Anybody have Intel on this pandilla?

    1. Same gente nueva from chihuahua Durango and Sonora cds plaza runners

  5. At some point i would like to see the Taxi/Uber drivers get revenge. Maybe it does happen and they just silent about it. Tit for tat.

    1. How just like the taxi drivers attacking Uber drivers and their passengers?

  6. Gente nueva in Veracruz ? I thought they were only in Sonora , chihuahua and Sinaloa.

    1. Something tells me this is not actually GN.. I don’t recognize that logo and they seldom make propaganda videos like this anymore..

  7. Why didn’t these cowards start the cleanse with the cops and then the cab drivers. Hit the muscle first and the ones caught in the middle will fall in line.

  8. Is this the same Gente Nueva from Cartel de Sinaloa?
    Who worked directly for Los Chapitos?
    El Flaco” Salgueiro founded Gente Nueva en Veraruz but it operates mainly in Durango and Chihuahua.

  9. Sic#006 can we get some information on training and weapons used by this Gente Nueva team?

  10. Who is gente nueva, which cartel?

  11. Also since there’s so many groups in that area, you never know if someone is posing as them and saying their name.

  12. Cds trying to take a new plaza until cjng runs them out again lol

    1. hey cds doesn’t extort (sarcasm)

  13. @ sol prendido
    This is "Mando Sur Gente Nueva Cartel "allied of CDS they fight Los Pelones Cartel .
    They are different from Chapos "Gente Nueva " (Salazar ,Salguiero families loyal to (Chapo,Chapitos) that fights La Linea in Chihuhua Durango Sonora.

    Also Zetas has a group called "Pura Gente Nueva de los Zetas "
    According to Guacamaya Leaks that operates in the area.

  14. Mexico needs about ten mega prisons like El Salvador has.

    1. 4:12 Build to house who??? The Cartels members that get caught, are released as soon as a bribe is paid.

    2. @1117 — the more money they have the more lavishly they live in prison too…

  15. Zeta vibes one hundred percent

  16. All code words for protection rackets. Pay the contras and die, carry loads, or sell for them and die, too. The other side doing the same stuff. The rock and a hard place.


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