Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Tonila: Jalisco Police Officers Caught Beating A Detainee

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL OCCIDENTAL 

Elizabeth Ibal | El Occidental

Police officers in Tonila allegedly tortured a detainee with boards and handcuffed him from the patrol car in order to beat him. The prosecutor Luis Joaquin Mendez Ruiz assured that an investigation will not be opened because the case must meet certain requirements and because there is no information about what happened.


In the video, which lasts 45 seconds, the detainee can be seen with his pants down and his shirt up. He was handcuffed to unit M-03, license plate JW-60-221 of the state of Jalisco.

During this time, the handcuffed man received six blows, in the third one the piece of wood breaks due to the force of the blow, at the same time that the subject squirms and cries out for the beating to stop.

"There Guerra, you already gave me six," the man shouts and cries to his aggressor. In the background, another man says to the attacker "That's five," and the attacker replies "Do you want me to hit you too?

The video does not show the aggressor's face, only his voice, but the handcuffed man calls him "Guerra" on several occasions.

While the aggression is taking place, two policemen can be seen passing by at different times, who are indifferent to the act. A white civilian van can also be seen.

Another video was also disseminated in social networks, which was recorded in a similar space and with the same private van next to the patrol car. In this one, a civilian aboard the patrol car's box is holding another man, while another one is also holding him.

Because the door of the box is open, it is not possible to see if it is the same patrol car of the Tonila police.

The municipal government has not commented on the first video described above.

We cannot be opening investigations without data: Prosecutor
The prosecutor of Jalisco, Luis Joaquín Méndez assured that in order for an investigation folder to be opened, the injured person would have to file a complaint against the officers or the people who assaulted him or have more information. The official in charge of the justice system in the state gave this statement, despite the fact that the video shows the name of the corporation, the economic number of the patrol car and even the faces of two policemen.

"We do not have any complaint filed by any person as victim or offended party. We open ex officio investigations when we have sufficient elements, when we have well identified the police station, the elements. In due course we would have to review it thoroughly because we cannot open investigations if we do not have sufficient data. There are also requirements to open investigations," he said.

Human Rights investigates
For its part, the State Human Rights Commission opened the ex officio investigation number 21/2023 and issued precautionary measures directed to the municipal president and requested an investigation, as well as the initiation of a procedure of administrative responsibility and, while it is being carried out, that the elements involved be removed from their positions.


Warning Graphic Video Below⛔️⚠️⛔️

The following Twitter X account named LaMaskr3 shows the Tonila Police officers beating the detainee with a wooden paddle. "🎥 #Tonila, #Jalisco. 

Torture or exemplary punishment? 

In this video you can see how the punished is handcuffed to an official patrol car and is watched by uniformed elements while being beaten with boards". -@LaMasakr3


  1. Whatever he did that mf ain’t gona do it again .

    1. If he needs to obey the law so do the fkin police

    2. You can protest here (US)about police brutality but I wanna see you loud mouth m'f'ers pull that shit in Mexico.

    3. @1:17

      And vice versa. It's a 2-way road.
      Fuck around and get fucked. Do it often and get used to it. You reap what you sow.

    4. Probably not, and the cops said there is no law saying they couldn't do this. He has it coming it would seem.

    5. Lmfao @ you can protest in the U.S 😂

    6. 9:35 Damn straight!

  2. I used to get whipped with the belt and i never flinched like these wimps

    1. A belt is a tool use to punish children. A 2x4 will leave a lasting lesson in ur memory after it shatters ur tail bone on the first hit the extra hits tenderize him. Prob won't sit rite for months

    2. How are you gonna compare a belt to a 2x4? I’ll like to see you get smacked with a 2x4 and see how big of a man you are talk is cheap

    3. Good example of why parents should beat their kids a little bit, so they don't end up running around like a bunch of goofy retards and leaving the cops to do it.

    4. @12:21 people now a days call that child abuse. They need their ass beat too

    5. Kids who are beat get lower grades, have a higher frequency of depression, anxiety, substance abuse disorder, behavioral issues, and longitudinal studies suggest health issues as adults. Violence against children has far reaching consequences.

    6. Agreed 1:13, a lot of people nowadays need their asses beat like the old days. It was an old rotten piece of wood anyway, and this ass whacking will probably save him from a worse fate than he had coming from doing whatever got him caught with his pants down.

    7. 2x4 ain't sh....

    8. He was flailing around so much he's lucky he didn't take a shot straight to the dick.

  3. What type of crime do you commit for that type of punishment? Was he caught stealing or something?

    1. 635 probably jacking a vehicle.

    2. Shitting on the sidewalk. He will never pull his pants down in public again.

  4. A pretty famous Mexican rapper just got killed in Guadalajara. He was shot to death in a home invasion

  5. Sharia Law on his ass

    1. I regret to inform you 😭, this is Mexico, not the Middle East.

  6. Cop saved his life. No cartel wants this guy, Bcuz of the video he is an embarassement to any cartel.

  7. the prosecutor is a real piece of shit. his words have cover up written all over them. they have all the information they need. there's a video ffs.

  8. Kinda dumb of the cops to video their own pickup, with the phone number and all.

    1. Dial 911 for an ass beating to put your feral child in check and save him from prison or death.

  9. Almost everything you need to know about Mexican insecurity and the absence of a rule of law is captured in this video. Whether you cheer summary justice like a drooling moron or not, a crime occurred here, it was committed by law enforcement, and they certainly have sufficient information to investigate. But they are not.

    1. You should go to Mexico and protest this injustice so they can get their priorities straight.

    2. Brazilian style....if a bank robber is running away, the police shoot him.
      Police street justice, is coming to Mexico.

    3. Coming to Mexico? It's been par the course there for decades.

  10. You got to be kidding me!
    Human Rights Organization has opened a file on this, oh hell Gag me with a Spoon.
    With innocent families murdered, innocent people kidnapped for ransom, by criminal cartels and never ever, does the Human rights show up . A kid got killed the other day and nothing happened.

    1. All are chasing the low hanging fruits and this is an easy one. I mean you can do this but no video or if you do a video, no IDs or placas visible. Pinche morons. Now they will pay for it.

    2. @857 you have to start somewhere. If police will do this on camera, in broad daylight, with the police vehicle id displayed, what do they do when no one is looking?

  11. in 2018-20 a lot of videos like this one were going around. Petty criminals beaten by police with wooden boards


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