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Thursday, September 7, 2023

Two Beheaded Bodies, Two Narco Messages Signed by CJNG in Oaxaca

By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat
Authors warning: There are gruesome photos of corpses below.

Over the last several days two decapitated bodies with narco messages signed by the CJNG have been found in Istmo de Tehuantepec, in southwestern Oaxaca. 

On Sunday afternoon, September 3, a severed head and a narco message were found along the Federal Highway 185. An hour later, the tortured, decapitated body of a man was found nearby. No photo of the first message has surfaced online, but Cuarta Plana published the text, translated below.

Filiberto the gunned down, and Daniel the Palomo, feel protected by the Guardia Nacional, the Policía Estatal, and the investigative police (AEI), Isaac Solano Rivera for the smuggling of undocumented people, drug sales, and all the deaths you have committed and continue doing in the Istmo de Tehuantepec, but now all of that is over. Your heads have a price, we are coming for you, go and see how all your halcones and sicarios who work for you are dying, we don't kill innocent people.

CJNG Grupo Union

The next body, another beheaded male, was found late Sunday night on a dirt road in the town of San Juan Guichicovi. The arms and legs were tied up. Nearby was an abandoned car.

A search was conducted in the surrounding area for the missing head, which was located early Monday morning next to narco message signed by the CJNG. The message is translated below.

This happened to me for being a chapulin this will happen to all those who think nothing happens here (Huaso: Maybe, "there are no consequences here?". Those who charge piso/rats all those who surprise wrapped in a bag.

Signed CJNG

Chapulin translates to "grasshopper" and is used to denote a traitor, or someone who "jumps around".

Sources: Quadratin Oaxaca 9/2/23, NVI Noticias 9/5/23, Cuarta Plana 9/2/23


  1. Mannnnn, cjng just wants the best for México!!!!!


  2. There are low-key drug lords for another organization en el valle central, not to mention en la sierra. This will not go unnoticed, nor unchallenged - unfortunately.

    1. Oaxaca has some big low key bosses in la sierra affiliated to CDG and CDS for years

    2. low key big bosses….big like el super atletico or what jajajaja

  3. CJNG doesn't move like that it has to be CDS posing as CJNG.

    1. Lol what universe you live in? Classic jalisca move right there.

    2. Chistosito baboso 🤤, por algo se llaman las 4 letras del terror o no?

    3. Move like “what”? Lol.. they’ve been caught blowing up a father in front of his kid, murdering musicians, and making prospect sicarios partake in cannibalism..

    4. So we can all 100% agree it was CDS

    5. 8:38 There was an episode of some border protection show on tv that had a British guy trying to cross into San Ysidro with no ID and the guy said he went to Culiacan, did a bunch of coke, got kidnapped for a month. He was all beat up in the face, said they made him eat human meat, he just wanted a bag of chips and a free ride back to England. It was hilarious.

    6. @1249 — any clue as to where or how I can watch this? Lol

    7. 4:30 I can't find it in YouTube, I think on Discovery channel, either 'to catch a smuggler" or some border show. It was so over the top, I'd love to hear that guy's story whether true or not.

  4. "you'd forget your head if it wasnt attached"...i always think of that saying my parents told me

  5. The groups present in Tehuantepec are the CDO families Parada y Teran and ZVE also if I remember correctly Grupo Sombra also moves around the area.

  6. So what happened to the actual heads? Or do we not wanna know..?

  7. Heads are going to toll

  8. What if they died this way cause they called tails on a coin toss and lost?

    “Call it…”

  9. This is why I font take my family to Mexico for vacation.

    1. That's why I too don't font my family to travel in Russia.

  10. If I take family to Mexico for vacation. My kid might say “mommy, dads head is missing”

  11. But but but, they say CJNG kill no one, they come to town to clean the town of junk, sweep the floors.

    1. 8:16 nobodys that dumb

    2. 8:16 They also plant flowers ,wash windows,and pick up dog poop.

  12. Capturan a presunto jefe de sicarios del cjng en buena vista , Michoacán


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