Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, September 11, 2023

Zacatecas: Nine Members of Criminal Groups Captured

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

In police operations carried out in the metropolitan zone

In an operation carried out by elements of the state's security forces, nine people considered to be instigators of violence in the Zacatecas-Guadalupe metropolitan area were arrested.

Nine people considered probable instigators of violence were captured during operations implemented by elements of the Security Forces in the state of Zacatecas; the detained could be related to the latest criminal acts registered in the metropolitan area.

During the arrests, six firearms, five magazines, 114 rounds, four explosive devices, five ballistic vests, 108 doses of marijuana, approximately 100 grams of crystal meth were seized.

There were also five banners with messages alluding to a criminal group, two vehicles with a theft report, a motorcycle, two tactical uniforms and a helmet.

The detainees, as well as the seized items, drugs, tactical equipment and vehicles, were handed over to the competent authority for legal investigation.

El Sol de Zacatecas


  1. Tweakers? Getting beat In Zacatecas? Looks like CJNG.

  2. Probably mayos or golfos ... CJNg tactical equipped is usually marked cjnG

    1. Facebook pages said they were cjng they had baseball hats with cjng

    2. 7:59 - If you look closely at the picture shown in the article, you can see that some of the gear confiscated appears to be blurred out. I’ve seen multiple photos like this one in the past where some of the tactical gear confiscated by the military or national guard gets blurred out. I forgot why they do this, but I think it might have something to do with certain laws in Mexico. It’s actually very common. Law enforcement will usually try to hide any logo or anything that could indicate a certain criminal organization like the initials “CJNG” , “CDS”, “CDN” , “CDG” etc. So, this definitely still could be CJNG, but we don’t know for sure.

  3. I don’t get it… they were able to identify and arrest them as cartel operatives but have no idea which group is they’re from?

    And what’s up with the blurring of confiscated gear/items??

    1. Locals know exactly which group is responsible. But many media's won't outright say who exactly out of fear of retaliation

    2. 8:43 - I mentioned this in another comment, but whenever the military or national guard publishes a photo of tactical gear or weapons that they have seized, it’s very common for them to hide anything that might indicate what group this gear belonged to. I forgot why they do this, but I think it might have something to do with the whole idea of innocent until proven guilty and with certain laws in Mexico. I think this is also the reason why a lot of times you’ll see photos of people arrested with their faces blurred or with a black line covering their eyes. An example being the photo of Ovidio Guzmán that was released earlier this year when he was recaptured. There’s literally a black line going across his face in the photo. So, once again you’ll often see photos where the military has blacked out or blurred the logo or initials of a criminal organization. They may also just turn body armor over to hide the initials that are usually written on the front of the body armor because pretty much all the “big” cartels mark their gear with their groups initials like “CJNG” , “CDS”, “CDN” , “CDG” etc.

    3. 851 true. Whenever cjng members get caught they get exposed right away, when it's CDS members their identities and insignias are blurred. ....

    4. 1:04
      It goes both ways all get exposed.

    5. 1:04 false they reveal when its people from durango that get captured also, not just cjng. Your seem unhappy your heroes got the same treatment

  4. My tia lives in La Condesa part of Guadalupe. Her neighbor saw it go down and says they're cds. Not sure why government hides their identity.

    1. ..So they can let them go without anyone knowing!

    2. No shit. Your tia knows what's going on for sure. They were CJNG 100%

    3. @2:23 Inche gente que nomas hablan a lo pendejo. De seguro le vas a las perras flacas

    4. 2:58 el hijo de su tia a de andar con las perras flacas

  5. Caen 9 integrantes del CJNG y del Cártel del Golfo tras múltiples operativos en Zacatecas
    Armas de fuego, narcomantas, equipo táctico y dosis de drogas fueron algunos de los objetos asegurados durante las acciones

  6. That above text is from a report on infobae ... they were indeed CJNg and golfos

  7. Looks like grandma mayo wants all of zacatecas before he dies.
    Isn't he like almost 90?

  8. The jaliscos were caught in pinos Zacatecas, it was 3 of them.

    Holy crap! Pinos is 100% MZ --------CJNG is advancing!!

  9. Off topic,narco blockcades in manzanillo colima

  10. Cjng doesn't use those uniforms. Indeed it was CDS meth heads.

    1. Haha delusional cjng supporters


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