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Monday, October 16, 2023

CDS Los Rusos Member "El Plaga" May Have Escaped from Prison in July

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

A judge indicated that Cristian Alexis Mendoza Guillén or Eduardo René Robles López known as “El Plaga,” a plaza boss linked to the Sinaloa Cartel has not been able to be located since July of this year, following his capture in November 2022.

On November 19, 2022, “El Plaga” was arrested after a confrontation against elements of the Mexicali Municipal Public Security Directorate (DSPM) and the State Citizen Security Force (FESC). This was in the Hipico neighborhood of the Baja California capital, where Benito Beltrán Zepeda “El Tío” was killed during the shootout.

However, a federal judge ordered his release 11 days later because the crime for which he was accused did not warrant preventive detention. The State Attorney General's Office (FGE-BC) re-arrested him for attempted murder against public security agents based on the shootout leading to his initial capture.

Almost a year after his arrest, a hearing was held this Monday to challenge his preventive detention. At the hearing, "El Plaga" was a no-show, and the control judge revealed that he was transferred to the Federal Center for Social Readaptation (Cefereso) #3, in Oaxaca, on July 6. 

But the state authorities were unaware this had taken place.

The same judge explained that elements of the Superior Court of Justice of Baja California requested the information in Oaxaca. However, they were sent to Chihuahua, who in turn sent them to Chiapas. The whereabouts of "El Plaga" are currently unknown to all of those entities.

FGE agents in charge of the case in Baja California said that "El Plaga" was transferred from El Hongo #2 to Oaxaca due to a federal charge against him. However, Cefereso #3 does not exist in Oaxaca, but in Matamoros, Tamaulipas.

The defense team of the alleged drug trafficker said they had not had contact with him since his transfer in July 2023. Due to the mishap, the control judge did not set the next hearing date until the defense reestablishes contact with "El Plaga."

In 2022, the former head of the State Secretariat of Citizen Security, Gilberto Landeros Briseño, assured that the arrest of "El Plaga" was on par with the arrest of “El Tolín” Infante. Another leader in the Sinaloa Cartel was arrested in July 2022 in Playas de Rosarito.

Both are linked to the “El Mayo” Zambada faction within the Sinaloa Cartel, which maintains a conflict against the “Los Chapitos” faction with much of that fighting taking place with the "Los Rusos" group.

Mendoza Guillén was linked to being a leader of criminal cells serving “Los Rusos” in Mexicali. In 2016, he had been arrested while carrying firearms in his car.

Source Zeta Tijuana


  1. "Due to the mishap, the control judge did not set the next hearing until the defense reestablishes contact with "El Plaga"." 😆😝😂🤣
    Justice in México!!

    1. Le dieron un culliadon en Chiapas al wey

    2. Le metieron una putiza cuando lo agarraron pero los alucines no dicen nada de eso jajaja

    3. What's up with his 1960s Beatles mop top hair cut?

  2. Se les pelo Baltazar Pura Mayiza ALV 〽️🤠🏹🇷🇺

    1. 🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺

    2. Arriva el Sombrero !

    3. 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽
      Puro macabro bien fumado, nos miran llegar
      Bastones chinos y cincuenta, puro criminal
      Somos los rusos, bien pendientes, nunca hay que rajar
      Y si le pican al chamucho los hago bailar

    4. Rusos are independent

    5. What's his Instagram??

  3. Doesn't El plaga know or some type of alliance with a cdn commander

  4. Plaga is the most famous online these days? Nice Rocky Balboa style picture where he's hitting the sack. Kid inspires lol

  5. Tolin infante locked up or did he escape too?

    1. He’s been long gone. Se pelo como al mes de que lo detuvieron

    2. Lmao that foo is still busted what r u talking about

  6. El plaga has been out of prison,he been posting pictures and stories on his instagram

    1. Plaga.15? That's a bullshit account

    2. This report says that he's been out also. Thanks for reading.

    3. You clowns follow a fake IG account. You literally have no fucking idea. The plaga account steals pics from a few other accounts . It just reposts lmao

  7. I have a QUESTION? Do chapos sons and mayo get along?? Cuz I read that they do and then they don’t in different articles. I know mayo and Chapo were best friends so I would think they do get along and all of them from Sinola.. so if anyone knows let me know??????????????

    1. There is a lot of rumours that Ivan and mayito Flaco tolerate each other but don't really get along

    2. Nonsense Ivan is very good friends with mayito g and flaco

    3. There’s the testimony from multiple Zambada family members in open court in Brooklyn

      No matter what Chapo feels or whatever or how long ago, that’s not a good look to Ivan and his brothers, your brother testified against my dad

      Vincente, and Rey Zambada were key witnesses

      The Exposal on Ivan pointed to his referring to the Mayo faction as Los DEA which is an insider detail even if not true

      We know how they feel about Mini Lic, and the killing of Chino Antrax who was a family friend of the Zambada’s, Mayito and Vicente especially

      Then the murder of Chikiyo Antrax

      Then Culiacanazo

      Then the indictments of Los Chapitos and the international spotlight on them and fentanyl

      Then the labs discovered with MZ branding this spring

      That’s enough right there for there to be understandable tension and that’s just what I know or remember, there’s probably a dozen more things no one will ever know about clubs and women and shipments and things like that

    4. J 12:31 spot on . My personal opinion I feel once the old man dies cds will turn into another cdg .

    5. Los Rusos and Nini is another fissure

    6. Them personally, I don't think anyone close enough to them to even speculate will ever do so here. Too many anons. As far as the streets all the chinches generally stay out of each other's way. More so outside of Durango and north of Culiacán. The 🍕 factions have a lot of personal beefs that are too hard to keep up with. There's like a 50/50 chance of getting robbed or taxed by themselves if intercepted going north. 100% picadillo if by ops. MZs receive each other much differently. I'll just say there's more consideration. There's even a good chance of recruiting ops if everything checks out. I heard of two MZ kids getting caught near SLRC by 🍕 ops. That boss called the kids' boss who said keep what you caught them with, give him his tablazos and send him back. The other kid got dropped after announcing he was from Sinaloa and didn't give a fuck.
      So the few on top getting along we'll know after their death. The ones at the bottom want to get along despite the tensions that come from the top.

  8. Second pic seems demonic on drugs. Scary hombre!!!

    1. I see it too. Evil, hatred, greed, suffering, and trauma all in his eyes. A cocktail combination that damns the soul

    2. He was beatin that’s why can’t u tell the way the guy grabbed his face and he’s bleeding

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. He looks goofy.

  9. Mexican Oliver Tree

  10. Those Sinaloenses always got the bad ass bigote

  11. Michoacanos broke him out just to use him as a pawn and control him from the shadows while they make the money. The michoacanos also started the Jewish-Arab conflict thousands of years ago knowing it would be a great distraction from the trillions michoacanos are making sending multi ton shipments to mars via collaboration with their compa Elon Musk (he has michoacano warrior roots)

    Semper Fi

    1. Que bendición que ni coincido con este demonio y malandro a la ves.

    2. The way that he got lost in the system just shows that he's not that big a player outside of Instagram. Or maybe he did get transferred to Matamoros, in which case there's probably not much left of him to show up in court.

    3. Calmate Graham Handcocks

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. 9:08 no bro. The senaloa cheerleaders need to stop testing my gangsta before I open a 24hr fade shop show em what these Michoacan manos can do

      Semper Fi

    7. Viva Michoacan!
      Viva Perin!
      Viva Eva Peron!

  12. Thus vato looks like a mad Mclovin in the second pic.

  13. LFM didnt skip a beat stacking feria for this small fish. Michoacanos keep it pushing while the trash takes itself out. Michoacanos just let this norteña get transfered to matamoros where they quickly put him on all 4 to lick piss off the floor. We know those nortenos have a thing for men crawling around.

    Semper Fi

  14. He look like that skinny guy from nacho libre

    1. Nah. He looks like Pedro from Napolian Dynamite or a Mexican Mclovin.

    2. Bottom pic definitely looks like a chilango

    3. Nah. He looks like a perfect candidate for a month of Thorazine and a padded cell followed by six months of Remeron and group therapy. First two months in a portable cage.

  15. They just realized now 🤡🤡

  16. dude you guys posted back then that he was out with in 2 days, someone paid to get him out, they said El Ruso paid to get him out. then 2 days later i seen him posting on Instagram from his official accout how does everyone just forget?????

    1. That was not his IG account, that account was reposting/sharing from other accounts.

  17. La plaga working for la liñea

    1. Amlo works for la linea too on the low

  18. Lmaooo at the pic where he's bleeding

  19. Whole this mess reminds me on series "Prisoner" about that fella in ceferso no3 and about mess in system managed by licenciado 🤣🤣🤣 Three prisoners dead but in the books transfered

  20. Some body broke thia guys nose, look at the first picture, his nose is all crooked, but the last picture (which it was taken before) his nose looks straight

  21. He should of been the main character in Creed.

  22. Hes Rusos lil mitotero. Who remembers the video when they chopped Chapitos guys legs with a chainsaw?


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