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Tuesday, October 24, 2023

CJNG Heir Menchito Backs Away From Plea Deal; 2024 Trial Scheduled For El Mencho's Son

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat 

The heir to a Mexican cartel empire, largely built on saturating the U.S. with fentanyl and other drugs, was expected to spill cartel secrets this month to prosecutors in Washington, D.C.

Instead, Rubén Oseguera González backed out of his plea deal the day before his scheduled hearing in federal court.

It's one in a host of setbacks for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration in its crusade to topple Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación or CJNG, a "super cartel" detected on every continent except Antarctica.

Oseguera González, known as "Menchito," now wants a trial and maintains his innocence on charges that he helped coordinate "tonnage" quantities of drugs funneled across the border and into the U.S.

His father, fugitive Rubén Oseguera González, known as "El Mencho," oversees the Guadalajara-based Jalisco Cartel, known as CJNG. He remains a top DEA target with a $10 million reward for information that leads to his capture.

CJNG and its top rival, the Sinaloa Cartel, are the two dominant cartels blamed for the bulk of illegal drugs in America.

El Mencho has remained on the run and in hiding for more than a decade, surrounded by highly trained and armed mercenaries. He groomed his son, called "Lil' Mencho," or "Junior" to one day take over the reins of the 5,000-member cartel, according to the DEA.

Unlike his stealthy father, Menchito had been spotted many times in public in the bustling city of Guadalajara. It's Mexico's second-largest city and the capital of the western state of Jalisco — known for its popular coastal resorts in Puerto Vallarta.

The Mexican military and navy teamed to capture Menchito in January 2014 in the western state of Jalisco, also finding large amounts of cash and guns. Cartel members lashed out by setting some vehicles on fire in the center of Guadalajara, Mexico's second-largest city. By October 2014, a Mexican judge ordered his release, citing a lack of evidence.

Menchito was recaptured in June 2015 in the city of Zapopan by the Mexican army and the federal police. Many drug investigators in the U.S. doubted he would ever be extradited to the U.S. because of the cartel's history of bribing judges and other officials and killing those who couldn't be bought.

After his arrest, Menchito was detained in a federal prison in the state of Sonora, which borders Arizona. He fought his extradition, even falsely arguing he wasn't the blood relative of El Mencho.

Prosecutors successfully argued against bond, saying they have several witnesses with personal knowledge of Menchito's crimes who are prepared to testify, along with damning recordings.

A judge declared Menchito's case "complex," due to the volume of evidence. His trial is slated for October 2024.

Terry Cole, a former New York police officer who oversaw U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agents in Guadalajara, said at the time he was surprised by Menchito's eventual extradition in 2020 because of the "amount of corruption and influence that CJNG has been pressuring local and federal government with [in Mexico]."

Cole served as the DEA's assistant regional director for North and Central America before retiring.

Still, El Mencho, the cartel leader, remains free. The former "sicario" or hitman, is known for running an extremely violent cartel with military-grade weapons.

Prosecutors allege Menchito's criminal involvement with his father's cartel began when he was a teenager and spanned more than a decade, extending into Colombia and Central America.

The Courier Journal traveled to Mexico in 2019 for a special project on CJNG and its rapid and vast expansion deep into the U.S., from large cities to tiny towns.

Agents arrested Menchito's sister, Jessica Johanna Oseguera Gonzalez, known as "La Negra," when she traveled from her family's home in Guadalajara to Washington, D.C., to support her brother during his arraignment, unaware of a warrant for her arrest in her own case.

La Negra pleaded guilty in March 2021 to violating the Kingpin Act, initially designed to topple the mafia. A judge sentenced her to serve two years and six months, and she has since been released.

Prosecutors targeted her for associating with businesses linked to her father, including helping manage or promote a sushi restaurant, cabana resort, tequila label, agricultural company and advertising firm.

Because her father was designated a kingpin by the U.S. Treasury Department in 2015, it made it illegal for any U.S. citizen — including California-born La Negra — to have any involvement with businesses linked to him. Prosecutors say La Negra tried to distance herself from her father and his global drug empire.  

Officials who participated in the investigation into Mencho, his family and his cartel claim prosecutors likely would have spared La Negra prison time away from her young children if her father had come out of hiding to face charges.

But the cartel boss never surfaced.

Courier Journal


  1. Crazy how CJNG members rather go to trial than snitch and CDS guys snitch 100% of the time

    1. STUPIDITY. Comes with a life sentence

    2. There's a difference between brains and no brains

    3. Fucking bastardo will rot in prison either way

    4. I think a family member got to him and told him to keep his mouth shut.

    5. Separates the boys from the MEN.

    6. He is facing a life sentence or certain death if he testifies

    7. 8:22 bastardo es el 3 😂

    8. 8:41 dicen que si no le dice El 3 o 03 que te mata 😂😂

    9. 9:20 El Cholo es la muestra...

  2. The kid should of taken the deal. They are going to slam him.

    1. Menchito gave some in info up but his deal was probably to lengthy so he decided to go to trial..facts..

  3. I gotta say he keeping it solid ... aint gonna spill the beans.. se la va a rifar el gallo .. pretty ballsy to say the least

  4. It's because he knows where his dad is. The U.S. and Mexico already know his whereabouts but they can't continue because AMLO spares him. The president knows if he is captured GDL Will turn into chaos. If only Menchito knew that, he would've taken the deal but this shows the level on isolation that they have him in

  5. No way he goes to trial

    the plea he was offered this year must have included cooperation

    so he changed up the legal team, and slow walked the process

    if he goes to trial, he will do 25 year at least

    1. Less then 25 years, credit for the time since 2015. Not more then 10 years are ahead of him.

  6. I don’t think there’s only 5000 members. Probably 100,000 spread out everywhere.

    1. 8:17 don't exaggerated either with 100,000

    2. Why not, there are half million people working for the cartels.

    3. Calm down Joe Biden

    4. 1:06 any credible source to confirm your numbers?

    5. BB wrote about it not long time ago.

    6. Also considering the numbers of people killed each year. Most of them were not innocent victims. If they had, in 2022, only 100.000 members minus 30.000 out of 35.000 murdered people in 2022, we should see less killings in 2023. we dont see that and this makes me believe that we talk about much more than 100.000 members.

    7. 8:51 I feel those numbers you are saying are inflated but I might be wrong

    8. 9:01 you do know CJNG is the cartel that most mass kidnaps in Mexico right . I'm pretty sure that not naming a cartel maybe maybe if even half of their sicarios are there out of their free will alot of them are there forcibly

    9. 9:22 i do know CDS has killed way more people than CJNG, they have been around longer, easy math

    10. Can just talk for my self but if you recruit me by force, the second i get a gun….

  7. Taking the feds to trial? Yeah good luck with that, you'll never the see the light of day again.

    1. Jamie Lightfoot Jr… His Co-Defendant took it to trial.

  8. Why didn’t they hit La negra with more charges? Explains a lot cause they could’ve slapped her with more charges then serving 2 years in prison. Wonder what else she was doing BEFORE the fact. Money talks bull shit walks

    1. Because they couldn’t charge her with anything as they had no dirt on her.

  9. things just got interesting.. there does seem to be some kind of keep your mouth shut with CJNG and serve the time.

    1. @9:38 the ones that are well connected with CJNG have loved ones that live back in mexico any fuckery that happens the family paying

  10. Animo Sicarios !

    Menchito was scared to
    Although CJNG was not involved in Chapitos kidnapping ( El Lic ,El Mini Lic ,El Mochomito,)
    When El Patron Chapo called Mencho and he told him "Ahora La Bebes o La Derramas"
    He knew Menchito would be terminated if Chapitos were not freed.

    Tier 1 Gente Nueva Special Forces

    1. At 938. I’m going to have to somewhat agree with you on that because I did also think I saw here that licenciado, his son, and others really were the ones behind that. Not exactly loving your whole “ special forces tier 1 bullshit” because only REAL military troops from Real countries have those types of TIERS. It’s like Sol’s name. In Spanish it sounds cool as fuck because it can be taken in two different ways. Sol Prendido meaning “ Lit up Sun or to enlighten”. Or maybe he broke the word Solprendido which technically it’s supposed to have an R instead of an L and means to be “ Surprised”. That’s my personal opinion on his name. So people find it cool and want to be down with him. Same shit with cartels and their fucking TIERS. it’s like they’re not all really REAL military men. But still get some training. And an emblem, and who wouldn’t want to be part of a group that says “ BLAH CARTEL TIER 5”. And personally, who wouldn’t be scared about dying. Even the worse of the worse that kill others and do it without hesitation would not want to die suddenly because living means that they can keep doing whatever. It’s human nature to not want to die. So even you would be scared. Don’t you guys do your coca or whatever else before most killings or gunfights to be more “relaxed” or “excited” and not want to be shitting in your pants knowing that you can die In your famous topones?
      Real military guys don’t need that. Their training makes them be precised and technical. It’s like me. I’m a professional Muay Thai fighter. So moves and what to do In fights comes natural.
      Most of you cartel special forces “NOT SO MUCH”

      Rubio NYC

    2. 12:42 under the fox and Calderon and most peña nietos administration coluded with American agencies have this thing called the "Sinaloan pax ' which basically cds gives them an advantage as the government works hand in hand with the big bosses. That's why alot of cds members are out and about in the USA. Also all this carteles are special forces in their ranchitos against unarmed civilians but the real Mexican special forces show up and they cry and run away all of them don't matter the Cartel

    3. At 622. Shit I did not know that. Also never meant to offend if this is the same person that wrote that first Msg. It’s just that I hear and read what is posted. And yes they have military guys training these Individuals. But then these guys call themselves special forces tier 1 or 2. Or special ops. But being trained for a few months doesn’t make you a special force. Example I can show someone how to throw kicks or punches for 6 months. But until they get in the ring and are doing these movements repeatedly time and time again. That it becomes autonomic. You can’t call yourself a pro fighter. That’s what I meant by that. But then again the person writing the post could be one of those REAL military guys.
      Rubio NYC

    4. 8:57 nah I ain't 9:38 he probably a Cds groupie or just a troll and no offense taking amigo . The big bosses do have ex military members with them but for the most part it's just regular cholos or ranchers with arm calling themselves special forces. Most of the time the cartels hire ex special forces instructors to tough up their sicarios. And the sicarios being the alucines they are believe them selves to be on par with the Mexican special forces hence why alot of group de choques tag a ridiculous military name or rank with in them. But it's day and night between the real deal and the alucines. Saying this supposedly if you have special forces in your resume supposedly the cartel pays more and you probably get a higher rank

    5. 929. Let me ask you. Do you know if they keep doing training with them on a regular. Or is it like a crash course for a few months. And then “ you’re good lol”?
      I guess everything falls into finances and how good a cartel wants a group of Sicarios to be ?

      But again each group does what their finances allow?

      Rubio NYC

    6. 11:39 for example I think fantasma and bravo aponte had a higher military rank than some of the original zetas . Well it depends. Most sicarios are Cannon fodder. They train for about a month in la Sierra then they set them loose . But I'm pretty sure maybe like menchos ivans or mayos close circle is probably nothing but ex military. And like you said it just depends on your finances and how much you willing to spend on personal equipment training and weapons m look up gafe423 in YouTube. You might like his content. I think he even has like a few sicarios talking about their experiences. Its not at all how the corridos portray it.

    7. @229 — thank you for the recommendation!

      And holy shit everyone must watch their most popular video; hit captions and translate to English if you have to…

      @Sol — If u see this check it out!!! 🦉

  11. Hes about to negotiate something better keep an eye for who falls next 🤫

  12. All of Mencho’s family are locked up. His brother, wife, son, daughter, brother in laws, etc. You wanna know who runs the show? Mayo’s kids walk around freely. Sol put a lot of hype in this blog for CJNG…lol.

    1. All three of Mayo’s sons got locked up what you mean lol they’re known for snitching. Everybody in Culiacan knows Mayo rats on his own people to keep the DEA happy.

    2. 12:52 mayito Gordo and Vicente are free in the USA . And Vicente coming out soon . Better than being dead or in prison for life

    3. 11:17 and thats why CDS are known world wide as the Cartel De Snitches

    4. 6:50 I have done time myself who would be amazed how many "real mf" end up turning

    5. 6:50 that’s right snitchloas

  13. This guy was born in the US so if he works a deal he could go live somewhere in the US after his sentence is over… no need to return to Mexico.

  14. Menchito gonna lose at trial!!! Feds dont play!!! Double the sentence, hope it was worth it!!!

    1. @ 1:31AM. 💯 FACTS. There’s a reason only 290 out of 71,954 (0.4%)took their case to trial in 2022 . You go to trial in the Feds, they’ll make a martyr out of you . We used to say “ you gonna get them football numbers ( super long sentences ) trying the Feds in court “. I’m my opinion he’s just stalling , probably upset with the plea agreement he was offered. I told my attorney the same thing, back when I was young and dumb, and found myself on the bad end of a plea deal I wasn’t happy with . I said “ screw it, tell them I’m going to take it to trial “. She just looked at me with that look like “ you know you ain’t about that life , stop saying dumb things “😄 . I called her the next day after she had came to visit me and told her “ ok I’ll take it “🤦‍♂️😄 I was actually relieved I was just a young neighborhood dealer instead of one of the big guys I got to know in there , who were having to sign 10-20 year plea deals . I took my little 5 piece and kept it pushing down the road 😄

    2. Get on the straight and narrow,it sorts you out.Caught intent to supply bagged up,your fucked for 3 to 5

    3. 4:22 took 10 years for meth dealing . You would see how many real mfs flip . My best friend flipped on me and got half and let me tell you that MF was as real as they came but having a mom sick with cancer made me understand why he flipped

    4. 5:52 than he wasnt a real MF, he was half a real MF

  15. LFM got ahold of menchito and told him better man up or there wont be anything left to go home to after that 25. Michoacanos making all them norteno snitchaloas look real bad .

    Semper Fi

    1. LFM ?? Oh yea I remember La Familia Michoacana, they had a good run for about 2yrs and now they ain’t shit.. move on Semper .. can’t be living in the past man

    2. 2:29 alright imitation Semper Fi, at least use some common sense when writing your incoherent rants.

    3. I dont give anonymous trolls much attention. Michoacanos got the game on a choke hold and norteno fangirls are hurting everytime ther reminded.

      Semper Fi

  16. For all those wondering plea deal doesn’t mean snitching

  17. Looks like Chapo will soon have a new neighbour. Feds cant be happy about his lack of cooperation. More crazy stuff coming out of Mexico

  18. A whole lotta of ya have never been to the feds lol

    1. Bro i really dont think you should be loud and proud about that shit,know what i mean?

    2. 5:42 maybe cause a lotta of us are not stupid enought to get to the feds 🤷🏼‍♂️

    3. 6:21 but yet I bet you consider a cartel expert don't you ?

  19. Whatever happens, happens its the life they choose

  20. No fucking way they have only 5000 members. More like 50,000, if not a 100,000.

    1. Lol totally… maybe Menchito alone has 5000 under him..

    2. El doble R alone probably has more than 5000 that he commands

  21. He's Done... He's going to be Neighbors with Chapo... Then if Chapo has Federal Prison inmates on his better believe Menchito is going to be Extra Vulnerable..

    1. 4:14 🤣🤣🤣🤣 no mames, chapo can't even see the sun once a day, he gets an hour of exercise but wont get direct sun light

  22. And it's Simple. You play the system to get your Freedom at All cost. Life's Short. I Rather be Free and called a Rat for the Rest of my life. Then to be Locked up and be considered a Stand up guy

    1. 4:16 i rather not get involved, that way i wont get called a stand up guy or a rat

  23. Hell be Solidly in Prison for a long time. Every man has his price

  24. Can't do the time, don't do the crime. It's really simple. So many comments on here of 🐀/👉 that find any excuse, even in the theoretical sense, to justify snitching on other people because they too bitchmade to face the consequences of their actions.
    Los huevos se demuestran con hechos no con la lengua. Post it BB.

  25. They gave LaLO life,this guy will get 25


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