Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Coahuila: High School Student Stabs Teacher In Classroom

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Secretary of Education of Coahuila (Sedu) announced that the 59-year-old teacher is out of danger, since the injuries suffered are not serious, while the minor was taken to the Public Prosecutor's Office.

A high school student was arrested by authorities after he stabbed his teacher during class in the municipality of Ramos Arizpe, Coahuila.

The events took place yesterday afternoon at the Escuela Secundaria General No. 1 "Rubén Humberto Moreira Flores", located in the municipality.

The attack was recorded by the school's security cameras. The video shows the 14-year-old standing in front of the blackboard and next to the teacher. At the moment when the teacher turns her back to him, the minor stabs her in the back several times, and then runs out of the classroom.

According to the State Attorney General's Office (FGE), the teacher, identified by authorities as Patricia Eugenia Burciaga Davila, 59, is hospitalized at an ISSSTE clinic.

The teenager was secured by teachers from the school and was also taken to an IMSS hospital, as he sustained a wound to his right hand in the attack.

The Prosecutor's Office informed that the 14 year-old was taken to the Public Prosecutor's Office specialized in adolescents to determine his legal situation.

According to authorities, the teacher is out of danger.

The Coahuila Secretary of Education (Sedu) announced that the 59-year-old teacher is out of danger, as her injuries are not serious.

In addition, it notified that the incident is already being investigated by the corresponding authorities to determine the responsibility and make the consignment to the corresponding instance.

Sedu announced that due to the aggression, it will strengthen Operation Backpack, which consists of checking students' belongings to avoid accidents, as well as crime prevention actions.


  1. Que lo tableen paque no pueda cagar

  2. This kinda stuff is extremely rare in MX, right?

    Unlike here in the US; our system breeds narcissistic psychopaths...

    1. There was a mall shooting at Thailand done by. 14 year old wearing a “USA “ flag hat

    2. 807 what about the Mexican narcissistic psychopaths that behead dismember kidnap sex traffic and kill children in front of their parents just for thrills???

  3. Student- "I'll pop quiz YOU, mf!"

    1. You think that's funny? Stupid motherfucker.

  4. Shock… and sadly, possible desensitization of violence….

  5. “Non quiero habla pinche ingles!!!”

  6. 8:46 , 9:37 - I honestly can’t tell if you guys are joking or not. The security camera footage has no audio, which is why you can’t hear a single student scream or even the teacher scream as she’s being stabbed.

  7. Burrita y psicopata

  8. Too bad he will be out by the time he’s 18

    1. Mexico’s law system is so fucked

  9. Pinche chavo estupido vale cerca.
    De seguro es una mierda en casa y todavia una mierda en la casa. No se le va a quitar lo mierda. En unos cinco menos años lo matan por andar de pendejo creyendose mucho con un cartel.

  10. 8.46 - In an unexpected emergency situation, the average untrained individual needs AT LEAST 2-3 seconds to accept what's happening as real, think of something to do about it, and then actually start doing it.
    Watch the video and count: "One-one-thousand, two-one-thousand, three-one thousand."
    These high school students are average.

  11. Stabbing with abrasos, no balazos. Non-stop emf's and murder/pop-culture are really taking a toll on Mexico. Also looks like their long-time gun control is a colossal failure as the rich get richer and the poor get crazier.


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