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Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Commando Kidnaps Woman And Minor In Bosques Del Rey; Prosecutor's Office Issues Search Warrants: Culiacán, Sinaloa

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was reposted and translated from RIODOCE 

An armed group entered a house in the private Bosques del Rey, in the La Conquista sector, northwest of Culiacan, and kidnapped a woman and a minor.

According to reports, Pamela Alison Perea Rojo, 23 years old, and Jesús Alberto Chaidez Beltrán, 13 years old, were kidnapped.

According to reports, armed men in two pickup trucks first tried to "kidnap" a man, but later took his wife and nephew.

After the incident, the Sinaloa State Attorney General's Office issued search warrants to locate the woman and the minor.

In the files it is indicated that Jesus Alberto Chaidez Beltran, is 1.60 meters tall, slim, fair complexion, blond hair, large brown eyes, while Pamela Alison Perea Rojo is 1.60 meters tall, slim, fair complexion, blond hair, green eyes, and as a particular sign has a scar on his back and abdomen, and on his right leg has a tattoo in the shape of a barbed wire chain.

For any information please call 800 890 90 92 and 667 716 70 90 90.

Source: RIODOCE 

LaMasakr3 on X, " 🔎 #Culiacán, #Sinaloa 

After a failed attempt to deprive an individual of his freedom in the northwest sector, an armed group decided to deprive his wife and nephew, who have not been located.

The events took place at midday on Tuesday, October 24, inside a private estate in Bosques del Rey, located in the La Conquista sector, northwest of Sinaloa's capital city.

It was established that a group of approximately 10 heavily armed individuals traveling in two white Cheyenne pick-up trucks entered the private property where he lives and tried to deprive him of his freedom, however, he was able to escape from the individuals.

When they were unable to "pick him up", the armed individuals decided to deprive his wife Pamela Alison "N", 23 years old, and his nephew Jesús Alberto "N", 14 years old, who have not been located." -@calvariae_locus


BOSQUES DEL REY, located in the La Conquista sector; CULIACÁN, SINALOA 


  1. We can all agree right ? that going after someone's family should not happen. They are not guilty of your ACTIONS. Going after second or third parties should not occur it if not their fault.

    Todos estamos de acuerdo en que no se debe perseguir a la familia de alguien verdad? Ellos no son culpables de tus ACCIONES. Ir tras segundos o terceros no debería ocurrir.

    It is a code that has been forgotten.
    es un código que se ha olvidado.

    1. Well char those day are long gone, all cartels are the same shit and here is a clear example CDS are just as bad as CJNG

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. let's not get into a debate which one is less bad they are all the same

    4. 10:09 same shit, all cartels do the same shit, no matter how you try to spin it around

  2. well shiiet im stayin just couple hours where they got chapo locked up but if I see them here ill call those numbers

  3. Probably nini . He well known to kidnap family members of people he is after . They usually turn their selfs in . People in culiacan don't like him .

    1. I was thinking the same I’ve heard he was done this a few times I can’t wait until they do the same to him.

  4. That code is long gone, will never see that code again.

  5. I’m sure he’s regretting escaping now, instead of just letting them take him instead of his wife and nephew. What kind of life is that, knowing your free (atleast for now) , while who knows what’s happening or going to happen to your wife and nephew? I’m sure he messed up somehow with the cartel , whether it was stealing , cooking or dealing in fentanyl ( if there really is a city ban ), or something else that would deem him to be kidnapped . He obviously knew it wasn’t going to be a spanking with a 2X4 otherwise I think he might have stayed and faced the music . Say they are killed in the end , how do you look at yourself in the mirror everyday and not feel the urge to blow your own head off for being a coward ? I can’t see a man just sweeping it under the rug like it never happened, and then still having a sense of respect for himself , knowing he made his bed , but his loved ones are laying in it because he ran like a coward . That’s the kind of guy who lets his own mom go down for the drugs the cops found at her house , but we’re his , and yet he doesn’t have the balls to take his lick on the chin . He’s the guy who doesn’t take the charge for his own drugs , when you get pulled over driving , yet he doesn’t be a man and admit to the cops that their his and not yours . Same guy different scenario😒

    1. They went to pick up his family after he got away,I’m pretty sure he didn’t think that would happen the way it did

  6. Its a very common tactic and efective one in sinaloa because they know thats the only way a Sinaloa would surreder without a figth it happen to ovidio n it happen to Tony Montana of fuerzas especiales damaso and theres a million more i can tell You

    1. Yeah we know Sinaloas will hurt or kill Innocents to get their rivals to turn themselves in. IDK WTF you're thinking but that shit is for punks. Pa los culos que no saben pelear de frente.

  7. Whoever did the kidnapping should be skinned like animals.
    Along with their whole squad and hung on trees. Eventually the boss will go down along with his whole family :)

  8. I’m the picture you can see an owl in the sky

  9. La chapiza se dio cuenta que todavia trabaja fentanilo no entendio y se los va cargar la verga a los familiares.. que gacho fakkkk

  10. Si no dan contigo van por tu familia para que te entregues pero eso es de corriente pero como dije por abusones se los va cargar el payaso

    1. @10:48 cual payaso wey? deja de escuchar corridos te estan affectando

    2. El k parese al k le está afectando es ati envés de decir k se los va llevar la riata mejor pongo payaso como dice el dicho k no creo k as de saver k quiere decir ,as de ser otro k nomas abre la boca sin pensar k como baboso as de pensar k lo digo x el corrido duérmete y vete a trabajar tu 9-5

  11. LFM trains to pick up bodies because Michoacanos never run or let the contras take them alive. These despicable acts only happen in places like sinaloa. Little zetas wanabees

    Semper Fi

    1. stop lying Michoacán warrior, Ive seen plenty of them get caught and get the blade on camara. your no diffrent or special pinche tizco

  12. The chaidez beltran clan work for the zambadas

  13. The descriptions are strange in comparison to the ones in the US I wonder if clear complexion ever got anyone rang up or the placement of ones nose ever blew a cover or perhaps having luscious full lips turned out to be the break the bounty hunters capitalized on to bring in a fugitive smh seems silly

    1. Yep, silly like strawberry chili on a hot winter night under pale moon light. Wait, what?


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