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Thursday, October 5, 2023

Could America Really Go To War With Mexico’s Cartels?

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Is military intervention against Mexican drug cartels the solution to the opioid crisis? Join us for a deep dive into this heated debate, exploring the origins, challenges, and consequences of such a move.



  1. Going to war would be attacking their finances… and we all know that ain’t gonna happen

    1. Very well said !
      Who’s gonna fund the CIA and their goals ????

    2. No period is a thing now to make fun of?

    3. @1057 — pay no attention to the narcissistic incel from Reddit..

    4. 10:57 he has special needs and concerns the issues with him are far greater than most he stays up at night looking for sentences without commas and periods so he can remind us all that they should be there f*** the issue at hand but that period now that really means something to him so go easy on him like I said he is special

    5. 1057 is Negative Chief O'Conner.

    6. People here confuse going to war with cartels with going to war with Mexico. These are completely seperate topics.

      If Congress passes a law allowing the DoD and Pentagon to use their technology and weaponry to eliminate cartels what we would see is a positive scenario where:

      1. Mexican military (Army Navy) works in conjunction and coordination of US military forces in Mexico to pinpoint, target, and capture or kill the Chapitos and other key, primary producers of fentanyl.

      2. Corrupt Mexican officials could no longer alert cartel operatives or receive their bribes with the Pentagon disrupting the flow of guns, money, and drugs.

      3. After the Cartel leadership is eliminated the remaining drug addicts with guns will have a choice to become normal citizens or goto jail.

      4. US Military presence in Mexico is not new. Mexico is a major US military export hub to send weapons and vehicles to Ukraine and Europe, as well as the middle and far east.

      What this war is not:

      A brigade of men with automatic weapons and drones from the US indiscriminately shooting civilians and Marina to eliminate cartels.

      A bunch of cholos with AK47s in LA flying POV drones laden with symtex, setting off car bombs, raping, looting, and burning down buildings in America in “defense” of the motherland Mexico and its elite Sicario drug addicts who sell shitty dope to fellow Raza.

    7. 1:38 You obviously are ignorant in this matter and ignorant overall. Either that or you're not the sharpest tool in the toolshed.Or both (that's the one I'd bet on). Reading your comments and points doesn't just tell me, it screams it to me. Take point 2. You say it would disrupt their flow of guns??? Is that a joke or something? Mexico has been asking the U.S. government for that very same thing for years which for the most part have fallen on deaf ears. But you're saying that all of a sudden they would and you say it why??? Also, what you say in point 1 is pure fantasy. Do you not understand that Mexico is against this idea??? You know that don't you??? But you have the mexican army working in "conjunction" with the U.S. military. How do you figure if they are against it??? Point 3 mentions what, according to you, would happen after a cartel's leadership got eliminated....You do know this has already happen and not only did it not work, it actually made things worse??? Where there was only 5 or 6 cartels, now there's atleast 28. Violence went up and mexicans are being extorted, kidnapped, and/or killed like never before. You do know that right??? And your fantasy includes U.S. troops on the ground in Mexican soil. Do you not understand that Mexico is totally against this???!!! And your "what this war is not" part of your comment, don't be so sure of your prediction. This sceenerio has the potential to escalate quickly. That is hypocritical that the U.S. expects respect but doesn't give it. That one of the reasons this country is on a downward trajectory. The idiots in Washington don't think things through or do what's best for the people of this country. And their lack of respect is what feeds all that. Kennedy is the only one whe thinks out of the probable candidates for the presidency. Hopefully he wins it all, but with all the corruption in the system, it's probably wishful thinking.

    8. @1:38 What you fail to realize is that cartels are a part of the Mexican government. Whether it be on the city/ municipal level or all the way up to the Generals that control the military. Hell, even some presidents in Mexico have taken bribes and gone after the enemies of other cartels.

      You fail to recognize this and that makes your entire comment NIL, NADA, retarded or just plain obsolete. Without the government, the cartels would not survive and without the cartels- there would be a lot of very, very poor politicians. Some people are just stupid and post comments with big words and proper punctuation. If this is true, then the commenter is just a fool.

    9. @1:38 Another thing- the US military is not working in "conjunction" with the Mexican military. I know the CIA, DEA, HSI and ATF are working with the Mexican military. Dumb people just blow smoke out their culos talking nonsense like they work for the government.

    10. Yes. The only sensible comment on here. The rest is a pissing contest, depending on whether US teens back their military more than dumbass kids back whichever ''Cartel'' they researched recently. What the fuck is this question anyway? The answer is NO.

    11. It’s not different as viewed by the Mexican people. Another intrusion into sovereign Mexican territory by Yankee Imperialism would generate an unbelievable groundswell of hate and endanger the several million USA citizens who live in Mexico. The Mexican people would quickly and uniformly side with the cartels against any North American incursion or invasion into Mexican autonomy.

  2. Could America Really Go To War With Mexico’s Cartels?


    Go to a lame ass dodgers game or just parts of LA and you’ll see a bunch of chicanos and pochos waving the Mexican flag as if many of them have the balls to set foot in Mexico but are all proud and maybe even willing to die for the so called “Aztlan”.
    The US would lose and I’m not even a progressive liberal democrat. They would lose because Raza outnumbers everyone else and not all are pro America.

    Semper Fi

    1. Fully agree except the part about losing. When you sign up you're made aware you're defending the constitution. I think there's enough safeguards in place to weed out any miscreants.

    2. Siempre Fiel did you just assume all Chicanos fly the same flag? About a year ago alot started flying TBline. Ive seen alot of Pochos with American Flags lately. Here in LA. Ever since Nury Martinez said what she said, the bomb started ticking.

    3. 9:43 just another sour angels fan 😂

    4. Yeah, the U.S., who has the most advanced military in the history of the planet would loose against Mexico, a third world nation that has almost no Air Force whatsoever. You are probably one of the stupidest humans in existence.

    5. 10:47 what's "TBline"?

    6. Nah im no angeles fan but i do notice that about a lot of raza also getting very American patriotic. I think if Trumps wins the non-Hispanic whites will get bold like Richard Spencer did. Sometimes raza tries too hard to be accepted by gabachos like in Texas for example. You could be 6th generation U.S born raza but you still not Walter White “white”.

      Semper Fi

    7. Thin Blue Line. Check out why it came about.

    8. Cinco De Mayo is the one that gets me.. Every year we see “nationalists” go crazy in every city in every state, but never for the actual Mexican Independence Day (Sept).. even my Mexican friend says it’s an embarrassment…

    9. We are already at war with them and have been for decades!!sleep well chapitos and you to lord of the pollos!!keep hoping chaupulinas maybe win some reward money or time off your sentences 🇲🇽🔥🇲🇽🔥💀

    10. @ Semper Fi … if the Raza were smart they would think twice about what country has actually done more for them and that’s we’re the loyalty should lie .. I love Mexico and my Mexican heritage but I would love to see US
      troops take out all the cartel trash. Those cartel idiots are only strong in numbers, half of them don’t even know how to properly use weaponry. The US invests approximately $2million usd to train a single navy seal… you think Mencho or Sinaloa spends that much per head .. los pendejos chapitos primero se comprarían un pinche Lamborghini para andar de fanfarrones y la mencha mejor se los gastaría en un par de riñones pobre diabético

    11. Fuck the navy seals our military has gone woke. But you really need to think that it would not just be cartels vs U.S military. There’s people (non-cartel Mexicans) coming through the border that have no good intentions and would gladly side with the cartels against the U.S to do harm.

      Semper Fi

    12. 9:47 ¿2 millones USD para comprar un Lamborghini?, nunca. 30 mil lanas para nacionalizar un vehículo robado de esa gama. Los estatales de Sinaloa son capaz de documentar que Italianos fueron contrados para ir a armar el vehículo frente ellos. El Señoron Mencho más bien se lo gastaría en un gallo de oro con 5G y Bluetooth. Que por lo cierto comentan nos sigue cuidando desde el cielo. Quien sabe si el gallo de oro o el Señor de los Gallos.

    13. The difference is that with mexico you won’t be just fighting the Army you will be fighting the whole country cause the raza will get into the action as well

    14. 01:;3 you mean white non-white Latinos

    15. Whether who wins or looses might be up for debate, but this fact shouldn't be....People will die on both sides and there will be alot of suffering and fear due to the uncertainty. I believe it will escalate. Amd it's not about siding with cartels. It's about not allowing yourself to get trampled all over as a country. If someone were to launch a missle to the U.S. without U.S. approval or consent, it would be war. Why do people think it should be different just because it would be the U.S. doing it??? And I guarantee Russia and China will be getting involved in one way or another. It wouldn't surprise me if they were training and arming Mexicans at this very moment in anticipation of this possible action. And if it does happen, which hopefully isn't the case, if people think the economy is on wobbly legs now, this will cold knock it out. Something the idiots in Washington should be very aware about.

  3. No way the U.S. is going to go to war with it's largest trading partner.

    1. 9:47
      You are right unless it’s the beginning of end of the world and we are about to start fighting nation against nation soon. Who knows?

      Semper Fi

  4. I wouldn't be surprised.
    Look at the destruction the U.S has caused, globally.

  5. Here come the liberal pusses about to chime in. Mexico and it’s cartels aren’t even a real factor. Fent deaths happen to addicts. Cartels aren’t a threat to the rich and powerful. So there’s your answer there. No because they aren’t a threat. Get some nukes and maybe an education then we will talk.

    1. Obama still has the record for issuing the most drone strikes out of any prez… many of which killed innocent civilians

    2. @10.21. Sorry dude, but I couldn't tell if you were being sarcastic. None of what you said made sense. ''Fent deaths happen to addicts''. Yes, many of whom became addicts after going to their doctor. ''Get an education and some Nukes'' is the funniest contradiction in terms I have ever heard on here.
      As if the more you learn about Mexico, the more likely you will be to murder millions of innocent people. You are an embarrassment to your country.

  6. There’s something dark behind the cartels and Gov officials. I always thought that big cartel guys have connections with gov officials or big CIA/DEA agents.

    1. Oh it’s gets dark…

  7. My man Simon Whistler made it to BB!

  8. If US really wanted to finish this drug war they would send top elite soldiers after the big fish, but they rather just keep blaming mexico for their addiction and help other countries instead of sending top trained soldiers to Mexico and it’s a Win Win situation for both countries… that’s would be ideal if corrupting wouldn’t exist in both countries.

    1. I think we’ve determined by now that “the kingpin strategy” solves nothing…

  9. -Wouldn't solve much.
    -Wouldn't really work (see Vietnam and Afghanistan).
    -Possible because it would make more money for the military-industrial complex.
    -Possible because there are materials like lithium, supposedly.
    -Possible because some US politician is invested in a company located in Mexico and AMLO is working against that person to keep the business out of American hands, supposedly.
    Can't remember the details but that's what it comes down to.

  10. Wouldn't be the first time YS invaded Mexico.
    Damn gringos are evil, their greed is beyond imagination

  11. America - U.S.A. - OUGHT to go to war with the cartels.
    It is winnable and it would straighten out the thugs who manage to get "elected" .

    1. Right and crumble the US economy even more in the process . Sound like a bad trade off . Plus give Russia and China an opening .

    2. @10:08 Russia isn’t gonna do shit. They can’t even take eastern Ukraine. 250,000 Russian casualties and it’s only been 2 year and a half. Look what happened in 1961 when the Russians( then Soviets) tried the same shit in Cuba. President Kennedy almost nuked their ass

  12. Semper Fi michoacano guy is going to get called in to lead units and platoons into battle.

  13. The stole a plane kidnapping people and feeding them to tiggers yeah somethings up

  14. The days of conventional warfare are long gone… what’s going on in the Ukraine is literally “military theater”

  15. hahaha really ?u have to be stupid to believe this, obviously it is pure political discourse next year there are elections so it is up to the politicians to open their mouths as much as possible

  16. If there would be a war vs the cartels it would imply that the regular people who live in areas infested with cartels are victims, and would be able to seek asylum in the States.
    That would lose the next election for either of the Parties.
    So, never in a million years, not to mention that without cartels there wouldn't be such splendid financial backing for the letter gangs.

  17. Luego luego gringuitos. Nomas no lloren cuando topen fierro en terreno Michoacano y del gran Señor Mencho. Acá no andamos con chingaderas como las golfas en la Isla Fronton.

    1. The “gringuitos” already shit their pants here in the states! Let them try enter Michoacán like the Spaniards did and get their intestines fed to them. Curacueri style!!!!!!

      Semper Fi

    2. Senor.mencho? Siguele.mamabdo.

    3. Hit them with drones like in Syria

    4. Did the Spaniards /Europeos do the Natives a favor by invading?

    5. @Semper Fi

      If you think that a bunch of lowlife scumbags like the cartels would handle the delta force, navy seals, American marines ecc you are in for a rude awakening. 😂😂😂

      They even needed the help of the crooked Mexican government to disband the autodefensas because they were getting castrated, burned alive all sort of that shit from the local autodefensas militia, and you think that they would handle the American army and special forces.

      Keep dreaming, boy.😂😂😂

    6. The Spaniards got their asses handed to them so bad when they tried to enter Michoacán that the Spaniards burned all records of Purepecha history. Spaniards found out the Canzoni was still running shit behind their back and had him whacked after it was revealed but not before killing a shit ton Spaniards and hiding s much gold the whites were after while using the WORD of the Lord to try to subjugate.

      As to your question of did they do to a natives of favor? I don’t really know how to answer that.
      Where I live there shopping centers that look the same every couple of blocks with the same business. According to the whites we raza are civilized now 😂 everything looks the same but they smarter they invented oxygen y que la chingada.

      Semper Fi

    7. @Obvious Guy

      I don’t know, but even Cortes was horrified at the sight of what the “natives” did,were%20considered%20pure%20and%20unspoiled.

      But in modern times there is the attitude to see all that was done by the natives as innocent and good even when they were abominable monsters, but just because they got conquered by the white catholic man they suddenly became angels in the eyes of the modern, self-hating, western snowflake

    8. 10:18 Drones vs drones then. Michoacán been using drones. It’s another level there. Lots of raza from Michoacán all over the U.S
      I remember when the DEA put out that map years ago with La Familia Michoacána and their US contacts. Imagine now all the other crime groups and the shift in structure and dynamics. They have not died down that’s for sure.

      Semper Fi

    9. 10:45 estas bien penedjo!!!!!
      Go read what 10:05 wrote about China and Russia joining the fight. You never been to war bitch boy!

      Semper Fi

    10. 1045, without the Spanish civilization, your people would still be tearing out Aztec hearts and making tzompantlis full of baby skulls. Embrace your partial Spanish heritage, don't be ashamed bronie.

    11. The Spaniards were as much savage as the Natives from my perspective. I’m mestizo, Hernan Cortes and Nuño Beltrán de Guzmán did some heinous ass shit to the Natives just as much as to Natives did to themselves and to the Spaniards especially in Michoacán.
      If the Christian God is real and just, then they’re both guilty of savagery.
      Puro hipocrita y a lo que nos combiene es la gente each and everyone everywhere.

      Semper Fi

    12. Itd b very nice if the USA invaded michoacan to get rid of all those purepecha tecatos, please do Mexico a favor a bomb those indios off the face of the earth

    13. @12:11 I agree but who’s gonna cook the best meth “El Turbo” for your drug addicted bitch ass and for drug addicted gueros who knows what’s up?

      Semper Fi

    14. 12:22 u urself sound hooked up on that meth dodo, yeah u confirmed those tecatos need to be bombed

      Semper Fi 😂

    15. Saludo to my friends from El Huecorio, Patzcuaro area. Thanks to them still holding on to traditions from Pre Hispanic times.

    16. 1:07
      I don’t do drugs but I’m pretty sure you do!

      Semper Fi

    17. @12:05

      “ without the Spanish civilization, your people would still be tearing out Aztec hearts and making tzompantlis full of baby skulls. ”

      Yeah but you know, since they weren’t western, white, catholic men, apparently making tzompantlis full of baby skulls somehow gets a pass…

    18. 1:58 then you're like this since birth? I don't want to make fun of you if you're 'tarted

      Semper Fi

    19. @4:59
      Your not even funny lame and quit using my signature bitch ass lame you never served because you bitched up like try the bitch you are!

      Semper Fi

    20. 6:12 You served and express yourself like this? VA need to up your meds.

      Semper Fi

    21. 10:45 What the hell are you talking about.

    22. 12:11 Alot of people all around the world say the same thing for the U.S. They want bombs blowing up here and probably pray for it to happen.

  18. 10:45
    Both Russia and China would back up and assist Mexico. China because it has been investing heavily in Mexico and Russia just to have an ally next to the US. Russia has publicly declared it would provide Mexico with some of its most advanced weapons in the case of an invasion from the US, and Mexico has been buying fighter jets from Russia recently that even the US in unable to detect.

    1. @11:13 AM

      Except that, this wouldn’t be a war against the Mexican population and the Mexican army, but against the Mexican cartels

    2. Lmao… Los rusos y chinos ya saben quien es papa.
      Ahorita nomas porque esta el viejillo corrupto pero cuando estaba Trump todos se azorrillaban.
      And yes I know about nuclear power but trust me at the end everyone in power wants to remain alive so FO!!!

    3. @11:46 the cartels are part of every Mexican society , civilians ,politicians , military , marines they have infiltrated every level . The are part of Mexican society it’s impossible to go after them without harming innocent family members , innocent bystanders, innocent children .. it would be taken as an invasion by the Mexican people ….the only outcome will be hatred toward the US and an all out war and support from other countries ( China , Russia ) as Mexico is a neutral pacifist country . They would be seen as the underdog being step on by the abuser US .

    4. 12:30 Draft dodger Trump?
      That’s fools a straight bitch!
      Get off his peckerwood puta! I think the U.S is fucked regardless of who’s in charge. If things get better it will only be for a very short period.

      Semper Fi

    5. 1255
      Atleast trump can still put together a full sentence.
      Unlike vegetable joe biden.

    6. I don’t like Joe Biden either! That shit is all a circus.

      Semper Fi

    7. @12:45

      Then the mexicans shouldn’t complain when one of their female daughters is abucted and cooked in acid just because she refused a local Mexican cartel member (this happened to Rubi Salcedo in Orizaba, Veracruz, in 2012, but it’s just a case among tens of thousands of the same kind), because if they don’t accept help from an external entity this will continue over and over and over again (expecially because the government of Mexico is the first entity in cahoots with the cartels)

    8. @12:45

      This is what I was talking about in the previous comment. I just mentioned this because it stucked in my head for some reasons, but there are literally tens of thousands of these crimes that are unpunished in Mexico because they are committed by cartel members and the government is their first sponsor. I think that the cartels should he eradicated by any means necessary, but if many Mexicans are willing to put up with that scum, well, who am I to judge?

    9. @2:17 For the most part cartels aren’t allowed to go killing randomly they 90 percent of the time go for those involved in the drug trade . Yes , there are cases where a high drugged out sicario might go and do something dumb , but they are turned in if not killed by the same cartel they worked for ..because the arrangement is if you make us the (goverment )look good like we are doing our job and not go around harming and or bothering the innocents we will allow you to operate . Crime is part of any society , it happens everywhere. Yes, even in the US , many crimes don’t get solved , but it’s better to work with these big organizations then to let them run rampant. Crime will always exist in any society ,unfortunately there in no way around that . Life isn’t just black and white . Some countries are better at hiding it than others . In conclusion, if you believe that hideous unimaginable crimes don’t occur in the US as well ,then you need to get out of your own bubble .

    10. @4:22

      They happen but not nearly at the same rate they happen in Mexico. And this is because there is no accountability in Mexico for 98% of crimes. You say that it’s better to work with these criminal organizations but when you have criminal organizations that have ad much, if not more, firepower and money than the government, you are at the brink of a failed state and there is not functional country that has criminal organizations as powerful as the Mexican cartels in it. And also what you said about sicarios that do something dumb and get killed or turned in is just hilarious, many times they just kill innocent people to heat the plaza pretending that they were cartel enemies, or do things to innocent people that no criminal organizations in the USA or Europe could do and get away with. But like I said, if there are people who think that the drug cartels shouldn’t be exterminated, who am I to judge? I wouldn’t even apply normal war conventions to them, so you can imagine how much I disagree with your statement.

    11. @6:11 You misunderstand me , I’m not saying they shouldn’t be exterminated , what I’m saying is , at this point they can’t be exterminated . I will give you one example , did you see the video where AmLO the president of Mexico was singing or being entertained by a corrido glorifying el Chapo ? That tells you how bad the narco culture has gotten . Its ingrained in every root of the tree called Mexico . I mean let’s be realistic if the most powerful country in the world ( US) who strongly vowed to eliminate a street gang , I repeat a street gang , known as MS -13 and their results were? They failed miserably . What makes you think they have a chance against a cartel who’s operations are world wide? It’s a serious question. Mind you MS - 13 is a trans -national street gang with nowhere near the power, money , and influence any of the major Mexican cartels have. So let’s look at that , and reach a reasonable conclusion: that it’s a waste of time , money , and resources- as even the almighty US didn’t make a dent on a street gang - let that sink in . Crime isn’t something that disappears in a day , month , year , decade it’s an ongoing struggle as long as we humans exist.

    12. 7:21 And you forgot to mention it will bring more hatred and animosity towards the U.S. The U.S. is disliked as it is. It attacking a neutral country such as Mexico would make it look worse on the world stage and it's authority and respect on that stage would erode even further. Especially doing something like that to a so called ally.

    13. @2.10. Repeat that. Comments like that always separate the people who give a shit from the bastards. The father and mother of a daughter who has been murdered has no right to complain because...
      You stupid motherfucker, reading US news bullshit and ignoring the pain. Re-read what you just wrote. And fuck you.

  19. In a few more years Mexico's drug consumption on a per capital basis will keep the cartels very profitable as well.

    The argument that it's America's problem or Canada's problem will soon be home to roost in Mexico.
    Then, we all too can say it's Mexico's problem.

  20. The real problem, though, is that even if the USA managed to defeat the drug cartels, they wouldn’t solve Mexico’s number 1 problem: corruption. So problems with infiltrations from criminal organizations would just happen again, maybe not on this scale but still Mexico couldn’t reach its potential because it would be held back by criminal elements both in and out of the government.

    I really think that the only real solution would be a fascist government for a decade or so. Fascist government coupled with a thorough education of the people, expecially the younger generations, would be the only solution.

    As of now, Mexico is ungovernable.

    1. 06:34 of there are no more cartels, there is no more corruption

    2. @ 3:26 But everyday a child is born in Mexico, and they will eventually grow up… and you know the rest….

    3. Yes 6:34 pm you bring up a valid point.
      Corruption is accepted in Mexico and that needs to change, otherwise NOTHING ELSE will.
      Unfortunately the problem is a real juxtaposed issue.
      The beautiful souls of Mexico think nothing of turning a blind eye to corruption if it is helping a fellow human being, and that is a truely beautiful thing.
      The other group uses corruption for all of their nefarious deeds no matter the scale or size of the operation, from common thieves to cartels.
      Consequently the grand effect of these two groups, both good and bad, have never allowed this most beautiful country to rise above tribal corruption.

      I lived in Mexico for 6 years and always thought how crazy it is that I purchase a drivers licence or fishing licence at 1 place and then I need to go to another place, usually a Bank to pay the fee, then back to the original place with receipt in hand to receive the actual licence!
      Unheard of anywhere else!
      I guess when you treat all as being corrupt they will live up to your expectations.
      Beautiful country, the most beautiful people and unfortunately some very evil gangsters and bankers.

  21. Mexicans !!It's an order from the powerful USA. You cannot celebrate on Cinco De Mayo. No drinking and no eating good food. No fiesta.

  22. Where's the guy that likes to box in panties.

    1. Howdy. Was busy reading about LFM pulling strings in Europe through Freemasons during ww2. Always suspected that was the case.

      Semper Fi

  23. What i think is this.Borderlandbeat is CIA or DEA or FBI platform for intel collecting.Something like encrochat affere in people 👍👋 and for this military intervention....well one day when for our survival we will need NATURA PURO than i am.sure that us army will cross to south side.Cartels could be good


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