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Sunday, October 8, 2023

DEA: Cartels Trafficking More Potent Doses Of Fentanyl

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Drug Enforcement Administration laboratory analysis reveals that seven out of every 10 pills seized in the United States contain at least two milligrams of the synthetic opioid.

U.S. authorities target rainbow pills that have been trending since last year

The Sinaloa and Jalisco New Generation cartels are increasing the trafficking of pills with more potent doses of fentanyl to the United States, warned the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in a laboratory analysis of the drug.

The analysis carried out by a laboratory of the US anti-drug office revealed that seven out of every 10 pills secured in 2023 contain at least two milligrams of this synthetic opioid, a gramage already considered a deadly amount that circulates in all US communities, and which are responsible for the majority of overdose deaths.

According to tests conducted by DEA experts, in 2022, six potentially lethal tablets were being distributed in the United States for every 10, and now there is a "dramatic" increase compared to the four detected in 2021.

So far this 2023, the Drug Enforcement Administration has seized a record 62 million fentanyl pills, surpassing last year's 58 million, plus 9,700 pounds of powdered fentanyl, which together equate to more than 287 million lethal doses, according to bureau figures available on its website.

The deadliest fentanyl pills, insisted DEA Director Anne Milgram, are mass-produced by the Sinaloa and Jalisco Cartel, and a "single one is dangerous and can kill.

US authorities are targeting rainbow fentanyl pills, which have become an emerging trend since last year, reaching 26 of the 50 states in the US.

The DEA said it is a new method used by the Sinaloa and Jalisco New Generation cartels to sell highly addictive and potentially deadly fentanyl, "made to look like candy to children and young people".

For the director of the anti-drug agency, Anne Milgram, this is a deliberate action by the Mexican cartels to boost fentanyl addiction among children, youth and adults.

Since its emergence, the Drug Enforcement Administration has secured rainbow fentanyl in multiple forms, including tablets, powder and blocks that resemble chalk.

"All colors, shapes and sizes of fentanyl should be considered extremely dangerous. The fentanyl available in the United States is primarily supplied by two criminal drug networks, the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG)," the office warned.

In the face of the fentanyl crisis, the DEA last year issued a public safety alert about widespread trafficking of higher dosage fentanyl pills, largely manufactured by the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, and which are identical to actual prescription drugs such as OxyContin, Percocet and Xanax.

"Fentanyl remains the deadliest drug threat facing this country. It is a highly addictive synthetic opioid, 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine. Just two milligrams of fentanyl, the small amount that fits on the tip of a pencil, is considered a potentially lethal dose," he emphasized.

In a press conference following the High Level Security Dialogue held on Thursday in Mexico City, U.S. Attorney Merrick Garland said that fentanyl produced by Mexican cartels is the "worst drug we have ever seen".

Therefore, he said, "We see the fentanyl trafficking networks and we are going to go after these networks in all parts of the world. We know that the global fentanyl supply chain that ends in the death of Americans very often starts with Chinese chemical companies.

"Charges were announced this year against members of the Sinaloa Cartel, their associates and leaders for their role in having the most prolific fentanyl production and trafficking operation in the world."

However, the Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection, Rosa Icela Rodríguez Velázquez, reiterated that Mexico is not a producer of fentanyl, but a transit country in which no laboratories dedicated to the production of this synthetic drug have been detected.

U.S. Attorney Merrick Garland added that "in Mexico, I insist, precursor chemicals are not produced, those precursor chemicals come from Asia, in general from several countries. And in Mexico there are laboratories, kitchens, where methamphetamine is produced, in most cases".

El Universal


  1. Why haven’t you guys posted on Anabel Hernández recent book that came out where she spoke directly with Arturo Beltran Leyva wife who reveals that ABL would pay $50,000 up to 100,000 dollars just to sleep with some of the most famous actresses/ singers at the time even through a third person offering Eva Mendez 2 or 3 million dollars just to sleep with him .Also reveals that he would never choose his own clothes that he would wear that day and had someone else alway put his socks on for him starting with his left leg sock and then the right as it was some kind of superstition or ritual . I believe it mentioned his wife seeking asylum in the US and handing over audios / video information regarding her Husband and his business.

    1. You just volunteered. Staff can't post everything you want to read Horshack.

    2. This is not a tabloid amigo

    3. I would still fuck salma Hayek, but unfortunately all I can offer her is a tecate and an empanada.

    4. I would offer her a 500000 dollar IOU fuckin thing is as good as cash .

    5. @2:15 hahahaahaahhahahahaahahahahahahahaahahaahhaahhahahahahahaah comment was top tier!🤘🏽

    6. Mucho andube trabajando alla por durango y por zacatecas, por otros muchos lugares alla por arturo el de culiacannogales y por aguaprieta

    7. 11:52 Chimoltrufia chismosa ponte a limpiar y arreglar tu cuarto

    8. He said Horshack 😂 😂. The Caucasian in this thread is killing me.

    9. Ventaneandooo! Ventaneandooo! Desde nuestra ventana te vamos a ventanear

  2. Great article Sol
    Rubio NYC

  3. So now, the ever-zealous DEA sees that cartels are scared shitless w their "no mas fentenyl!" banners. What does that brain-limp, over-monetized organization do? The DEA now spreads lies about the cartel's products to increase their fear of INCREASED USA justice based on cartel/fentanyl's relationship.
    Reminds me of mexico, weed, helicopters n pariquat lies of the '60's.

    1. That's irrelevant. And before you start to defend FENT or CDS cause it looks like you're headed in that directon... either way you look at it, FENT is killing more and more poeple all over the world. so they gotta come down on these mother f*ckers since they're right in our backyard. Anybody shipping FENT deserves to DIE. That shit is POISON

    2. Line up all the fent dealers and kill them all no remorse.

    3. I agree w both replies to my comment, i was just commenting on the DEA's typical bullshit tactics n lies. There should be a SPECIAL sentence for anyone pushing fent- if we gotta house a lot of killers for life, okay, use my taxes for that instead of ukraine, mex, or these other 3rd worlds.

    4. all over the world is far fetched, lets say its just a problem in the US and maybe canada.

  4. Ordenes de los jefes, esta prohibido.


    1. That's a bunch of MIERDA and you KNOW IT

  5. So we just going to ignore the Israeli Palestine war? MY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN SUFFERING FROM THE OPRESSON FROM ISRAEL!!!

    1. That was cowardly how Hamas attacked unarmed civilians.

    2. Free Palestine brother

    3. This is a website for news regarding the Mexican Cartels . However Israel will win Mossad Kidon Unit is hunting the leadership of Hamas terrorist .

    4. Fuck palestine.

    5. Innocent Mexican citizens face far more atrocities than what has happened in Israel and it happens EVERY single day. Christmas, Easter, Mondays, Thursdays, your birthday...EVERY single day 24/7 365 days per year. What Hamas did is chicken shit and ruthless but it has been 36+ hrs. My TV is blowing up with all the news coverage of the Israeli war yet I cannot recall a single day when the daily butchering of Mexican citizens made the news. And if it does it is presented as just another story. I guess this is because it is America's addiction that has turned Mexico into a warzone.

    6. Hamas and Iran are a bunch of cowards who hide behind civilians and use proxies to do their work. Fuck Iran and Hamas

    7. Palestinians have lived in Palestine for countless generations, tending their flocks, growing their olives, and doing whatever else the fuck it is that palestinians do..
      Then came the horror of the Holocaust, everybody said wait, this ain't right, Jews should have their own crib, let's throw the palestinians out in the cold even though they have legal title to the land, they don't deserve it, god promised this piece of desert to the Zionists thousands of years ago, says so right here in the bible..
      Now, cluster munitions and napalm, all paid for by U.S. tax dollars, will rain hell down on the civilians of the super-crowded west bank and Gaza strip barrios..
      Last time they had a big ol' war out in these parts, the U.S.S. Liberty, a Navy intelligence vessel clearly flying the U.S. flag, was attacked repeatedly by Israeli jets in international waters so as to mask Israeli battle ops that day..
      Israeli, our "ally", paid blood money for the 34 Americans killed and 271 wounded, and the media tries to keep this unfortunate "mistake in the heat of battle" on the back-burner, but American lives matter to Israelis as little as Arab lives do..
      Neither palestinians nor americans are god's chosen people, it's only all about Israel..

    8. People from Palestine started this unprovoked attack. Unfortunately MOSSAD, was not aware of it.
      Revenge will come soon, with big firepower and Intel.

    9. Me vale 1000000 kilómetros de verga el pleito eterno en Palestina .Quiero ver notas malandras y alucines poniendo pendejadas de su cártel favorito.

    10. Derail S.A. Iran BRICS. Israel needs oil prices higher to save the dollar. What’s a few sacrifice of their own? Now Biden can send billions to Israel to pocket back like Ukraine. Israel runs the U.S. policy plus it’s their piggy bankinfinite money supply and armed wing. Rothschild put Israel in position for the fake Jews that worships synagogue of satan.

    11. 2:55 why you think the jews been doing they just know how to play the victim FREE PALESTINE

    12. The jews are God's chosen people ! He has chosen them to suffer more then any other culture in history that's a fact ! Yeah they are chosen alright but it appears to be a huge misunderstanding in how the Jews have interpreted that part of the Bible some years back.

    13. 11:42 fools the world as God's chosen people but they can't fool God

    14. All the Abrahamic religions believe that the Creator of the Entire Universe at one point demanded that chunks of flesh be cut from the sexual organs of children.*
      So, I mean, what did you really expect?
      * Orthodox Judaism also has Metzitzah B'Peh, which is just like it sounds: Once the baby's sexual organ has been cut up, some dirty old man bends over to suck blood from the wound and then spit it ("B'Peh!") into a goblet of red wine, you know, because reasons. Some infants in New York died from this, because the dirty old man transmitted herpes to them. Look it up.

    15. 3:21 that's because the gods that we pray to on this planet do not exist.

    16. 3:21 please elaborate

    17. I meant 6:26 please elaborate

    18. I’m not pro Israel or pro Palestine, they are both shit.They will never respect each other as neighbors, Israel might as well knock Gaza off the map and get it over with. Scorched earth policy. Better than continuing to deal with this Hama’s bullshit every year.

  6. Off topic but Damaso Mini Lic has been released according to Telemundo 20 minutes ago

    1. Cómo se llama la serie o programa?

    2. Good for him gonna be great when he's testify against the Chapitos. Death to fentanyl and the weak ass chapitas

    3. 5:57 Arriba la chapiza

  7. This blog should be renamed Sol Prendido Beat cause he's the only one putting in serious work. Thank you fam. Doing God's work here

    1. No period kid, I regret to inform you others do put in vollenteering time in here, Sol does capture more articles for us fresh from Mexico.

  8. Mini Lic has been out for a year, he was sentenced to time served in September 2022 in San Diego.

    who knows what this reporting is about? His probation or halfway house or something.


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