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Friday, October 27, 2023

El Mini Lic's revelations: When El Chapo Negotiated With El Mencho The Release Of His Sons

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from PROCESO

After the kidnapping of Los Chapitos in mid-2016, El Chapo Guzmán "issued an ultimatum": he grabbed El Menchito, who was in jail, "and told El Mencho: 'If you hand over my children to me, I'll hand over yours,'" El Mini Lic revealed in an interview with Proceso.


Mexico City (Proceso). -- In mid-2016, with Joaquin El Chapo Guzman behind bars and a few months away from being extradited to the United States, the most important cartel fracture was looming: despite the fact that El Chapo left a letter in which he handed over the reins of his faction of the cartel to Damaso Lopez Nunez, El Lic -- probably in an attempt to protect his sons from the future they now face -- Los Chapitos did not abide by the direction and a violent fight for control of the organization began.

On August 15 of that year, the birthday of Ivan Archivaldo Guzman, the eldest of El Chapo's sons, was being celebrated. He and his brothers attended, along with other dinners and very little security, at the fine Leche restaurant in Jalisco. They were still waiting for other guests when a group of armed men beat and kidnapped Los Chapitos. The kidnapping lasted only a few hours, but it was enough to make the news.

There has been much speculation about that kidnapping and those responsible for it. Today, in an interview with Proceso, Dámaso López Serrano, El Mini Lic, offers a first-person account of what happened:

"The truth is that I didn't plan it. I do know the people who planned it, but I was asked in a WhatsApp group by several people who were fed up with Los Chapitos for what they were doing in Sinaloa. They asked me to investigate if Ivan was going to celebrate in Vallarta. Ok, I investigated and from then on I didn't hear anything.

"In that group there were people from various organizations: from the Gulf, from Mexico City, from Canada, from Guerrero, several of us who in one way or another were enemies of Los Chapitos and we began to discuss the possibility of getting them out of the way. I actually made the decision to bring them all together, but as I said, I do everything my father tells me to do. If it had been up to me, Los Chapitos would no longer exist.

"The next day they send me a message. They told me 'the birds in the cage are here'. I didn't understand the message. I was having breakfast with a friend of mine in Mexico City and I received this message at approximately eight in the morning. I asked what it was about and they told me: 'we already have the guys'. And from there began a series of negotiations.

 "My dad told me: 'El Mayo spoke to me and he was very worried and asked if we could help them'. El Mayo asked my dad if he had a good relationship with El Mencho (leader of the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation) or someone in his organization to please release the boys.

"My dad was still defending Los Chapitos. He was trying to talk to someone to get them to let them go, and he said: 'Maybe I think that with this scare the boys are going to settle down.

"I told him: 'Dad, do you think at this point? They're grown up, they know what they're doing'.

"But my dad insisted and I passed the message to the group to see if they could release them or something. And I'm going to tell you the truth, I would have preferred that this story would have taken a different turn, but I just passed on the message. But the truth is that they are alive because of their father. El Chapo was the one who made the negotiation. Or maybe not a negotiation, but he set an ultimatum. El Menchito was also in prison at the time, so El Chapo asked El Cholo to grab El Menchito and told El Mencho: 'If you give me my children, I'll give you yours.

"We really had to negotiate on another level to release them, because if not, they wouldn't have released them. They picked them up to kill them. That was the slogan. It wasn't for money, it wasn't for a scare, it was to kill them."

The "Synthetic Chiva

Ten years after fentanyl arrived in Mexico from China, US authorities have launched a strong campaign against alleged producers and exporters of the opioid. Little was said about fentanyl during the cartel's greenest days: when profits reached more than $50 million a year for a single producer.

Dámaso says that in 2013 fentanyl arrived in Sinaloa, but it was not known as such, but rather as 'synthetic chiva,' white heroin mixed with fentanyl. Made in laboratories.

"First we heard it from members of the organization who were talking about this 'synthetic chiva' and then those who knew, the chemists, since we asked what that was, they told us it was fentanyl. And we sent people who worked with us to China, and there they were introduced to everything, from how it is made, what it contains, what it doesn't, how much you have to put in it. And that's how it arrives in Sinaloa.

"Those men brought several precursors from China and began to produce it in Mexico. Only the base was brought from China, but production began in Mexico.

"I remember it was crazy when we saw how and how much the cartel's profits had increased. We invested approximately 300 to 400 thousand dollars and with that we manufactured some 350 kilos of 'synthetic goat' and each kilo was sold in Culiacán for 18 thousand dollars, and when crossed, in Los Angeles, 30 or 35 thousand dollars. I'm talking about 2014 or so.

"There were people, who are not talked about in the media, who made 30 or 50 million dollars in one year.

--Los Chapitos recently ordered a halt to fentanyl production.

--Everything was a result of the US government's declarations that they were going against all the fentanyl producers. As a result of that, the order was given to stop everything in Culiacán. But then it started cooking again, if they are looking for them in the end, it doesn't matter.

"The halt lasted less than a month. After that, they ordered that no more fentanyl or pills could be manufactured in Culiacán or the surrounding area, that all the laboratories had to be shut down and that no one could manufacture fentanyl or pills. Anyone who wanted to manufacture fentanyl had to buy it from them, from Los Chapitos, or pay a very high tax.

"Many people stopped manufacturing out of fear, others out of fear of the government, others because they couldn't make ends meet with the tax. And others wanted to skip Los Chapitos' order and manufacture it on the sly, and those are the dead people who have appeared in Culiacan with fentanyl pills.

"Many of these laboratories were moved to Puebla and others to other states, near Mexico City. The point is that in Culiacan it is not seen that there are fentanyl labs, but at the end of the day it didn't stop anything. And I can assure you, today they are working harder than before. Much harder than in the last five years.

Dámaso predicts two things: fentanyl will continue to be a multimillion-dollar source of income for some within the cartel -- including Los Chapitos -- and it will eventually permeate the vast majority of the states in the country.







  1. To the reader that said I am a MENCHO fanboy because of the AI picture. Its actually the opposite, this is my way of saying the rumor of MENCHO being dead was fake and pushed by SARGY and others to push their CJNG agenda, and saying MENCHO is hiding in MORELOS and so forth. Basically jumping from one story to the other.

    Mencho is alive. I am leading the bandwagon of Mencho being alive from day one.

    1. Yes we need to stop with Mencho dead routine we are only helping mencho he's alive well.

    2. Mencho was alive then but doesn't mean he is alive now. 7 years have past and his diabetes only get worse. Blood transfusion goes on for a certain time before eventually death.

    3. @Char I’m glad your very well woke!

    4. Ofcourse he’s alive

  2. Que no segun tambien el dos Banderas Beltran tambien trabajo ese jale en la leche

    1. pues en la lectura dice que se junto un grupo de enemigos de los chapitos y todos planearon eso.

    2. CHAR Can you guys write an article on the issue of chapos mom getting raided by whoever and the retaliation as a result. I lived in Mexico for 6 years and this act in Mexico seems to be a direct statement that the Chapitos are soft.

    3. It wasn’t Alfredo Beltran Guzman (Mochomito)he’s actually close to his cousins Ivan Guzman and Alfredo Guzman

    4. 1240 he's close to los chapitos? Bruh el mochomito literally raided la tuna 😂

    5. Connor wrote "leche" and 11:53 wrote "echo", as in "echo leche" which is a Mexican albur that translates into "I shoot sperm" .

      No need to publish this. I only write this because who ever moderates the comments is not adept at detecting Mexican albur.

  3. A lot of in consistencys in his storys and a bunch if shit we already knew not a credible source just a daddys boy doing what he is told

    1. I can tell you only want to believe what you want 😂

    2. As far as I can remember, only Mini Lic and Guano's son had beef with Chapitos at the time.

  4. So I'm guessing the rumour of chapo kidnapping menchito and prison and basically punking out mencho where always true

    1. 12:17 pretty much, also i guess no body likes the chapitos and sooner or later are gonna get killed, that might be the reason why they dont go out side of Culiacan, i feel like people around them are waiting for the right time to take them out now that we know who they really are, plus what capo in their right mind has a mini parmatian as a pet? 😂

    2. Punking out? Chaps was shitting bricks and thanking his lucky stars that Menchos son was in jail.

    3. 7:41 100% they will turn on Chapitos and jump to MZ.

    4. 8:20 CJNG and mochomito and whoever else was on it kidnapped them to kill them . Chapo had menchito kidnapped in prison. So mencho let the chapitos go. Sounds like mencho punked out.

    5. 7:41 it’s like the guy’s who act super macho and tuff in front of other dudes internally they’re pussies … same thing with Alfredo he acts kind and soft with his Pomeranian dog but in reality his a psycho

    6. 7:41 most likely MZ waiting patiently like a snake waiting for his turn to strike on the chapos

    7. 11.32. When have you seen him act kind and soft with a dog? Are you talking about smiling for a photo?

    8. 5:58 dude he carries the dog in a purse like paris hilton 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  5. It’s always fascinating to learn about the charities personalities and inner lives I’ve always wondered what it would be like

  6. Alfredo’s dog is pretty funny

  7. mini lic revelations are getting good! Thanks bb for posting this.

  8. So many questions and hopefully Mini answers them in his upcoming interview: how did cholo get mencho son….. and who are those people from Canada ?

    1. Very curious about who are those canadian groups too

    2. What he means by Cholo got Menchito is that El Cholo had connections to the guards in the prison where Menchito was housed. All Chapo had to do was give the green light to Cholo and the guards would get paid to kill Menchito. Canada's top gangs united to a group called the wolfpack. They receive most of their drug shipments from Mexican cartels including Los Chapitos. They had to be informed because that void needed to be filled once Chapos sons got eliminated. Imagine you ordered something expensive from Amazon and nobody told you that the company went out of business and your items will never arrive. Same thing my friend. You capeche?

    3. So El mini lic who was alresdy fighting los Chapitos knows how it went down.
      Common sense ain’t so common

  9. So you’re telling me between high ranks narcos they find or talk to each other as easy as that ? Like literally they have a group chat and they call mencho like he has any ordinary guy?! That just blows up my mind

    1. It’s bs,
      Mini lic wasn’t even in the Chapitos circle when this happened.
      He was already beefing

    2. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.

    3. If you haven't noticed, they're human not space aliens.

    4. 9:05 heard the hole story in spanish and you might be surprised, theres always a middle man who can make it happen, remember that guy who was laundering money for both CJNG and CDS? He could get them to talk to each other if they both agreed, Mini lic speaks about El Cartel de los Sapos, how at the time it came out Mayo, chapo and el lic. were talking about the series and said that was all a propaganda payed by los Gringos to have people giving them info and such, but a few years later they talking about doing it them self (Snitch) 😂 they are literaly the snitch cartel, by the way if you want to see how complex a cartel is Cartel de los sapos gives you a really good example and it shows you how at the top they can communicate with each other when ever they want, even if they are mortal enemies

    5. They work underneath so many layers of official protection, all it takes is a phone call. There are a dozen lawyers floating between the 2 imaginary worlds of Evil Narco and Evil Politician, but the cartoon Chapo vs Mencho is more sexy I guess.

  10. This guy is just pretty much a one way street. He acts like he is a victim and just happen to hear stuff.

  11. This guy shld write a book.

  12. How does El Cholo “grab Menchito” if Menchito is in prison? And how would Chapo be able to hand him over to Mencho?

    1. I'm thinking Chapo can pay top dollar to corrupt the prison guards where Menchito was housed. These prison guards can either kill you themselves or put you in a cell with an inmate that will do the job. They are very clever too. They can make it seem like suicide by hanging you from somewhere. Deaths in prisons that look like suicide don't get investigated. When he says "El Cholo grabs him", he means that El Cholo is the guy who will pay off the guards and control the situation. El Chapo would hand him over by telling Cholo not to do the deed.

    2. 8:09 there was a report of menchito actually getting kidnapped in his cell by guard's and prisoners. CJNG fans always tried to say it was cds fans propaganda but I'm guessing there is truth to it

    3. That is what most likely happened. Cholo put out the order. The guards and cds inmates kidnapped Menchito from his cell. They took him somewhere private where they smacked him around a little and told him that he will die if Chapitos die. They then had him call his dad or some other top CJNG guy to relay the message. Simple as that.

    4. He means Cholo Ivan was given the responsibility to reach out to officials who would help, by co-opting the guards. I don't necessarily believe it because his version is full of self serving bullshit, but it's happened before.

    5. So you folks are telling me that mencho is a family guy???? Jajajajaja

    6. It’s bullshit

  13. So Chapo did make Mencho give them back using menchito as his chess move. The man is a legend all this while sitting in prison cell in Mexico City after his recapture and tighter security.

    1. Mexican drug lords can do a lot inside a prison cell located in Mexico. Some of them live better than you while inside a Mexican prison. That is why they fight tooth and nail not to get extradited. They know that these same privileges don't exist in ADX Prison located in Colorado.

    2. 8:27 if you remember tho he had most of his privileges taken away from the 2nd escape and would barely let Emma visit him even with the Mexican government listening to his every word spoken.

  14. I guess Menchitos life was worth 2 chapitos, that makes sence

    1. He didn’t want to lose Menchito. Don’t forget who La Jefa is either.

  15. This report says that Joaquin is the most low key of the 3 remaining. Isn't his name Joaquin Guzman Lopez? What IF all the new corridos of JGL are low-key for him ? Wild theory I know lol

  16. Replies
    1. There's no such thing anymore. Sorry.

  17. There was a story about that supposedly El Mayo had the kids released. I’m confuse

  18. I wonder whatever happens to the cjng assassins that burst into the room and captured chapos kids.

    1. I remember reading they all got killed but I asked for clarification on another story and people said that was false.

  19. CJNG IS KING!!!!!!!!

  20. 11:00 they where all killed a few days after the kidnapping. Found in a river I think . Imagine being the guy that kicked Ivan . Dead by the own people that hired you to do it . Probably bragging about it in hell

    1. This was a renegade crew not the kidnappers. They worked far from Vallarta. It’s crazy how many ppl think this

    2. Bruh, those are rumors some cds fans started to help them cope with the situation @1148

    3. 1:14 just how supposedly the cds fan had came up with a crazy theory of how menchito got kidnapped in prison by cds and people laughed but now turns out it was true . The hit squad that kidnapped chapitos got killed a few Days after

    4. 313 menchito never got kidnapped in prison?? It was more of a "we can get to your son aswell" - statement.

      Post information on the cjng hit squad being murdered then. Let's see? 😃

    5. 3:13 buddy that hole gang got murked cause they were kidnapping and extorting people who had nothing to do with ilegal shit, the bosses told them to stop but they didnt listen and a few weeks later got all killed, nothing to do with Chapitos, the guys who did probably got a promotion specially the one who hit Ivan on the ribs

    6. 820 any links?

  21. He should start a pod cast just like the Italian maphia rats

  22. The kidnapping had too many people and they hesitated at the last minute

    texting whatsapp groups, if they had one person calling the play, they would have been dead by the early morning hours

    The hesitation was all they needed to start moving pieces around the board. They didn't know how easy it would be the kidnapping, or what they wanted to do after.

  23. It was more like “As you give me my children, I give you yours.”

  24. Estoy intrigada quien fue el que pateó al Iván?? Alguien sabe?

  25. El Mini Lic, i would take anything he says with a grain of salt. El Mini Lic was deep to his knees in shitttt, did a lot of awful thing himself now his releasing what he says is the truth. Also don’t forget almost if not all that participated in El levanton ended up floating in el Lago de Chapala.

    1. I really doubt he is lying bro. Don't forget his current freedom is based on testimony he has given and will give. If anything he is saying in interviews doesn't match up with his confessions then he will be up shit creek. I also believe that the crew found dead by the river were not the kidnappers but a rogue crew as others above have mentioned.....I also think by giving these interviews he is lining himself up for a movie about his life & time in CDS

    2. @ 11:36
      If anything is untrue and they prove
      They'll pull the rug from under him and hes fucked
      They don't really confirm 100% tho
      I mean how can they truly verify lol

      They just take it as it told usually tho


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