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Sunday, October 15, 2023

'El Pacquiao', Allegedly Involved In Attack On LeBarón Family, Is Extradited To Mexico

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Gustavo Iván Hernández Cabral, an alleged member of La Línea, is accused of organized crime for the purpose of committing crimes against health.

The U.S. government handed over to the Attorney General's Office (FGR) Gustavo Iván Hernández Cabral, El Pacquiao, an alleged member of the criminal group La Línea, the armed wing of the Juárez cartel, and who is allegedly involved in the murder of nine members of the LeBarón, Langford, Johnson and Miller families in Bavispe on November 4, 2019.

The Attorney General's Office, through the Special Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime (FEMDO), in coordination with the Ministry of National Defense (Sedena), received the man from the United States, who was served with an arrest warrant for his probable responsibility in the crime of organized crime with the purpose of committing crimes against health.

Gustavo Iván Hernández Cabral was handed over by U.S. authorities at the Lerdo International Bridge in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua to elements of the Federal Ministerial Police (PFM), attached to the Criminal Investigation Agency - Interpol and was transferred to the Federal Center for Social Readaptation Number 1 Altiplano in Almoloya de Juárez.

El Pacquiao was arrested in Albuquerque, New Mexico, as reported in September by activist Adrián LeBarón.

"They arrested another person implicated in the massacre of my family, it is Ivan Gustavo Hernandez, "El Paquiao", it was on Monday in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He is 24 years old, he had hundreds of choices in his life that he could’ve chosen, but something is so broken in our country that young people choose to become cannon fodder instead", he wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

In a message on X, he detailed that El Pacquiao was deported on October 13 and acknowledged the work of the authorities after the alleged member of the criminal group La Linea was handed over.

"One of the alleged criminals who massacred my daughter and grandchildren was deported. It was thanks to the collaboration and coordination of both countries. This is how they should work to address violence and crime, because there is no sovereignty where fear rules," he wrote in another message.

Only one individual has been sentenced for the crime.

Adrián LeBarón was confident that the investigation will move forward, as he recalled that there is only one person sentenced for these events. He is Fidencio Alejandro González Esparza, El Janos, who was sentenced to 12 years in prison for being criminally responsible for the crimes of organized crime and carrying firearms for the exclusive use of the armed forces.

He also informed that two other arrest warrants were obtained for homicide and attempted homicide, but with the arrest of El Pacquiao, he said, "it shows that we can work in a coordinated manner in both countries and not only in the case of the massacre, but also in many others".


  1. Ahora van a ver quien la tiene mas venuda.

    1. He will get a good nights rest, koolaid, sopas, ice cream, love from an ugly guard or male inmate

  2. 12 years only? And some weed dealer got 15 years. Oh how crazy

    1. Because it was really cds that did it

    2. It was Linea dude, but it was mistaken identity they where in the wrong place wrong time and were traveling in groups and they thought it was gente nueva who they were having shootouts with earlier

    3. Women and children gente nueva?

    4. 6:56 How would they have known if they were in cars not traveling on feet and it was done in ambush style shots coming in from afar

    5. @7:35 maybe because it was night time and in the middle of nowhere

    6. Tigres did that massacre because linea was closing in on turf check location

    7. 845 some dude named Tolteca broke off cds and joined linea and was trying to overthrow cds that’s how shootings began in Sonora but cds pushed them out which is why the incident ended up happening closer to Chihuahua but linea had an ambush prepared for this but unfortunately killed unintended people

    8. 6:20 no period kid .
      You got part of it right.
      Yes it was La Linea Cartel.
      It was not a case of mistaken identity.
      I still remember the article as it was posted here by BB.
      Two vans were traveling to USA for the holidays, women and children were in them. Women came out, yelling not to shoot, they got shot and the shooting then not stop, kids were able to run and hide in the bushes and were able to give an account of what happened.
      That MF Cartel, went as far as trying to cover up evidence of their evil doing by, burning up the vans.

    9. 6:20 Wrong place? Wrong time? Using brechas? Not really. Lots of previus investigations for cocaine, weapons and money laundering.

  3. People are acting like the LeBarón family didn’t have ties or business with cartels. That family had a “ mochada” for every drug smuggling that passed through their property. They didn’t get attacked for just being a rich white family .

    1. It was a case of mistaken identity.

    2. The LeBarons moved to Mexico to practice old time Mormon polygamy and evade US law. They have paid off corrupt officials and stolen aquifer water to irrigate their farms for decades while the local Mexican people lived with increasing drought as the water in their shallow wells dried up.

    3. @7:07 so the children's death justified. Do humanity a favor and don't reproduce

    4. NO ONE use those brechas by accident.

  4. None of that matters, you don’t kill women and children

  5. Does la Linea even have a cocaine connection anymore?

    1. All they move now is pure coke .. they stayed away from fentanyl and crystal and there’s no more money 💰 in moving weed.

    2. Even have? they still working the same old routes for decades. California, New Mexico and Colorado never stopped working, among others.

      They barely touch crack/meth/fent

      Their bussiness is widely spread, but when it comes to drugs, COCAINE, 420 and amapola, old reliable.

    3. 6:37 they barely touch crack/meth/fent, and they still producing and sending marihuana, believe or not.


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