Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, October 6, 2023

Emotionless: This Is How 'Z40', One Of Mexico's Most Brutal Criminal Leaders Is Described

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

His habits and methods turned Tamaulipas and Coahuila into the scene of a bloody war.

Z40, one of the most brutal criminal leaders in Mexican history

Ten years after the arrest of Miguel Angel Treviño, Z40, one of the most brutal criminal leaders in Mexican history, new details about his business dealings and shady hobbies have been aired in US courts.

The DEA estimates that the Zetas leader personally murdered more than 500 people. His habits and methods turned Tamaulipas and Coahuila into the scene of a bloody war.

U.S. prosecutors investigating Los Zetas were able to learn that Z40 had several doctors on his payroll, dedicated to researching the most effective methods to kill without leaving traces.

They identified a type of Botox that caused a heart attack and was undetectable in an autopsy. With that information, Z40 experimented on the people he "abducted" on a daily basis.

The doctors also treated the wounded hitmen in the war with the Gulf Cartel, with its epicenter in Miguel Aleman, Tamaulipas.

"He loved killing people," said José María Guízar Valencia, El Z43, one of his former trusted operators. He recalled that the victims took approximately 40 minutes to die: "He liked to see people suffer. And more than anything, towards the people who were close to him, to cause fear and psychosis so that we would not betray him."

In an affidavit, Z43 recalled that Miguel Angel Treviño's hitmen and people close to him feared being killed or tortured by their boss.

"He personally used his weapon, a knife or some object, sometimes baseball bats. Hanging, dragging, crushing them with trucks, all kinds," noted El Z43: "He was an emotionless person. He had no emotions. He had no empathy. He killed people every day and experimented. He was a psychopath. He was sick.

But his experience went far beyond that. He saw how El Z40 took revenge against those who betrayed or tried to betray him.

An 18-year-old girl who was dating a Zeta hitman and at the same time dating a soldier. When Treviño Morales found out, he kidnapped her and her mother.

"They took her to Allende, Coahuila, where these people were from. They took her behind a hotel and took her nose. First, they killed her mother in front of her because she was giving information to the soldiers about the Zetas' movements. They blew her nose off with an MP5. Then they hit her in the ears. They hit her in the face, on her cheeks. And the young woman begged to be killed because she was suffering. And she was screaming in pain.

"And the mother, who was supposed to be dead at that point, got up and fought with him and said, 'you dog, leave my daughter.' ' And we all freaked out because she was supposed to be dead.

And Miguel Angel Treviño said, 'Did you see that,' and he put the MP5, put it in automatic mode and shot it to see what would happen. And she fell. At this point, he continued playing with the young woman, shooting her in the legs. She was screaming for them to kill her."

Z40 continued the torture until the young woman could no longer stand up. Then he executed her.

In another scene, Treviño Morales ordered his hitmen to dress up in Mexican Federal Preventive Police uniforms to go to a house to kill a woman with Botox. Shortly after, it was revealed that the woman was Z40's mother-in-law.

The woman had told Miguel Angel's children, her grandchildren, not to get into the same car as their father for fear that something would happen to them. It angered the Zeta leader, who tricked his wife into believing that Mexican police had killed her mother.

His "guisos" also became known among the inhabitants of Tamaulipas and Coahuila. Together with his hired killers, they burned people in 200 liter drums with a mixture of gasoline and diesel.

Today, El Z40 is being held in Mexico to avoid extradition to the United States.


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  1. This bitch ass fool Z40 will suck dicks in hell! Zetas are still lames to this day any way you put it.

    Semper Fi

    1. narcomantas left in Sonora prohibiting fent

    2. 1:14 let's be real, Z40 wouldve made you his bitch @SimpFi.

      Talking real tough in the safety of your parents home. Lol

    3. Semper fi if it wasn't for golfos that wemt into michoacan and helped LFM Nd helped out Zetas would have took over that state

    4. @1:53 of course with guns and bodyguards he can do anything.. send him to the US penitentiary and watch how quick he turns to religion lol

    5. @1:53
      Idk i feel like if I was in the joint in the US and I went in the cell with z40 and pulled out two blades and told him lets catch the blades. I have a feelin he’ll start back peddlin. Its easy to pretend to be a killer when the odds are in ur favor. When its a level playing field, I feel like most these capos would bitch up. They aint real gangsters. They just happened to have good mouth pieces and happened to be in the right place at the right time and capitalized on certain situations that put them in play to be able to manipulate hundreds if not thousands of individuals into idolizing these pos.

    6. @1:53 I could be wrong. Most these paisas I met in the joint aren’t really about that life. Them paisas frfr dont even like catching a fade heads up. So idk.

    7. 504 paisas are with the business in US penitentiaries, and they hold they own, against blacks, whites, sureños, norteños and others.
      You obviously never been locked up.

      @453 it's also easy to make up these fairytales in your head bro. Stop it, el Z40 a killer, your not.

      @432 religion in the penitentiary is a mental escape, no one turns religious out of fear.
      El Z40 would do just fine in the US, and I'm sure all the tamaulipas car would have his back.

    8. If he was such a badass why did he get caught with cactus prickles all in his ass after running like a bitch? He would of never accepted that from his soldiers

    9. 504 in US prisons no one catches 1 on 1 fades??? You stupid?
      Maybe county jails but mainline is different. You disrespect 1 paisa, all paisas have to get involved, mandatory.

    10. 6:36 is that why Osiel Cárdenas Guillén got knocked the fuck out by La Eme of all people lol. These cartel leaders ain't about shit when locked up at supermax.

    11. The Tamaulipas car would get smashed the fuck out by the Michoacán car if La eMe asked them to since they still get paid for protection and drugs from them LFM capos. Those northern Mexican states in Califas pen don’t run shit and considered watered down raza. Z40 would get hit that’s for sure. These others on here running their mouth aren’t even past 25years old still living at home with their mom.

      Semper Fi

    12. All these “bad asses” in the comments would shake in their panties infront of 40 lol. Everyday the same ppl be here commenting keyboard warriors internet scholars in drug trafficking

    13. 7:02 The northern states are weak because a lot of them claim their gabacho side then end up getting smacked around like Osiel. In Texas and Arizona pens shit is more watered down that’s why them northern Mexican have more say over there since they’re right there next door to their turf.

    14. 6:42 you obvously never done time if you think mfs aint catching fades. I was at a USP mfs catching them onesies all day. Especially if catching a fade avoids a bigger issue. Them paisas aint about shit in the joint. I know. Thats why they mind their business and arent very active. They stay doing mfs laundry and sewing shoes. And puttin canicas on eachother. Bunch of caquino ass paisas. The only foos that think theyre hard in the paisa car are the undercover gangmembers or dropouts that are hiding behind the paisa flag. And most them foos aint even from Mexico. Theres real paisas and then the plastico ass paisa foos.

    15. Funny as fuck when them canicas get infected

    16. Osiels case, he didn't get knocked out? Eme members tried extorting him. I didn't work out for them.

    17. 702 the tamaulipas car has major power in the Texas penitentiaries.

      And the michoacano emeros are in disregard. Fox lost a lot of power.

    18. Fox Tapia is not on disregard status. That was a misunderstanding. Get your story straight fool.

    19. Didn’t Fox win his case La eMe La Familia Michoacána connection vs the US government?

    20. @6:36 oh yeah Z40 was such a killer he got arrested without a fight. Not one shot fired and he had 2 escoltas. I’m sure he’s never been punched in the face and he wouldn’t be shit without power( guns, gente, corrupt officials) Quit idolizing these losers I don’t get it

    21. Semper fi, lol z40 would skin you and take your sole. You cowards would sit 1000 yards away and shoot. You all litterly kill civilian s in Afghanistan and got exposed. Stfu and fuck semper fi and our shady hypocrite gov. Ⓜ️Ⓜ️

    22. 4:46
      You mean soul? Overdose already you clown!!!

      Semper Fi

    23. 428 yeah because going out guns blazing would've solidified his murderous track record? You idiots watch to much Hollywood movies.

    24. 4:28 I'm sure you, the super hardcore killer, would have fired at the Blackhawk gunship with the M134 ready to make you mincemeat. Right?

  2. People idolise this monster. Waiting for the fanboys who want to suck his dick

    1. Nah if you idolize these sick zeta fucks you’re not right in the mind.

    2. You mean like 1:53
      Third post from top down

    3. If there's anyone who deserves to be publicly tortured, it would be him.

    4. yo stop cursing him he is my daddy and idol

  3. Being emotionless is a virtue, I would argue...

    1. Stoicism is NOT apathy, my lizard friend….

  4. Z-42 claimed that 40 killed over 3,000 while he himself killed over 1,000… when asked how they were so sure he replied “it was important to count, very important” …

    1. 1:53 I remember him saying this.

    2. I don't doubt the 3000 figure one bit this guy was the sickest of sick.

  5. I remember reading that they loved beating a victim until all of their bones were broken, then tying them up to a small crane in which they were slowly dunked into a boiling (yes) vat of acid alive..

  6. will never go to Mexico. I hope US invades and destroys these cartels.

    1. 1:59 I go yearly to Mexico. Some parts are not as bad and some parts are straight up cartel land . Beautiful places amazing food even more amazing people . Sad what the narcos have done with mexucoy

  7. Even the soldiers were scared of him when he got arrested lol. Soldiers walking behind him like they’re were his bodyguards

    1. The part I couldn’t believe was that he wasn’t even in cuffs.

    2. Right ! That shiit seem sketchy !

    3. @1020 — same with Z42! Look at his arrest pics

    4. The guy wasn't handcuffed aren't soldiers such bad in the US he'd be cuffed head to toe he'd be in The U S soon.

  8. I believe this is a sick man, but The US always exaggerates everything

    1. This is from Milenio. And one thing I've learned from being on BB all these that truth is stranger and worse than fiction. Honestly this is probably his milder good mood shit.

    2. Z40 commuted the San Fernando massacre with the busses. This one was one of the worst things I have ever read. What they did to those poor migrants is un fathomable. He is so evil

  9. Lies, he is innocent and a child of the Lord

  10. Even barbie said that not even their moms like them. Barbie knew they were more cruel than the average narco.

  11. Jaliscos trying to be like them, pero los Zetas siempre van hacer los peores de los peores.

  12. It’s just scary how these dudes that done that much wack shit to people act normal. They don’t see traumatized or anything.

    1. I guarantee thet if they got their limbs cut off and forced to live and drink piss and shit every day, after a certain period of time even the most hardened mofo amongst these would go crazy and beg for death (except that he, or I should say it -because it’s not a person we are talking about- would not receive it)


    2. A psychopath, like someone as Z40, typically has a distinct lack of empathy, shallow emotions, and often exhibits antisocial behaviors. Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by traits such as superficial charm, manipulativeness, and a lack of remorse or guilt.

      For someone like this to feel anything, it often doesn't align with the typical emotional experiences most people have. They may not experience genuine emotions such as love, empathy, or deep sadness. However, they can still experience other types of feelings, such as:

      Thrill or Excitement: Psychopaths might feel a sense of excitement or thrill, especially when engaging in risky or dangerous activities. This sensation is often sought after due to their need for stimulation and lack of fear.

      Frustration or Anger: While they may not feel empathy, psychopaths can still experience frustration or anger, particularly when their desires or plans are thwarted.

      Pleasure: They can feel pleasure, but it's often derived from achieving their goals, manipulating others, or experiencing power and control over situations or people.

      Boredom: A common trait among psychopaths is a tendency to feel bored easily, which can drive their need for stimulation and engagement in risky behaviors.

  13. Same fucks that killed over 70 immigrants years back.

  14. The right punishment for these kind of scumsucking animals would be cutting off their arms and legs and let them live like that, making sure that they they don’t put themselves out of their misery. It would be a much worse fate than death. And it would be so, so much well deserved.

    El Cabrón de Tamaulipas

  15. Crazy how he wasn’t extradited he must have paid up big time

    1. and paraded on camera without hand-cuffs... same with his brother..

  16. This guy is finished, will be in jail til he dies.

    1. He has had a few escape plots foiled, he will escape at some point the stronger CDN get the more chance of him escaping grows.

    2. Only one Trevino is left running the CDN.

  17. He was emotionless when causing harm but extremely emotional at even the thought of being slighted. A very unstable and insecure worm.

    1. An informant also said that he couldn’t sleep without killing someone… no drugs or alcohol either

    2. Some of the wickediest unhinged people don’t drink or do drugs.

  18. So who sent to killed Jose Eduardo Moreira was it z 40 or lazcano

    1. Lazcano. That's why he got killed within days. PRI had already won the presidency and he thought it would go unanswered. MARINA hunted him.

    2. Lmao you have no idea what you’re talking about. 40 killed him over his nephew being killed by state cops and military dummy. Lazcano wether people want to believe it or not was killed by accident. They had no clue who that was. Pure bad luck

    3. @756 — truth.. Lazca has alway been the fall guy, for many things..

    4. A lot of ppl believe that Lazcano faked his death or 40 sent military so many conspiracies. Honest truth. He died by pure bad luck. And the ppl that were actually close to Lazcano knew he has kidney cancer. Was bad. That’s why 40 took over way before Lazcano died. Look at the pics of Lazcano body where he was shot. That’s why he has the faja wrapped around his waist/stomach. He had been sick months. Military was bought by Lazcano. They had no clue they had just killed him. 40 went for the body. Had him with him 2 days getting fuxked up before he gave him to lazcanos sisters.

    5. 7:56/10:13 okay I'll believe you instead of what La Ardilla "volunteered" and the messages he had with Z3 on his phone after he was captured. Alejandro Treviño Chavez killed➡️Lalo killed➡️Ardilla captured and "interviewed"➡️Lazcano located, "resisted" and killed by MARINA all within days of each other. No coincidence at all. Z40? New Boss of Los Zetas until his capture. Lazcano was connected to the top, Los Zetas were going to be favored by the new administration just as they were by Beto pero la cago El Verdugo y por eso se lo quebraron. Calderón ni pío dijo acerca de esa muerte, el no la ordenó.
      El PRI se va respetar.
      "Sobrino por sobrino" that's your proof?

    6. @7:56 just like how Ramon Arellano Felix met his maker

    7. 12:09 RAF was set up. In less than a year of El Limoncito massacre he got murdered. It's rumored JT blasted him.

  19. Supposedly MATM personally killed the family of El Diablo.

    1. Hell yea he did
      Diablo was a fuckin rat
      Lazca was goona do it
      but 40 offered

      If u think 40/42 were bad
      Lazca was their teacher
      Guy was on another level

      He use to hangout in Moros @ el Blak Cat putero wit hummer
      Theyd roll up alone and fuck whores for hours
      Jaime would block off the streets while they were there

      40/42 wouldn't really com
      They prefered working/killin lol
      Hunmer/lazca liked fine gueritas

    2. So if 40 killed Diablo family, who was Diablo because the one arrested years ago on here had a different name to the family killed by 40.

    3. @449 — there’s been like 30 Diablos..

    4. True just wondering what happened to the one who was at war with the Zetas and had his family killed, there is a man on Fb with his real name and links to another profile with a dude who looks like Rey De Reyes just older with KIKE wrote on a photo of his Teddy bear.

    5. So that's z40 in the federal uniform front and center in the videocwhen they killed diablos family?

    6. 3:09 those are Ciudad Victoria Zetas. From what I know that guy in the video is related to Lazcano, not Z40.

    7. Thank you for your response to my question 2:36.

  20. My cousin is a nurse. She briefly worked at the Federal pinta in Juarez when z40 was being rotated around 2017. She said the tests say he has the autism. He's not retarded like missing chromosomes but he's not normal. You know like those mocosos that step on hormigas and laugh like mental patients.

    1. I can kind of see that, especially if he was conducting medical experiments on his victims.

  21. I wonder what the name of his mother in law is. Interesting story.

  22. Killing innocent people ain't being down with the business, it's cowardly.

  23. Aquí seguimos cuidando la plaza de nuevo laredo jefe. Esperando su llegada. Listos para recuperar todas las plazas. A ver si el traumado jubilado de semperFi le sale al topon

    1. Hahahaha im more sure the Semper fi guy would take you out from the posts he writes he seems legit you on the other hand sound pretty fake.

  24. Zetas were and still are one of the worst and most ruthless cartels. Remembered that awhile back Disturbed Reality did a video on how Z’s took out Diablo Tachas’ relatives. Estos cabrones si eran el terror en aquellos tiempos en su disputa con el CDG

    1. @3:42 PM: Well that guy doesn't know sh*t about Mexican cartels that he didn't ask from someone else,and He has A LOT of factual errors in His videos..

  25. Isn't lazca as bad or worse? I would also like to learn about z42 and huevos behavior. Are they weirdos like this mf z40

  26. Him and Lazca had dug a hug ass hole where they threw 2 people in and made them fight to literal death with screw drivers

  27. El 40 is the type of guy that orders the death of an older lady just so he can take her property. A real piece of dog shit.

  28. I remember that Allende one.

  29. It's crazy chapo wasn't even this sick n the head he had a sort of humanity he was about buisness and he loved his family and they had him by the neck wen he was being presented . This sick fuck wasn't even in cuffs and he's still hasn't been extradited but they were so quick to approve ovidio Guzman some spoiled kid and caro quintero kuz the dea had a hard on for getting him for kiki camarena. The u.s. system picks and chooses just like they r more worried about chapos spiled kids more than men ho who is the bigger threat

    1. If chapo loved his family he wouldn’t have been having sex with minors moron

    2. 454 two things could be right at the same time

    3. 5:07 But not those two things.

    4. Chapo is a certified child molester

    5. Nah chapo was sick too. Dude didn't have no humanity...he wasn't as cruel but they're cut from the same cloth.

  30. Didn't chapo use a chainsaw on some narco? That's not normal.

  31. Find his children and so he feels the wrath of the dead

  32. Word on the streets is if you looked into his eyes you'd wake up in heaven (or hell if you like pineapple on pizza). They say the gov'ment been running experiments to duplicate that power.
    I looked for that Diablo video and found it and watched it. Reminded me that there used to be merchants selling DVDs with these videos how they sell music USBs today. We had one where a Z woman lit these estatales with a M16 from a moving vehicle. This was leaving Yerbanis towards Gómez Palacio and the welts on the wall remained for years. All the rancheros were terrified of her. I don't remember hearing if she ever got caught up.

    1. “ Word on the streets is if you looked into his eyes you'd wake up in heaven (or hell if you like pineapple on pizza).”

      This is what happens when there is no accountability: criminals can behave as if they are Gods walking among humans. In less corrupt countries, there are criminals, of course, but they have to adopt a low profile approach to go about their businesses, in Mexico if you have an argument with someone at the gym and it turns out that he is a cartel member, he can kill you and your entire family with no accountability at all

    2. P.s: btw, let me add this to the previous comment: I think that even hell is too lax of a punishment for someone who likes pineapples on pizza. 😂

    3. 6:53 worst than hell is reserved for those that also like raisin tamales. The thought alone 🤮

    4. I heard that Z chick was in several videos. Had a thing for killing cops. Operated in La Laguna and sometimes Veracruz. Be nice to see an article on her.

    5. 12:03 guess you haven't tried tamales de tomate🤮, you already know who makes them, or tamales de elote con sal.🤢🤢

  33. "...if you have an argument with someone at the gym and it turns out that he is a cartel member, he can kill you and your entire family with no accountability at all."

    And the people of Mexico have got used to that. The Cartel typically don't live long lives, but their altered reality slithers among the people everyday. These are dark times despite the great advances.

  34. The most evil man to walk Mexican soil. I've always wondered what leads up to a person becoming so evil? I imagine it was a gradual side into madness that then dropped off a cliff

    1. Starts with greed once they see money coming in, kill because they need to kill then the ones that start to like it become serial killing gangsters.

      I would even go as far as to say Z40 loved killing.

    2. He worked as a Car Washer. People turn into Mass murderer's for less..

    3. He could only pursue this career with an already unhinged mind

  35. This Guys Brutality and Disrespect for Anyone and Anything... was 10 times worse than Menchos or Chapo... he ran ZETAS with an Iron fist

  36. Throw him in a well already

  37. No group would touch him in a USA jail his reputation alone would keep him safe never mind the fact he's still the boss behind CDN, who would risk that?

    1. May be no mexican group. They wld kiss his ass. But to none mexicans el 40 is an innocent killing little bitch.

    2. Prison gangs dont care about his reputation their priority is money


  38. You all believe this shit ? Its propaganda,exactly what the authorities want to hear and publicize,after all i believe everything im told by government,they dont lie

    1. Man have you watched the execution videos on here?? This isn't the government saying this shit...its his former crew members. I don't doubt shit gets twisted and exaggerated but man I'm telling you the truth is worse than any story

    2. Bro they said 40 was boiling babies an shit

  39. These guys are something else.
    No remorse , no empathy, no feelings..
    Chapo was held like a trophy and the soldiers treated him like shit squeezing at his neck while he was in hand cuffs ready to drop them crocodile tears 😢
    Meanwhile z 40 walking like a G in front of the soldiers like they worked for him and without a care in the world

    1. Este camarada si sabo

      Semper Fi

    2. If I remember correctly, Chapo and his men had a big shootout, and he escaped, only to be caught later. Trevino gave up, without a shot fired.

    3. 9:23 his men had a shoot out but chapo got captured just like Z 40
      Chapo's men were no match

  40. This dude was a downright POS I heard that he was actually present during the 2011 San fernando massacre where they forced the men to fight to death with blunt instruments.

  41. All those clowns aren't normal they were born like that all that coke in their system that's why they get into that business they don't last .

  42. Yo that was sick. That’s gonna give me nightmares

  43. Zetas we’re scumbags but man they had power,more then Sinaloa or la familia put together

    1. Non sense, you don’t know what you’re talking about. If Zetas were that strong they would have taken over Sinaloa completely, but they never could

    2. Bitch cuz the Marina/Ejercito wz helpn al rat azz chapo

      That lil fuckr wz gettn smashd on

      Z's needed 2 get dealt wit by Intelligencia


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