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Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Family Shot Up for Breaking Criminal Curfew by Standing Outside Their Home in León, Guanajuato

By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat
Image: El Sol de Leon
A family was shot at by armed men while standing outside their home for breaking a curfew imposed by a criminal group in San Pedro del Monte, Guanajuato. The father died and his children all suffered bullet wounds.

        The attack occurred in the town of San Pedro del Monte, also known as "La Huizachera", small town a 30-minute drive south of the city of León. According to witnesses, around midnight, men wearing black clothing in a white truck drove by the family, who were standing outside their home, and warned them about the curfew. The armed men "went around saying that there was a curfew and that they didn't want anyone to leave their homes" locals told newspaper Periódico Correo.

        25 minutes later, the men in the truck returned and shot at the victims. The father, a cockfighting trainer named Juan Antonio, died from his wounds at the scene. Two of his sons and his daughter were all injured and taken to the hospital by responding paramedics.

        A "toque de queda" is a curfew, typically imposed by a government which bans the movement of civilians in a region. Criminal groups often impose these curfews on communities where they exert significant control or influence, often as a way to pose a force providing law and order. For example, in large public narco banners, the CJNG announced a 10 p.m. curfew for locals of Tepotzotlán, State of Mexico in August 2023.

CJNG narco banners announcing curfew in Tepotzotlán. Image: Revista Brujula

Sources: Periódico Correo 10/2/23, El Sol de Leon 10/2/23, Revista Brujula 8/9/23


  1. Gosh, I can't fathom this happening im SW Louisiana (even my goddamn granny shoots for fun). Mexico really needs their own 2nd Amendment. Bless their hearts.

    1. Here here I second that. Everybody wants to take crap about guns until you need one to protect yourself or loved ones. It’s not guns that are the problem. It’s IDIOTS jacked up on drugs that create the problem. Not guns. They equalize a threat. Kinda like the United States does against Russia using it’s nukes. Cause if then do we got better ones that can strike Russia or anywhere else. That alone is a deterrent in nuclear conflicts. It’s called the MADD doctrine. Google it. And that my friends is what 2nd amendment rights would do for Mexico and it’s cartel thugs. They would think twice about doing the crap they do if they know everyone else has guns and will use them.

    2. @ 10:40am I read the coppers we’re torturing people there in Baton Rouge, La at a Brave House secret location.

    3. 2nd never stopped mass shootings and gang drive by shootings.

    4. 12:59
      🤔 Are you on drugs, perhaps a 12 year old.

    5. 2:45
      You're so intelligent, way to represent your "education".

    6. Your whole country locked down when the government told you to not come outside with Covid

      Talm bout ‘in my country’ blah blah blah

    7. I'm close to Baton you know about where it is?

  2. That family was in front of their home, not the outside of their home. Unbelievable that's why autodefensas is needed, the family was not armed, posed no threat to the criminals.

    1. Las autodefensas también son generadoras de violencia.

    2. Yeah if you shoot someone in self defense it's technically violence retard

  3. The father killed was a cockfighting trainer. Adios.

    1. Lo mismo pensé...

    2. Definitely a higher risk job. Local reports make it sound as if it was unrelated to his job. Who knows yet

  4. Sad thing is I meant that he participated in animal abuse. So, for whatever reason is behind the killing, I said a sort of "Good Riddance".

  5. Typical trash cartels shooting kids and leaving them fatherless.

  6. Cuando los pinche narcos tienen que meter toque de queda a la ciudadania es que son culos para los plomasos.
    Estan traumados. Tienen miedo.
    Tienen miedo a que se les esconda un contra entre la bola y les de en la madre.
    Si tan mafia son no tuvieran que temerle a nadie pero aqui se ven que son puro niño de agua.

  7. Chickenshi- motherfuc-ers

  8. mexico is a 3rd world country

  9. a curfew the CJNG are the new zetas no body likes them

    1. Most ex zetas joined jaliscas

  10. The Purge - Mexico

      Many videos like this that shit talking American politicians won't show in the news.

  11. What was the CDS saying they use to say, "ase patria Mata a un Zeta"? Now it should be ase patria mata a un Jalisca...

  12. Burn all cartel members would be my law in Mexico


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