Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Former Tamaulipas Police Officers Sentenced To 50 Years In Prison For Camargo Massacre

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

They will serve sentences for the death of 19 migrants, 17 of whom were of Central American origin.

Those involved in the massacre in Camargo, Tamaulipas were sentenced.

The Attorney General's Office of Tamaulipas informed that 12 people were sentenced to 50 years in prison for the events that took place in the Santa Anita ejido, municipality of Camargo, where 19 migrants were killed.

It was indicated that the agent of the Public Prosecutor's Office demonstrated, through convincing evidence, the responsibility of those sentenced today in the aforementioned crimes registered on January 21, 2021 in the Santa Anita ejido of the municipality of Camargo, where 19 people, 17 of Central American origin, were killed by gunshot wounds and were subsequently incinerated.

Who are the people sentenced for the massacre in Camargo?

The unitary trial judge Patricio Lugo Jaramillo, sentenced Jorge A. "C", Williams "F", Edgar "M", Horacio "R", Carlos "R", Jorge "C", José L. "L", Héctor J. "A", Christian E. "G" and Horacio "Q", for the crimes of aggravated homicide, abuse of authority and crimes against the administration of justice. While Mayra Elizabeth "V" was charged with the crime of false declaration.

Ismael "V", the police officer who confessed to the crime of his colleagues near the Piedras ranch in the municipality of Diaz Ordaz, was sentenced to 19 years in prison for abuse of authority and crimes against the administration of justice.

The judge ordered his dismissal and disqualification for 8 years from holding any type of public office; a fine of 400 UMAs for abuse of authority and 150 UMAs for crimes committed in the performance of administrative duties.

Regarding the reparation of damages, the court ordered the payment of 335,709 pesos to the bereaved of each of the 19 victims, who were murdered and later burned by members of the Public Security Secretariat.

19 charred bodies found after reported confrontation on the border of Tamaulipas and NL

The judge pointed out that the victims had a dream of bettering themselves, of helping their families and today, "not even all the money in the world would bring people back to life", recalling that in the group were 17 year old teenagers and women.

Regarding the accused, he said that it was demonstrated that they were aware of what they were doing, besides the fact that as policemen they were trained to handle weapons in a skillful way.

He emphasized that there was a simulation made by them when they collected the casings, in order to conceal what happened, in addition to the use of patrol cars, black mambas, gasoline, and firearms, property of the Public Security Secretariat.

Black Mambas armored vehicles

Santa Anita community

Milenio  Borderland Beat Archives


  1. Dam those Black Mamba trucks look really nice. Loooks like a very well design. Reminds me of how when USA went to Iraq. And had to get the Hummers built differently. With the armor plating for all the IEDS. But made the Hummers look amazing. Now it has become a world trend. Although started by the Great US of A.

    Respect to Sol, Lagarto, Semoer Fi ( sometimes when he’s not saying crazy shit ). And all other contributors.

    Rubio NYC

    1. Haha Rubio I just like reminding the nortenas who their real step papi is. And havent seeb 1 of the lagartos just the poetic one. Hope all is good brotha. I learned what senpai sol is Lol

      Semper Fi

    2. Yo yo semper my brother. What’s up. I got love for all you Mexicanos. Wait sooooo share man.
      I want to hear this. Respect to Sol of course always.

      Rubio NYC

    3. Is it true that they werent armored at all from the beginning? Heard many stories about.

  2. No impunity. Now that they have been convicted and sentenced, the Mexican press has no excuse for continuing to hide their full names.

  3. These guys got the book thrown at them because they didn't have bribe money to have their cases dismissed But all the clowns with bribe money walk away or don't get extradited where they shout be and the victims and all they come know the risks and dangers anyway.


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