Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, October 8, 2023

'Grupo Cazadores' Extended Ban Of Los Chapitos Fentanyl Sales In Sonora

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from INFOBAE

Source:  @Halcon1072

New banners prohibiting the transfer, sale, processing and any business related to fentanyl appeared again in several locations in Sonora, signed by the Grupo Cazadores, an alleged armed wing of Los Chapitos of the Sinaloa Cartel.

"Attention. This communiqué is to inform the government and the community that the transfer, sale, processing and any business related to fentanyl will not be allowed in the towns of Altar, Sasabe, Saric, Santa Ana, Benjamin, Magdalena and surrounding areas. If you do not obey this order, please abide by the consequences. Sincerely. Grupo Cazadores", reads the banners.

.So far it is not known how many banners appeared and in which municipalities of the state. Grupo Cazadores is identified as an armed wing of Los Chapitos.

These banners are in addition to the warning issued by another armed group linked to the faction of Joaquin El Chapo Guzman's sons: Los Pelones, on October 5.

Los Pelones have a strong presence in Sonoyta, Caborca and Pitiquito. They originated between 2004 and 2006, and because they are also known by the nickname "Los Memos," it is presumed that this cell may have emerged thanks to the impulse of Adelmo Niebla Gonzalez and/or Guillermo Nieblas, alias "El Memo.

"We join the prohibition of transfer, processing and sale and everything related to fentanyl and its modalities from this moment is prohibited in Sonoyta and Caborca and whoever does not abide by the order to abide by the consequences. Att: Los Pelones," the banner read.

The messages are in addition to those found on Monday, October 2 in Sinaloa, which were signed by 'Los Chapitos' and appeared in the municipalities of Culiacán, Mazatlán, Guamúchil and Ahome.

Source: @Halcon1072

The content of the messages had to do with the ban on the sale of fentanyl in Sinaloa, in an attempt to disassociate itself from its production and distribution, according to the images that were shared on social networks.

"Due to the incessant misinformation of some media outlets and the evident omission of the government by not investigating and prosecuting the real culprits of this epidemic, the sale, manufacture, transportation or any type of business involving the substance known as fentanyl, including the sale of chemicals for its production, is strictly prohibited in Sinaloa," the banners read.






  1. Gente Nueva Special Forces Tier 1 Operators
    are herby informing everyone not to sell Fentanyl.

    Ordenes de los patrones

  2. To me Sonora has two of the most dangerous roads. Between leaving Los Mochis and Navojoa. Then the stretch between Santa Ana and Caborca. On these roads is where I've felt death tickling my back the most. Especially Santa Ana - Caborca. It's so chaotic there they can't setup checkpoints. If you see one turn around immediately and floor it unless your faith in god is greater than your fear of death.

    1. What cartels are setting up checkpoints in those zones?

    2. I drive from Nogales to Maza twice a year. Roundtrip. Cake. Maybe because I have someone that vouches for me, makes me feel comfortable. Not sure.

    3. Happened to us. We had to defend ourselves.

    4. Stfu no one vouches for you square

    5. In those two stretches I've seen it flip too often to keep up. So many pizza factions flip, split, flip again, rejoin, repeat. Going up it's one gang assuring they got it under control. Two weeks later coming back the church is riddled with bullets and the last guys got killed/arrested. In one of those trips a Durango guy had pull in Altar. Caught me eating. Don't remember his faction. Guy was straight and legit. Coming down he had been arrested. I was in a different vehicle and being pointed at by some guys. They started running towards these cars and I took flight. Ended up going back around towards the coast closer to god than ever before. In Santa Ana the "National Guard" drives around like some gangsters pulling up guns drawn asking where you're from. Caborca there's shootouts during the day. Businesses shut down then resume an hour later. I'm looking at the map here and this stretch looks small. But now it feels like it takes hours to put behind. Between Los Mochis and the border PGR always setup. PGR has been defunct for years. By the time you get to Navojoa you'll come across two choke points where "tribus" are walking up to vehicles asking for donations. They're watched by National Guard and/or municipales. In these parts if you don't appear as a family conducting family affairs you're getting jammed up. The buses that aren't part of that big chain (Chihuahuenses, Futura, Tres Estrellas, etc.) all stop at hotspots and signal suspect passengers.

    6. Meza bro you're just outside the red zone. I avoid crossing through Arizona but more because of personal reasons. I'm still under the impression they got some of the strictest laws and hottest jails 😆

    7. I always blast my way out.

    8. 210Thas right homi los gallos del Señor Mencho no andamos con tanto cotorreo 0% excusas 100% plomo arriba las cuatro letras mas pesadas 💯🐓💯

    9. 2:49 calmate alucin ni que anduvieras pelenado la plaza mocoso

    10. 249no me a tocado pelear plaza porque llegando todas las sinalocas corren arriba el Señor Mencho y las cuatro letras mas macizas 💯🐓💯

    11. 5:55 no eras El del video besandote con tu compa en michoacan?

    12. 5:55 pues en Zacatecas chiapas y Baja California El mayo ando Barriendo con tus 4 letras .

    13. 9:12 pues Mayo es cubano 🇨🇺

  3. On one hand, they are trying to appease the powers that be.. but on the other, they are basically giving away who they are, where they are, and who they are connected to…

    1. Everyone in those areas already knows who’s in control it’s not breaking news

  4. Everyone seen the news stories of fent labs getting busted in Sinaloa damn near every week. how the fuck are they expecting anyone to believe this shit? maybe they are trying to fool the locals. Can't fool us though. we know what's up. CDS is a fentanilo cartel 100%. Fenta y hielo.

  5. Chapitos flexing their power in Sonora. We make fun of them alot and don't get me wrong they deserve especially their fans but at the end of the day . Seems like chapitos have gained a lot of ground on the caborca cartel

    1. Chapitos cant even beat caborca and you want us to believe they are powerful. Chapitos are done like a turkey dinner they could never stand to cjng

    2. 6:55 not a fan here so don't try to say I'm one but if you keep up with the Sonoran pages you would see that cds chapitos have actually took plazas and gained alot of ground against the caborca cartel. Could never stand against CJNG? Well sorry to break it down to you but just in Zacatecas one faction of cds (mz) is whopping them all over the state. Saying this I was the one that wrote in the comments how in tecolatiche Mario Gonzalez jr is calling for the town to stand up against the authorities. I even translated it in a post. Cds is about to get kicked out of Jalisco. But loosing in Zacatecas and Baja.

    3. But CJNG is loosing in Zacatecas and Baja . Sorry for the typo

    4. 6:55 Is just speaking out of hatred and not looking at the facts they been whooping on Caborca for a while and there’s reports of La Plaza infighting now too

    5. 1:21 chapitos often get mocked but right now they are winning their war in Sonora.

    6. Flexing power? Or their ass tighten up after loosing their brother to the usa justice system. Seems like ovidios extradition scared the shit out of his brothers.

    7. 7:19 Just goes to show all the ground they gained in Sonora but all this is . Is a pr campaign to clean up their image cause they feel the heat

  6. Grupo Leather Sucker here in full support of los chapitos. No fetynol sell here either.

  7. So los memos changed their name, and Memo is still in charge?

    1. Probably the current heads name is pelon or is bald

  8. All these banners seem to be coming off the same printer.


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