Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Gulf Cartel Metros Faction In A Cowardly Act Forcibly Tie Up A Woman In Díaz Ordaz: Tamaulipas

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 


In a cowardly act by the Gulf Cartel Metros Faction of Díaz Ordaz, Tamaulipas, a woman is surrounded by up to ten hitmen who forcibly tie her up by her legs, and ask for a specific cell phone number. According to Reynosa Codigo Rojo the plaza boss of Díaz Ordaz is an individual with the code "metro 87". However, the commander responsible for kidnapping the woman is Jaky and his crew. As of yet, we do not know what happened to the unfortunate woman.


Reynosa Codigo Rojo on X , "📹 Video 🇲🇽 #Tamaulipas

This is how jaky and his people go around beating undocumented women and robbing deposits and gas stations days ago he robbed the gas station in arguelles he says he's in charge.

The people of metro 87 of Gustavo diaz ordaz









@CarlosLoret" @R_CodigoRojo


  1. for the specific commenter that said I just copy and paste.. I can write

    and for the commenter that said I am a CJNG fanatic. yo soy parejo con todos meaning I hit everyone evenly.

    1. Who gives a fuck what these people think,they are garden variety imbeciles who argue about what cartel is best.That tells us all we need to know

    2. Char you know the saying dont feed the trolls,fuckin clowns at best

    3. 12:24 funny thing is when you guys use to post all the bad stuff other cartels like Z's, CDJ, Golfos, CJNG no one would say you were bias, but once you brought up the same ahit from CDS thats when you became bias, when in fact you guys are now been neutral 😂 Its 100% CDS fans who accuse you guys of been bias, they cant stand the fact that CDS are the same trash as the other cartels, so i would say just dont worry about them and keep doing your thing, you guys are doing a great job, and this is coming from a guy who has been reading BB for about 14 yrs

    4. I don’t know but that one guy is heard speaking English clearly “ come on Come on”

  2. Cancer cells of the world such as cartels! We should eliminate these filthy people.

    1. They need a little radiation

    2. Char in my opinion you are very neutral. You have great reports on both cds and CJNG

  3. Don't know why this is cowardly. But then again I don't know the details ofwhat lead to this nor why they were doing what they did no their end goal. I didn't see them hitting her nor yanking her around nor any other kind of physical harm. I kind of seemed the were trying to coax her into cooperating with them so they could (I'm assuming)tie her feet. Don't know if any harm was done to her. Can you explain why you think this was a cowardly act???

    1. If you don’t understand why, this is a cowardly act, you deserve to be thrown in the same pit as those animals. Leave women alone, they are not your possession, and you do not on them. No one had permission to touch her. It shouldn’t be that difficult to understand predator

    2. Mind if I show up with 10 guys and tie up YOUR feet?
      Then we'll turn the cameras off and ...
      How coaxing would THAT be?

    3. 12:56
      Either you are being sarcastic, or you are desperately in need of learning how to be a human being..
      Google the definition of "empathy"..
      Then check out the meaning of "coax", "to persistently and gently persuade"

    4. Zero tolerance. Your acceptance of it possibly being warranted makes you, wait for it…..,a cowardly coward lover. Coward.

    5. how does 10 men intimidating a woman, not seem cowardly to you? is that how you feel real men should behave?

    6. you're either a troll or you're just ignorant as hell. would you want to be incapacitated by 10 men (if we can even call them that) if you were a woman? they could've had anything in mind and none of those things are good. we've all seen what they do to people seen what they've done to people In all their abhorrent videos.

    7. Listen to all the chuck norris's coming out the woodwork to defend a womans honor,fuck outta here.We all know right and wrong

    8. Eres igual de deleznable que ellos.

    9. Some women take part in kidnapping and murdering innocent people, so if that's the case no one should be defending her.

    10. Wow I didn't realize how many heros were scurrying around in Borderlandbeat comment sewers . Lol

    11. 6:34 I never said real men behave like this. But I don't see them dragging her beating her or anything of the sorts. Them 10 individuals you speak of seem to be having a hard tome tie her feet because they're trying to get her to put her feet in the rope. Shes walking away from the in a sanse. That many people would have no problem tieing up a man, let alone a woman. And they aren't getting it done. Why? All these mothafuckers on here ( not you, you ask for feed back, so in a sense are trying to undermy opinion) that are running their mouths and criticizing, to whom my offer still stands, just want to criticize and run thir bitch ass mouths could come and see if yheir theory is correct and the could show people how much of a coward I am by marking me out in person or manhandling me or showing that I'm just putting on a show or whatever it is a coward will do. Definitely not show up and have that person realize maybe he should've measured his words and most definitely not showhim how wrong he is.... Anyways, alot of people aren't that bright, they assume shit when they have no idea what is going in. How do they even know this is CDG with just that clip. What's going on? What happened before? What happend after? Why are 10 men having a hard time tieing a woman? Did they ever get to tie her up? Why didn't they just grab her and tie her up by force? Why was she still standing and moving around? Why was she not pinned down to the ground and tied up? 10 men could have easily done that to a woman. Why was she not being physically abused or harmed if she was resisting to put her feet in the rope? Why were they trying to tie her feet up? I still don't understand why this clip is cowardly. I don't even know if they even ended up tieing her up. I didn't see her get harmed. And for sure I'm not going to assume. Like alot of people did assuming they knew what was going on in Ukraine and that Ukraine was winning when in reality they were getting smashed.

    12. @Kat I'm ignorant ass hell. Did you or anyone on here actually see the woman getting tied up in this video??? Do you think 10 men would really have a hard yime tie a woman up if that's what they really wanted to do??? Who's the ignorant one here.

    13. Just can’t make this up. Anonymous guy challenges people to come see how tough he is…anonymously. Me thinks too many of you boys play and argue over video games online.

    14. 4:46 You want to label pehuh??? Test your theory and show people what you accuse is correct. I'm from south central los angeles. If you're a hundred miles from here I'll give you the pleasure of telling me that to my face so you can show everyone how much of a coward I am. I extended this offer to you before but fore whatever reason it didget posted. I invited all the critics the same offer but the main one I would love to accommodate is you. Since you want to label me I want to give you that opportunity of proving your words are true and want to accommodate you from the bottom of my heart. I yearn to give you that opportunity. So get at me and test your theory if you meet the 100mile radius. I'm game baby girl. See if you still believe in your accusation after a personal meet. Cowards are the ones that slander and run their mouths from the safety of their homes but are not willing to put themselves in a position where that safety might be compromised. But you're tuff correct. Your a real man. You'll back your words in person. As tuff as you are. Come on and test your theory please. Please test it. As for the other critics, especially the throwing me in a pit one, I've come to understand how much of an idiot they are. This post isn't directed at them but if they desire to express how they feel in person, I will accothem as well. No problem. But 4:46, you're the one I want to accommodate. I will do it with gusto. Prove your theory. The last invitation wasn't posted but I hope and pray and would appreciate if this one does. Till then baby girl😘

  4. Just wondering if the title would be named the same if it was a guy. I thought women what eqaul rights if she's part of the rival cartel then she should known what she got into before

  5. No se aguite mi char. Arriba el Señor Mencho y las cuatro más macizas 💯🐓💯

    1. 3:03 ya deja El foco alucin. Ya duermete. Y de paso dile a tu gallera que mande mas refuerzos para El Zacate y chiapas que los mayos los andan exterminando 🏹🏹🏹

    2. 11:49 esos cubanos son unos cademes! Arriva cuba Chico apestoso!!! Te lo Chingo al rato🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺

    3. 12:06 mentirosa 😂🤣 ahora resulta que tambien Eres alucin haha .con razon eres fan de Los Jaliscos . La neta yo Tengo esposa pero ojala pronto agarres Al vato de tus sueños . Ya paga la feria Nena

    4. 12:06 nomas uno habla mal de Los Jaliscos y de volada sale su fan numero #1 a defenderlos. Alias La Mentirosa 😂😂. Apestoso? Apestoso El que le as de dar a los Jaliscos groupie

    5. 12:06 una porrista tapatia la mami

    6. En chiapas los vieron desfilar a los sinaloenses y resulta que van ganando su guerra? Si nunca respondieron por la muerte del "Jr Gil"? Y aparte andan secuestrando mujeres para poder llegarle a los jefes del CJNG en chiapas? Mira el caso de nayeli cinco, y ni asi pueden.

    7. Gracias por tu apoyo mi llorona, se ve que estas al pendiente de lo que digo 😂😂😂 arriva cuba Chico sin esquinas!!! Te molesto al rato!!!

    8. 7:40 no que muy neutral y que todos los carteles son la misma basura. Pero ahi de volada te pones histerica Nena si hablan mal de tus Jaliscos. Tu nomas Eres una jalisfan mas . Con razon la raza te apodo la mentirosa 😂😂. Te quedo como anillo al dedo ese apodo mentirosa 😂

    9. 8:39 se ve que no entiendes lo que dije mi lagrimas de cocodrilo! Dije que los CDS son cabrones en el buen sentido! Pero al mismo tiempo era sarcasmo porque son igualitos que todos los carteles, se ve que te falta barrio y sentido comun, o y te contesto nomas porque ando echando un buen cacorro, Saco y corro! 😂😂😂 ahi te respondo cuando termines tu jale que tienes de noche, que es andar llorando por las calles, Ahiii miiis hiiijooooooss!!! 🤣🤣

    10. 8:57 calmate jalisfan. Eres una groupie mas

    11. 11:16 como te fue en la noche? Si alcansaste a asustar mucha gente?

    12. 12:08 aparte de mentirosa 😂😂 ahora alucin

    13. 4:13 lla se esta poniendo el sol, lla te pusiste tu vestido mi llorona? Lla vas a entrar al jale? 😂 no te creas lla no llores, la neta lla ni chistoso es echarte carrilla porque siempre respondes lo mismo, parese que nomas usas el copy and paste, lla no traes nada nuevo a la meza, cuando respondas algo chido te respondo, pero si sigues con tus mismas patadas de ahogado lla ni chiste tiene responderte 😉😚 hasta luego mi llorona, no me voy, nomas voy a ignorar tus copy and paste, aki seguire para cuando traigas buen cotorreo 😊

  6. Just a heads up to my preferred underworld journalists: I've seen alot of misinformation regarding FRIZ and FRI. These are state police. FRIZ are Zacatecas and they have blue trucks. FRI are Durango and they have black trucks. Word on the streets is FRI work directly for the Durango gang. Because of their suspicious appearance there's videos of FRI being passed off as gang members in Zacatecas. Complete BS.

  7. 12:56:
    I would say that it is pretty cowardly for 8 guys to gang up on a lone female. None of them have the courage to go one on one with her. Typical cartel low lifes.

    1. @Detroit u want them to dance the waltz with 😂

    2. 5:38 You want the Criminals to dance the waltz with her lol or sipped tea in a tutu

    3. Did you really just say that??? Are you serious or just joking??? If you're not joking, I don't know if anyone can take anything you say seriously again. And when a guy does go ono on one with a woman, don't complain after or criticize and run your mouth. Just remember what you said in this comment.

  8. Us special forces should go in with a kill order against cartels

    1. No period kid, not that easy peasy.

    2. this blog is sensored as hell but somehow they still post all the comments from the right wing shit for brains from the states, like this one

    3. 1122 Lol only far left is correct in your pea brain. Go back to smoking weed, avoiding responsibility, continue the blame game, and paying no taxes bronie.

    4. "right wing shit for brains from the states"
      You got some front calling anyone shit for brains?

    5. 1122
      Hes from the U.S wha wha wha this is our blog wha wah wah lmao

    6. "1122 Lol only far left is correct in your pea brain" Bro he heard the term right wing on the internet,give him a break

    7. ❄️❄️❄️

  9. Ok so cowardly ? Hey man these woman want equality.. also theyre just as brutal as men.. they dnt hold back when its time to kill, also love boasting weapons online…

    1. This isn’t a place to debate equality amongst female / males. 10 vs 1 is cowardly

    2. He's just trying to point out there have been and are numerous brutal women sicarios that are just as bad if not worse than the men

    3. 8:12 this is the under world of crime ain’t nobody is going to come and say let’s have a fair fight 😂 go back to Disney

    4. Then you better talk to law enforcement about that because they 10 vs. 1 all the time and worse. I've seen them 30 or 40 vs. 1. They must be some huge cowards in your eyes.

  10. Animals that's all they are.

  11. And if she's pretty and your the target consider yourself fucked 😂

    1. So she has to be pretty for you to be the target??? Who's she, and why would he be the target if she's pretty. That's some weird kind of kinky shit from what it sounds like. But with that CDS porn video coming out I guess we should expect the unexpected.

  12. Good job grupo metros!

    Metros making tamaulipas great again!

  13. Equality at its finest 👌🙏♥️

  14. I agreee, live by the sword… you know the rest. No discrimination in WAR. Fck ‘en all trying to come into Tamaulipas. First of all, we have enough of these fck heads roaming around both in the RGV and Tam. 2nd- She fckd up and got caught should’ve put one in her temple 🤷‍♂️

  15. Mexicans abusing Mexicans. Sad.

    1. Humans abusing humans is even more saddening, that’s why I just fck with the aliens

    2. 12:22 u will also get abused if come to Mexico you’re not except

    3. 6:48
      I have been abused by Mexicans as I was kidnapped by TJ police in 2005.

    4. 6:48 Who said he was the exception?

  16. definietly dragged through the roads

  17. Just because she’s a woman u assume she’s hasn’t done some shady things

  18. Women are involved in the business and are lacras they alo mejor es la “”de alguien

  19. Alo mejor es la querida de alguien

  20. I like equality ❤️

  21. Wait aren't Metros in bed with CJNG...bola de putos

    1. Yeah, they are, it seems like they couldn't stand on their own and needed some back up. They were losing la ribeñera. The losses of territory for the most part stopped but they haven't been able to regain what they did lose from my understanding

    2. 4:30 that was uncalled for 😂

  22. I think her accent is from Cuba or Venezuela or around that area


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