Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, October 16, 2023

Hamas And The 'Chapitos': These Are The Sinaloa Cartel's Links To Palestinian Terrorists

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Hamas, the extremist organization behind the attacks on Israel, is allegedly linked to Mexican cartels.

The Sinaloa Cartel is allegedly linked to Hamas, the organization responsible for the attacks on Israel.


Hamas, an organization considered a terrorist organization, launched a series of attacks against Israel, which has led to a new escalation of violence in the Middle East. This Islamist group has links with organized crime in Mexico, specifically with the Sinaloa Cartel, according to an Israeli ex-military officer.

Dany Tirza, a former Israeli military officer who holds a high rank in the Defense Forces, revealed that Hamas and the Sinaloa Cartel came to have an agreement to share information and possibly promote drug trafficking in the Middle East, especially in nations such as Lebanon and Egypt.

What was the deal between Hamas and the Sinaloa Cartel like?

The veteran was one of the men behind the creation of a wall between Israel and the West Bank, nicknamed the West Bank, which seeks to contain incursions from Palestinian-occupied territories. Tirza said they discovered a couple of things among the detainees: the first was that they had the ability to tunnel 20 meters deep to clear the barrier.

The second was that the Islamist militias financed these tunnels with resources they obtained from alleged alliances with organized crime. The deal was as follows: Hamas taught members of the Sinaloa Cartel how to tunnel through barriers, while they received money in return, according to words he offered to journalist Oscar Balmen.

Likewise, Dany Tirza believes that Hamas and the Sinaloa Cartel did share methods for building the tunnels, since those created under the Israeli barrier and the border wall with the United States have similar characteristics: made with cement and steel, lighting and hydration systems, and a system of waterproofing.

The former Israeli military officer considers that the alliances between the Sinaloa Cartel and the Islamists remain, as he believes that they need them to send methamphetamines to the Middle East; while Hamas also entered into drug trafficking to obtain greater profits.

Do Mexican cartels have links in the Middle East?

The allegations made about alleged links between Mexican cartels and Middle Eastern terrorist groups are not recent: in 2017, then US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson claimed that there were links between the Sinaloa Cartel and Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists.

According to the version offered by Tillerson before the House of Representatives, he assured that the Sinaloa Cartel and ISIS shared activities such as drug and human smuggling; a version that was not corroborated by the former official was the possible trafficking of 'dirty bombs', devices that have materials such as dynamite and radioactive elements.

In May 2021, a series of recordings appeared where drug traffickers in Turkey say "Pure Mayo Zambada!", alluding to one of the leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel. Local authorities speculate that Mexican cartels have links to the Gray Wolves,  a far-right paramilitary group.

Turkey would be of vital importance to the Mexican and Colombian cartels, as it is the 'gateway' for drug trafficking to Middle Eastern nations such as Lebanon, Syria and even Israel. Authorities have not seized shipments or drug traffickers linked to Mexican groups.

Radio Formula  Borderland Beat Archives


  1. Just like their father, Chapitos name is good for a headline. They have been using tunnels for a long time. Why is there a picture of Grupo Delta?

    1. This is Bull. Doing this would be an automatic death sentence. Sinaloa is smarter than to mess with terrorist.

    2. 6:21 that pic delta is from 4L

    3. Agreed bullshit propaganda!!

    4. Tell that to Chapo and olvidohow they’re beating the Mexican military!!😹😹😹🇲🇽💀🔥

    5. Really the cartels aren’t stupid they may used those groups to train their men and turn them into soldiers. But they know the consequences of being labeled as terrorist or supporting terrorist. This is something they are going to make square pegs fit in round holes.

  2. Funny how they don't mention how the mossad operatives and Israel especial forces gave training to memembers of grupo flechas n other Sinaloa mercenaries these would explain how the sinaloa Cartel has been the only cartel to have beaten the mexican goverment military with all it's power the mexican military has But they not ready to talk about that ☕🥱

    1. El Señor Sic#006 has mentioned Mossad a few times.

    2. Los militares mexicanos no están listos para hablara de eso??? Haber insolente estás en tu peso? Corres diario? Tienes cursos en derecho penal militar? Que tal te va con la información que tienes en DD.HH.?? Y cuál derrota? La el tiempo les dió LA REVANCHA...

    3. 18:36
      Te agarraron y extraditaron a tu ídolo el enano y a su hijito, hicieron viuda al pellejudo de los Torres, etc, etc, etc. Hablas mucho.

    4. 7:53 por ahi anda un ranchero con el sombrero de lado todavia mandando

    5. Todo respeto al ejercito Mexicano. Si el señor del sombrero sigue vivo es porque nunca se ha pasado de verga con ningun equipo militar. Como dijo primero un tiro a la nuca que enfrentarse con el ejército y crear una bronca para sus descendientes.

    6. 8:22 y ese ranchero trae sombrero Cubano! 🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺

    7. 9:33 no me digas que Eres la famosa persona que la verdad no quiero decir su hombre por peligro que se vuelva una pelea de emojis entre tu y Los que te echan carilla

    8. The Mossad agents and IDF special forces that did so are not active agents. If you believe they are active, you're not very bright.

    9. 6:36 when did cds beat the Mexican military 🤔

    10. 10:42 the only time i remember that hapening was CJNG taking down 3 chopers in Jalisco, pics of two and only one reported by authorities

    11. 10:42 before chapo got captured the second time do you know how many times his sicarios repelled back the mexican military and dea for chapo to get away ? Let's just say there was more than once for sure

    12. 4:58 holding them to give chapo a few minutes to scape is not the same as taking down 2 choopers

    13. 10:10 not everything comes out in the news . There is a podcast on YouTube with a guy called gafe followed by 3 numbers. Can't remember at the moment which ones . But dude seems legit. He was special forces in the Calderon term. And he touches really interesting topics about Mexico's military system. Once or twice he was talked about how he took an L trying to catch a CDS heavyweight but that the news won't report it

    14. @636 where’s your evidence of this “training”

    15. JT "turned himself in" after he killed a militar in an operation to capture him in 2004. Do any of you believe he did so voluntarily because his conscience wouldn't let him be in peace? Many of his immediate family members have died or been killed since his arrest. But he chose that life, should have stayed a policía rural...

  3. In that case every cartel in Mexico are terrorists 🤣

  4. Damn like that Sol?

    Semper Fi

    1. You're better off just registering your moniker playboy. Your alter ego is pretending to be a homo. And I know you don't get down like that. Lol.

    2. Too paranoid to register. I know these young cds fans want to earn some stripes off my name. I can never go homo as long as women roam the earth. I was saying chapitas won't go to Michoacan because men arent allowed in beauty salons but I may have been more explicit. All is well Chief Master Stud 😉

      Semper Fi

    3. @Sol Wassup player!?

      Great article thanks.

      I actually have uncovered direct ties and evidence of CDS / Chapitos' involvement with Hamas and Iranian operations in North America.

      CDS used to sell Iranian heroin from Hamas soldiers in California. Hamas, Hezbollah, and Lebanese operatives receiving methamphetamine from CDS is no surprise but I was unaware of the meth aspect until today.

      CDS also has links to Neo-Nazi White Nationalists in the US, Outlaws Bikers, the Irish Mob, and domestic terrorists.

      Ahh low life scum breeds together.

    4. 12:09 care to share your discoveries?

    5. Ol Chet, Sol dejaste a este wey en cenizas with that burn

  5. USA has links to Jewish terrorists .

  6. Does this mean cjng is linked with Israel? OMG!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. If the Mossad puts the Cartel on its hit list for it ties with Hamas se chingan a los menores y al del sombrero

    1. Mossad is too busy dealing w the Middle Eastern theatre to even consider engaging Mexicans on Mexican soil. Everyone forgets what happens to crooks when they accept a “meeting” anywhere on Mexican soil. How many crooked foreign intelligence analysts moonlighting as traffickers have paid the price for believing that they are above the law in MX. Do your homework kids.

    2. Many Mossad (I say that with all respect) have taken their last vacation in MX for not keeping their word and stealing from MX DTO. They are easy pickings away from their own home turf.

    3. They would interfere ever heard of Pegasus?

      What about the Jewish space lasers starting fires all over the country?

    4. 9:28 Pegasus is just one of many zero days nino relax.

  8. Los Yunitas pulling out all the stops to justify and further continue their efforts against Los Chapitos. Their next step will be to request an increase in budget. First mistake the Jrs made was facilitating China’s Opium War against USA, now they are helping HAMAS circumvent that Great Wall!? Hahahaha

  9. Psssst… USA has links to every coup and rebellion since they became the armed wing of Isra….,Vati….,Brit…..

  10. Pinche Sucario 006, mentiroso no que te entrenaron Israel Mossad, ya salio que te entreno Hamas. Con razon no sabes nada guey imbecil.

  11. Now you see how CDS are the bad guys, CJNG on the other hand are the good guys, lets support CJNG from now on 👍

    1. 7:53 nobody outside of Jalisco and some parts of michoacan like CJNG

    2. 8:20 but they like a cartel who is partners with a terrorist group 🤔 thats weird, to say the least

    3. 9:34 cartels are terrorists. They are the same shit 🧐 narco traffickers narco terrorists or what would you call the war in michoacan between CJNG and CU with drones and explosives Just 2 narco terrorists scumbag organizations killing each other and innocent

    4. 9:34 alot of time in most regions cds is usually the lesser evil of the two organizations. No wonder people from chiapas and Zacatecas prefer the cds over CJNG . Shit even in tecolatiche the locals don't like the idea of CJNG taking over and that town is in Jalisco

    5. 10:15 a little to late for teocaltiche

    6. Didn’t cjng kill an Israeli mob boss in 2019 ?

  12. Esos analfabetas lo anhelan

  13. Just goes to show how cds is probably the strongest criminal organization in Latin America

    1. It's the Yakuza, no period kid 😭.

    2. Yakuza is Latin American ? Learn how to read kid. Also Yakuza ain't what it once was

    3. LFM had some Yakuza come in for training but they didnt last. They couldve ran to cds because those norteñas are just as soft as them anime nips .

      Semper Fi

    4. The Yakuza have swords ⚔️, so sharp that one swing and your head falls off.

    5. They can get their heads blown off still holding their swords also. A sword is nothing to a gun kid.

  14. LFM could have taught chapitas all these things but instead Michoacanos let them get tainted with terrorists so the US can take them out while Michoacanos keep stacking feria. Michoacanos are chess masters and cds are playing pop warner. Arriba Michoacan!!!

    Semper Fi

    1. Michoacanos ni mueven la mitad de lo que mueve Ivan Archivaldo Guzmán

    2. 9:13 ese ivan nomas mueve sus nalgas, por eso dicen que es puro pajaro nalgon

    3. ese mocoso pedorro solo mueve las nachas a puro tablazo cuando el Señor Mencho lo ordena

    4. Semper fi u are a clown bro .. pure comedy hahahah

    5. @ semper fi Michoacanos always had help they can't do shit on their own whether it was cds that took milenio under their wing or when nacho coronel helped them out and work in jalisco or when familia michoacana was getting they ass handed to them by the zetas and had to have Nazario and chango Mendez ask for help from the CDG to wipe out zetas in michoacan hahahha

    6. Where you from Connor?

    7. Connor why are you responding to Semper Fi that’s not even him. That troll is just getting under your skin

    8. Dang, Connor has a lot of bark in him today.

    9. "I've got you under my skin
      I've got you deep in the heart of me
      So deep that you're really a part of me
      I've got you under my skin
      I'd tried so not to give in
      I said to myself this affair will never go so well
      But why should I try to resist when baby I know so well
      I've got you under my skin"
      ..Cole Porter

  15. Israel been killing and taking Palestine land since the 60"s. When the Arabs sets an oil embargo, get ready for $20 a gallon.

    1. Before the 60s pa

    2. Called The spoils of war nag. Israel's been trying to give that s*** back for peace. Egypt didn't want Gaza and Jordan didn't want the West Bank.

  16. The DEA already has everything they need against Los chapitos they just waiting for a green light. Fetanyl will not stop CJNG cdg cdn all the michoacanos everyone still pushing fett they will step in and fill the spot left by chapitos crystal meth and blues. Give the chapitos credit they created a whole new market with a drug they can make no need for growing all the other cartels gunna cash in because they got so much heat on chapitos right now

    1. No one is giving Ivan the little brat any credit. Single handed hes done more damage to the illegal drug trade then any other. Probably one of the stupidest trafficker in a long time.

  17. Just making up reasons to invade Mexico

  18. Chapo snitched on this whole thing

  19. Complete nonsense. CDS has been building tunnels since before the jv hamas squad was out of diapers. Los Chapitos don’t deal with Hamas or any other terrorist groups. Do you really think Ivan is that dumb to deal with middle eastern terrorist? Lmao. He’s got the world in the palm of his hand. This story is BS! And states no facts mere assumptions. Ivan is way smarter than you hillbillies think. Or some loser retired Israel nobody.

  20. If true, are they really giving a reason to the USA to start sending the airstrikes.

  21. All cartels in Mexico are terrorist and USA will get that ass

  22. If not given a reason to start airstrikes, the U.S. military will surely find a way to invent one..
    The day I was born, many moons ago, Uncle Sam was busy as a bee bombing North Korea..
    Since then it's been non-stop action adventure flick:
    And a few more that don't immediately come to mind..
    Add to the mix chingos de black ops everywhere else in the world..
    Sunny Mexico will have to patiently wait its turn to get carpet-bombed back into the stone age, what with more pressing geopolitical matters keeping us white boys occupied al momento, but don't worry, the land of los aztecas is on the honey-do list..

  23. Y quien le creera a un miembro del ejersito Iraeli??? Este ejersito es mas sangriento que todos los carteles que existen. Vean la pelicula Occupation 101 pa que se enteren

  24. Israelis are involved in this too they’re crooked people

  25. If this is true, this is truly a monumental blunder by CDS leadership. And the countdown to their extinction starts.

  26. Get in tight with terrorists. Another great idea by the guzman clan. What chapo fed his kids paint chips? Stupidity runs deep in that family. Guano is the exception apparently.

  27. Lol, the us are such liers


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