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Thursday, October 5, 2023

Hitmen Kill El 22 Inside Hospital, Chapo & Sons Send Funeral Wreaths

"HEARST", "Socalj", "Enojon", & "Char" for Borderland Beat 

El 22, a Sinaloa Cartel - Chapitos figure, was recently shot to death inside a Culiacan medical clinic in one of the most hotly discussed incidents of the year.

Warning: Videos and images below this point may be graphic. 

The Funeral

During the last few days of September 2023, videos and images from a lavish funeral being held in Sinaloa were shared online. Large, expensive funeral wreaths (called coronas in Mexico) arrived.

The biggest of the wreaths featured hundreds of red roses, each one labeled with a ribbon featuring the person who sent it, and the names were some of the biggest names in the Sinaloa Cartel.

Wreaths were sent by Ivan Guzman and Jesus Alfredo Guzman, and their father Joaquin Guzman Loera.

A red rose arrangement from Kevin Alonso Gil Acosta, alias "El 200", Ivan's "secretario", was also featured, flanked by a wreath from Nestor Perez Salas, alias "El Nini". 

Singer Panchito Arredondo, who is known for his ballads celebrating cartel figures, uploaded a photo to social media of his own contribution to the funeral - another large, red rose wreath.

Videos showing the names on these floral arrangements confirmed what had been rumored - that a high-level Sinaloa Cartel figure known as "El 22" had been killed.

Source: LAMERAVRG_13

Source: @vaganciadls

Who was El 22

Edgar Isabel Román Martínez, “El 22” was the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel - Chapitos group “La Numerada", which originates from the Sinaloan town of Guamúchil. 

Members of the group lean into the symbology of numbers, utilizing them in their embellished firearms and social media posts. They can sometimes be seen wearing vests which read “FEH22”, for Fuerza Especiales Hermano 22, or Brother 22 Special Forces.

La Numerada is loosely associated with the former bodyguard of Chapo, Orso Ivan Gastélum Cruz, alias “Cholo Vago”.

Now, Cholo Vago is no longer in Mexico, having been extradited to the US in April 2023, but a group of his followers who refer to themselves as “Cholo Vagos” continue to operate in the Guamúchil area. They were notably mentioned on radio during the second attempt to arrest Ovidio Guzman.

The Basic Facts of the Incident

What happened in this incident is hotly disputed and there are very different versions of events being reported by reputable newspapers. We are going to cover the basic facts of the incident, then review the video footage of it and then, we’ll cover the different tellings of what happened. 

The following are the basic, largely undisputed facts:

At some point in time, one or two patients were admitted to Clínica Hospital Culiacán. The clinic is a relatively small medical facility, located in the northern part of Culiacán city. 

One of the patients admitted had suffered a gunshot wound to the head, according to Sara Bruna Quiñónez Estrada, the Attorney General of Sinaloa. 

The clinic is required to inform law enforcement when gunshot wound victims arrive so law enforcement can question the victim and determine if a crime occurred. Attorney General Quiñónez Estrada states that the clinic did not report this patient’s gunshot wound. 

The patient was likely shot during a cartel related conflict and they did not want to be questioned by police, so they likely either bribed or intimidated clinic staff into not reporting it to police. This patient had bodyguards protecting them within the clinic. 

Most tellings allege that these injuries occurred during a September 23 shooting in the Badiraguato mountains. 

On Thursday, September 28, 2023, at approximately 8:30 pm, a shooting broke out within the clinic. This shooting left 3 men dead and one bystander, a woman, injured. One of the dead men was Dr. Otniel Everardo Montoya, who was not involved in the shooting and was merely struck in the crossfire of bullets. 

Law enforcement arrives and they sweep the building for gunmen. Whether they found any is not reported. Staff were evacuated from the building by law enforcement. 

A male patient of the clinic and the injured female bystander were sent in separate ambulances to the larger Culiacan General Hospital. 

At the General Hospital, something occurred with the male clinic patient and he ended up being shot. He died from this gunshot injury.

The four men killed were:

Dr. Otniel Everardo Montoya

Edgar Isabel Román Martínez, alias “El 22” 

(His full name comes from Luz Noticias. His alias comes from Riodoce.)

José Abel Román “B”, Edgar’s cousin 

(Edgar and Jose being cousins comes from Cafe Negro Portal. The “Roman B” comes from the initials of his name (and Edgar's initials) that were featured in this tribute video.)

Omar Silvano “N”

Video 01

Surveillance cameras within the Clínica Hospital Culiacán captured part of the shooting. The death of one of four men is shown in the footage below. 

In order to keep track of the various armed men seen running throughout the building, we've broken down the footage into some key sections and labeled the movements of those on screen.


Detailed breakdown of the video showing the moments above.

Based on the surveillance footage video and the photos of the deceased; we can determine the connections between several of the men involved. The three men seen together primarily in the lobby (including the deceased man in the blue shirt) are clearly allies and may be fighting against the man in the long black shirt, seen in the video.

It is believed, based on the shoes of the deceased man with the long black dress shirt, that he is a different person than the man seen in the video. The connection of the deceased man with either the group of gunmen or the single individual shooter is not known at this time.

Video 02

Approximately 30 minutes later, law enforcement officers arrived at the clinic, responding to the 911 call which reported the shooting. 

Surveillance footage of them clearing the building of gunmen and evacuating civilians can be seen below. 

Source: Halcon1072

Pictures of the Aftermath

Images of some of the deceased men found either in the clinic or in the hospital were later leaked online. 


Versions of What Happened

Now, who each person is and what led to certain incidents changes with each telling. 

The first version of events was told on September 29, by Sinaloa's head of Public Security, Gerardo Mérida Sánchez. 

He said gunmen entered the clinic to target one person. A shootout occurred, which killed three people. A man was arrested at the clinic, however, he was found to be injured from the battle, so he was escorted by State Police officers to Culiacan General Hospital. 

Both Luz Noticias and Cafe Negro Portal quote  Mérida Sánchez as saying "When he was taken to the hospital, the State Police accompanied him - seeing that he was wounded by a gunshot, they accompanied him. And our officer that was armed had the weapon on hand. According to the police officer, they struggled for that weapon and that is when the firearm detonated.”

He said the person who was arrested and then shot in the scuffle with the officer was the original target of the attack at the clinic. 

On October 2, the Governor of Sinaloa added and clarified some parts of this story. 

Governor Rubén Rocha Moya said “The one who was there [the patient at the clinic] had been shot in Badiraguato and from there, his adversaries decided to come and finish him off. And they went to the hospital and the tragedy occurred.”

Based on comments by Governor Rocha and further inquiry, the newspaper El Universal wrote “two armed men entered the clinic to finish off a patient from Badiraguato named Omar Silvano ‘N’, who was admitted with a gunshot wound, but the hitmen did not achieve their goal [of killing him], since he had two bodyguards.”

So, to put it simply, in this version we've got one target in the clinic, named Omar, who was attacked by hitmen who wanted to finish him off. After the shooting, Omar was arrested and taken to a hospital by police officers. At some point Omar tried to wrestle an officer for his firearm and the gun went off.

On October 2, Luz Noticias presented a different version. They wrote that at “around 9:00 pm, a 911 report was received which said an armed group entered [a clinic] to murder two men who were in intensive care.” 

Note that this version alleges that two patients were the target of the attack, which is different from the statements by the Governor and Secretary of Security, which claimed there was one target. 

Excelsior and Vanguardia also alleges there were multiple targets and they actually named these targets. 

Vanguardia writes "two armed people entered the site seeking to murder patients who had apparently been wounded after a shooting in the Badiraguato mountain range. These men were identified as Luis ‘ N ’, 31, and Adrián ‘ N ’, 30, who had apparently been injured on Saturday, September 23 in a confrontation."

So, in this version, there were two targets at the clinic, Luis and Adrian. 

Viva Voz presented a dramatically different version of events. 

On September 30, they wrote "Sources close to the deceased commented that the shooting broke out after a confusion, since apparently the boss 'El R22' had come to pay the bill for the person who was being treated in the operating room."

"And since they saw him armed they thought he was a gunman who was going to finish off the wounded man. 'That's the bad thing about not knowing the boss,' said the source."

They allege that El 22 was mistakenly shot and killed.  They write that the man who shot El 22 was taken to the General Hospital and "when he was told that he had killed the boss, he took a guard's gun and shot himself."

So in this version, bodyguards for one injured person mistook El 22 for an enemy and they shot him. The man who killed El 22 was taken to the hospital and he committed suicide with a police officer's gun when he realized what he had done.

During a press conference on October 4th, Attorney General Quiñonez Estrada confirmed El 22 was not paying the hospital bill of a patient but stated the individual who did was among the victims, disputing the series of events reported by Viva Voz but aligning with their investigation on the claims of two armed individuals who arrived at the clinic to pay the medical bill of a patient suffering from a gunshot wound.

Source: XEVT FM

She described the person who was paying the medical bill as "the one who died at the General Hospital. I do not have the specific information, since there were three people who died and I do not remember exactly the name or where each one of them was from. One of the deceased did arrive to pay the bill, it is true, but it was not El 22."

Identifying the Deceased

So, how do we make sense of all these different versions? Who were we watching in the surveillance footage? Who were the patients at the clinic and who was paying the medical bill?

The answers to these questions are going to vary depending on which version of events you find the most credible. 

But let's at least take a stab at identifying the dead men in the photos since we have photos of four deceased males and the names of four people who were killed. 

There are multiple photos on social media showing the innocent man who was killed in the crossfire - Dr. Otniel Everardo Montoya.


Based on these photos, Dr. Otniel appears to match Deceased #01. His facial features match and the deceased appears to be wearing scrubs which were cut open by medical workers who were attempting to save him after he was shot. 

We can also eliminate deceased #03 and #04 as potential matches for the doctor because both of those men appeared to be armed.

Deceased #02 appears to be naked. It seems likely that he was wearing some sort of gown and was being medically treated prior to his death. It’s unclear if the facility in the background of his photo shows the clinic or the General Hospital.


El Universal newspaper reported that the initial patient admitted to the clinic was Omar Silvano and that Omar was the man transferred to the General Hospital – who was later shot there, either by suicide or during a struggle with a police officer. Based on this, we thought Omar was the most likely identity of Deceased #02 but new comments from the Attorney General may now contradict this.

Deceased #03 is BLUE SHIRT MAN, who we watched die in the surveillance video. But what is BLUE SHIRT MAN’s real name? We guessed that he was Jose Abel Roman “B”, Edgar’s cousin, although it's worth mentioning that he could also be Omar Silvano.  

One thing that seems clear is that BLUE SHIRT MAN was not El 22 (Edgar Roman Martinez) - or any kind of cartel boss capable of paying for the medical bills, because the two hitmen barely seem to care when BLUE SHIRT MAN gets shot. 

If he had been someone important within the Sinaloa Cartel, it's likely the two men in the surveillance footage would have reacted differently.

Through the process of elimination, we arrived at Deceased #04 being Edgar Roman Martinez, or “El 22”.

Some Tiktoks made in memory of El 22 feature only the image of Deceased #04 and none of the others.

Deceased #04 appears to be wearing a magazine holster on his belt, which would line up with the version of events where El 22 arrived at the clinic visibly armed – which alarmed the bodyguards. Deceased #04 was also wearing a face mask at the time of his death, which may have further obscured his identity, contributing to the mistaken identity.

The symbol on his baseball hat is largely indiscernible, although it may depict a pizza slice, which is a symbol used to show loyalty to CDS – Chapitos, or “Chapiza”.

Three cell phones were found near Deceased #04. Carrying multiple cell phones is a practice that some higher-level cartel figures engage in, however, there are plenty of street-level drug dealers who do the same, so it may not indicate anything. 

We can, at least, determine that Deceased #04 was not LONG SLEEVES MAN from the surveillance footage, because LONG SLEEVES MAN had white soles on his shoes. LONG SLEEVES MAN does not appear to match any of the deceased so its presumed he escaped the incident.

This highlights a larger issue: multiple armed men in the surveillance footage are wholly unaccounted for. Law enforcement has made no appeals to the public asking for information on the shooters. In fact, authorities are quite tight lipped on the details - and when details are given, they seem to only add to a growing list of contradictory versions of what happened.


Sinaloan government officials have expressed their condolences to the family of Dr Otniel but they have not offered any reward for the shooters who killed him.

You’d be forgiven for mistaking their lack of interest in finding the shooters as the tacit expectation that some other group would find them and mete out justice.


Well… their version of justice. Justice for the killing of their men. A type of justice that’s only afforded to high-level narcos who are friendly with the bosses.


On September 28, 2023, Otniel Montoya, a doctor who was caring for the injured - a man embodying the spirit of the Hippocratic oath - was killed in Culiacan, Sinaloa.

Otniel’s life was snuffed out by cartel hitmen because he was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time. 

There will be no justice for Otniel. 


It makes you wonder... is it about time to ask all these mysterious benefactors who are paying their hitmens’ medical bills if they could show the same level of generosity to the doctors who are just doing their jobs - rather than carelessly slaughtering them and calling it collateral damage.

Sources: Los Noticieristas, El Universal, Tribuna, Riodoce, Cafe Negro Portal, Luz Noticias, Viva Voz

Video Sources: @vaganciadls, LAMERAVRG_13, Dareyadadls70, Halcon1072, XEVT FM

Update 10/6/2023: It's worth noting that a José Abel Román Burgos was arrested in 2015 for gasoline theft in Recoveco, Sinaloa. The man arrested was said to be 25 years old in 2015, and the Jose killed in 2023 was said to be 33 years old at the time of his death, so the ages line up.


  1. Who knows if it's true or not but rumours are going around that nini has been hitting them on Ivans orders as a way to get them heat off for the fentanyl heat . If it is true they are basically doing the same shit mayo and chapo always did. Give up people to keep the government Happy

    1. In other words they are betraying their own people for their own well being. Isn't this what the Beltranes fought against Chapos in the first place?

    2. Not surprising it will lead to Ivan down fall hes nothing like his father. He ran a billion dollar organization into the ground and now Jalisco are probably stronger do to his stupidity. he will probably go down as a gotti jr type just a fu@@ing dumbie.

    3. 5:16 just a rumour who knows if it's true or not . But it's actually Ivan hitting them to get in the governments good side I wouldn't doubt if his people start jumping ship to mz or their uncle guano

    4. 5:39 in my personal opinion I think most jrs not mattering their work field are usually dumb asses that run their family's business to the ground most of the time . Maybe growing up with a golden spoon does that to you

    5. I guess there days must be numbered because of the fetenyl. That is when it is over for a cartel.

    6. Smoke and mirrors… why would they ever cut out their bread and butter at this point? We are talking about a cartel..

    7. Lol,
      That’s not what happened.
      El 22 came to pay the surgery.
      He was fully equipped.
      The people
      Protecting one of the injured guys inside the hospital didn’t recognize el 22 and started blasting.

    8. 8:44 a fuck up like this would cause entire families to be slayed.
      Not saying that is not what happens but the penalty is heavy for shit like this.

    9. No, no, no. No. You’re wrong CDS would never give up their own or murder them in a hospital.

  2. How likely is the story of mistaken identity?

    And not just a killing

    The killing of the doctor maybe points to confusion

    So 22 rolls into the hospital with 2 escoltas and armed and other guards on his team but maybe local

    Those guards think he’s there to kill the one they are guarding and shootout ensues

    Is there anything to point to one liking themself after this? Was in one of reports I read

    1. Killing himself

      Reading more closely, the one who killed 22 didn’t know nntil after being taken to a different hospital? And then killed himself

    2. According to one version, yes. But there are many versions of what happened and the frustrating part is some directly contradict each other.

      In order to believe some versions, you have to reject other versions.

    3. You dont have to fully reject certain versions if they contradict others...only reject the conflicting portions of it

    4. Char do you believe the rumor that ivan is having them getting hit to take some heat off for him and his brothers?

    5. @J . Yeah that sounded like misquoted speculation from an ''unnamed source'' to me. Something that got repeated.

    6. In my opinion NO the chapitos did not kill El 22. WHY you say that?

      I say that because El 22 was plaza boss of Guamuchil leader of La Numerada or Cholo Vagos criminal cell one of the most important criminal cells in Sinaloa for Chapitos along with Chimales.

      El 22 and his crew helped out in the first and second culiacanazo to rescue Ovidio Guzman.

      Chapitos are badly feeling the heat (fentanyl) right now we can all agree on that, so why would they want to kill a trusted lieutenant who was low key, who you did not hear much, and who helped out in the culiacanazos.

      Chapitos killing el 22 does not make sense to me.

    7. 7:12 well than we have ourselves a potential Condor M3 Z40 situacion...

    8. @Char. If true what you say about Chapitos not killing this guy then that means that Chapitos and even MZ is slipping and their enemies struck this guy right in the heart of Sinaloa cartel territory.
      If not then Chapitos betrayed this guy.
      Either way CDS and their fans are not going to admit any of these two possibilities because it hurts their feelings towards CDS.

    9. 8:32 not a fan here but what if just like the article said . What if the killer didn't knew he had kill the boss

    10. Here we go with the CJNG conspiracy theories lol

    11. 8:37 someone sent the killer to kill this guy. How or why would a random guy go up to a hospital and fire against armed men just coincidentally without being ordered to do it?
      That would not make sense.

    12. 8:46 right the CJNG fans are about to say they where behind it . And you and me probably are going to be called delusional cds fans which in my case I could care less since I know I ain't one . But you know how it goes

    13. 8:50 in my humble opinion I feel that it was either an accident or whoever had him killed was probably a higher up in the cds cartel . Which could have either been Ivan or a higher up in mayo or guanos side but I honestly don't believe it was a rival cartel.

    14. Char hearts socalj enojon awesome work guys . In y'all's opinion if y'all had to take a wild guess would y'all lean more towards an accident killing or an inside job killing within the cds or more far fetched s rival cartel hit el 33

    15. 9:18 accidents like these were a high ranking member of a cartel is finished off are extremely rare and needless to say punished by death.
      If the Chapitos sent the killer that means this guy was betrayed.

    16. 9:30 if the whole version of it being an accident is true it would make sense why the sicario committed suicide after but yeah it would be very very rare for a high ranking cartel memes to be killed by accident by one of his guys. Probably Ivan or someone with a high rank in CDS had him killed.

    17. Remember el Kevin was rescued , then killed by cds for bringing to much heat. Also el chimal brought heat and was betrayed and killed by marina

    18. 10:03 don't forget m1 and macho prieto or nacho coronel. Chapo and mayo have always either gave up or have a had an important member of their organization killed to show work to the government. If it was Ivan I'm guessing it's his way of trying to get back on the government good . Coincidence they are distancing themselves from the fentanyl through mantas and 2 of Ivans top men in El 14 and 22 have recently been killed in culiacan

    19. "CDS" has many "factions" and not everyone knows each other or gets along. It's possible that two fueding clans got into it over some petty shit and had a shoot out. "Los Rodriguez se agarraron con los Gonzalez, y segun se llevaron a Jose muy mal erido a un hospital en Culiacan."... and here you are speculating that Chapitos had him Killed and sent flowers as a decoy... LOL, you guys have wild imaginations.

    20. Both theories could be true simultaneously. 22 could have been there to kill his guy who was already injured before he spoke to the authorities. The message was never passed on to the guy protecting him in the clinic and 22 and the other guy were killed as rivals. The paying medical bills story was put around to make an excuse for him being there. So basically a fuck up due to poor communication.

    21. 851 tranquilo. Don't get your panties all twisted about your favorite boogeyman. Just chalk this up to a mistake instead of cds getting dropped in their home turf. That can never happen because corridos are all 100% facts. Now go back to your zucaritos and walking off to 701.

    22. Or the fuckin newspaper that printed this is paid off by CDS and wants to make this hit seem like an accident so as not to say rivals or Chapitos killed el 22.

    23. 6:16 did you even read the comment or do you even know how to read . He clearly stated he wasn't a fan but here you are trying to push that your favorite cartel the cjng did it . But yet you probably mighty quiet on the post of your superheroes kissing in michoacan

    24. 6:16 seems like you and all the other CJNG groupies have cds corridos in y'all's head 24/7 . I mean at the end of the day even RR and his elites got caught on video jamming to JGL. So makes sense that their groupies listen to them too

    25. 11:54 it's just theories bro don't take it to serious and you acting like cds hasn't had members killed or captured to take the heat of the main leaders . Or do you think you know more than some of the BB administrators. Cause I mean if u have inside knowledge that we don't. Why don't you make a post with your sources

    26. Ohh shit here we go,degenerating in to CDS v CJNG arguments again,fuckin pathetic

    27. 9:14 it was all going good . People trying to come up with theories of what happened with out fanatism till the cjng groupies came out bringing up their cartel . Me personally I couldn't give a shit about either cds or CJNG . But I do like to keep up with the Cartel personally I have visted 27 out of the 31 Mexican states and all the cartels are shit just with a different name

  3. These bozos dont even know where they are shooting.

    1. @4.42. I'm sure you'd have done much better. Going to the range twice a week, and all that.

    2. 6:45 PM" I'm sure you'd have done much better."
      Well he couldn't have done worse could he,they were begging to be shot running around like chickens with no heads

  4. Si, si te tocaba carnal.

    QDEP compa 22.

    1. A la mierda con eso.

      QDEP Otniel Montoya.

    2. "QDEP Otniel Montoya"
      Exactly,an innocent doctor was killed you imbeciles "compa22" fuck him and the skinny jeans he rode in on with his fat arse

    3. "Si, si te tocaba carnal.
      QDEP compa 22" Morons everywhere

      What about the doctor who actually contributes to society ? Fuckin loser

  5. Chapos known shooters getting shot on their own turf ? Ummm… kinda suspicious.

    1. It's most likely that you will be killed by your own people. Nothing bud death, disease, and prison come from that lifestyle.

  6. As promised chapitos fans 1.8*3.456.4566 call this number if you feeling rough. Tough days a head guys stay strong.......

  7. Blue shirt was shot in the beginning of the video, not seconds before he collapses

    1. We studied the video frame by frame...he does appear to be wounded in some manner when the two are walking in before he collapses...however he raised up both of his hands at one point and no blood is seen spilling out.

      Just before he collapses, in the upper video frame the trajectory of his walking path suddenly shifts to the right, its not a stumble, it is a lateral force, potentially from a bullet striking him from the left. This is quickly followed by his collapse and massive amounts of blood not seen before.

    2. 5:42 Correct. He was shot when they start ducking and scram to get out. You can see him grasping his right side with his left hand and looking at it before they exit. He is still doing this when he gets back into the camera range and you'll notice he is dripping blood on the path he's taking before he collapsed to the ground. He probably got shot in the liver.

    3. Yes I thought the same thing

  8. No valen verga los chaputos. Es hora de que mueran o los arresten. Puras mamadas con esos vatos. Debieron unirse con su tio el guano. Quien pensaria que el guano es el menos pendejo de todos los guzmanes.

    1. Guano been around for a long time. Also where the fuck is Chapo isidro?

  9. Did long-sleeves just walk in and smoke everybody then dip?

    1. Long sleeves had more balls and brains it looks like,got in there plugged them then fucked off?It is confused a bit the way they treat their boy who got popped?

  10. Replies
    1. Excellent article.
      Lots of talk coming from all those tight lips.

      Never fear, AMLO will come with hugs and tell us the truth and life will be perfect again.

  11. Haci traiciono El Chapo a los Beltranes. Para ayudarse el - su hijo y dejo que callera un Beltran por ese hijo.
    Los Chapitos traecionan a este el 22 y la gente que maneja para salvarse el culo ellos.

    1. El 22 is not even indicted dummy doesn’t make sense

    2. 1:44 they kill the guy that sells the most Dent for these guys so the American government can lay off their back for a while dumbass.

  12. Con unos plomazos y ya !?! Se deberían de torturar y filmar así como lo hacen con otros :)

  13. Law enforcement in the U.S. routinely surveil and even make arrests at funerals of organized crime figures and senior gang members. Mexico really blew it on this one.

    1. If the order from the peak is not to do anything than what can be done?

  14. Dude with the black rona mask got caught slipping and was domed without resisting. Maybe he knew his killer? Was he targeted when the hitters knew he was at the hospital with his cousin who was being treated? Two birds one stone?
    Any idea if dude laying in the bed behind naked victim was shot?
    A clusterfuck perpetuated by the corrupt government. What was that phrase HEARST used when Mayito Flaco was almost captured earlier this year? Suspension of belief or disbelief?

    1. Dude naked is he the one who got it wrestling with the cop for his gun ?

  15. Great summary! Craziness going down in Sinaloa. This shows how chaotic CDS is right now.

    1. It's chaos but they can operate in the midst of chaos. Cartel related killings happen every week in Culiacan we just don't hear about it because the deceased are not important enough to be featured in a news story

  16. El 22 le estaba peleando alos Salgueiro en la sierra, puedo que el Guano aiga tenido algo que ver.

  17. Some of the best journalism I’ve seen. Good work y’all! Top 4 @ BB

  18. So everyone involved was with CDS

  19. Wasn’t it there own people?

    1. Lol if it wasn’t, then who would it be?

  20. 22 is definitely the guy that was sitting and by the looks of it, it was instant as he was sitting down. So someone must’ve came in and boom.

  21. El 70 Calaveras?

    1. Nah el de 70calaveras es de los beltran leyva.. es el original 70 y tambien le apodan el Osama..

    2. Random question did he fight in the Carrillo Navolato vs Culiacan

    3. 4:49 Random answear Mayo is Cuban 100% 🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺

  22. Awesome break down and well put together article. Made this seemingly confusing shooting a lot simpler to try to understand. Great job!

  23. The hat with the pizza dripping cheese , looks more like a corn cob 🌽 to me, which is for Mayiza.

    1. Learn something new every day..
      I always thought the 🌽 refered to a specific sinaloense sexual practice..

    2. Simon 943. At work I see a few Sinaloans disappear at break time with a corn cob. It's their thing.

    3. 6:09 AM
      Cold bro cold lmao

  24. It's chess down there in sinaloa - chapillos checkmate or maybe a Aureliano hit alv y el chapo isidro sigue operando discretamente

  25. I do not have the sources at hand, so forgive me. I recall Riodoce article mentioning El 22 was fighting territory in Badiraguato vs Guano. Timeline (someone confirm) may align with the helicopter seen in that area as well. Would be interesting to know if this was due to that conflict.

  26. 😢😭😢😭😢 And here i was believing the CDS corridos talking about they didnt mess with innocent people, shit they even killed the doctor who was saving their lives, whats next? Dont tell me they also chomos and rape and kill woman, or that they make gay videos! Cause thats something i wont believe even if i see it with my own eyes 😭😭😭

    1. "shit they even killed the doctor"
      The saddest part of these sorry arse sicarios,fuckin state of them,all fat arse and skinny jeaned up

  27. Pizza hat is BS since when was pizza diamond shape... The other thing why are the food carts not in some of the photos in this sequence different door ? In fact WTF is with the grip strength thing ?

  28. José Abel Román Burgos, era el nombre? Ya tenía antecedentes penales. Huachicol y otras.

  29. What stands out most for me, other than the innocent Doc, is that these special ops can't even handle a pistol without going into a frenzy. Even with close quarters reverberation pistols don't diminish your senses. Unless you're hit, of course. Knowing these pizza guys option 3 is most plausible. Homeboy made the best choice eating that bullet. Probably the best decision of his life.

  30. Alguien que me explique: cómo es que matan a su aliado de color azul y luego muy normal lo empuja y deja morir así sin más. Y todavía lo bolsa... ?!?!?!

    1. Puro maruchero lombriciento pariente.

  31. I can already see that future Rolling Stone heading: BB's Maverick Journalists

  32. Word on the streets is it was covert Michoacanos with help of Sr Mencho. I don't know how Michoacan operates but apparently some are allies with El Mero Mero. Pizza halcones near the hospital were saying they heard "006" repeatedly over the radio ten minutes before and after the hit. That a ferry dropped off some limo tinted trucks with Jalisco and Michoacan plates in La Paz about an hour later.

    1. I heard the same thing. CDS getting dropped in their home turf. They're falling apart.

    2. 12:31 the michoacanos that mencho has in his ranks are to busy kissing each other to even be in Sinaloa 😂

    3. 6:11 tell me you a CJNG groupie without actually saying it 😂

    4. 12:31 6:11 kinda like how there is rumours that the CJNG sicarios that made a video of themselves kissing each other that the people that killed them are from Sinaloa.

    5. 7:25 shit we all know it was Sinaloas in the video and than just saying it was CJNG guys, we all know CDS cheerleaders believe anything they say, like all the trump supporters believe trump what ever he says

    6. 10:31 just goes to show that your fanatism doesn't let you see things clearly. That video is about a month old . I seen the actual video on Twitter and whoever is recording them is shouting arriba las 4 letras and they caption it arriba las 4 letras. According to the page that posted it originally it said they where FEM sicarios in michoacan

    7. 720 I'm a Tico so I don't give a shit about your favorite cartels or hanging on Almos nuts.

    8. Do all of you really think a plaza boss like 22 would go to a clinic with cash to pay a bill? Of course not. He's got moneymen to do that. Of he doesn't then cds is full of amateurs. This whole event makes Sinaloa look weak. They have to get the situation under control or they will turn into CDG with all the infighting.

    9. 11:57 I have always said that once the old man mayo dies I feel like cds is going to become another cdg

    10. @1157 — he was clearly trying to hideout in the clinic… knowing his days were numbered..

    11. 11:04 😂 so you really think a few CDS couldnt do it on purpous? Come on man we all know how they roll. So i guess the video of the kids that got killed in Lagos de Moreno was really CDS? Cause they said Arriva el del Zombrero! 🤷🏼‍♂️

  33. 13:31 let me guess you heard that on a CJNG corrido?

    1. I'm not here that it's cjng. But word on the streets is santeros on mayo's payroll came up with a new style of mexican cuban corridos some have coined "corridos del futuro". Now I know this may sound like some far-flung Stargate ish but given the rumors of a mencho-mayo truce/alliance, mayo's cuban connections, and that this corrido started going around Guadalajara since early this year. It's a heavy load to digest, but things do start making sense afterwards. Plus that peculiar anomaly of untraceable origins and musical groups is as esoteric as santería itself.

    2. 10:20 if you can't control it quit using bro

    3. Sir, get a psych evaluation asap.

  34. They really are mugs with guns,basically giving their life up the way they are running around with no care for cover or being ready?

  35. Word on the street is that the CIA is upset with the explosion of fentanyl into the states. So they are throwing shade at anyone who keeps sending nyl in and will start capturing and elimanting figures who do not comply to stop. You dont think the chapos came up with the idea to stop sending nyl to the states on their own did you?

    1. The US government has stated on numerous occasions that reducing the amount of fentanyl trafficked is a priority objective. Its a priority objective of many countries and there are multiple international coalitions which were formed purely to tackle fentanyl trafficking.

      I don't know how you turn public policy objectives into the CIA "throwing shade" and conspiracy theories rather than thinking "Hey maybe, the international heat being brought down on Chapitos for fentanyl is making Chapitos want to publicly distance themselves from it."

    2. Hearst we heard you were on vacation.
      I am glad you made it back safely, Quinta Roo and Cancun are out of control.

    3. 12:57 they say hearts is really pretty beside smart . So hearts if you reading this next time that you go on vacation I want to go with you lol nah all joking aside keep up the good work

  36. Yeah man good work from Hearst again

  37. We should all feel bad for the doctor in his place of work not these dumbasses

  38. When blue shirt goes down it seems as tho the other two are not bothered? Either by his death or other shooters ?

    1. This must of went down in seconds. Including the acquisition of unsought targets. Targets were down. Collateral damage assessed. Aquí se rompió una taza...
      They probably didn't even like him and already knew he had no possessions they wanted if he died around them. Probably took his radio just to see if he was on a different channel, so they didn't even trust him.

  39. Very good article!

  40. Chaputos at it again fucking up 😂 How TF does a “Plaza Boss” get smoked while he comes in armed. Do these fat fucks not train for shit!?? You’d think spending thousands of money on guns, ammunition, optics you’d atleast know how to operate your cell 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. Sicario culture in Mexico is all fucked up.
      Beer bellies and tight ass skinny jeans are the norm everywhere.
      With all that money they should invest in actual training schools but the "training" is all basic shit.
      Seems like the "plaza bosses" are all fat bastards with big ass pork bellies like El noveno from Caborca fat piece of shit

  41. From the halls of Montezuma...sing it, we've already been there, done that.

  42. CDS betraying each other as usual. Nothing new here

  43. The first to show too much are the ones who did it… Chapitos sent a shitload of flowers, they gave themselves up.


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