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Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Illegal Monitoring Center 'Busted: Tamaulipas

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL MAÑANA 

Unregulated drugs and plastic bags with marijuana found in Nuevo Progreso border city

The State Attorney General's Office (FGJE) of Tamaulipas informed that as a result of intelligence and investigation work carried out jointly with the Mexican Navy, in the town of Nuevo Progreso, municipality of Rio Bravo, an irregular monitoring center operated by a criminal group was dismantled and unregulated drugs were seized, as well as plastic bags with green and dry grass with the characteristics of marijuana.

The seizure took place after a vehicle related to the demolition of C-5 video surveillance cameras was located in a hotel of the mentioned town, and upon entering, the elements found the drugs and the monitoring center, so they proceeded to secure them and put them at the disposal of the agent of the Public Prosecutor's Office.

It should be noted that Nuevo Progreso is a border community that is frequently visited by residents from the American side, either for dental or medical attention in general.

The FGJE's bulletin omits to specify the quantities and "brands" of the seized medicines, as well as the envelopes with drugs, which in both cases, in the photograph, can be counted by hundreds or thousands. In addition, the photograph accompanying the bulletin shows tactical vests, ammunition, magazines and a high-powered rifle.

Monitor system set up by criminals.




  1. Damn, did you see how many dime bags that is 😂

    And people here say that Mexico doesn’t have a drug consumption problem.

    1. Damn what else is new? Right Damn.

  2. That packaging in the center of the drug haul is from those shitty Fryd disposables that are all over black and grey markets for THC in the states.

  3. What kind of rifle is that? An AR shotgun? Or AR chambered in 7.62x34?

    1. No, it's a shotgun. You can tell by the large magazine well & the size of the magazines next to it. It just LOOKS like an m16/20" AR-15

  4. 5;28. I don’t see the upper gas port that the rifle requires but it may be angle of photo hiding the gas tube.

    1. It's a shotgun that nust LOOKS like an m16/AR-15

  5. Question for anyone that may know , what are these guys supposed to be monitoring? Just curious

    1. It’s likely enemy movements from Matamoros or immigrants trying to cross without paying or crossing with the contra.

    2. 837
      They are watching for the Federales
      and the Ice Cream truck.


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