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Monday, October 23, 2023

In Jalisco There Is Extreme Cruelty On The Part Of Organized Crime

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL OCCIDENTAL 

On October 15, the group Mothers Searchers of Jalisco located human remains in a makeshift oven.

Elizabeth Ibal | El Occidental

When you think that Jalisco has already seen the worst in terms of the cruel way in which criminal groups dispose of the bodies of people, there is always something even more extreme that surpasses the above, as evidenced by the discovery of a clandestine crematorium in Tlaquepaque.

It is in this entity where collectives have seen extreme cruelty in the disappearance of people. On October 15, the collective Mothers Seekers of Jalisco located human remains in a makeshift oven in a mound of earth in the Arte-Sanos neighborhood of San Pedro Tlaquepaque.

The group arrived after receiving anonymous complaints and even found it still lit. People reported that pickup trucks would arrive and throw huge black bags on them, and at night they would set it on fire. Neighbors who witnessed the huge flames denounced it, but the municipal police ignored them.

All around were hundreds of charred bone segments. This finding is reminiscent of the one in Lagos de Moreno, where on August 20 a brickyard was found that was also used to disintegrate bodies. In that place, the authorities located remains corresponding to at least two people. That finding led to the arrest of five people.

In 2018 the rapper Christian Omar "P" confessed to the authorities that he allegedly dissolved in acid the film students Javier Salomón, Jesús Daniel, and Marco, the case dismayed the population with the cruel way of disposing of the bodies.

Indira Navarro, leader of the group Madres Buscadoras de Jalisco (Searching Mothers of Jalisco) considers that it is in this state where the most violence is exercised when disposing of the bodies of persons deprived of their freedom.

"They are truly images that not even in horror movies can be seen. I have talked with members of another collective, as we are an extension of the Mothers in Search of Sonora collective, they say that upon arriving here in Jalisco, the worst scenes of people found have been here. The people open them with anger, I don't know what kind of heart they have because at some point it could be themselves".

The group has received images of the moment they dispose of the bodies and the way they disintegrate them is indescribable.

"Sometimes I don't know if it's to intimidate us or something, but very delicate things. Many that could not be taken out to the public because they were too aberrant. They are people who at one point lose feeling, I think it gives them satisfaction because you've seen in those kinds of videos how they make fun, how they laugh when they do this, that they enjoy it. They are people who are no longer right in the head".

He stressed the need to create awareness as a society and have empathy for the pain of others.

"I ask society to have empathy with these families and also to be careful because right now, in particular Jalisco, is already surpassing the levels of violence. It has already surpassed it.

Jorge Chaires, professor and researcher at the Legal Studies Division of Centro Universitario de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, believes that these actions are committed with the objective of leaving no trace of the person and evading criminal responsibilities.

"Before the disappearance of persons was typified it was without a body there is no crime. Now with the issue of the disappearance of persons it is already another criminal type, but until there is nobody, to whom can you impute the investigation or the crime? Then there is no way, who you blame for a disappearance because the body does not exist. That is why they are burned, disposed of so that there is no trace."

The Penal Code of the State of Jalisco establishes equal penalties for the crime of aggravated homicide and for the crime of disappearance of persons, however, accrediting the latter is more complex.

Article 154B, establishes that a penalty of twelve to forty years of imprisonment and a fine of six hundred to one thousand times the daily value of the Unidad de Medida y Actualizacion will be imposed on whoever commits the crime of forced disappearance of persons.

While Article 213 states that twelve to eighteen years of imprisonment will be imposed to the person who deprives another person of life. However, when the homicide is aggravated homicide, the penalty will be from twenty to forty years of imprisonment.


  1. When you hear about Tlaquepaque, so much stuff happens allegedly was a stronghold of El Cholo of Nueva Plaza Cartel.

    good read

    1. Yep most of those killed in those clandestine graves are from that war, (cholos vs CJNG) but are bearly been found

  2. Jalisco behind chihuahua on brutality

    1. True .. except Chihuahua keeps quiet

  3. Why did cholo betray el senor Mencho?

    1. Lo embabucaron los del CDS, igual como anteriormente lo hicieron con El Teo de TJ, para que le peleará al 🐓 porque El 🐓 los saco a putazos de ZMG. En ese tiempo de la guerra de Ingeniero-Teo los asesinatos en TJ eran cifras que hicieron a TJ una de las ciudades con mayores asesinatos mundiales. Misma historia en Chihuahua, específicamente Ciudad Juárez. Puro conflicto y muerto con esa gente hambrienta.

    2. Donde llega las chinolas se ase un desmadre y al final pierden y salen con cola entre las patas!!!

    3. Probably because he knew those sneaky michoacanos were going to turn him in like they do to al the leaders that are not from Michoacan. And put someone else in his spot, that has no values.

    4. 10:11 cholo killed El karton a Colombian finicial operator close to mencho . He knew mencho was going to kill him so he flipped. Teo didn't respect inge so whenever inge got left in charge. Teo fought him . Every group thats how they expand. Look at your Favorite cartel for example. The only reason why they are in Tijuana was because caf let them in hence why CTNG was around. Same thing in Reynosa if it wasn't for the metros they wouldn't be there hence why primito is calling his group metros nueva generacion. Same thing in Zacatecas cjng absorbed cdg cells. In Nayarit and GTO government cleaned the plaza for them. Shit even Jalisco at this point is probably 95% CJNG 5% CDS. And they still can't fully take out Mario even with the authorities backing them up .

    5. It’s more like 80% CJNG and
      20% Sinaloa in Jalisco

    6. @9.49. Youtube Cartel scam sites are full of this shit..
      They muddle up El Karton, who was sent by family to shore up support, and was killed in his shiny BMW, with El Colombiano, shot in a Walmart carpark.
      El Colombiano was the final straw for Menchos son in law, and it all went to shit from there.

    7. 7:29 💯 it's better to look for the articles regarding events on BB when they happened not some video from an individual who doesn't know what's going on and wants views that may have an agenda. Karton was tasked with combatting Cholo/CNP...

    8. 9:59 just got mixed up El colombiano and El

    9. 9:59 just got El colombiano and El karton mixed up but everything is facts . That's how every big organization expands they absorbed local cells or the locals cells let them in . Why y'all think cds got so damn big without actually having a border in Sinaloa. Well same shit with CJNG

    10. Yeah and Sinaloa with Sonora...

    11. 11:40 is si Sinaloa and Sonora the same state ? Who do you think allowed the Sinaloan people into Sonora? Um maybe the Sonoran local bosses ?

  4. Cjng learned about this in Michoacan but they forgot key steps. When Michoacanos do it nothing but dust and ashes remain. The nortenas watered down cjng if they finding bones

    Semper Fi

    1. Hi buddy! @Semper Fi - wow that is enlightening. Thank you.

    2. No need just stating FACTS

      Semper Fi

    3. @Semper Fi Always Facts.

    4. Y’all bang animals in December in Michoacán we haven’t forgot lol

  5. Que gacho los CJNG ni su cuerpo queda fakkk pobrecita de sus jefas todo por el viejo piojoso de Michoacán

  6. Marmelo special forces rapid assault team a la orden.


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