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Saturday, October 14, 2023

Member Of Los Salazar Caught With Fentanyl In Mexicali Valley

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

An alleged operator of Los Salazar was arrested by Mexicali Municipal Police during an intervention in the Miguel Aleman neighborhood in the Mexicali valley.

As a result of the search, 1,500 pills of what appears to be fentanyl, a drug that is highly produced in Mexico and in high demand in the neighboring country to the north, were also seized.

At around 7:00 p.m., the intervention took place at the detour of Federal Highway 2, on the way to the state highway, in the vicinity of Colonia Miguel Aleman, the community that borders the municipality of San Luis Rio Colorado.

According to the information provided by the agency, municipal police officers intercepted the subject during patrols in the area.

At this point they detected a 2013 Yamaha motorcycle, blue with black, and a man who, according to police officers, was urinating on the public road.

It was at that moment that they decided to approach him and after searching his belongings they discovered that he was carrying the bag with the opioid, hidden inside a backpack

This was enough reason to arrest Luis Miguel Rodríguez Ledezma, 38 years old, resident of San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora. 

Following an investigation it was confirmed that this man has been identified as a member of the Los Salazar criminal group of the Sinaloa Cartel.

Zeta Tijuana


  1. There's no shame in adults wearing diapers, they can be absolute lifesavers in situations like this..

    1. That is the dumbest idea. A diaper would be visible and stick out. You are so far removed from any type of criminal activity in your real life is embarrassing that you come on here and talk the most shit

    2. 11:57 You mean he isn’t dumb or involved in the drug trade. He was probably thinking of how the biker could’ve avoided being spotted had he planed ahead. In the same manner that Lisa Marie Nowak didn’t waste time when she used a diaper to cross state lines over her jilted love affair. Do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut whenever adults are speaking here. Moron.

    3. 11:57 is the no period kid, he has not matured in what he says. He needs help tutors are his best bet.

    4. The biker not wearing a backpack wouldn’t have “avoided him being spotted” Sol if he was pulled over because he was posing on the side of the road…

  2. This dude is f***ed both by the law and if the 🍕 gets a hold of him just to make an example of him for selling fentanyl just to save face for the Americans

    1. That’s if rusos don’t get to him first .. he was most likely trying to frame Los rusos of selling fentanyl and heat up the plaza because they control Mexicali .

    2. 3:48 lt’s a bit odd seeing Salazars in Mexicali especially with product unless they been successfully pushing Rusos out of SLRC and now gaining ground in Mexicali

    3. 9:40 & 3:48 sigue viendo Chapos en Mexicali y SLRC

    4. 9:40 colonia Miguel Aleman is considered san luis Rio colorado. It's on the border with slrc. It's like 5 minutes from slrc and 30 minutes or so from nexicali. So no, It's not weird seeing Salazares there.

    5. 3:48 trying to frame rusos? A lot of people sell and produce blues in mexicali. No one is trying to frame anybody. Doesn't matter what the chapitos says. It doesn't fly in mexicali. There was already a crack down in mexicali over blues since the rusos moved in. It is known if your selling blues you more then likely got it from the chapitos and that's a big no no. As long as there is a demand in the US blues will be sold in mexicali and other border towns.

    6. @3:48. I don’t think 500/$600 worth of fake pills going to heat up the plaza. This looks like a personal stash.

  3. First pendejo breaking the edict of no dealing in fentanyl. They need a second banner to get the word out.

    1. Damn I guess lil homie didn’t get the memo in time. AMLO says those pills were pressed in America and he is the victim

  4. Replies
    1. 7:57 that really your last name? Usually people with that last name are from the Southern states of México unless your people migrated to the border region or the USA.

    2. Mayonesa died from the diabetus.

    3. 7:57 Mayo regreso a su pais natal y ahi esta comiendo ropa vieja y arroz con abichuelas, tranquilo sin pedos al lado del mar

  5. They set him up…

  6. They're using Neanderthals to push fentanyl now.

  7. Its better if he stay in jail. Chapiza gave the green light to SIcario006 and his team of Tier 1 operators ,for breaking the Fentanyl ban.

  8. Any updates on La Kena “19” after he was ambushed a couple weeks back? Seems like hes been laying low…

    1. He wanted some chapo type fame but he's back in line. Not high priority anymore but definitely won't get a pass if caught in traffic. Word on the street is he watch Scarface in spanish and got hyped up.

    2. Still running and hiding for his dear life..

  9. The R6 is my fav sport bike.. perfect all around!

  10. Damn, those look like some fire Ⓜ️, Thank God there are plenty in the US .

  11. What is it w mexican cops n pissing ANYWHERE in "public"? U could be out in the boondocks n if they see you appearing to pee, they'll approach to investigate n start a conversation. Fuckers love to fish.

  12. Drugs and toilet paper for a shit in his backpack.

  13. CDS mantas about fent are useless, their people cant even read whats written on them.


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