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Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Mexican Councilwoman Arrested With Cocaine In Texas Pleads Guilty And Avoids Trial

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Denisse Ahumada - Martínez avoided going to trial, she will remain in the custody of federal authorities pending her sentencing, which is scheduled for January 31, 2024.

Denisse Ahumada was arrested on June 10 at the Falfurrias, Texas checkpoint.

Denisse Ahumada-Martínez, who was serving as a city councilwoman in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, when she was stopped at a checkpoint in Falfurrias, Texas, with 42 kilos of cocaine in her vehicle, pleaded guilty to a drug trafficking charge.

The 34-year-old former official was caught on June 10 by Border Patrol agents, who subjected her vehicle to an X-ray search and found multiple anomalies.

Upon further inspection, the agents found 42 kilos of cocaine distributed throughout the vehicle, with an estimated value of US$90,000, according to the U.S. Department of Justice in a press release.

Official documents show that the defendant accepted that this was not the first time she had trafficked drugs. Her lawyer even stated that the woman had received at least two threats to move the vehicle with the drugs.

Initially, a Texas judge dismissed the case due to problems in the process and ordered her release. However, she was subsequently arrested again and booked into the Hidalgo County Jail on another charge.

Now, after pleading guilty to a federal charge of possession with intent to distribute more than five kilograms of a controlled substance, she avoided going to trial and will remain in the custody of federal authorities awaiting sentencing, which is scheduled for January 31, 2024.

It should be noted that Ahumada-Martínez faces the possibility of being sentenced to life imprisonment and a fine of up to 10 million dollars.

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  1. C;mon, 42 kilos for $92,000. Thats $2000 per kilo. No way. Someone is trying to smooth this arrest. Whats next probation?

    1. Agreed. Must be a typo. For 2K a kilo, she should have been released without bail. ;)

    2. Worth more like $460 to $500k until you get it to Houston.

    3. I’m thinking they probably meant $900,000 instead of $90,000 ( roughly $21,500 a key) .

    4. Yea its worth about $920,000 heard it in other news

    5. A wholesale kilo in Texas is going from 15 to 20 K even on the border get it to Houston Austin or Dallas and the price jumps about 10 K

    6. Nope there goin for 12 on TX an araund 8 un the border there is no profit are low as they ever been

    7. I love how the government writes wha they what ad how much street value. Jus for headlines. Cmonnnnnnnnnnnn

    8. All of you dont understand one thing. In south texas kilos are less than 11k untouched.

  2. She got greedy, those plastic surgery’s and buchona lifestyle aren’t cheap

  3. Photo shopped like a mf feel like when I took one for the team and woke up next to some ugly ass person don't get me wrong I have 2 kids with her and a shit load of child support lol

    1. So yall ended up having twins? Or did you get her pregnant twice? That's all your fault buddy

    2. I believe he meant "I'd have 2 kids with shim and would pay child support" he got a little too excited while typing..

  4. Who the hell did that math

    1. Ok who wants to use Sol and use him as a scape goat? 🤣

  5. Goddam 2k a kick I need to take a trip down to Texas lolol

    1. Theyre 11k but you still have to pass the checkpoints on your way back up north.

  6. Probably got trained by border patrol 🚂

  7. She was aligned to one faction and their rivals blow the whistle.

    1. No lo dudo con eso que toda esa región tiene fama de chivas.

    2. CDG… another sad example of how decimated they are..

    3. How the fuck wld one faction know about a random load of shit. You fucking ppl with your conspiracy theories. She is exactly what the cartel thinks can get thru a checkpoint. A light skinned chick with blondish hair. And she got busted. It happens all the time in the border cities except this time she happens to be some sort of minor government official in reynosa so it made it to the news.

  8. Source:

    Border Patrol contacted the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, which dispatched two agents to Falfurrias. With assistance from a Border Patrol agent, who served as a translator, they questioned Ahumada about the cocaine.
    (IMO, by the time she got to secondary inspection she was already being tailed by the two agents)

    A “law enforcement alert” had been placed on her SUV, Landsman said. When the SUV arrived at the checkpoint, Border Patrol sent Ahumada to secondary inspection.
    (said DEA Special Agent Nicholas Landsman)

  9. It's a typo by La Opinion, should read 900+

  10. Que Che VERGUENZA DE estos Parasitos dejenla en El Bote A LA lacra !

  11. She fixed her self up. She looked like el chavo del 8 with no make up.

  12. Snorting on that coca

  13. She's gone to get raped in jail, with Bubba.

  14. " I'm first one to touch it when the dope gets to Texas" -SPM

    1. 11-45-55-2 that's my TDC number
      Alone in my celda, smokin hierba
      No esta buena but it hits apenas

    2. @5:02PM, don’t be crying about someone snitched on you and shook you down and found your Horn. I hope that really
      ain’t your number 🤦🏽‍♂️


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