Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, October 1, 2023

'Mexican Crystal Meth Cooks No Longer Needed In The Netherlands'

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The presence of Mexican crystal meth cooks in the Netherlands is negligible after the method of producing the hard drug became known and they are no longer needed. This is according to a book by Flemish journalist Arthur Debruyne.

Arthur Debruyne states this, following the release of his book "The Mexican Method, The Invisible Advance of Crystal Meth in The Rural Areas" (Ambo Anthos, 2023). Debruyne wrote the book about the work of these cooks, partly in response to the arrest of several Mexican meth cooks in recent years.

Breaking bad

Debruyne became interested in the cooks through the series "Breaking Bad," he told NPO Radio 1 on the news program Nieuwsweekend. This gave him the idea that the Mexicans in the series were mainly viewed "through the lens of fiction, with all kinds of cliches. As a result, he became curious about the reality behind it.

Debruyne: 'In that reality, the cooks often work without protective masks, causing them to hallucinate, for example. They also always play second fiddle; they were brought here by the Dutch, because they understand how to produce the meth as efficiently as possible. The Dutch then provide the locations, the raw materials, the sites and the hardware.'

Lots of money

The journalist also spoke with cooks himself, at the prison for foreign inmates in Ter Apel. 'Diego and Victor were two normal men, raised in the drug-producing state of Durango in Mexico. Men with families, who saw the Netherlands as an opportunity to make a lot of money quickly, coming from a country where drug production is tolerated. And where even government figures benefit. This is in fact disguised state aid. In Mexico the penalties are harsh. Whereas in the Netherlands they were relatively low.'

But the cooks are now no longer needed. Debruyne: 'The producers in the Netherlands have figured out their trick for maximum profits by now. However, Mexican nationals did their best to keep it a secret.'

The book also includes Crimesite's revelation, about the earlier conviction of one of the cooks in the United States, as a result of which justice has now demanded a maximum prison sentence against him.

Crime Site


  1. Losing control little by little. At some point other people want to cut the middle man. Especially if the greed is big.
    Rubio NYC

    1. Losing control at a HUGE cost: cheaper drugs, more addiction. There are no winners.

    2. Yes 323. You’re right. I was thinking when you watch those movies where the planet is all fucked up and there are only a few countries or cities that don’t have people walking around packing or selling weapons outside in the open. Or those bleed scenarios. This is what it feels like things in the future might go to. It sucks !!!!!

      Many societies are going to fail and get all fucked up. You’re going to have groups of mercenaries walking around. Things are going to be messy.
      Rubio NYC

    3. In 30 years drugs will be normalized in all societies save Islam law state.

    4. In the far future Islam will follow suit in normalizing.

    5. Rubio you have literally no idea, they’re not losing control.

      Any university graduate with a chemistry degree can cook meth. They teach the basics in the first year of a degree.

      It’s not some well kept safe guarded secret.

    6. @821 and you think this “normalizing” will make things better? Or you say it cause it will be the only thing left to do?

    7. I don't know if it will make it better.

  2. This shouldn't be a surprise the dutch been cooking MDMA for like 30 years.

    1. @04:21 I’ve been saying this for years but the froupies here can’t face the reality that meth is a very simple drug to synthesize. Much easier than MDMA.

      In fact, they never needed the Mexicans to begin with.

    2. 6:55 It is easy to get in the game in the Netherlands for fast money

    3. Yep.. They were the MDMA capitol of the WORLD for decades...

    4. @655 --- They must also forget that MDMA is a psychedelic AMPHETAMINE...

    5. 7:48 Dutch organized crime is a serious threat to Europe believe it or not. Years of Marijuana growing and MDMA production has allowed them to amass profits to invest in Cocaine shipments.

    6. 8:13 The Netherlands always have been, because of the harbours (together with Antwerp, Belgium) and good infrastructure and well organised logistics. The majority of the coke that is imported in The Netherlands is shipped forwards to the rest of Europe.

    7. Netherlands is the drug trafficking capitol of the EU..

  3. Fuck it break that up do a line

  4. Just low-quality things cooking in the basement. guess NETH crackheads do not care about it anyways lol

    1. Well, there are not many meth users over here. Almost all of it is shipped to Eastern Europe.

  5. Mexicanos learned how to cook jale from Fresno rednecks. They weren't cooking it back in Aztec days. Everyone can be replaced.

    1. The mexican americans and the mexicans learned to cook glass meth from the asians in cali. Thats a fact.

  6. Why are the cooks always massively fat?

    1. Because they aren’t stupid enough to touch the shit…

  7. They didn’t need Mexicans to show them how to cook meth!!how ridiculous!!it’s just the Dutch being cheap and letting criminals from abroad runn rampant

    1. 639 Are the Dutch cheaper than people from that tiny Middle Eastern country on the Mediterranean? 🤔

    2. Lmao totally… like it’s some big Breaking Bad special recipe or some shit.. it’s basically meth produced on a hyper mass-scale, North Korea has probably larger labs..

  8. The goal is to spread the work. Not keep it a secret. God! These Dutch people act like it's my Grandma's pozole recipe. That was kept under lock and key.

    1. Grandma’s pozole recipe needs freedom!! We want it..

  9. Way way off-topic but That Mexican OT is blowing up big-time. One of the best rappers I've heard even though I'm not a huge fan of the genre. People compare him to that chomo South Park Mexican but That Mexican OT has great flow.

    1. Off Topic
      Tupac Sugars killer has finally been arrested, the girlfriend rattled him out.

    2. 8:34 Keefe D admitted to that shit some years back on VladTv. It's been an open secret for some time now. Once Diddy goes down for orchestrating that hit its a wrap. I'm sure he's going to try and deny ever having spoken certain words.

    3. @8:57am Diddy and That Mexican OT are reportedly in business now. Something to do with Diddy-owned DeLeón Tequila.

    4. Diddy will fold like a lawn chair.

    5. Orlando was the shooter but he was killed too.

    6. 8:57 yeah I think when he did that interview with police cooperator DJVlad this dude had advance cancer so he was like F it, might as well let it be known how it went down. Now look at him...

  10. Anyone want to winge about the U.S ?
    Mexicans teaching how to make meth in foreign countries

  11. Mexicans the worst fuckin haters and whiners there are

    1. We know thats you Sol

    2. 7:43 that's cool you thinking about me lol. But that wasn't me genius.

  12. But what happens when the Dutch cooks grow the market so big that they can't supply it anymore. Then who did they turn to?

    1. The Albanians will be producing by then.

    2. @1111 — the Albanians are too smart for that. They have everything they need already with coke, weed, and arms trafficking alone.. they launder their money in properties all over the world too


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